News Archives
September 2015
September 30, 2015 RealTracks Artist Phil Woods
We are sad to hear of the passing of Jazz Saxophonist Phil Woods yesterday afternoon. Phil recently retired from performing, with his last performance being on September 4th at Manchester Craftsmen's Guild in Pittsburgh.
Phil was part of our RealTracks Artist "Jazz Pollwinners" series.
Learn more about Phil and listen to his RealTracks here.
You can also visit his website, where fans are remembering and honoring him in the Open Mic Forum.
Posted at 03:01 PM
September 30, 2015 User Showcase Song - Lost in New Orleans
This is my second post and the song is called Lost in New Orleans. I have never been to New Orleans but what I have read and seen about this place is that is shrouded with mystique. Having this impression of New Orleans is why I wrote this song which I think just adds to the color of that mystique.
All tracks are RealTracks and the vocal is by my good friend Daniel Hensley.
Lost in New Orleans
Style - _j140_os.sty Older swing jazz band
Bass - 539
Piano - 943
Drums - Nashville shuffle
Guitar - 372
Strings - 1543
Clarinet - 763
Posted at 09:42 AM
September 29, 2015 Create a Video Testimonial Today!
Our collection of Video Testimonials is GROWING! Hopefully we aren't done yet...
We are still seeking Video Testimonials from Band-in-a-Box users like YOU!
If you’re video is selected, we'll send you a Band-in-a-Box EverythingPAK!
Want some inspiration? Visit our Video Testimonials page at to see the videos already submitted.
For information on how to create your video testimonial, click here.
Posted at 09:54 AM
September 29, 2015 #TipTuesday - Mixer 'Tricks' for Band-in-a-Box!
Did you know... In the Mixer Window:
-Hold Ctrl or Shift key to change all tracks at once.
-Hold the [Ctrl] key down as you click on the track slider, or drag the thumb of the slider.
-Hold the [Shift] key and it will move all tracks relative to the move of the original track
Other Tips for the Mixer Window:
-Custom track labels. Click on the track description on the Mixer, and choose "Rename track title" to change the track label.
-Custom track descriptions. Click on the track description on the Mixer, and choose "Change track descriptions" to change the track description.
Posted at 09:41 AM
September 29, 2015 User Showcase Song - Life is Lookin' OK
It's been a while since I posted a song. Circumstances haven't given me much time for music. Anyway... after going to a Pat Pattison seminar a couple of weeks ago, I was inspired and this is what came about...
Life Is Lookin' OK
If you listen closely to Brent Mason's guitar solo in the middle of the song (RealTrack 1515, starts at around 1:12 mins), you can hear him beating a rhythm on the guitar's soundboard while he's playing. This is a pretty amazing RealTrack to work with.
Feel free to comment on any aspect of the song.
Posted at 08:06 AM
September 28, 2015 Video - Band-in-a-Box and GarageBand: Using MIDI SuperTracks
Want to know you how to use MIDI SuperTracks with custom synthesizer sounds via Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac and GarageBand?
We've got a video for that:
Of course, you can always contact us directly if you have any questions!
Posted at 09:58 AM
September 28, 2015 New Endorsing Artist: Phil Arnold!
Yamaha Artist Phil Arnold is one of our newest Endorsing Artists!
"You are not simply practicing, you are playing with a great rhythm section that knows how to swing! Thank you Peter Gannon, you are a genius!"
-Phil Arnold
Learn more about Phil:
To view all of our current endorsers, visit
Posted at 09:12 AM
September 28, 2015 User Showcase Song - Write a Hit Country Song
This a tongue in cheek look at the music business. I tried to nail all the major "bro country" references in verse 2 as is needed to have a hit song these days.
Been setting on this one for a few weeks as I tried to get the time to finish it up.
It was fun recording this.
Tracks are:
Bass: 519
Drums: Nashville even 8
Fill guitar: 1515
All other guitars are live...tele with various settings.
Solo is me.
Ending fill is me.
Electric rhythm is me.
I did a few things I don't normally do. I used....dare I say it?,,,,,,, compressors ... in a few of the tracks... guitar and vox.... to name a few. I also cranked the POD up to levels I have rarely used before..... oh my.... what's happening to me?
Enjoy and feel free to comment.
