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Using the 2020 version, I created a song, picked a real track style, rendered individual tracks and when I dragged them into my sequence, they were blank until the last chord. Tried again. Same thing. I saved the file in the BIB file menu, selected "new song" and imported the saved file. This time, it rendered the full tracks.

Decided to try a different style (which I've done before on other songs) but it's still playing the instruments from the previous style, even though the new instrument names are showing. I saved the song again, with the new style, (even though it's playing the old style) deleted the plugin, created a new plugin, imported the saved song and got the same result - wrong instruments even though I selected the new style. My only recourse now is to delete the plugin, create a new one, and then re-enter the chords, which is a real time waster.

If anyone has noticed stability improvements in newer versions of this plugin, let me know. I'd hate to spend more money upgrading, only to encounter the same issues. Seriously, I've wasted so much time on this app, I'm making less than minimum wage every time I use it to build tracks for clients.
Originally Posted by uncledunc
...Seriously, I've wasted so much time on this app, I'm making less than minimum wage every time I use it to build tracks for clients.
That is the very thing I was using it for, that was my job but I had to quit because of too many issues with Biab/RB, but now my job is trying year in year out to get PG to improve it but it's an incredibly slow process.
There is a big improvement in the latest version if you use Reaper though it's still waiting for yet more fixes.
If you have Reaper you can import frozen SGU's from main Biab instantly
Working In Biab & Reaper Simultaneously and Instantly
Open SGU in Reaper

See issues: A Working BBPlugin (EZBBvst)
Hi uncledunc, it sounds like you might need to rebuild the StylePicker in the plugin. Have you tried that? You can do this by opening the StylePicker in the plugin and clicking the "Rebuild" button. The current version of the plugin is v6.1.13, and I would say that there have been countless improvements made to stability as well as some cool new features and design improvements since 2020 (version 2). It's likely that this as well as other issues you have experienced with v2 have long been fixed and would not be present in the latest version.
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