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March 30, 2014  -  Studio Pictures.... show us your studios.

So I got to wondering, since I've been active here for a few years now, and have heard some really nice mixes, just exactly what other BB user's studios look like.

I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

So here are some pics from my humble studio. It's essentially a corner in my upper room/ office.

My computer is a DAW that I custom built from parts about 4 years ago. i5 intel chip running XP-Pro. Several hard drives for storage and OS/apps. The CPU sets under the desk. On it I have an inexpensive DVD/CD writer and on that sets BB 2014.

Most everything is done in the box, with only a few things...vocals and guitar being either mic'd or direct.

My Yamaha DX-27S is on the left, and above it sets my laptop for internet and other musical purposes.
Monitors are Mackie MR-5's. And yeah... I'm breaking all sorts of rules regarding the rules for placement of speakers..... and the laws of physics too, I'm sure. My one saving grace is that I added ARC to the system a few years back. If you operate in such a space as this, have a serious look at ARC.

Posted on March 30, 2014 09:26 AM

Entries from March 2014:

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