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#416790 06/07/17 12:17 AM
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Some users here are desperately waiting for a 64-bit version of Biab.

Maybe this time Biab for Mac will be the first, because:

During its Platform State of the Union keynote at the Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple told developers that macOS High Sierra will be the "last macOS release to support 32-bit apps without compromises."

Link: MacRumors: Apple to Phase Out 32-Bit Mac Apps Starting in January 2018

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Yep, we can add this wish to the long, long, long line of requests for 64 bit.

BIAB & RB2025 Win.(Audiophile), Sonar Platinum, Cakewalk by Bandlab, Izotope Prod.Bundle, Roland RD-1000, Synthogy Ivory, Kontakt, Focusrite 18i20, KetronSD2, NS40M Monitors, Pioneer Active Monitors, AKG K271 Studio H'phones
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For the umpteenth time A BIG +1

My dad showed me a 30-minute PowerPoint presentation of why one should always wear a condom during sex. They were all pictures of me!

64 bit Win 10 Pro, the latest BiaB/RB, Roland Octa-Capture audio interface, a ton of software/hardware
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Almost everyone of my DAW's are now issued as both 32-bit and 64-bit. With the demise of Windows XP (yes, I know people still use it, but it is without support from Microsoft), computers and operating systems are pretty much all 64-bit now.

Why not bite the bullet and allow BIAB to run multi-threaded (most computers these days are at least dual core), as well as use all available memory.

Again, a big +1.


Laptop-HP Omen I7 Win11Pro 32GB 2x2TB, 1x4TB SSD
Desktop-ASUS-I7 Win10Pro 32GB 2x1.5TB, 2x2TB, 1x4TB SATA

BB2025/UMC404HD/Casios/Cakewalk/Reaper/Studio One/MixBus/Notion/Finale/Dorico/Noteworthy/NI/Halion/IK
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Yeah, another +1 doesn't hurt. This request goes back to when dinosaurs became extinct laugh


My Music * Asus ROG Strix G15CF 32 GB DDR4 4TB HDD + 1 TB SSD NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 8GB Win 11 AKAI EIE PRO Sound Interface. BIAB/RB 2024 UltraPak Build - Latest
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Making BIAB a 64-bit app is not an easy task to accomplish. BIAB is written in Apple's Carbon framework which allowed a transition from OS 9 to OS X. So actually most of the BIAB is based on a last century code. Carbon doesn't support 64-bit mode. So in order to make it 64-bit, PG-Music developers would have to transition to Cocoa framework on which all modern Mac and iOS apps are based on which means rewriting BIAB completely from the ground up. Whether or not PG-Music developers are ready to do so we don't know. Rewriting BIAB for modern Cocoa framework will likely break compatibility with older macOSes which means many customers with older OSes will not be pleased about.

But the bottom line here is eventually PG-Music will have to do this transition. Otherwise many customers will have to stick forever on their current Macs with High Sierra or run Windows in Virtual Machines and use Windows version of BIAB.

Last edited by v1597psh; 06/14/17 11:30 PM.

iMac 27" Late 2015 macOS Sierra, M-Audio Profire 2626, M-Audio-Octane
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Originally Posted By: v1597psh
... So in order to make it 64-bit, PG-Music developers would have to transition to Cocoa framework on which all modern Mac and iOS apps are based on which means rewriting BIAB completely from the ground up. Whether or not PG-Music developers are ready to do so we don't know. Rewriting BIAB for modern Cocoa framework will likely break compatibility with older macOSes which means many customers with older OSes will not be pleased about.

They've had many years to get up to speed on this.

Originally Posted By: v1597psh
But the bottom line here is eventually PG-Music will have to do this transition. Otherwise many customers will have to stick forever on their current Macs with High Sierra or run Windows in Virtual Machines and use Windows version of BIAB.

We are just as likely to stop spending money money on BIAB.

I can boot from an external drive and run 2017. I can not use BIAB at all. I have choices. There is no feature that can be added to 2018 that will convince me to upgrade if 64 bit is not one of the features.

BIAB 2024 Audiophile, 24Core/60CoreGPU Core M2 MacStudioUltra/8TB/192GB Sequoia, M1 MBAir, 2012 MBP/color]
[color=#FF0040]Digital Performer11, LogicPro

Finale27/Dorico/Encore/SmartScorePro64/Notion6 /Overture5
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Forever Grateful, BUT, sometimes pissed of. wink
Trygve "Leo" Larsen
BiaB 2020, Windows 8.1, Intel Core i5 CPU, 270GHz, 32 Gb RAM
My OLD tracks on Soundcloud; My NEW is unpublished
The Universe = Uni-verse ie one song.
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Sadly (well, maybe not sadly, but certainly inevitably), this is vital to the survival of BIAB and PG. 64-bit is no longer a "new" or "unusual" thing; it is the standard, and it is ubiquitous. On top of that, most of the best modern VSTs are only available in 64-bit versions. PG is gonna have to take the plunge at some point, or be left behind.