Posted at 08:51 AM
September 25, 2015 What's New in Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac?
Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac was released in June with over 50 new features and enhancements!
Haven't had a chance to learn about this new version yet? We make it easy!
You can read all about the new features in Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac here, or watch the entire video on our YouTube Channel.
Better yet, choose a new feature from this list and watch the video clip!
1,000 New Loops - 8:14
video tutorial-help buttons - 13:55
Instant Preview in Loops Dialog - 10:44
Save Song As Video - 16:58
Enhanced GUI - 21:23
Automatic Track Labels - 22:40
Mixer Enhancements - 24:29
Recording Audio - 25:09
Audio Edit Window - 31:10
Import Audio Files - 34:06
Import Audio from Video Files - 34:50
Render to Audio Track - 35:53
Guitar Window Sizeable - 36:50
Big Piano Window added - 37:15
Loop information saved in audio - 39:11
Simple Drums - 40:13
Instant Preview added to many dialogs - 42:34
Automatic program updates - 43:30
Email a song as attachment - 43:59
Notation improvements - 44:36
Event edit dialog improvements - 46:20
Audio Transpose - 47:14
Relative Tempo - 48:00
Held chord features and held RealTracks - 48:38
Chord sheet enhancements - 50:33
Band button enhancements - 51:25
Stylepicker improvements - 51:41
Record MIDI dialog improvements - 51:53
Posted at 12:38 PM
September 25, 2015 User Showcase Song - Trouble in Mind
Trouble in mind is a public domain song* that has been recorded by hundreds of artists (from Janis Joplin to Johnny Cash). We played it with our bluegrass band years ago and thought it would be fun to do a more bluesy version now that BiaB has given us such a fine array of bands smile We chose a minimalist arrangement with a bit of a mashup regarding RT and RD choices. Like so many of these traditional songs many of the verse variations are a bit vague and rhyme schemes are sketchy but we tried to select some verses (of the many) that hung together somewhat.
As always we appreciate your time to listen and we appreciate any and all comments.
Posted at 08:40 AM
September 24, 2015 Band-in-a-Box 2015 für Macintosh ist hier
That's right - now you can order the German version of Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac!
Visit our German website for more information:
Posted at 12:00 PM
September 24, 2015 MIDI SuperTracks & Ravenscroft 275 - Demos
We've added some demos to our Ravenscroft 275 page, so you can hear how great some of our MIDI SuperTracks sound when using Ravenscroft!
Listen to them here:
Posted at 09:32 AM
September 24, 2015 User Showcase Song - Comin' Home
a new music "Comin'home"
real tracks used:
383 electric heavy metal bass
629 electric rhythm popamerican dirty guitar
real drums Nashville even 8^
685 background b3 organ
405 acoustic rhythm guitar
687 background harmonica
I hope you like it.
Posted at 08:40 AM
September 23, 2015 RealTracks Artist Gary Smulyan - 2015 Oregon Coast Jazz Party!
Gary Smulyan is part of the Oregon Coast Jazz Party taking place October 2-4, 2015! In fact, on October 2nd Gary is offering a Special clinic at Newport High School!
There is more information about the entire event at:
Learn more about Gary and listen to demos of his RealTracks by visiting his RealTracks Artist Bio page.
Posted at 11:25 AM
September 23, 2015 User Showcase Song - Angelina
Here’s something I prepared earlier (updated an old song with some real tracks).
I think it works ok – but I’ve never been quite satisfied with it. Any feedback appreciated.
Leon Vocal & Lyric
Me – Harmonica backing vocals & various guitars.
RealTracks in style: ~~683:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120
RealTracks in style: ~~686:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 120
RealTracks in style: ~~406:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 136
RealTracks in song: ~621:Pedal Steel, Background Easy Ev 136
RealDrums in style: RockRootsEv8^1-a:Snare, Open HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Also for people interested in Muvizu animation for their songs here is an abridged version of Hard Hearted Woman – The Video
Posted at 08:58 AM
September 22, 2015 Video Testimonial - Charlie Fogle's Band-in-a-Box Story
Charlie Fogle recently submitted his Band-in-a-Box Video Testimonial, which takes us through his story, and highlights just how great our Forum Members are!
