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Le Destin ? Chris37 1 hour ago Forum: User Showcase
Hi all, Here's a french folk rock song about the destiny. Christian Braut is singing. RD Soul70sRelaxedEv^1 RT 513 Electric Bass RT 3912 Nylon Guitar RT 4008 Electric Guitar RT 3756 Soloist Electric Guitar RT 3202 Soloist Acoustic Guitar RT 2679 Electric Guitar
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Le Funk cubanpete 13 hours ago Forum: User Showcase
Le Funk Here's my latest, a kind of Funk/smooth jazz I guess that may be loud but suitable for slow dance (or so I think) Anyway, enjoy! Style is SWEATIN.STY (Sweatin' MIDI Lounge Funk Solo) BassCustom Synth is Hi-Q 034 01 Bass, Electric, 61 Classic Sforzando DrumsCustom Synth is Hi-Q 001 01 Drums, Acoustic, Rock Kit Sforzando PianoCustom Synth is Hi-Q 019 02 Organ, Electric, Jazz Sforzando Style MIDI Instruments are : Finger Electric Bass (34), Electric Piano (5), MIDI SuperTracks in style: 4359:Organ, Rhythm BluesSlowFunkyLHComp Ev 085 RealTracks in song: 4250:Organ, Soloist BluesSlowFunkyCharles Ev 085 RealTracks in song: 3898:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkSoulful60sPulseSingle Ev16 105 RealTracks in song: 3338:Synth, Analog, Soloist FunkJeff Ev16 110 MIDI Drums :1 Standard Drum Kit (1) Cheers Mike B.
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Neuer Computer - Neuinstallation von Biab BornForRock Yesterday at 09:20 PM Forum: Deutsches Band-in-a-Box User Forum
Hallo Leute, vermutlich eine oft gestellte Frage, aber da es anscheinend unterschiedliche Infos darüber gibt, möchte ich nochmal nachfragen: Kurzform: Notebook kaputt, muss Biab nun komplett auf neuem Notebook installieren. Bin Biab-User seit 2015, jährlich also Ultrapak-Upgrades, dazu sämtliche Add Ons gekauft, also Xtra Styles, XPro-Styles usw. Bei PG Music habe ich neulich im Chat gefragt, ob es reicht, wenn ich in Sachen Biab-Neuinstallation nur die letzte 2024 Version installieren muss (und natürlich meine dazugekauften Add Ons) oder auch noch alle Versionen von 2015 an, 2016, 2017, 2018 usw. Man meinte, nur die aktuelle 2024 Version. Evtl. hat man mich da falsch verstanden, ich weiß es nicht. Und meine Add Ons muss ich natürlich extra installieren, logisch. Nun meine ich aber hier in diesem Forum mitbekommen zu haben, dass man auch vorherige Versionen installieren sollte - also in meinem Fall die älteste Version 2015 und dann zu guter Letzt die aktuelle Version 2024. ?? Oder hab' ich das alles falsch verstanden ?? Wenn ich nochmal in Erfahrung bringen könnte, wie es richtig laufen sollte, würde ich mich freuen. Es kostet schon etliche graue Haare extra, wenn bis vor 14 Tagen auf der SSD alles gepasst hat, im Biab-Add Ons Fenster 3x 100% bei den Installationen angezeigt wurde, also alles da, nichts fehlte - und dann das Dilemma.... Bleibt kreativ. Nachtrag: Über Nacht habe ich den Komplett-Downloads von Biab-Version 2024 (Biab Install Manager) versucht und sogar weitestgehend alle Files automatisch installieren können - bis auf einige "korrupte" Realtracks, die ließen sich partout nicht downloaden, da kam jeweils nach wenigen Sekunden eine Fehlermeldung. Hatte ich bislang in all' den Jahren noch nie gehabt. Also z.B. in diesem Fall zwischendurch bei den Realtracks 44-49, 35-39, 63-66, 78-82, 109-113 usw......bis 320-323. Die letzten Realtracks der 400er Serie klappten, das Ende ist also 446-448. Dann bin ich auf die Idee gekommen, dass ich die "älteren" Realtracks ggf. per Upgrade 2022, 2021 o.ä. abholen könnte, ob nun per Biab-Download Manager oder im direkten Download im Browser. LEIDER klappte das auch nicht. Immer Fehlermeldungen, die betreffenden Realtracks ließen sich weder im Download-Manager noch direkt im Browser downloaden. Mir jedenfalls ein Rätsel.... Aber ich bin inzwischen soweit gekommen, dass ich immerhin bei 85% Realtracks, 100% (!) Xtra Styles und 100% (!) XPro Styles gelandet bin. DAS hätte ich gestern Abend bei meiner obigen Eingangsfrage nicht erwartet! Die fehlenden 15% bei den Realtracks sind vermutlich auf die derzeit für mich nicht erreichbaren Realtracks zurückzuführen. Da werd' ich dann am Montag im Biab-Live-Chat mal nachhaken. Dafür muss es ja eine Lösung geben.
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Atlantic Holiday Jim Gear Yesterday at 05:48 PM Forum: User Showcase
