I hesitate to post this, it's a political song, but here goes. I tried to make this as old school lush Eurotrash as possible, there are no guitars in the song. I welcome your response, but keep your political affiliation to yourself. The verses are all me, the choruses mainly BB, with the great sax solo from RB. My main instrument was the Novation UltraNova, which provided the synths,vocorder, kick drum, and even the radio sound effect.
https://soundcloud.com/willrockwell/dance-4-yearsDance Four Years
I wake up in the morning, see a brand new day,
then the truth hits me like a truck rolling over a squirrel in the middle of a highway
I turn on the tv and hear today's new alternative facts,
I can't escape it and I sure as hell can't relax
Somehow the country I love has been hijacked, taken away,
seems like all the racists and low life thugs are in charge today
I just want to make it go away, close my eyes, and dry my tears
turn up the music, and dance for four years.
One - We'll make it through together
Two - now we're halfway there
three - I see the light approaching
Four - cheering everywhere
One - I know it seems forever
Two - It's dark before the dawn
Three - Can you see the sunrise
Four - and now the night is gone
Forget about it all, we'll dance four years
Forget about it all, we'll dance four years
Yeh I know, this is when we need to get involved and pay attention
We gotta support the truth, the real facts, sure, that's my intention
But if I have to read or hear every word out of these fools mouth
I'll be useless, it'll drive me crazy, I'll just go south
But we got a new movement here that makes the Tea Party look small
This is democracy in action, and I'm proud of you all
You turn out in the millions, your voice is being heard, this is our chance
But when they start talking, lets just shut up and dance
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Untitled Song
File:Dance Four Years1.SGU
Key=C , Tempo 126, Length (m:s)=5:04
6 bar intro, 151 bar chorus, from bar 7 to bar 157. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Time signature,Volume Changes,
Style is _DANCEP+.STY (Modern Dance Pop MultiStyle)
RealTracks in style: 1738:Bass, Synth ModernDancePopSync Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1744:Synth, Rhythm ModernDancePopRaveDrops Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1152:Silence
RealTracks in style: 1152:Silence
RealTracks in song: 2509:Cello, Background PopEven Ev 120 (1TrackStringQuartet)
RealTracks in song: 2509:Cello, Background PopEven Ev 120 (1TrackStringQuartet)
RealDrums in style: ModernDancePop^11-a:Bass, HiHat , b:Bass, Cymbal