Watch it here:
All of the video testimonials are on our website at
Posted at 08:47 AM
September 22, 2015 User Showcase Song - While The Sun Shines
I opened my mail to find a BMI royalty statement with a check from airplay of one of my songs in a number of TV shows and films. At first I thought several songs were involved but it does appear that all this was from one song in particular.
I remember writing this in a group of several other similar styled songs. It was not, and still isn't one of my favorites in that group, however, apparently, what do I know?
This is the song that was used by film & TV
"While the sun shines"
Here's the details as I can best determine them. There was one song that was used. It was used, however, in at least 4 different places.
2 Canadian documentary style shows that aired on the HISTORY CHANNEL and also on the H2 channel. The shows are:
10 things you didn't know about civil rights .....and 10 things you didn't know about Texas.
These 2 shows placed over 30 cues between them.
The other shows were on the REELZCHANNEL in the following shows:
Beverly Hills Pawn and Hollywood Hillbillies with 30+ cues between them and in 3 episodes of Hillbillies. Close to 70 total cues placed in these shows.
The cues generated anywhere from 4 cents per play up to $7.63 per cue depending on the length of time the song was played in the show. 60 cents came from Canada and 6 cents from the UK.... go figure....
The song is 100% Real Band tracks mixed in Sonar.
Posted at 08:31 AM
September 22, 2015 Canadian Musician Magazine Reviews Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac
Canadian Musician Magazine has just published their review of the latest Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac!
Read it here: Canadian Musician Magazine - Road Test: PG Music Band-in-a-Box 2015
Band-in-a-Box 2015 is the Swiss Army knife of instant accompaniment production, and as you explore and create with it, you will discover its power and what it can do to make you a better musician and creator.
Paul Lau - Canadian Musician Magazine
Posted at 08:28 AM
September 21, 2015 Video: Using Ravenscroft 275 with Band-in-a-Box for Windows
We've published a tutorial on using Ravenscroft 275 with Band-in-a-Box for Windows, which also includes some demos of the Ravenscroft 275 piano playing MIDI SuperTracks.
Watch it here!
You can find out more via our purchasing page or by visiting the VI Labs website.
Posted at 03:03 PM
September 21, 2015 Enhanced GUI in Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac - Learn more!
You may have noticed... Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac included an enhanced GUI which offers a new look and feel with many new time-saving features, including automatic track labels and video tutorial-help buttons!
Watch this video to learn more:
GUI enhancements summary:
-Overhaul of dialogs, improved functionality, appearance, tab order and hints.
-Video-Tutorial buttons (over 20!) to various dialogs, with helpful tutorials.
-Menu reorganized.
-Automatic track labels.
-Custom track labels and descriptions.
-Drop Station enhancements, folder opens after copying to drop box, Drag Drop or another folder.
-New buttons (Record Audio, Audio Edit, Big Piano, Video) added, and Freeze button renamed to Freeze/Simple.
A complete list of the new features in Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac list here:
Posted at 01:14 PM
September 21, 2015 The User Showcase - Listen to all the Songs! #MusicMonday
If you've ever visited our User Showcase Forum, you know there are a lot of talented Forum Members here sharing their songs!
Did you know we also list these songs on our User Showcase Page? Separated by genre, this list includes a lot of the compositions that have been posted to our User Showcase Forum over the years. And, you're able to sort the list by Artist (just in case you have a favorite...)!
Have you been creating songs with Band-in-a-Box, RealTracks, PowerTracks Pro Audio, or other PG Music programs? If you haven't started sharing them on our User Showcase Forum, now's your chance!
Posted at 08:50 AM
September 21, 2015 User Showcase Song - C'est la vie qui tourne
Hi all !
Here's a little waltz. The melody is played by a Music Box (Yamaha QY700).
RD NashClassicWaltz
RT 1122 Acoustic Bass
RT 827 Acoustic Guitar
RT 826 Fingerpicking Acoustic Guitar
RT 1125 Violin
RT 1286 Solo Electric Guitar
RT 982 Electric Guitar
Posted at 08:17 AM
September 18, 2015 Render to Audio with Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac!
With Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac, you can now Render to Audio!