This is a mellow original song about a Florida shrimper who is homesick for dry land. All tracks are BIAB except for the lead vocals and harmonies done by me recorded, edited, mixed and and mastered in Reaper. Title: Atlantic Holiday File:Atlantic Holiday.SGU Key=Dm , Tempo 98, Length (m:s)=3:35 4 bar intro, 80 bar chorus, from bar 5 to bar 84. Repeat x1 chorus No Melody Soloist track has 245 notes, Soloist harmony is < no harmony >(0) Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0, Style is _POPBAL.STY (Dreamy Guitar Pop Ballad) RealTracks in style: ~518:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085 RealTracks in style: ~365:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085 RealTracks in style: ~362:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085 RealTracks in song: 3552:Multi[Thickened=5] Vocal Oohs-Aahs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085 RealTracks in song: 2668:Pedal Steel, Background WestCoastBallad Ev 065 RealTracks in song: 3552:Multi[Thickened=5] Vocal Oohs-Aahs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085 RealTracks in song: 2020:Sax, Tenor, Soloist PopCountryMark Ev 085 (Bluesy) RealTracks in song: 2543:Pedal Steel, Background ModernCrossover Sw16 090 RealTracks in song: 3968:Harmonica, Soloist BluesShufflePat Sw 120 RealTracks in song: 1410:Piano, SynthLayer, Rhythm Soul70sA-B Ev16 100 RealTracks in song: 1410:Piano, SynthLayer, Rhythm Soul70sA-B Ev16 100 RealDrums in Song: NashPopBallad^01-SStCHHK2,SnLHHK RealDrums in style:NashvilleEven8^1-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride ******************* Lyrics: The wind comes off the water When you're living by the sea And there can be no other Place I'd rather be dreaming of my island Laying in the sand Taking in the shade of a tiki With a cold drink in my hand Been a long hot summer Hurricanes a bummer No fish on the line In the lightning and the thunder And when the storm clouds blow away The sailors moon will help to find the way Port of call Atlantic Holiday I've always been a sailor A cowboy on the sea I'd lasso the equator Set all the mermaids free Chasing the horizon Sailing round the world Daylights a wasting Let's get the nets unfurled Been a long hot summer Hurricanes a bummer No fish on the line In the lightning and the thunder And when the storm clouds blow away The sailors moon will help to find the way Port of call Atlantic Holiday Maybe I've been doing things all wrong And maybe I'm right where I belong Been a long hot summer Hurricanes a bummer No fish on the line In the lightning and the thunder And when the storm clouds blow away The sailors moon will help to find the way Port of call Atlantic Holiday
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BiaB users share your thoughts on this subject. Rob Helms Yesterday at 01:12 PM Forum: Band-in-a-Box for Windows
This is a white paper initiative on the subject of current and future BiaB developments in the light of the competitive music software field.
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Simon and Garfunkel - how privileged are those who could have experienced these live performances. AudioTrack 05/31/24 02:59 PM Forum: Best of YouTube
I can only watch in awe of the talent.
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Band in Box with Logic Pro 11 Session Players Brian Hughes 05/29/24 12:54 AM Forum: I just heard Band-in-a-Box on YouTube Jump to new postsJump to new posts
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Ballata per Uliano - by Francescotuba Francesco Nespoli 05/27/24 06:43 PM Forum: User Showcase
Vi presento la mia nuova canzone ispirata a un tragico evento accaduto tanti anni fa nel mio paese, un camion della nettezza urbana che si ruppero i freni e precipito' in un calanco: in onore della memoria dell'amico Uliano Ballata per Uliano e del suo collega che ci persero la vita. Di seguito il testo: **Ballata per Uliano** (Verse 1) Uliano era un uomo semplice, amava allenare Squadre di volley, sognando di volare Lavorava come netturbino, con fatica e sudore Ma il suo cuore era pieno di speranza e amore. (Chorus) Oh, Uliano, la vita ti ha tradito In quel fatal lunedì, destino ha deciso Di portarti via, in un burrone profondo E la gente ha pianto, quando hai lasciato il mondo. (Verse 2) L’8 settembre novantasei, una mattina d’estate Rottisi i freni, il camion è caduto giù nel burrone Uliano e collega, persi in un istante Un urlo silenzioso, un destino straziante. (Chorus) Oh, Uliano, la vita ti ha tradito In quel fatal lunedì, destino ha deciso Di portarti via, in un burrone profondo E la gente ha pianto, quando hai lasciato il mondo. (Bridge) Il direttore dell’ufficio, in preda al dolore Accusato di negligenza, col cuore e mente devastati "Avrei potuto fare di più? Avrei potuto evitare?" Domande incessanti, il peso di non sapere. (Chorus) Oh, Uliano, la vita ti ha tradito In quel fatale lunedì, destino ha deciso