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A while ago, I wrote to Deej56, basically begging him to collaborate with me on one of my songs :-) To my immense joy, he graciously accepted - and now, here's the result of our first collaboration together! I hope you enjoy it - thank you so much for listening! All feedback is of course very welcome. I Love You Always (new version) EDIT: new link, remixed and updated on 24 March 2020, 11 p.m. UTC/GMT (London time) I Love You Always (best version)I've been listening to them over and over, and, do you know something? I love them both - they both bring different qualities to the table ... the first one, I find, is edgy, clear and brilliant, the second more tranquil, calm and "soaring". I can't choose between them, so I'll feature them both and let YOU see what you think :-) Thanks for your kind patience with me!singer: Deej56 lyrics: musician17 and Deej56 music: musician17 I LOVE YOU, ALWAYS (lyrics): I’ve tried so many days to write . . . to write the perfect song. The notes and words don’t come no more, still I write however wrong. And I almost put my pen aside but one thing's on my brain ... If this was my last day on Earth, would I find time to say I love you, every day. And I look down at God's green Earth, where pain don’t never cease. I look at you, my soul so broke and all I want is peace. And I almost give up straightaway, still one thing's on my mind . . . If this was my last day on Earth each last second you’d be mine. You're ever so kind ... you're ever so kind. The night goes by, so does the day, I’m writing through the tears— all the things I should say to you I haven't said in years ... And if I never write again if i put my pen on down . . . It won’t change a single thing I’ll just say these words out loud ... I love you, everyday, in every way, always. I love you always. I love you, always. ****** Song Summary ************* Title: I Love You, Always - 6 March 2020 File:I Love You, Always - 6 March 2020.SGU Key=Bb , Tempo 60, Length (m:s)=3:28 No intro. 48 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 48. Repeat x1 chorus No Melody No Soloist track. Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0, Style is _APPLES.STY (Apples Even-16 Americana Ballad) RealTracks in style: 2877:Bass, Acoustic, AmericanaSlow16thsByron Ev16 060 RealTracks in style: 3101:Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsMike Ev16 060 RealTracks in style: 3159:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsBrentFX Ev16 060 RealDrums [in style:AmericanaRoots16th^01-a:Toms, b:Snare *******************
Last edited by musician17; 03/24/20 08:23 PM.
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HI, all:
I just wanted to chime in with a quick note on this one. James is being somewhat too kind in labelling this a collaboration, in the sense that this was a fairly complete song before I came on board. James did ask me a few months back about interest in collaborating, and when I finally circled back with him recently it was just after he posted his original of "I Love You Always". I thought it a very pretty song, and when he offered it up to me to sing . . . well, even with my resolution to stay a bit away from ballads in 2020, I couldn't pass it up.
I still don't think I have the vocal rightly in the mix or that I struck the right balance on this one (and, to be honest, I always wonder if I've the right voice to compliment pretty songs like this)--but I got to that point where I was going back and forth--you know, that point where the more you play with it the more you muck it up. It sounded well enough on the studio speakers, so time to let it go, and any fault in that and the overall production (vocal to music) is entirely on me.
Anyway, as always, your guidance and feedback would be appreciated. Hope all of you are doing well and staying healthy.
Best regards to all,
Last edited by Deej56; 03/23/20 06:05 PM.
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Hi James and DeeJ ...
I really like the song. DeeJ, I think your vocal gives this somewhat of a rock-ballad feel. Sweet!
James ... A really nice lyric and arrangement. Nice work!
I really enjoyed the key modulations ... they always seem to breathe new life into a song. A tip of the hat to both of you.
PS: DeeJ ... you wondered if your vocal is right for the song. Your rock-ballad delivery is good for this song. I would suggest, perhaps, cutting back just a wee bit on the vocal higher EQ. I also think that would help the voca; to sit a little more comfortably in the mix. But, heck ... what do I know! I'm just a guitar picker who occasionally molests the airways with my singing.
All in all, this is a very nice presentation. wishing you both well.
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Alan: thank you so much for your kind comments!
Deej: a former music teacher of mine once told me, when I was playing a vague-sounding (on purpose) piece of music to him: "If the music is vague, don't PLAY vague ... vague on vague doesn't work. Play it laser-sharp clear and it'll work".