Watch this video clip to see how to Render to an Audio Track in Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Mac:
There are other Audio features added with Version 2015 - you can open an audio file (wav, aiff, mp3, mp4, and m4a), record audio, or render the song to the Audio Track; with the new Audio Edit Window, you see a digital waveform of the Audio Track, and select, play, and edit the audio with simple cut and paste command.
All of the new features are highlighted here:
Posted at 02:44 PM
September 18, 2015 Now Available - VI Labs Ravenscroft 275!
We've added VI Labs Ravenscroft 275 as a purchase option on our website, here: for only $199.
What is Ravenscroft? It's a virtual instrument with some phenomenal pianos! Just listen to these demos on SoundCloud and you'll agree!
Using Ravenscroft with Band-in-a-Box is easy: load the UVI Workstation VSTi plugin into Band-in-a-Box, load an instrument library, and you will be ready to use these great piano sounds for MIDI SuperTracks, regular/custom MIDI styles, MIDI melodies/soloists, and live performance.
Posted at 09:32 AM
September 18, 2015 User Showcase Song - Coming To An End
Bass 366 Electric
Drums Nashville EV 16
Guitar 364 Acoustic Fingerpicking
Guitar 368 Acoustic Strum
Mandolin 2033
Posted at 08:56 AM
September 17, 2015 Video Testimonial - This one is from Rodney Gene Jr!
Our latest testimonial comes to us from Band-in-a-Box user Rodney Gene Junior, who is a professional multi-musician and producer in Austin, Texas.
Watch the video on our YouTube channel. Not only does he tell the viewer why he loves using Band-in-a-Box, he also shares some of his AMAZING musical talent!
All of the video testimonials are on our website at
Posted at 12:36 PM
September 17, 2015 The Big Piano Window in Band-in-a-Box 2015
Did you know that there is now a Big Piano Window in Band-in-a-Box which displays notes on a resizable piano keyboard?
See it in action! Watch this YouTube video or try it out yourself in the program! Just click on the "Big Piano" button in the program!
Alternatively, you could select Windows | Big Piano Window within Band-in-a-Box.)
Using the Windows version of Band-in-a-Box? Click here for information on the Big Piano Window.
Posted at 09:56 AM
September 17, 2015 User Showcase Song - Soulless Confrontation
Except for the melody, the key change at the solo and the intro which I wrote last, this is the first song I've written almost entirely in Band In A Box from the beginning. I had an idea of the direction I wanted to go in. For the intro and key change I used my guitar to assist my limited knowledge of theory.
Realtracks: Drums JassFunkGrovin; Bass 1433; Elc piano 1437; Elc Gtr 1435; Horns 2110; Soloist Alto Sax 1441
All of the RealTracks are unedited. I must say Band In A Box is awesome.
I've been studying mixing on YouTube a lot lately for clarity of mix. My references are "Car Wheels On A Gravel Road" by Lucinda Williams and "Aja" by Steely Dan.
Musically I was going for that funky Steely Dan vibe. I also wanted to mimic their cryptic lyrical approach. It does tell a story from my life but not explicitly. As it's funky, and soulful I thought the title would hold the proper irony.
Posted at 08:58 AM
September 16, 2015 64-Bit VST Plugin Support in Band-in-a-Box 2015!
One of the features added with Band-in-a-Box 2015 for Windows is support for 64-bit VST Plugins when you use jBridge.
Watch this video to see how easy it is:
You can purchase jBridge directly from us for the great low price of just $10. Click here for more information.
jBridge can also be used with PowerTracks Pro Audio 2015!
Posted at 11:06 AM
September 16, 2015 Another Great Video Testimonial - George Urbaszek's take on Band-in-a-Box!
Endorsing Artist George Urbaszek explains how he uses Band-in-a-Box to create play-along tracks for almost all of his bass lesson videos and for many of his face-to-face lessons!
Watch George's testimonial here:
All of the video testimonials are on our website at
Besides the experience of being a stylistically-versatile professional bass player for 40 years and a university lecturer for jazz and contemporary music for 23 years, George has been teaching bass to students on YouTube and to his course subscribers at!
Posted at 10:58 AM
September 16, 2015 User Showcase Song - Loveland
Recent recording. BIAB/RB Bossa/Nylon/Quartet my favorite guys with sync pad strings: Meet you all in Loveland!
