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April 10, 2014  -  Why use BB instead of RealBand for new songs?

This is an absolute Novice RB question.
I have been using BIAB for quite a while and my workflow has always been to export all tracks in BIAB as wavs to my old DAW (Cakewalk GTPro2 from 2004)and mix and mess with it in there.
Despite it always having been there I have avoided RB apart from the odd foray into it.
BUT - I think I MUST get to know it and use it. Having messed with it a bit and got to grips with the fact that things aren't where they are in BIAB I created a chord sequence, a style etc etc and it made me wonder -
WHY do we need BIAB at all if everything can be done in RB that can be done in BIAB?
Its not a trick question.

Posted on April 10, 2014 04:10 PM

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