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Band-in-a-Box for Windows
Joined: May 2002
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PG Music Staff
PG Music Staff
Joined: May 2002
Posts: 7,359 |
Band-in-a-Box 2025 build 1128 update patch is available:https://update.pgmusic.com/support/patch/bb2025_win_update_build1128.exeThis includes DAW Plugin version 7.0.16, and RealTracks/content updates. Changes for build 1128 since build 1125e - Fixed: Updated support for localized versions.
- Fixed: Stem Splitter might fail if the source audio file contains non-English file names.
- Fixed: Added option in VST3 host to reset exclude list.
- Fixed: Resizing VST3 window should not resize other VST3 instances.
- Fixed: Labels in Mixer might say 'selector' instead of the name off the VST plugin.
- Updated: PDF manual, help file.
- Fixed: Using HALion VST3 synth during your session might leave a bbw64 background process running for some time after you close Band-in-a-Box.
- Added: Message when selecting HALion that explains how to set it to GM mode. Note: To get HALion or HALion Sonic to work in General MIDI mode, open the plugin then click on Options, and change "Prg Changes" to GM Mode. If you've added HALion or HALion Sonic as the default synth, it will remember this setting when you close BIAB, but these steps will need to be re-done every time you remove and add the plugin from the Default Plugin slot.
- Fixed: A few Melodists missing from MultiPicker list.
- Fixed: MIDI Track "Side Stick Metronome" should use METRONM style instead of PNOSMP
DAW Plugin version 7.0.16- Fixed: Loading songs with Track MIDI Patch data on utility tracks can sometimes cause a crash
- Fixed: DAW setting Style tempo upon reopening a song with plugin
- Fixed: Garbled text in message when dragging ungenerated tracks
- Fixed: Increased font sizes for Japanese font
- Fixed: MIDI playback not following DAW tempo map
- Fixed: Changing generate options in menu should update REAPER Panel settings
RealTracks and Content updates- Improved: Piano, Electric, Rhythm FusionFastLatinJeff Ev 190 has the volume of the shots and holds increased
- Fixed: 4845:Bass, Electric, DiscoPulseSync ev16 105 - incorrect chords.
- Fixed: 1265:Synth Pad, PopShiningSoft Ev 120 - incorrect chord.
- Fixed: 4284: Bass, Electric, ProgRockRadioDistorted Ev 120 was playing without distortion
- Fixed: 4726:Bass, Acoustic, FolkRootsQuarterNotes ev 080 - incorrect slash chords.
- Fixed: 2589:Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPickedA-B Ev 165 - incorrect chord
- Fixed: 4171:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkLondonSoulRiffsTrem Ev16 120 - incorrect chord
- Fixed: 4111:Bass, Synth RedDoorPurePro 65 was not playing shots correctly.
- Fixed: 3166:Guitar, Baritone Electric, BackgroundSoloist RockabillyLicksClnBrent Sw 190 - incorrect chord
- Fixed: 3956:Bass, Synth WarmHugHeld 65 - shots were playing incorrect notes and the endings were a half step up.
- Fixed: Bass RealTracks 4235 through 4240 (e.g. Bass, BluesFunky AB Ev 120) were not playing slash chords correctly.