Strings are RB synth pad Pop Shining Strings
I am constantly amazed by the PG Music product, without which I would never be able to do what I do, at least not without a great deal more effort. This forum, along with its talented users, and the PG Music musicians is remarkable!
Posted at 09:08 AM
September 15, 2015 User Showcase Song - Joalah Jam
Was re-mixing a few songs last weekend thinking about what to post next and instead did this quick guitar piece over the following real tracks. I’ll get back to the original task…..
I played the Stratocaster lead.
RealTracks in style: ~1433:Bass, Electric, JazzFunkGroovin Ev16 110
RealTracks in style: ~1437:Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkGroovin Ev16 110
RealTracks in style: ~1435:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkGroovinChords Ev16 110
RealDrums in style: JazzFunkGroovin^1-a:HHSdStk, b:HHSnr
Posted at 10:00 AM
September 15, 2015 Performing TODAY - Josie & Megz Cooper!
A FREE registration to will give you access to a great show this afternoon!
Forum user JosieC will be broadcasting LIVE with her sister for a "Josie & Megz Cooper Folk Troubadours" performance this afternoon at 3pm.
It's an extra-special performance taking place at fellow Forum User Don Gaynor's Nursing Home in Oklahoma!
If you can, make some time to check it out!
Posted at 09:57 AM
September 14, 2015 Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks!
MIDI SuperTracks are generated using a different engine than typical MIDI Style tracks for Band-in-a-Box - MIDI SuperTracks are not based on patterns; they use actual MIDI playing from musicians! You can add a MIDI Supertrack to any track or style, and they play like other MIDI tracks.
Learn more about MIDI SuperTracks:
Listen to demos: MIDI SuperTracks Site
Have you used MIDI SuperTracks in your song? Let's hear it!
Using the Mac version of Band-in-a-Box? Click here for the Mac video!
Posted at 10:42 AM
September 14, 2015 DigiTech TRIO - Uses Band-in-a-Box Styles!
The DigiTech TRIO Band Creator Guitar Effects Pedal won Best of Show at NAMM 2015 this past January, and now it's available for purchase! Although we do not sell it directly, visit for a list of vendors.
The Styles that the TRIO uses just happen to be by Band-in-a-Box!
Watch a video of the DigiTech Trio Band Creator Guitar Effects Pedal here:
Posted at 09:02 AM
September 14, 2015 User Showcase Song - "The Contrafact"
The Contrafact - A "contrafact", by definition, is the act of using the chord progression of an existing song as it comes, and construct a new melody on top. It doesn't have to end there though, for quite often this (very legit!) method of music making will also include creating an entirely new instrumentation, a different rhythm & key, shift around or cut parts and whatnot. In my case here I have in fact done all of the above, except the key remains unchanged.
Now, this one is a bit of an oddity for me, I admit, was probably more of an experimentation at the time. The song (originally written in the 80's) is named thus for two reasons. One, I've recently learned that making a song in the way I have done here does in fact have a name, as explained above, and I just thought that word sounded fine as a name for the song since that's precisely what the song is. And the other reason, I simply couldn't remember its original name! grin
Right, as I don't expect any of you to correctly guess the song from where I 'lifted' the chords, I'll resist the "turn it into a game" temptation, for a change wink - It is from "The Model", by Kraftwerk (kudos if anyone here has even heard of them, they weren't exactly msainstream in Europe, let alone known overseas!).
And now for the 'Formalities':
Style is _BOGG70S.STY
UserTracks in song: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FunkyTriplets Sw 120*
RealTracks in style: 2362:Bass, Electric, MotownFunkyTriplets Sw 120
RealTracks in style: 956:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieGrittyA-B Sw 110
RealTracks in song: 2363:Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm MotownFunkyTripletsJohn Sw 120
RealDrums: RealDrums in Song: LaPopJazzLiteSw
*My own UT
Posted at 08:52 AM
September 11, 2015 "Hot Keys" - Keyboard Shortcuts for Band-in-a-Box Commands
Did you know that most commands within Band-in-a-Box have a "Hot Keys" shortcut, which you might find very useful!
