This something i have done over a 100 times in the past. Why RB, and not Reaper, Studio one, Cakewalk etc? Okay here is why. Because you can compare midi and Audio so seamlessly Let me explain. Here is my process.

1. import a midi tune for a cover song. great right? sound okay but a tad mechanical. Okay add higher quality synths, work each track over to get more realistic phrasing. Awesome right? Maybe but usually, it sounds a bit weak compared to the original tune and also sounds like a karaoke song at best. So you say i want to put my own spin but retain the signature licks.

2. audition a few RealTracks to replace a couple of the midi tracks. Here is where RB shines. You can with the greatest of ease A B the tracks and hear them in the song mute and unmute each work your way through the song and only replace what make the song a bit better and make it your take on the song.

3. spend your midi and synth processing for the signature licks. Now you can use Playable tracks to link the midi to a RT sound that gives more realism to the lick.

Okay why not with a different DAW and the plugin? because it is just easier in RB due to the ability to not have to manipulate all the tracks without bouncing and syncing a plugin with a DAW.

TShis is just one more thing RB does really well. It has very robust midi, and excellent RT/RD tools, and the ability to incorporate Playable tracks.

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.