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October 25, 2017  -  RealTracks Artist Paul Franklin CMA 2017 Musician of the Year Nomination!

Congratulations to RealTracks Artist Paul Franklin, who has been nominated for the 2017 CMA Award: Musician of the Year! We will all find out if he is a winner on Wednesday, November 8th.

You can add Paul Franklin's Pedal Steel playing to your own songs when you use one of his RealTracks Sets:
RealTracks Set 132: Paul Franklin - Pedal Steel Country Soloing
RealTracks Set 149: Pedal Steel Country with Paul Franklin
RealTracks Set 182: More Pedal Steel Country with Paul Franklin

Learn more about Paul Franklin when you visit his RealTracks Artist Bio page.

All the CMA Awards nominees list at

Posted on October 25, 2017 11:54 AM

Entries from October 2017:

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