For example, here are just a few for Band-in-a-Box for Windows:
-Ctrl+W: Toggle Notation and Chord Sheet windows
-Ctrl+O: Movable Notation window
-Alt+W: Lead Sheet window
-Ctrl+T: Put Notation/Chords at top of screen
-Ctrl+Shift+A: Audio Edit window
-Ctrl+Shift+D: Drum Kit window
-Ctrl+Shift+G: Guitar window
-Ctrl+Shift+J: Ear training window
-Ctrl+Shift+L: Big Lyrics window
-Ctrl+Shift+N: Big Piano window
-Ctrl+Shift+S: DAW Window
For a complete list: "Hot Keys" for Band-in-a-Box for Windows
Mac users, use this information: "Hot Keys" for Band-in-a-Box for Mac
(This list is also available in the Band-in-a-Box User's Guide and in the Help Menu)
Posted at 10:22 AM
September 11, 2015 Seeking Video Testimonials from Band-in-a-Box users like YOU
In June we announced that we'd started a new Video Testimonials Page and that we are seeking Video Testimonials from Band-in-a-Box users like YOU.
Want some inspiration? Visit our Video Testimonials page at to see the videos already submitted.
If you’re video is selected, we'll send you a Band-in-a-Box EverythingPAK!
How to Enter:
Create a video testimonial that explains who you are and the kind of music you create.
Be sure to answer:
-What style of music do you prefer?
-How do you use Band-in-a-Box?
Other information you can include:
-How did you hear about the program?
-How long have you been using the program for?
-Do you use the Windows or the Mac version?
-What are you favorite features of Band-in-a-Box?
-Which Band-in-a-Box features do you use the most?
The video should be 2-10 minutes long. We’re looking for a variety of video styles. You could:
-Star in the video on your own.
-Have someone interview you.
-Use a screenshot of Band-in-a-Box while you’re working with it.
-Use images and recordings of you performing with your Band-in-a-Box songs.
...Get creative!
For information on how to create your video testimonial, click here.
Posted at 08:16 AM
September 11, 2015 User Showcase Song - Run
I have been looking at a lot of American Civil war videos lately and was inspired to write this.
Its also a little old time gospel mix as-well.
All comments welcome.
Title: Driving Bluegrass
File:Driving Bluegrass.SGU
Key=C , Tempo 100, Length (m:s)=3:07
2 bar intro, 72 bar chorus, from bar 3 to bar 74. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _FIDRHYT.STY (Driving Bluegrass (100 RS))
RealTracks in style: ~592:Bass, Acoustic Bluegrass Doc Ev 100
RealTracks in style: ~599:Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100
RealTracks in style: ~598:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Bluegrass Doc Ev 100
Composed with Band in a Box and Real Band.
Mixed with sonar. Vocals and harmonies my self.
Posted at 08:13 AM
September 10, 2015 Donyea Goodman - Band-in-a-Box Video Testimonial
Donyea has been a Band-in-a-Box Endorsing Artist for years! Now he shares his thoughts on the program with our latest Video Testimonial.
Watch it here:
See all our Video Testimonials on the Video Testimonials Page.
You can still send us your video - click here for more information.
Posted at 11:22 AM
September 10, 2015 User Showcase Song - You'll Never Fall In Love Again
Years ago, my wife and I helped a dear friend of hers pack up an apartment after her marriage failed.
It was a sad thing to witness...
RealTracks in style: 366:Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065
RealTracks in style: ~365:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 1856:Cello, Background PopCountry Ev 085
1767 Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 085
1006 Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment, PopCaliforniaSlow Ev 085
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2058:Strings, Rhythm CelticAir Ev 085
RealDrums in Song: NashvilleEven8^1-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Harmonies: the janettes (Janice Merritt and me)
Once again... Janice & Bud - Thanks, guys!
Posted at 09:29 AM
September 09, 2015 User Showcase Song - Night Time Angel
Forum user c_fogle shared his song 'Night Time Angel' on our User Showcase Forum.
Song Summary:
Title: Night Time Angel
Style: _POPCALP.STY (PopCalypso Even 8ths [100RS])
RealTracks include:
RealTracks in style: 1174:Bass,
RealTracks in style: 1422:Piano,
RealTracks in style: 1175:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm
RealTracks in style: 1177:Guitar, High-Strung Acoustic, Rhythm
RealTracks in song: 410:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Cowboy Ev 165
RealTracks in song: 1530:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopPower Ev 120
RealDrums in style: PopCalypso^1-a:Snare, Closed HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Key=C , Tempo 101, Length (m:s)=5:58
No intro. 152 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 152.