- Improved: The following RealTracks have improved riff selection [R], added or improved transcriptions [T], and/or simple variations added [S]:
[ST] 4507:Bass, Electric, BroCountrySyncAB Ev 075 has had simple tags and transcriptions added. [T] 4510:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop16thHighSync Ev16 075 [T] 4511:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop16thMidSync Ev16 075 [T] 4512:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop16Dist16ths Ev16 075 [T] 4523:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop16PowerDist Ev16 075 [T] 4677:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAdoreSyncAB ev 075 [T] 4678:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAdoreDelayAB ev 075 [T] 4780:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopFaithAlternatingSyncDelay ev16 090 [T] 4781:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopFaithSparseChordsSpaceySynth ev16 090 [STR] 4785:Bass, Acoustic, VintageCountryWaltz Sw 110 [STR] 4784:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzTicTac Sw 110 [STR] 4783:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzTremolo Sw 110 [STR] 4788:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryShuffleChug Sw 110 [STR] 4790:Pedal Steel, Soloist TrainBeatDoug ev16 130 [TR] 4350:Bouzouki, Rhythm AmericanaTrain16ths ev16 085 [TR] 4682:Guitar, Electric, Soloist AmericanaGentleTrain ev16 085 [TR] 4553:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaTrainAB ev16 085 [TR] 4353:Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaTrain ev16 085 [T] 4843:Bass, Electric, DiscoUptempoAB ev 125 [STR] 4883:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulJazzGroovinSlowFunk Ev 100 [STR] 4851:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk8ths ev 120 [T] 4763:Bass, Electric, MetalModernFastSlapAB Ev16 160 [T] 4798:Bass, Electric, ModernCountryRootsy16thsAB ev16 060 [T] 4803:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background AmericanaWestRoots ev16 060 [T] 4801:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AmericanaWestSoulfulTrem ev16 060 [T] 4804:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AmericanaWestHiChop ev16 060 [T] 4802:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm AmericanaWestTrem ev16 060 [ST] 4886:Guitar, Electric, Soloist SoulJazzFastFunkBrent Ev 130 [T] 4740:Bass, Electric, ModernCountryPoppyAB Sw16 090 [ST] 4888:Guitar, Electric, Soloist SoulJazzFastFunk8thsBrent Ev 190 [STR] 4885:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulJazzFastFunk Ev 130 [T] 4455:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135 [STR] 4700:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsSteadySync ev 120 [STR] 4701:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsSteadyLow ev 120 [STR] 4702:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsHiArpPicking ev 120 [STR] 4830:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsHiSteady ev 120 [STR] 4831:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsHiStrum ev 120 [T] 4143:Bandoneon, Rhythm TangoClassicArgentina ev 095 [T] 4456:Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135 [T] 4584:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopMotionHeldSpaceySynth ev 100 [T] 4577:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowHeldPlus ev16 065 [T] 4578:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowArpeg ev16 065 [STR] 4892:Bass, Acoustic, TangoMilongaArgentina ev 095 [STR] 4893:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TangoMilongaArgentina ev 095 [STR] 4891:Bandoneon, Rhythm TangoMilongaArgentina ev 095 [STR] 4895:Bass, Acoustic, TangoWaltzArgentina ev 180 [STR] 4894:Bandoneon, Rhythm TangoWaltzArgentina ev 180 [STR] 4896:Bass, Acoustic, TangoWaltzArgentinaArco ev 180 [S] 4897:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TangoWaltzArgentina ev 180 [T] 4810:Banjo, Fingerpicking IndieFolkSync16ths ev16 075 Summary of changes in build 1125e since build 1124 (Jan 27) - Fixed: Possible crash with VST's using advanced bus layouts. e.g. Halion 7
- Fixed: Excluded_VST3_list.txt is available in /bb/DX Settings/
- Fixed: From RealTracks Picker, choosing item 'show styles using this RT' wasn't refreshing the list of styles.
- Fixed: A few RT were silent if .flac files existed but no wav or wma existed.
- Added: UserTracks can use .flac files
- Added: About box displays letter numbers like version 1124c when appropriate
- Updated: PDF documentation and help file.
- Added: Support for VST3 program changes
- Fixed: Program Changes not working in some VST3 plugins, like Halion 7 and VSTSynthFont.
- Fixed: Some new RealDrums were showing that notation was NOT present in the Multipicker/RD-picker, even though they did in fact have notation displaying correctly.
