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#298817 06/07/15 01:29 PM
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I first posted this song two years ago this month. A few weeks back, I listened to it for the first time since the original thread and I was embarrassed by the track's overall presentation. I took that to mean that I've probably travelled some distance in relation to singing and mixing over the last couple of years. That would be great if it's true!!!

Anyway, as a result of the above, I took the original file and played around with it. Here's the updated mix/arrangement...

The song was written by me and a local co-writer (Brenda). It was created in BIAB, additional tracks were added in RB and everything was mixed in Reaper.

Melodyne was used to work with my vocal line and to create a touch of harmony. The Melodist in BIAB was used to invent the flute solo between the first chorus and the second verse.

Please feel free to comment on any aspect of the song and its production.



Bass: 1849:Bass, Electric, ModernCountrySync Ev16 100
Piano: 1728:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopBalladJohn Ev 085
Guitar: 1600:Guitar, High-Strung Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16ths Ev16 065
Jazz Guitar: 1637:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkBreezyChords Ev16 075
Drums: NashvilleEven8^6-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat Open
Flute and Strings: Dimension Pro (MIDI)


I Can See Tomorrow
© 2013 N. Adams & B. Smith. All rights reserved.

Clouds arrived the day you left
I thought the rain would never end
Nights were long, I just couldn't sleep
Lonely walks were my only friends
I didn't know which way to turn
Didn't know which way to go
I didn't want to stop my heart from missing you so

Now I can see tomorrow
It's waiting for me
Waiting for me
I can see tomorrow
When everything will be alright and travelling easy

For quite a while the sun was lost
The moon and stars refused to shine
And though the world still kept on turning
All I wanted was to fade and die
But now I see a glimmer in the distance
A light that's burning with hope
And all the colours of the rainbow are starting to grow


All around me is coming to life
The end of endless night
A sunrise is ready to go
And it's heading my way


Travelling easy
Travelling easy

Audiophile BIAB 2024
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Nice song. It took me to the Eagles "The Best of Love" with the feel. You have solid vocals. The melodyne line seemed a little too processed compared to your natural vocals. If if is in your range, you might consider overdubbing your own voice. Nice write and production.

Last edited by nobilis; 06/07/15 02:10 PM.
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I don't think I heard the original post but this is excellent Noel!! Vocal is sweet-great tone and energy. The way the melody builds and peaks in the chorus is great, and the lyrics are drawn out, making a nice contrast with the verses. I think you nailed it!! Take care. Greg

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Hi Patrick,

Thanks for passing through and for having a listen. I appreciate your comments.

What I did with Melodyne was to drag my original vocals around and work out what harmony would do the job. When I'd settled on something suitable, I then recorded myself attempting to sing the Melodyne line. While I was 'in the vicinity' of the what I was after, I'm pretty lousy when it comes to singing harmony so I then took Melodyne and fine-tuned my harmony line. Quite honestly, I'm in awe of those on the forum who can intuitively harmonise with their vocals. For me, adding harmony is applied theory and trial and error! I've tried and tried but I don't have a single ounce of intuitive harmonising ability hiding anywhere in my brain!

By itself, the tuned harmony line doesn't sound overly processed (but it does sound slightly processed). I'm grateful for your drawing my attention to the supporting vocals. I'll let a few days go by, so the song isn't fresh in my mind, and then listen again and gauge the impact of what I hear in light of your comments.

All the best,

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Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
I don't think I heard the original post but this is excellent Noel!! Vocal is sweet-great tone and energy. The way the melody builds and peaks in the chorus is great, and the lyrics are drawn out, making a nice contrast with the verses. I think you nailed it!! Take care. Greg

Hi Greg,

Thank you! Trust me, you don't want to hear the original! I appreciate your having a listen to this version and taking time to post your thoughts. It's always good to hear from you.

All the best,

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Cant say I remember hearing this one.
Its always good to look back and see improvement.
I enjoyed the flute solo.
Great lyrics.
Well done.

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A nice arrangement Noel, great lyrics and well produced. It makes a change to hear someone singing in an accent different to the American one which has conquered global music.

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Originally Posted By: Rob4580
Cant say I remember hearing this one.
Its always good to look back and see improvement.
I enjoyed the flute solo.
Great lyrics.
Well done.

Hi Rob,

I appreciate your visiting the thread and commenting. I'm not absolutely certain that I've improved yet! LOL. I'll wait for a month or so and then listen to this version again the previous version. When ears and brain have had a break, I'll be in a better position to judge. In the meantime, I'm keeping my fingers crossed...

All the best,

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Originally Posted By: sinbad
A nice arrangement Noel, great lyrics and well produced. It makes a change to hear someone singing in an accent different to the American one which has conquered global music.

Hi Chris,

Thank you for listening. I appreciate the positive comments. I know that Brenda will smile, too, when she reads them.

Also, thanks for noticing my accent. I only know how to talk with an Australian one! That's it. I assume you speak at least German and English. How I envy your ability to talk more than one language.

All the best,

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Hi Noel. I remember the first post of this. It is one of the first User Forum songs I posted comments to.

I thought then, and still do now, this song has a lot of potential. I suggested you might want to tweak your arrangement a bit and buffered with the weight of of several of the higher regarded posters suggesting the same, you have taken notice and bring a remix.

I think you have successfully improved over the first version. I agree with Patrick that the newer mix has a country feel to it.

This is a good song. A better than before song.... but I will say in my opinion, this song's identity is not an 'almost' country song. The lyrics and word phrasing/cadence and story seem to need a more sophisticated bed.