Tom Smith
Win10/64 • i7-8700K • 24 GB RAM
BIAB 2025 • Reaper 7 • Izotope MPS
AKG C1000S • IK iRig I/O Pro
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I can’t think of any 32-bit program or plugin on my production PC except for BIAB.

BIAB 2025 Win Audiophile. Software: Studio One 7 Pro, Swam horns, Acoustica-7, Notion 6, Song Master Pro, Win 11 Home. Hardware: Intel i9, 32 Gb; Roland Integra-7, Presonus 192 & Faderport 8, Royer 121, Adam Sub8 & Neumann 120 monitors.
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And I hope to goodness they are and have been working on it for some time already. This will not be something they can simply do during a yearly update.

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Native Instruments recently announced they will no longer support 32 bit upgrades to Machine.

They reason their 32 bit user base is so small!!!!!

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Amen. Everyone is now on 64bit.

Computer: Macbook Pro, 16 inch 2021
DAWs: Pro Tools, Logic, and Maschine
plays drums, percussion, bass, steel pan, keyboard,
music producer/engineer
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+1 for those who want 64 bit. I wonder what percentage of BIAB users really care whether BIAB is 64 bit or not. I use BIAB for auto-accompaniment (bass and drums) when I practice and to print out lead sheets for the band I work with. Would 64 bit help me?

Asus Q500A i7 Win 10 64 bit 8GB ram 750 HD 15.5" touch screen, BIAB 2017, Casio PX 5s, Xw P1, Center Point Stereo SS V3 and EWI 4000s.
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While it's true "everyone is now on 64 bit" (operating systems), there are some reasons to use 32 bit hosts, as I describe in the March 2018 Sound on Sound issue (Sounding Off). As raymb1 notes, for what he does, 64 bits wouldn't yield any improvement. As long as he can run a 32 bit version, it will do what he needs. And running BIAB in my 64 bit Win system, I've found no issues with any number of RealTracks and plug-ins running.

Likewise, as I note in the SOS guest editorial, my 32 bit DAW can do things that the 64 bit version of the same DAW cannot do! Of course, if you haven't been mixing for over 30 years and don't have perfectly good (and unique) plug-ins that are available only as 32 bit VST/DX/DXi, then 64 bits makes sense.

However, as noted above by some folks, software vendors are dropping 32 bit support -- some DAWs are no longer available as 32 bit, and next will be operating systems (as noted for Apple, and expected from Microsoft in the next major version or so). When that happens, 32 bit will not be an option, and 64 bits will be the way to go . . . at least until 128 bit OS are forced on users!

PG Music is certainly aware of these impending changes and hopefully will have a 64 bit option when it is needed.

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Welcome to the forum. I hope to read more thoughts and contributions from you. Hopefully you'll also posts some links to your music.

Jim Fogle - 2025 BiaB (Build 1125e) RB (Build 4) - Ultra+ PAK
DAWs: Cakewalk by BandLab (CbB) - Standalone: Zoom MRS-8
Laptop: i3 Win 10, 8GB ram 500GB HDD
Desktop: i7 Win 11, 12GB ram 256GB SSD, 4 TB HDD
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Thanks PGSoundGuy, but if JBridge is always crashing it gets a bit frustrating.
You would be better recommending a BiabVST that generates up the tracks right in any 64 bit DAW that you can load up with as many FX and VSTi's without a glitch.

Biab is great for Auto Accompaniment, learning and songwriting, as that's what it was designed for, but for any professional use it needs to step up as not everyone uses it just for it's intended purpose.

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Originally Posted By: Pipeline
Thanks PGSoundGuy

laugh I had the same reaction!

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Originally Posted By: Pipeline
... You would be better recommending a BiabVST that generates up the tracks right in any 64 bit DAW that you can load up with as many FX and VSTi's without a glitch ....
BIAB as (64bit) VST plugin, that 'll be fun; and it (AP version) will be the largest plugin ever around, Guinness Book !! -F

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Originally Posted By: fiddler2007
BIAB as (64bit) VST plugin, that 'll be fun; and it (AP version) will be the largest plugin ever around, Guinness Book !! -F

You're just not thinking outside the box! They can shift some of those features into RB and put BB on a diet.

Windows 10 build 16299
2018 Ultra
Intel i5-3550 @ 3.3GHz
p8z77-v pro
Roland V-Studio 100
Alesis VX49
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