Same here: if we had one of those overly soft and delicate approaches to this, I'm not sure it would have worked. I personally think the voice is just right in its quality and complements perfectly the style of the song ... it provides timbre and vocal colour contrast with the "prettiness" of the song perfectly, I feel.
And, everybody: I get the feeling that Deej doesn't like too many compliments, and neither do I. So I'll say this once only, on here: this guy was and is, in my view, the ideal kind of singer for what I write, and I thought he'd never agree to sing anything of mine ... have you heard his stuff? He's nothing short of incredible, both as a singer and as a songwriter and lyricist. Anyhow, I wrote to him like one writes to Santa Claus or wishes upon a star - i.e. hoping but not really expecting that anything would actually happen ... and, now that he has indeed sung this song of mine, I'm nothing short of delighted. As a quick aside, I'd only just written the song the week before he wrote back to me ... imagine if I hadn't! haha. AND he's a joy to work with ... he plays everything 100% fair and square at all times, scrupulously so. So - thanks Deej ... and that's it, I'm not saying this again. But please - the only reason I've said this publicly: never ever doubt yourself or your talent ... why would YOU do that? :-)
Take care and stay safe and healthy, everyone :-)
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Interesting variation. Having listened closely to the original version a few times I had a hard time coming to terms with the new version: but that's my problem. I'll listen again in a few days to allow the "version"ness to soften in my skull.
Cheers rayc "What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe
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Hello James and DeeJay56,
let's not discuss who did how many percents of what: THIS IS Just A GREAT COLLAB ! Brilliant song, terrific arrangement and , DJ, you and your voice seem to be custom made to simng this song.
And it sounds gorgeous to my old ears, too.
Very, very good !
Stay in good health, guys !
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Nice work. The vocal has a plaintive sound about it which fits well to the song.
Interesting progressions that keep it from being tossed into the same old same old category. That is something that really makes this shine.
Nice collab guys.
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Alan, rayc, Stefan, and Herb: Thanks for the listen and kind words. I'm glad it seems to be working for the most part, though the more I keep listening to, particularly after getting a day's separation, I think Alan has the right of it. Alan: I think your exactly right (and perhaps it also explains ray's reaction). I generally struggle with getting the high EQ out of my voice regardless of the song, and when I say I wonder if my voice fits a song like this it's largely because I battle even more for some reason on these types of songs to get there. I kept going back and forth trying to find the right balance, often ending up with something that sounded more muted or muffled (losing crispness) than something softened. Anyway, tooling on Youtube, I came across a tutorial on the "Single EQ" plug in in Logic Pro X and played with that a bit. I need to throw the headphones on and then run it on the studio speakers, but that may be helping some. So stay tuned . . . I may get James another version to upload that hopefully addresses your suggestion. Thanks for that!!! Deej
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James and Deej,
A sweet, gentle love song.
The backing sounds similar to what it was before - and that is good. It has a subtle "modern" sound to it. And the tracks are well mixed.
The vocal has all the "heart" that is typical of a Deej vocal. It is a lot less high-EQ-heavy than many previous Deej vocals, so progress is being made... There is still a bit of that and you should continue that journey because your vocals are always worthy of a good presentation. It might be that you think you need more "crispness" than you actually do (people often think that of their own vocals). You should consider adding a reference vocal to your DAW tracks when you are mixing - a song that you like that is similar in style by a singer who has similar vocal qualities. Then, as you are mixing the vocal, solo the reference track once in a while to compare the sound of your vocal compared to the reference vocal. You will almost ALWAYS find that the "pro" vocal seems almost "muffled" in comparison - they are mixed with a lot more mids and a lot less highs...if that is the case, then it is a matter of realizing that fact and training your ears to accept that type of vocal...
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I was curious how the combination of your smooth backing track would work with one of the best voices on this forum, and the end result is great, Deej manages to be delicate and strong at the right moments - fantastic dynamics, maybe the vocals could be calmer in the beginning of the song, now it feels a little bit too aggressive start for such a gentle tune. Simple arrangement creates enjoyable ambience for the everlasting love expressed very sincerely in the lyrics. The chord progression is intriguing, very unexpected but still enjoyable changes.
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Thanks, each and every one of you, for the kind and encouraging comments - particularly, as far as I personally am concerned, about the chord progressions ... I'm glad they work and keep the song interesting! Thanks so much for listening and for all your kind feedback!