Di portarti via, in un burrone profondo E la gente ha pianto, quando hai lasciato il mondo. (Bridge) Elisoccorso in volo, ambulanze in corsa Una scena di terrore, un destino che non perdona Il camion giù nel burrone, un pugno nello stomaco Rimase lì per anni, un ricordo amaro e atroce. (Verse 3) Gli amici di Uliano, non lo dimenticarono Fiori sul guardrail0, un gesto che non svanì Ricordi di un uomo, con un cuore pieno di passione Che la vita ha spezzato, in un crudele colpo di finzione. (Chorus) Oh, Uliano, la vita ti ha tradito In quel fatale lunedì, destino ha deciso Di portarti via, in un burrone profondo E la gente ha pianto, quando hai lasciato il mondo. (Outro) La ballata di Uliano, risuona nel vento Una storia di tragedia, di dolore e lamento Ma anche di ricordi, di amore e compassione Per un uomo che vive, nei cuori e nelle canzoni.
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WDVE's Memorial Day 500 Countdown is back pghboemike 05/27/24 05:11 PM Forum: Off-Topic Do you have a tradition like this where you live? If so, how do the songs drink over the years?
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Bob Doyle … Al Cover Songs with Band in a Box,, and Ace Studio PeterGannon 05/26/24 05:49 PM Forum: Band-in-a-Box for Windows
Bob Doyle … Al Cover Songs with Band in a Box,, and Ace Studio Bob Doyle Media has a great YouTube video showing making a song using AI, …. Ethical Al Cover Songs with Band in a Box,, and Ace Studio He makes a song in BiaB, then sings it himself, then transforms his voice into female voice singers using AI ( and Ace Studio). Amazing results and a great video!
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Behind the licks pghboemike 05/26/24 01:49 PM Forum: Woodshedding - Learning to Play!
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Band-in-a-Box® 2024 et RealBand® 2024 pour Windows en Français Daniel Donval 05/25/24 08:39 AM Forum: Forum des Utilisateurs Français de Band-in-a-Box Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Bonjour à tous, Band-in-a-Box et RealBand 2024 pour Windows sont disponibles en Français. Pour télécharger cette version française de BIAB 2024, utiliser le lien suivant : BIAB 2024 Français Pour ceux qui auraient déjà acheté Band-in-a-Box 2024 pour Windows (et qui donc ont une version anglaise), il est possible de "franciser" cette version avec le patch suivant : Francisation de BIAB 2024 Windows Idem pour RealBand Francisation de RB 2024 Windows Voilà, enjoy ! Daniel
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Band in a Box 2024 in Italiano maurig 05/24/24 06:58 PM Forum: Forum degli utenti italiani di Band-in-a-Box Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Cari amici È stata aggiornata la versione in Italiano del programma più amato dagli appassionati di musica, il nostro Band-in-a-Box. Questo è il link alla nuova versione 2024 Di seguito i link per scaricare il pacchetti di lingua italiana aggiornati per Band-in-a-Box e RealBand, anche per chi avesse già comprato la nuova versione in inglese.
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songs added to the national registry in 2024 pghboemike 05/24/24 06:11 PM Forum: Off-Topic
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Brug Band-in-a-Box Artist Performance Tracks til at øve mixning og mastering lindbjerg 05/23/24 09:13 AM Forum: Dansk Band-in-a-Box bruger forum Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Band-in-a-Box's Artist performance track er fantastiske til at øve dine mixe og mastering færdigheder. Jeg har tage et track som hedder Burning Castles (moderne country). I linkene nedenfor kan du høre det uproccesserede track fra Band-in-a-Box og det mixerne og mastrede resultat af det samme. Her er det rå Band-in-a-Box track: Og her er det mixed og mastrede: Venlig hilsen Lindbjerg
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Playable tracks help MichaelO 05/23/24 03:25 AM Forum: Band-in-a-Box for Macintosh Jump to new postsJump to new posts
I have been following the Boot Camp 1 video for Mac BIAB 2023 and am having difficulties in duplicating what's on the video. Specifically when I create a 'playable track' in piano roll view for a RealTrack, I cannot seem to be able to add any notes. I just have the crosshairs and nothing I do will add a note there. Any ideas? Thanks Michael
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New playable track question MichaelO 05/23/24 03:00 AM Forum: Help! Tech S.O.S (Off topic) Jump to new postsJump to new posts