Posted at 12:23 PM
September 08, 2015 RealTracks Artist Byron House - September Performance with The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band!
On September 14th the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band will be performing in Nashville. The event, called Americana Association presents, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Friends Circlin' Back Celebrating 50 Years, includes Sam Bush on mandolin, Jerry Douglas on resonator guitar, and RealTracks Artist Byron House on bass. Read more about this event here.
Learn more about Byron and listen to demos of his RealTracks when you visit his RealTracks Artist Bio page.
Posted at 10:24 AM
September 08, 2015 Make your own MIDI Style in Band-in-a-Box with the Style Wizard!
Have you created a MIDI file in Band-in-a-Box that you'd like to turn in to a Style? With the Style Wizard in Band-in-a-Box for Windows, you can!
The Style Wizard allows you to quickly make your own simple or advanced styles from a standard MIDI file - without requiring any knowledge of the StyleMaker! Novice users will appreciate the automated option that "does everything" to make the style while advanced users will appreciate the custom options to control which bars from the MIDI file are included in the style, how many pattern variations, and more.
Watch the support video here:
Posted at 09:26 AM
September 08, 2015 User Showcase Song - Swingin' Piano
Here is a piece I created using the Roland SD-50 Sound Canvas and Real Drums.
The instruments are acoustic bass, piano and Jazz Brushes RealDrums.
I hope you anjoy this 1950s style piece.
Posted at 09:25 AM
September 04, 2015 Testimonial - Band-in-a-Box Basics by David Snyder
We've just uploaded the latest video testimonial from user David Snyder!
Click here to watch all the videos we've received so far!
You can still send us your video - Click here for more information
Posted at 10:21 AM
September 04, 2015 The Video Help Button in Band-in-a-Box 2015
One of the GUI updates that was added with Band-in-a-Box 2015 was the Video Tutorial button you'll find in more than 40 of the various dialog windows!
For example, the MIDI Tracks | MIDI SuperTracks Window has one (you'll find it on the bottom right of the Window), which opens up this video on our website! And, any related videos will also list on the video page!
Posted at 08:25 AM
September 04, 2015 User Showcase Song - Django in June
"Django in June" (instrumental)
6 of 7 - Tangled Roots Project
This is the sixth track of my Tangled Roots project.
I grew up both in Belgium and the US, and my dad loved and listened to all kinds of music. He introduced me to the music of Django Reinhardt, and the Hot Club of France. I have always had a great interest in and affection for Gypsy Jazz, or Jazz Manouche as it's called in French. It is an incredible hybrid of Roma, European, and American influences.
"Django in June" is New England's premier occasion to celebrate, study and just plain enjoy the musical tradition associated with this music. There is Django Camp, which gives musicians the opportunity to immerse themselves for 5 days under the tutelage of world-class artists from both sides of the Atlantic, on the campus of Smith College in Northampton, MA. Locals and many visitors attend a grand finale of weekend concerts at the historic Academy of Music in downtown Northampton, MA. We go every year, and have seen and met (Tim Kliphuis in particular!) some of the Gypsy Jazz RealTracks contributors who are featured in BiaB.
I can't really play this music at any level of proficiency, but I can write changes, so I put together this song and arrangement in BiaB (with the most post-edits in Logic Pro X of any track in this series) as a tribute!
Posted at 08:03 AM
September 03, 2015 Video - Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin Mode
With Band-in-a-Box's Drag-and-Drop Plugin Mode you can drag-and-drop MIDI and audio (WAV) tracks from Band-in-a-Box to your favorite sequencer. Work in your favorite sequencer, type a progression in Band-in-a-Box, and then simply drag the track from Band-in-a-Box to your sequencer’s track at the desired track and bar location!
We've created a short support video... watch it here.
Posted at 09:29 AM
September 03, 2015 User Showcase Song - Can't Help It
This is a corny love song I wrote about 5 years ago. Had a few hours off so I thought I would rework it. All the instruments are RT/RD, with some percussion and brass added by me. Hope you enjoy it!
Here are the RealTracks/RealDrums used...