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Good song - excellent singing and emoting on the vocals, interesting chord progressions. I'll let others more qualified than me give mix suggestions.
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Hey, Floyd, Very kind of you . . . and some great advice. The idea of using a reference vocal is great. I'll have to give it try. And I agree my struggle with balancing all of this comes down to inexperience, and as you suggest, that singers hear themselves differently than others. In the meantime I sent James a remix that I'm hopeful is better . . . but as this point, who knows? . Anyway, again, really appreciate your thoughtful guidance. Deej
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You've captured on of my concerns with the very opening of the vocal. See my note to Floyd above . . . I'm hopeful the revised version will soften that a bit. Glad you liked the tune and thanks for the positive comments.
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Many thanks--appreciate the listen and kind feedback.
My best to you,
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Wonderful collab guys!!! Really like everything about this! Always like Deej's vocals, and particularly like the way this is sung and processed! AWESOME!!! Take care. Greg
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David Cuny and Greg Johnson: thank you ever so much for such kind comments! Really appreciate your words and that you took the time to listen and write. Deej has just sent me his new remix tonight - thanks so much, Deej! I've updated the first post of this thread to reflect this, but, for convenience, here's the new link again: https://soundcloud.com/jamesdelsono/i-love-you-always-best-version . But: I've also left the first version link on there, too, simply because I love it too. https://soundcloud.com/jamesdelsono/i-love-you-always-new-versionThank you so much, everyone, one more time, for listening and for all your feedback ... I just sat back and took all the lovely words of encouragement directed at me whilst poor Deej has taken out of his own time to work on it all once more ... as I wrote back to him tonight, once the writing process was done, the rest of the work was all him - singing, production, etc. . I just sat back and listened and even gave the occasional word of advice, haha. So THANKS everyone - this is a FANTASTIC forum ... thanks to all of this (BIAB, Deej, the forum feedback, etc.), I now have a permanent recording ( edit: TWO!) of this song that I really love! Some things in life are indeed priceless. Cheers all.
Last edited by musician17; 03/24/20 08:25 PM.
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Enjoyed it, appreciated the novel chord progressions, and of course, Deej's vocals. Good collab.
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This is a very nice collab you two. Janne commented that the vocal is both delicate and strong at the right places. Great description. It all came together with this one. Everything’s hittin’ the note...the write, vocals, cool chord progression and, of course, the band. We enjoyed both versions perhaps leaning a bit more toward the latest. J&B PS Mixing your vocals is about as personal as mixing gets. It’s been a while since I’ve mixed anybody other than Janice’s. They are all different but FWIW for her over the past 30 years I’ve used very minimal EQ. I mention this only because I use the same EQ now that I did during our bluegrass days when she sang in a WAY higher register than her more contralto range nowadays. So...it consists of a slight bump around 600 for a little warmth and the ubiquitous very slight 5k presence bump. I also typically use a small room tight reverb. Janice will tell me immediately if, as she says, her vocal is too “crispy.”
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Wow - that is a glowing review indeed. Thank you so much Janice and Bud ... it's always a joy when artists like you like stuff I'm involved in creating - and that kind of great review for this song of ours is especially joyful for me to hear from you, because it means we must have done something right, right? and, as musicians, of course, that's as close to heaven as we're ever going to get, in this life at least. Deej, of course, has done a sterling job singing this little melody of mine (and adapting the lyrics a little to make them sound better) - and, of course, he's done all the production bits (something I know next to nothing about), so his is much of the credit for this version of the song, of course. But ... I wrote the melody (which Deej adapted a little, too) and the chords of the backing track (which BIAB arranged superbly once I'd chosen the style I wanted) ... so, for that at least, I hope I'll be allowed a little dance around my room in joy at hearing such kind words from you. Thank you - it's honestly and genuinely humbling to hear these words from such musicians.
I totally agree that mixing vocals is a very, very personal thing - though I won't comment any further, as this is Deej's territory here ... when I mix, I just experiment somewhat blindly with different effects, pressing every button I can think of in Audacity (my free DAW) and guiding myself only by my musical ears, until something somehow comes together, haha ... so I'll leave the technical details to those that - unlike me - actually understand what you've just said when you went all technical :-) But thanks once more! :-)
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