I have been following the Boot Camp 1 video for Mac BIAB 2023 and am having difficulties in duplicating what's on the video. Specifically when I create a 'playable track' in piano roll view for a RealTrack, I cannot seem to be able to add any notes. I just have the crosshairs and nothing I do will add a note there. Any ideas? Thanks Michael
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Video: Making a Song with Band-in-a-Box®, ChatGPT, and Synth V Callie - PG Music 05/22/24 05:46 PM Forum: Recording, Mixing, Performance and Production
Take your Band-in-a-Box® project to a whole new level when you incorporate ChatGPT and Synth V to add lyrics and vocals to your song! We wanted to demonstrate how this is done with our video, where we show you how to go from nothing to a finished "radio ready" modern pop song by combining the features of Band-in-a-Box®, ChatGPT, and Synth V! Listen to the finished song, so you get a listen to the finished product: If you like it, watch the video. Either way, let's hear your comments!
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Whisky - by Francescotuba Francesco Nespoli 05/22/24 10:37 AM Forum: User Showcase
Questa canzone spensierata Whisky me l'ha ispirata il mio fantastico gatto: *WHISKY* (Verse 1) C'è un gatto speciale, si chiama Whisky, Porta gioia ogni giorno, come un raggio di sole. Fa le fusa piano, suona così dolce, Pedalare lentamente, un ritmo che conosce. (Chorus) Oh, Whisky, amico peloso, Occhi pieni di luce, sguardo dolce. Whisky, re delle coccole, Ogni giorno con te è pura dolcezza. (Verse 2) Quando è tempo di dormire, si acciambella vicino, Ti fa compagnia, il suo calore divino. Non dimenticare, è un gran giocherellone, Salta e graffia, sempre con passione. (Chorus) Oh, Whisky, amico peloso, Occhi pieni di luce, sguardo dolce. Whisky, re delle coccole, Ogni giorno con te è pura dolcezza. (Bridge) Nel suo mondo incantato, ci porta con sé, Tra fusa e giochi, non ci stanchiamo mai. La sua presenza è un dono, una magia, Whisky, sei la nostra gioia, compagnia. (Chorus) Oh, Whisky, amico peloso, Occhi pieni di luce, sguardo dolce. Whisky, re delle coccole, Ogni giorno con te è pura dolcezza. (Outro) Così continuiamo insieme, ogni giorno più bello, Whisky, con te, il cuore è sempre più pieno. Sei il nostro fantastico gatto, un vero tesoro, Con te accanto, ti adoriamo di cuore.
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Time for a little AI fun!… Making a modern Pop Song with Band-in-a-Box, ChatGPT, and Synth V PeterGannon 05/21/24 08:38 PM Forum: Band-in-a-Box for Macintosh Jump to new postsJump to new posts
Time for a little AI fun! Making a modern Pop Song with Band-in-a-Box, ChatGPT, and Synth V Over the last few months, I’ve heard some amazing songs from the User Showcase, with vocals provided by the amazing SynthV vocal synth. People have been asking us for a tutorial style video showing how to use Band-in-a-Box with SynthV to make a song from scratch. There are no live musicians or singers on this track. Of course there is still a lot of important, creative human, musical input that goes into this. As you can see in the video, aside from composing the chord progression and melody, decisions regarding arrangement, mixing, tweaking lyrics placements and sounds. I think of it that the AI gets the creativity flowing, allowing the creative musician the tools to go from nothing to a complete song in a very short time! First off, here’s the finished song, so you get a listen to the finished product. If you like it, watch the video. Here’s a video where we show you how to go from nothing to a finished “radio ready” modern pop song in a 28 minute video.
Either way, let’s hear your comments! Here’s a link to the discussion thread in the Biab forum.
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Angeli del Rock - by Francescotuba Francesco Nespoli 05/21/24 01:59 PM Forum: User Showcase
La mia nuova canzone, una ballata country che penso musicalmente ben si coniuga con la tragica storia autobiografica che racconto dei due componenti del mio gruppo musicale "Gli Angeli del Rock" con cui suonavo negli anni della mia giovinezza, il chitarrista Massimo Iommarini e il bassista Paolo De Felicibus, tragicamente morti prematuramente in due distinti incidenti stradali alle porte del mio paese Atri (Te) - Abruzzo - Italia. Angeli del Rock Spero di averne onorato la memoria. Ecco il testo: -- Gli Angeli del Rock** *Strofa 1:* C'era una volta un gruppo, in un piccolo paese, Dove il rock risuonava, tra sogni e illusioni. Massimo e Paolo, due anime sorelle, Condivisero musica e passioni senza confini. *Strofa 2:* Massimo, un artista con l'anima di Van Gogh, Dipingeva sogni su tele di speranze. Un giorno fatale, un auto