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October 30, 2017  -  User Showcase Song - Reflections of Hope

I dusted off my old "Sam Ash Special" $80 Ibanez acoustic guitar and decided to play the guitar solo. The piano sound is Alicia's Keys in Kontakt 5. Most of the orchestration is EastWest Hollywood Strings, Brass, Woodwinds, and Percussion. All recorded in Logic Pro X with my M-Audio KeyStudio 49. The guitar is just single-mic'd with my MXL Live Series mic.

I'm calling this one Reflections Of Hope. I hope you enjoy it! (I will try to get to listen to some of the great songs I have been missing over the next few days.)

RealTrack used:
RealTracks in song: ~2474:Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085

To listen on SoundCloud...
Reflections Of Hope - SoundCloud

Reflections Of Hope - Video

Posted on October 30, 2017 09:24 AM

Entries from October 2017:

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