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August 11, 2015  -  User Showcase Song - Bayou In My Blood

After moving to bayou country back in '99, I soon fell in with some special folks who showed me the wonders of the coastal marsh and the Atchafalaya River Basin. At the time, my work was also related to the river so it was a large part of my daily life.

Anyway, if you look at a Google map, you will find Carencro Lake in the coastal marsh just east of the river and SSE of Morgan City, LA, which is the region in which I learned the finer points of cast netting for shrimp, running trot lines for catfish, boiling crawfish and generally having a good time:) When the whistle blows at the steel fabrication yard, it's time to head for the water to catch some crabs or redfish or bass or sac-a-lait (crappie).

At some point, one of those friends was helping me find a nice cast net. We got to talking about the area and the culture and having to run from hurricanes and about how he couldn't think of living anywhere else. 'No,' I said, 'it's in your blood.'

Well, it's not exactly a universal song since it was inspired by and written for those local people who are now like family. When we get together they all sing this and harmonize. The two gals who are singing harmony on the recording are mother and daughter. Their family is one of those the song is for. I sing in choir with them. I've been waiting to record this for a long time and was thrilled they were part of it. They're accomplished vocalists/musicians and helped me dial in the mix as well. I hope we're close....

It's a simple tune, but it's one of my favs. I'll shut up now. Fire away.

Posted on August 11, 2015 08:52 AM

Entries from August 2015:

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