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October 26, 2017  -  WOW - PowerTracks Pro Audio 6!

Take a look at the PowerTracks Pro Audio 6.0 release announcement!
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Released in December 1999, some of the new features included in PowerTracks Pro Audio 6.0 were:
-Multiple sound card support
-An enhanced Jukebox
-Track names added to the Bars view
-File association with Windows 95/98 (the same as we have for Band-in-a-Box, where you click on a file - in this case SEQ - and it will open in PowerTracks without asking you what program to open it in...)
-6 NEW Audio Plug-ins!
• Pitch-Shift - allows you to transpose the pitch without changing the original tempo.
• De-Ess - full-featured de-esser useful for helping to eliminate this excessive sibilance.
• AutoWah - envelope-controlled filter can add a unique "synthetic" sound to audio tracks.
• Exciter - long considered the "magic black box" used in professional recording studios.
• Enhancer - a specialized plugin that provides an extra boost to any digital audio track.
• Hum Filter - eliminate or reduce any unwanted Low AC hum (or buzz).
...and more!

Posted on October 26, 2017 12:27 PM

Entries from October 2017:

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