l'uccise. Coincidenze misteriose, il destino beffò. *Ritornello:* Oh, vita crudele, perché strappi via, Le anime che amiamo, senza un perché? In questo teatro di mistero e agonia, Cerchiamo risposte, tra il buio e la fé. *Strofa 3:* Era una sera d'inverno, per le prove mancai, Forse un angelo vegliava, e la vita mi salvai. Massimo, in ospedale, rassicurò sua madre, Ma il fato attendeva, con un'ombra scura alle spalle. *Strofa 4:* Paolo, poeta in moto, volava verso il cielo, Lavorava in ospedale, tra dolori e misteri. Il destino crudele, in un sussurro lo chiamò, E una coincidenza strana, la sua vita portò via. *Ritornello:* Oh, vita crudele, perché strappi via, Le anime che amiamo, senza un perché? In questo teatro di mistero e agonia, Cerchiamo risposte, tra il buio e la fé. *Ponte:* Chi decide il nostro cammino, tra gioia e dolore? Chi tesse le fila, in questo mondo incolore? Rifletto, mi chiedo, con il cuore in tempesta, Perché sono ancora qui, mentre loro sono andati? *Strofa 5:* In un ascensore, parole ingiuriose, Un direttore racconta, storie dolorose. Paolo, portato via, in un attimo fatale, Lasciando poesie, come un eterno caleidoscopio. *Ritornello:* Oh, vita crudele, perché strappi via, Le anime che amiamo, senza un perché? In questo teatro di mistero e agonia, Cerchiamo risposte, tra il buio e la fé. *Strofa finale:* Massimo e Paolo, due stelle nel firmamento, La loro musica risuona, nel vento silenzioso. Io rimango qui, con domande e tormenti, Cercando pace, nei ricordi preziosi.
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AI & music blame it on Pythagoras and others who came after pghboemike 05/19/24 05:49 PM Forum: Off-Topic
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Long Or Short Ride Elvis Nash 05/19/24 04:15 PM Forum: User Showcase
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Happy Victoria Day! (Monday, May 20th) Callie - PG Music 05/17/24 06:46 PM Forum: Off-Topic
We are celebrating Victoria Day on Monday, May 20th! Our availability through this long weekend is: Saturday, May 18: Closed Sunday, May 19: Closed Monday, May 22: 6am-6pm PT
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A New, FREE Norton Music Fake Disk #2 upgrade is available Notes Norton 05/17/24 02:18 PM Forum: Band-in-a-Box for Macintosh Jump to new postsJump to new posts
The best just got better A New, FREE Norton Music Fake Disk #2 upgrade is available to anyone who purchased Fake Disk #2 (The Pop/Rock Fake Disk) from Norton Music. Thousands of new styles have been added to BiaB since we first compiled this e-disk back in the 1990s. Plus, we are much better at making these disks than we were back then. We spent well over a year revising this e-disk, assigning new styles, and doing many other things to make the chord progressions portray the songs more faithfully. It's a much better product now, and we are offering this update to you for free. WHY FREE? Because we think it's the right thing to do. As usual, the new styles are MIDI, but the BiaB robot should suggest a Real Style for most of these songs. Why MIDI? If I assigned a Real Style, BiaB would not recommend a MIDI style, so choosing MIDI is the only way to get both MIDI and REAL suggestions to you. In addition, many of the tricks we used to coax a more faithful rendition of the song will only work in MIDI. As always, I recommend that you listen to both the MIDI and Real version to see which one you like better. How to get your free upgrade? I just completed sending individual e-mails to all the users in my database that have a current e-mail address. If you didn't get your e-mail:
  1. E-mail Norton Music (norton @ <- remove the spaces
  2. Put "Free Fake Disk #2 upgrade" in the subject line
  3. Include your current physical and e-mail address. If you have moved since you bought the disk, let me have that address too, and I'll update my records
  4. I'll check my records, and if I have you down as purchasing Disk #2 from me, I'll e-mail the upgrade to you. (Be sure to put my e-mail in your address book, so the anti-spam robots don't nuke it. I won't know it if they do.)
  5. PLEASE, BE PATIENT — I'm doing this by hand, one at a time, and I'm still a gigging musician. If it's been a couple of weeks since you asked, try again. Sometimes e-mail gets lost.
Note: I'm posting this in the Off-Topic forum, and copying it to the Windows and Mac forums to make sure everyone sees it. Please pardon the redundancy. Thanks. I hope the update gives you endless hours of pleasure. Bob 'Notes' Norton ♫
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PG Music News
Band-in-a-Box® 2024 Italian for Windows is Here!

