Thank you to Scott, Gregg and Mario for your kind reviews - I'm slightly blushing
The guitar I used is my Ibanez AFS Artcore using both the bridge and the neck PU. (I use 0.9 strings to give it more treble) The guitar is connected straight into a Line signal on my Focusrite Scarlett 8i-18.
Everything else is software within my DAW Logic Pro X
Noise gate: Fast Gate (Threshold -72db, Reduction -100db, Attack 2ms, Hold 0ms, Release 20ms, High Cutoff 1200hz, Low Cutoff 20hz)
Pedalboard: Squash Compressor (Sustain -34db, Level 4.0db, Attack Slow)
Tube Burner (Fat, Low 8.1db, Mid 1004hz, Mid Gain -1.3db, High -1.3db, Tone 4900hz, Bias 0.1db, Squash 55.5, Drive 15.3 db, Output -8.3db)
Blue Echo (Synch to 120 bpm, Time 1/4t, Repeats 78%, Mix 34.75%, Tone Cut low)
AMP Model Model - Customized, AMP - Large Blackface Amp, Cabinet - Silverface 2x12, Mic - Dynamic 421
Microphone centered on the right Speaker unit and as far away as possible (EQ: Gain - 5.2, Bass - 6.8, Mids - 6.2, Treble - 5.3) (Reverb - off) (Effects - off) Presence - 6.3, Master - 10
Platinum Verb Early Reflections: Room size - 48m, Predelay - 6ms, Room Shape - 6, Stereo Base - 2.0m,
Balance: - 18% Early Reflections & 82% Reverb,
Output: Dry - 95%, Wet - 25%.
Reverb: Initial Delay - 0ms, Spread - 30%, Crossover - 200hz, Low Ration - 56%, Low Freq Level -12db, High Cut - 3000hz, Density - 85%, Diffusion - 71%, Reverb Time - 1.85 sec
EQ I cut freq under 50 hz quite agressive, I raise a bit around 100 hz, then I cut 8db at 400hz and at 800hz I cut 12 db. I raise 11 db at 6500hz (using a bell curve)
Compressor Studio FET Threshold -26.5db, Ratio 4.1:1, Attack 14ms, Release 150ms, Make Up +1.5 db, Auto Gain - Off, Attack/Release - Auto. Mix 66.5% Output, Distotion - soft, Limiter - off
I have added some auto cleanup using iZotope RX7 Connect.
After I bounced the track used iZotope Neutron 3 to set the sound and dynamics and added a 6.6s chorused Reverb on Bus 1 (-16.2 db) and Another Tripplet 1/4t (120bpm) 68% Feedback Tape Echo on Bus 2 (-14.0 db) and finally in "Verse and Chorus 2" I added a Phaser and a Stereo Spreader on Bus 3 (-9.0db) to set the guitar in the mix as I desired.
If you reached this long - I hope the explanation made sense.
In this link you can find the rest of the album on YouTube It is also available on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Deezer, Google Music, Amazon and more
Thank you for listening