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May 02, 2014  -  People LOVE Band-in-a-Box!

Here's what they're saying:
"I just wanted to leave a quick note to tell you guys how awesome the new GUI, the user interface, is in the new 2014 BIAB! Wow. Everything is so much easier now. If this was the only update in BIAB 2014, it would still be worth it. Thanks!!"..."Your program is more than an accompanying program , it is a musical education."..."As usual you have surpassed the quality of this program. Keep up the good work"..."Thank you for great service!"..."This software is awesome! It really helps me improve my musical abilities. I love Band-in-a-Box."..."Top of the line in it's class ,there is nothing that comes close to it for pure musicale genius.Each upgrade is like getting a new car;exciting and so full of usefull and fun additions . Thanks PG Music."..."I used to split the gig money 5 ways. Now BIAB is my band, and I get to keep ALL the money! Using the cash I would have paid the band, BIAB paid for itself in only one gig! Not to mention that BIAB never makes mistakes, never plays out of tune, never misses band practice, and never quits the band!"..."Discovered BIAB only two years ago and it has transformed my song writing hobby. Instead of patchy guitar accompaniments to vocals, it is great to have a full band at my beck and call. And a rich source of inspiration for melodies. BIAB is amazing, and worth every modest dollar you ask for it!"..."Having used BIAB for over 10 years I have to say how helpful it has proved when teaching new tunes ... the ability to create a simple (or complex!) accompanyment is powerful; the ability to then tweak these to suit differnt performers (especially younger children) is invaluable."..."The BIAB really is a revolution... each issue is even better!"..."The product is great for producing backing tracks. It's also a great practice tool, allowing you to mute tracks and play along. Customer service is second to none, too!"..."If BandInABox was made by Apple or the companies that make Reason, Cubase, etc., they would charge $2,000 just for the basic program alone. It's so advanced it belongs in the Smithsonian -- seriously. It's easily the best musical investment I've ever made. Thanks for making this great software."..."Compared to all the other music creation software I've tried, BIAB is so innovative it should be called BAND OUTSIDE THE BOX! Whether you want to learn, practice, perform, compose or record there's LOTS here for you. Its easily the most fun-to-use software I have ever used!!"..."I am retired and have been playing the piano on and off all my life, strictly for my own amusement. I discovered BIAB about 13 years ago and it immediately gave me a new interest in playing. I am only surprised you don't hear of more solitary "home players" like me who have discovered BIAB."..."BIAB helped me learn the Guitar along with how to write your own songs. It is a truly remarkable program and well worth trying out."..."Thanks SO much. I really need practice and Biab helps me a lot. You and your team are doing a great service."..."You have produced a fine and inspirational music application which is a joy to use. Thank you all!"..."Everyone who likes music should get this program"..."I have never come across a product or service better than I have received from your company. PGMUSIC is simply the best."..."Can't believe I didn't discover this sooner. Two full songs arranged and recorded, from scratch, in a weekend. You guys just hit my "I love" list, right up there with Beer, Girls and Rock-and-Roll! Nice!"

Posted on May 2, 2014 01:47 PM

Entries from May 2014:

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