Ci siamo dati da fare e abbiamo aggiunto oltre 50 nuove funzionalità e una straordinaria raccolta di nuovi contenuti, tra cui 222 RealTracks, nuovi RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, Playable RealTracks Set 3, Playable RealDrums Set 2, due nuovi set di "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 e altro ancora!

Tutti Pacchetti | Nuove Caratteristiche

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 French for Windows is Here!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 apporte plus de 50 fonctions nouvelles ainsi qu'une importante de contenus nouveaux à savoir : 222 RealTracks, des RealStyles nouveaux, des SuperTracks MIDI, des Etudes d'Instruments, des Prestations d'Artistes, des "Morceaux avec Choeurs", un Set 3 de Tracks Jouables, un Set 2 de RealDrums Jouables, deux nouveaux Sets de "RealDrums Stems", des Styles XPro PAK 6, des Xtra Styles PAK 17 et bien plus encore!

Tous Packages | Nouvelles Fonctionnalités

Video: Making a Song with Band-in-a-Box®, ChatGPT, and Synth V

Take your Band-in-a-Box® project to a whole new level when you incorporate ChatGPT and Synth V to add lyrics and vocals to your song!

We wanted to demonstrate how this is done with our video, where we show you how to go from nothing to a finished "radio ready" modern pop song by combining the features of Band-in-a-Box®, ChatGPT, and Synth V!

Listen to the finished song, so you get a listen to the finished product:

If you like it, watch the video. Either way, let's hear your comments!

Henry Clarke: Revolutionize Your Band-in-Box® Tracks with Regenerating Function

One of the new features added with Band-in-Box® 2024 is the Tracks Window, which will look familiar if you've worked with other DAWs.

Henry Clarke explains why he loves the Re-generation function within the Tracks Window in their video Revolutionize Your Band-in-Box® Tracks with Regenerating Function.

Watch video.

Learn even more about what the Tracks Window can do with our video Band-in-a-Box® 2024: The Tracks Window.

User Video: Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box®

The Bob Doyle Media YouTube channel is known for demonstrating how you can creatively incorporate AI into your projects - from your song projects to avatar building to face swapping, and more!

His latest video, Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box, he explains in detail how you can use the Melodist feature in Band-in-a-Box with ACE Studio. Follow along as he goes from "nothing" to "something" with his Band-in-a-Box MIDI Melodist track, using ACE Studio to turn it into a vocal track (or tracks, you'll see) by adding lyrics for those notes that will trigger some amazing AI vocals!

Watch: Next-Level AI Music Editing with ACE Studio and Band-in-a-Box

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 German for Windows is Here!

Band-in-a-Box® 2024 für Windows Deutsch ist verfügbar!

Wir waren fleißig und haben über 50 neue Funktionen und eine erstaunliche Sammlung neuer Inhalte hinzugefügt, darunter 222 RealTracks, neue RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Songs with Vocals" Artist Performance Sets, abspielbare RealTracks Set 3, abspielbare RealDrums Set 2, zwei neue Sets von "RealDrums Stems", XPro Styles PAK 6, Xtra Styles PAK 17 und mehr!

Paket | Was ist Neu

Update Your PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 Today!

Add updated printing options, enhanced tracks settings, smoother use of MGU and SGU (BB files) within PowerTracks, and more with the latest PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 update!

Learn more about this free update for PowerTracks Pro Audio & download it at

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