Release notes - DAW Plugin v.7.0.10- Fixed: Localized strings
- Fixed: Pops/clicks during playback
- Fixed: Out-of-sync playback when playing from the DAW with tempo changes
- Fixed: Song with no style will use BLANK.STY by default (for saving SGU, Style Picker)
- Fixed: Changed Japanese font to use Meiryo
- Fixed: Wrong message displayed when trying to drag ungenerated (or only instructions) tracks
Release notes - RealTracks and content updates- Fixed: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesDeltaChuggin Ev 100 had gaps at some points before chord changes
- Added: Full transcription for RockNRollClassicClave^_105_style.mgu
- Fixed: 4855:Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzGroovinFunk Ev 100 - major and minor triads added, and simple riffs.
- Added: Holds for LH-organ - e.g. 4897, 4859
- Fixed: Missing audition demos for Bass, Acoustic, BossaHardBop60s Ev 125
- Fixed: Missing audition demos for Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaHardBop60s Ev 125
- Fixed: Missing audition demos for Bass, Acoustic, JazzBalladBasic styles
- Fixed: Missing audition demos for Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16ths ev16 110
- Added: Holds for new electric piano styles (e.g. RT4897, RT4859)
- Added: Holds for Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist PopSync16thsBrent ev16 090
- Fixed: _PLEASNG.WMA misnamed
- Added: Full transcription for DiscoUptempo_125
- Fixed: Missing audition demo for Bass, Electric, VintagePopSlowSwingBasic Sw 060
- Added: Holds for Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountry styles
- Added: Solo audition file missing for Guitar, Electric, Soloist AmericanaGentleTrain ev16 085
- Fixed: Holds for 4815: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SyncGroove Sw16 085
- Added: Full transcription for FunkModernDisco_110 and DiscoPulse_125
- Fixed: Missing audition demo for Piano JazzMinorBlues styles
- Fixed: _Acrobat and _Agency Style Demos - instruments came in too late
- Added: Full transcriptions for FunkPop80sFastEv8^_120 and BluesFlatTire
- Fixed: 4712:Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzBluesyFunk Ev 110 - missing minor endings.
- Fixed: BluesFlatTire_130 - 4 bar ending was offset by a bar.
- Fixed: TangoLounge^_100 had a small noise at the beginning.
- Added: Full transcriptions for TangoLounge^, DiscoPulseSync, SongwriterSlowBrushes
- Fixed: 4737:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesDeltaChuggin Ev 100 had gaps at some points before chord changes.
- Added: Full transcription for RockNRollClassicClave^_105
- Fixed: 4145:Bass, Acoustic, TangoClassicArgentina ev 095 was not playing 4 bar endings correctly
- Fixed: 4693:Guitar, Resonator, Rhythm BluesDeltaVintage Sw 080 had gaps in the playing.
- Fixed: 4837:Bass, Electric, SlapFunk70sPop ev16 100 and 4838:Bass, Electric, Slap80sPopFunkFast ev 120 did not play slash chords properly
- Fixed: 4844:Bass, Electric, DiscoFunkySync ev 125 was missing some 1 and 2 beat riffs
- Fixed: 4616: Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaMovinArp Ev 135 - was corrupt (_MIGHT crash)
- Fixed: _12STACF long style name was incorrect
- Updated: RT4792-4797 substyle and notation settings corrected
- Improved/Added: Many RealTracks have had simple variation added, and/or improved transcriptions and riff selection. This includes:
4151:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TangoClassicArgentina ev 095 4492:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal80sPopFast8ths Ev 130 4497:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal80sPopMed8ths Ev 095 4545:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal80sPopFast8ths Ev 130 4898:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist PopSync16thsBrent ev16 090 4347:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm IndieFolkSlow128 sw 040 4556:Banjo, Strumming FolkSlow128 sw 040 4705:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopSyncopated16thsHighAB ev16 090 4703:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopSyncopated16thsMid ev16 090 4704:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopSyncopated16thsLow ev16 090 4900:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterGroovinJohn Sw16 75 4901:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterPopSlow8thsJohn Ev 60 4902:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterPopWaltzJohn Ev 120 4903:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterPopBalladJohn