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August 03, 2017  -  Cory Pesaturo - Will He Break The World Record?

RealTracks Artist Cory Pesaturo has an exciting weekend ahead of him... he will be attempting to break the world record for Longest Accordion Playing, starting on August 4th!

The record to beat? 31 hours 25 min! Cory has planned to play for 33-36 hours, and we think he can do it!

Check out the announcement and explanation of "world records" here:

Follow along as Cory attemps to break this record:

Cory's Accordion RealTracks can be found in RealTracks Set 268: Gypsy, Accordion, Piano, and Guitar - learn more about Cory and listen to demos of his RealTracks when you visit his RealTracks Artist Bio page.

Posted on August 3, 2017 09:37 AM

Entries from August 2017:

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