RealTracks in song: 909:Bass, Electric, SmoothPoppy Ev16 090
RealTracks in song: 380:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Syncopated Sugar Ev 102
RealTracks in song: 998:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockLACrispSync Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 575:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues BB Ev 085 ('B' only)
RealTracks in song: 674:Organ, B3, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1170:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockMediumBrent Ev 120 (Bluesy)
RealDrums in Song: PraiseWorshipShine^01-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 09:16 AM
September 03, 2015 #TBT - Band-in-a-Box Japanese 7.0 for Mac
Look at what we came across in the Marketing Office - Band-in-a-Box 7.0 Japanese for Mac!
This version was available in 1997!
Click here to see the retail box.
Posted at 09:03 AM
September 02, 2015 Our Forums - A GREAT Resource!
Did you know we have a very active Forum on our website?
You can post your original songs, share videos, post some Band-in-a-Box tips, ask questions about the program, make program suggestions in the Wishlist section, and even share some jokes and other stories in the Off-Topic forum.
Our Forum is packed with some AMAZING people - check it out!
Posted at 02:47 PM
September 02, 2015 Video - The Chord Builder in Band-in-a-Box
The Chord Builder feature allows you to hear and build chords up by clicking on the root, extension and alternate slash root if applicable - and it's a great way to test out chords to input into your song!
Watch the video:
Wondering what chords are recognized by Band-in-a-Box? Find out here:
Posted at 08:26 AM
September 02, 2015 User Showcase Song - I Wanna Be in a Boy Band
Having recently read how much One Direction each made, apparently 27 million UK pounds in 5 years, I thought I would resurrect this song with RTs etc 'cos I now, again grin , wanna be in a boyband! But I can't decide which version. Do I want a personal trainer or
I wrote this last century hence the reference to Blink 182.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: PUNK
Style is BLINK_1.STY (Blink 1 - Top 40 Grunge)
Style MIDI Instruments are : Muted Electric Guit (29), Overdrive Guitar (30), Distorted Rock Guit (31), Pad-Poly Synth (91),
MIDI Drums :1 Standard Drum Kit (1)
RealTracks in style: ~~362:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 900:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming FolkRockWaltz Ev 150
RealTracks in style: ~389:Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 165
RealTracks in style: ~392:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal Ev 165
RealTracks in song: 641:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 (B:sync)
RealDrums in Song: RockTexasBlues^01-a:Snare, Open HiHat , b:Snare, Crash Ride
RealTracks in song: 640:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash Ev 085 (A:16ths)
and me on my Heritage Les Paul in the noisy bits.
extra drums from Titanic Soundfont using the BIAB midi drum file because at a speed of 210 the snare hits of the Realdrums sounded dreadful.
Flute from Emu Proteus, sequenced arpeggios from NI FM7
Posted at 08:15 AM
September 01, 2015 We'd Still LOVE to See Your Video Testimonial!
In June we announced that we'd started a new Video Testimonials Page and that we are seeking Video Testimonials from Band-in-a-Box users like YOU.
If you’re video is selected, we'll send you a Band-in-a-Box EverythingPAK!
Want some inspiration? Visit our Video Testimonials page at to see the videos already submitted.
For information on how to create your video testimonial, click here.
Posted at 09:13 AM
September 01, 2015 Video - The Soloist & Melodist Sequencer in Band-in-a-Box
Ever notice that little green Sequencer button in Band-in-a-Box? This powerful little button allows you control each channel on the Melody or Soloist track in Band-in-a-Box. For example, you might want a single instrument out of a MIDI file you import into Band-in-a-Box, so the Melody Sequencer allows you to rechannel, or delete specific channels.
Watch this video to see how this feature works:
Posted at 08:31 AM
September 01, 2015 User Showcase Song - The Miracle Mile
Forum User: 44kfl
The Miracle Mile
© 2015 K Leverett 8/09/15
Bass: 2260 Funky Groove 60s
Drums: Funky Groove 60s
Piano: 2157 Electric Vintage
Guitar: 2158 Funky Groove 60s
Guitar: 637 Roots Rock Dirty
Guitar: 1167 Soloist - Brent
Horn Section: 2348 Funk 2 Part
Posted at 08:28 AM
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