ev 85 4904:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterCountryBallad ev16 70 4874:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz60sModal Ev 130 4711:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz60sModal Ev 130 4873:Bass, Acoustic, BossaHardBop60s Ev 125 4709:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaHardBop60s Ev 125 4884:Guitar, Electric, Soloist SoulJazzGroovinSlowFunkBrent Ev 100 4731:Guitar, Resonator, Rhythm BluesDeltaVintage Ev 090 4868:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16ths ev16 100 4845:Bass, Electric, DiscoPulseSync ev16 105 4524:Bass, Electric, MetalModernSw16AB Sw16 100 4535:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSwing16Triplets12key Sw16 100 AND related styles 4861:Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzCoolKittySync Ev 190 4859:Organ, Bass SoulJazzFastFunk8thsLH Ev 190 4858:Organ, Rhythm SoulJazzFastFunk8thsRHComping Ev 190 4524:Bass, Electric, MetalModernSw16AB Sw16 100 4907:Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkPopJohn Ev 100 4908:Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkPopJohn Ev 120 4153:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm StrathspeyFast Sw 170 4852:Bass, Electric, RockPumping8ths Ev 130 4881:Guitar, Acoustic, JazzQuarterShortSteady Sw 110 4882:Guitar, Acoustic, JazzQuarterShortSteady Sw 140 4729:Organ, Rhythm SoulJazzFastFunkRHComping Ev 130 4730:Organ, Bass SoulJazzFastFunkLH Ev 130 4867:Organ, Soloist, SoulJazzFastFunk16ths Ev 130 4853:Bass, Electric, RockPumping8ths Ev 120 4854:Bass, Electric, RockPumpingQuarters Ev16 95 4864:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16ths ev16 110 4767:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernFast12key2 Ev 160 4772:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSwingHeldPlus12key Sw 120 4771:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSwingChugging12key Sw 120 4616:Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaMovinArp Ev 135 4777:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSyncHits12key Ev16 070 4778:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSyncOctaves12key Ev 070 4779:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSyncHeldPlus12key Ev 070 Summary of changes in build 1124c since build 1124 (Dec 31) - Updated: PDF manuals, help file, and Feature Browser files
- Updated: Many new (and some old) RealTracks have had Playable RealTracks associations added.
- Fixed: With FLAC-only RealTracks folder (e.g. Audiophile download), generating WAV-instructions-only in the DAW plugin would result in silence.
- Fixed: Reaper wave instructions use .wma files even if .flac files are present (e.g. Audipohile SSD)
Summary of changes in Build 1124 (Since build 1123) (Dec 17) - Added: Vertical cursor on all tracks in the Tracks window.
- Added: If you hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the +/- buttons to expand/reduce the vertical track heights, they will expand/reduce at 5 times the normal rate, and if holding down shift it will expand/reduce at 10x the normal rate.
- Fixed: Possible crash with some Native Instruments and Steinberg VST3 plugins such as Halion 7
Summary of changes in Build 1123 (Since build 1121) (Dec 11) - Added: Output chords feature now restarts chord if the chord is restated
- Added: Output chords feature has support for "keyswitches", with a checkbox setting to preserve track notes and events outside of the chord note range
- Fixed: StylePicker could have an exception in some cases on first run from the dialog that suggests a rebuild
- Fixed: Chord Builder could be blank occasionally
- Changed: RealDrums settings options to replace MIDI drums with RealDrums on a MIDI style now defaults to false
- Improved: BB2Go dialog now renders to m4a
- Added: VST2 options dialog has a button to switch to VST3, and text clarifies vst2 vs vst3 functions
- Added: Stems, now has a button "Use Existing Audio Track" which sets the stem splitter to use the Audio Track and set various options
- Added: Process to make Stems, use ACW for TempoMap and Chords, and then Equalize the tempos to one tempo has been improved with several additions
1. When bar 1 line moves, the stems all move as well in sync 2. When equalize tempos is chosen, the stems all get equalize tempos too so they stay in sync 3. Style changes don't change the tempo if audio track or stems or tempo changes are in place - Updated: Manual, help file.