I'm likely a loner here with my thoughts so take my assessment with a grain of salt and discerning ear. I find it strange myself that for some odd reason the impression that the music is not quite fitting has been with me since first hearing the song 2 years ago when you first posted and I crept from the bushes to offer one of my earliest comments.


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Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi Patrick,

...listen again and gauge the impact of what I hear in light of your comments.

All the best,

Noel, I had to nitpick to find anything so don't put too much weight into my comment smile . I neglected to mention how nicely the chorus lifted the song and that I enjoyed the song craft when you added "and traveling easy" to extend the end of the chorus. Oh, plus the positive outlook that so many of your songs convey. Regards,

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Originally Posted By: c_fogle
Hi Noel. I remember the first post of this. It is one of the first User Forum songs I posted comments to.

I thought then, and still do now, this song has a lot of potential. I suggested you might want to tweak your arrangement a bit and buffered with the weight of of several of the higher regarded posters suggesting the same, you have taken notice and bring a remix.

I think you have successfully improved over the first version. I agree with Patrick that the newer mix has a country feel to it.

This is a good song. A better than before song.... but I will say in my opinion, this song's identity is not an 'almost' country song. The lyrics and word phrasing/cadence and story seem to need a more sophisticated bed.

I'm likely a loner here with my thoughts so take my assessment with a grain of salt and discerning ear. I find it strange myself that for some odd reason the impression that the music is not quite fitting has been with me since first hearing the song 2 years ago when you first posted and I crept from the bushes to offer one of my earliest comments.


Hi Charlie,

Thank you for your very thorough comments. I sincerely appreciate them.

Whenever I arrange and mix a song, I end up hearing what I've done hundreds and hundreds of times. (I'm sure you know exactly what that's like!) In the end, I have no objectivity about my work at all. I also can't hear it for what it is. That's why I'm very thankful for honest opinions such as yours.

Your comments have caused me to think. And that's great. My mind has been whirling around thinking "hmmmm.... what could I do to make the backing a little more sophisticated?". Now that thought would definitely not have occurred without your comments. Thank you smile

I greatly appreciate the time it must have taken to put your thoughts down.

All the best,

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Noel, I had to nitpick to find anything so don't put too much weight into my comment smile . I neglected to mention how nicely the chorus lifted the song and that I enjoyed the song craft when you added "and traveling easy" to extend the end of the chorus. Oh, plus the positive outlook that so many of your songs convey. Regards,


I'm grateful for your thoughts.

When I read your original post, I thought you had a point. You drew my attention to an aspect of the song that I hadn't considered as thoroughly as other parts. Also, because I've listened to this arrangement countless times, the sound of the harmony is ingrained in my head. I honestly can't hear it objectively. That's why I appreciate what your ears tell me. I will definitely be revisiting this once the song has distanced itself in my mind. Who knows, I might like it or I might change it. Either way, I appreciate having it brought to my attention.

Thank you.

All the best,

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Everything fits here. Professional arrangement in general.
Vocals (with Melodyne cool) are definitely powerful.
We think that the vocal repeat at the ending works very well.
You sure manage to maintain a high level of song creating.

Rob and Anne-Marie

PS Good to hear that Dimension Pro can work in some songs. Rob bought it a couple of months ago, but didn't find it particularly useful.

We are Rob Meulman and Anne-Marie Bovenkamp from The Netherlands.

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Hi noel this peace is excellent great production on everything thanks for sharing eric

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Hi Noel,
Originally Posted By: Greg Johnson
Vocal is sweet-great tone and energy. The way the melody builds and peaks in the chorus is great, and the lyrics are drawn out, making a nice contrast with the verses. I think you nailed it!!

It's a pity I can't compare with the original.
But it must be worse as this one is just great.


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Noel, This is a great vocal. I believe your best. I missed it the first time around. I think the arrangement and mix are very good. Love that line " the end of an endless night". A beautifully written an uplifting piece. Bravo, Tom PS- Did I say how much I love the vocal?

RnAM #299001 06/08/15 09:56 PM
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Originally Posted By: RnAM
Everything fits here. Professional arrangement in general.
Vocals (with Melodyne cool) are definitely powerful.
We think that the vocal repeat at the ending works very well.
You sure manage to maintain a high level of song creating.

Rob and Anne-Marie

Hi Rob and Anne-Marie,

Thank you for sending me on my way to work this morning with a smile on my face! When it comes to that professional sound, though, you are both way ahead of me. I always find myself very inspired by what you accomplish.

Dimension Pro has some good sounds. Some of the pianos and organs are great. I also find that some orchestral sounds are pretty good, too. (Not as good as the sounds that dcuny uses though.)

Also, did you download the three free packs for it? If not, they can be found at the below link.

Dimension Pro expansion packs 1 - 3 (free)

Thanks again!

All the best,

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Originally Posted By: F.M.M.
Hi noel this peace is excellent great production on everything thanks for sharing eric

Thanks eric. It's great to have you back in the forum again. Your style of guitar playing is unique. Nobody does quite like you do. Your tone is spectacular and I always enjoy listening to your music.


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Hi Noel.
Your songs always have a broadway show kind of feel to me.
They also remind me of the swing era and the musicals we used to see at matinees when I was a kid.
To me the song just oozes craft and with the strong vocals and the way the chorus soars as the song builds I find the whole production very professional.
Only thing I would like is a little more t on the end of the didn'ts. Cheers.

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