- Fixed: MST 44 and 45 had no set number in the MST Picker
- Fixed: Misc typos/display issues with text in the RT Picker
DAW Plugin 7.0.4 release notes- Fixed: Standalone plugin not saving state when closed
- Fixed: Wrong bar highlighting when changing plugin tempo during playback
- Fixed: Clicks when tempo changes in DAW
- Fixed: Updated hints for Sync and Generate buttons
Andrew PG Music Inc.
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Update Your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 to Build 1128 for Windows Today!
Already using Band-in-a-Box 2025 for Windows®? Download Build 1128 now from our Support Page to enjoy the latest enhancements and improvements from our team.
Stay up to date—get the latest update now!
Update to RealBand® 2025 Build 5 Windows Today!
Already using RealBand® 2025 for Windows®? Download Build 5 now from our Support Page to ensure you have the latest enhancements and improvements from our team.
Get the latest update today!
PowerTracks Pro Audio 2025 for Windows is Here!
PowerTracks Pro Audio 2025 is here! This new version introduces many features, including VST3 support, the ability to load or import a .FLAC file, a reset option for track height in the Tracks window, a taller Timeline on the Notation window toolbar, new freeze buttons in the Tracks window, three toolbar modes (two rows, single row, and none), the improved Select Patch dialog with text-based search and numeric patch display, a new button in the DirectX/VST window to copy an effects group, and more!
First-time packages start at only $49. Already a PowerTracks Pro Audio user? Upgrade for as little as $29!
Video: Summary of the New Band-in-a-Box® App for iOS®
Join Tobin as he takes you on a tour of the new Band-in-a-Box® app for iOS®! Designed for musicians, singer-songwriters, and educators, this powerful tool lets you create, play, and transfer songs effortlessly on your iPhone® or iPad®—anytime, anywhere.
Band-in-a-Box® for iOS® :Summary video.
Check out the forum post for more information.
Introducing the New Band-in-a-Box iOS App!
We’re excited to introduce the new Band-in-a-Box iOS app, designed to enhance your music creation. The Band-in-a-Box iOS app is the perfect companion to your desktop version, giving you the freedom to sketch out ideas wherever you are and develop them further when you're back at your workstation. Now, you can create, play, generate, and transfer songs seamlessly between your iOS device, and desktop.
Key Features:
- Easily Create and Play Songs – Build and play songs effortlessly on your device.
- MIDI and RealTracks/RealStyles Support – Generate MIDI tracks and RealTracks/RealStyles right on your iPhone or iPad (RealTracks/RealStyles require an internet connection).
- Notation Support – View chord sheets, professional notation, tab, and drum notation for all tracks.
...and more!
Watch the Band-in-a-Box iOS Overview Video.
Visit the Band-in-a-Box for iOS support page for more information and to listen to demos of our RealStyles catalogue.
Download the Band-in-a-Box iOS App from the Apple App Store today!
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows® Today!
If you’ve already purchased Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®, great news—a new update is now available! This update introduces a handy new feature: a vertical cursor in the Tracks window that shows the current location across all tracks, and more.
Discover everything included in this free update and download it now at https://www.pgmusic.com/support_windowsupdates.htm#1124
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator
With Band-in-a-Box 2025® for Windows®, we've introduced an exciting new feature: the AI Lyrics Generator! In this video, Tobin guides you step-by-step on how to make the most of this new tool.
Band-in-a-Box® 2025 for Windows®: Boot Camp: The AI Lyrics Generator video.
Check out the forum post for more information.
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