News Archives
January 2018
January 31, 2018 Video RealTracks for Band-in-a-Box® for Windows!
The newest version of Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows works with the new Video RealTracks Add-ons - there are 40 available! These allow you to see the actual footage of the musician playing along with your song!
Learn more about the Video RealTracks available at, and with this video:
See how program user Joanne Cooper uses Video RealTracks when you read through her recent blog post.
Posted at 01:59 PM
January 31, 2018 Blog Post - How to use the new Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Video RealTracks
Forum user Joanne Cooper has created a great blog post showing her steps for using the new Video RealTracks feature for Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows!
Read Joanne's blog post at:
Joanne has announced her blog post to our forum - join the conversation:
Posted at 11:38 AM
January 31, 2018 User Showcase Song - Atlanta
I found that if I nudged the Mandolin tracks forward or back in a few spots it gave a looser more live feel to the overall sound. Big thanks to all that listen and comment, Tom
Vocals, Electric Guitars, Additional Pedal Steel, Tom Adams
Recorded in Logic Pro X
Plug Ins : Nectar 2, Neutron 2, Ozone 8, Tonal Balance, Waves LinMB, Waves, L3-LL Multi Limiter, Scuffam Amps S-Gear
RealTracks: 1430:Mandolin, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 180
RealTracks: 1948:Mandolin, Rhythm PopUpliftingAndy Ev16 120
RealTracks: 406:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 136
Royalty Free Loops
Original forum post:
Posted at 11:33 AM
January 30, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows - Adjusting the StylePicker Font Size
If you're looking through the StylePicker in Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows and want to adjust the font size... you can! The option to change the font size of the text in the StylePicker list is in the StylePicker Options dialog.
To get to this window: Within the StylePicker, select [Action...] | Set Dialog Options...
Then you can choose from the font sizes 8, 10, 12, and 14!
Posted at 12:28 PM
January 30, 2018 User Showcase Song - Bottom Dollar Blues
Any of you who have given your undivided attention to Ms. Belladonna's posts to the User's Forum should already know that she writes lyrics you can see, taste, feel, hear, and smell. She conjures up a sense a place, of time, and reveals character with an economy of poetic expression that I personally find stunning.
The lyrics she dreamed up for "Bottom Dollar Blues" were so electrifying to me that the music came to me almost immediately upon reading them. This is my second collaboration with a User's Forum member, and it was absolutely, positively, e-x-h-i-l-a-r-a-t-i-n-g smile.
Ms. Belladonna, you are an artist. Thank you for allowing me to keep the ad-libs!
Style is _BCJO110.STY (Boom Chick Joe Train Guitars 110)
Key = Ab, Tempo @ 120, Meter = 4/4
8 bar intro.
RealTracks in style: 2421:Bass, Acoustic, RockabillySlapBoomChicka Ev16 100 (Dave Roe)
RealTracks in style: 2514:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickJoe Ev16 110 (Joe Robinson)
RealTracks in style: 2513:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking BoomChickHighJoe Ev16 110 (Joe Robinson)
RealTracks in song: 433:Banjo, Bluegrass Ev 130 ( Scott Vestal, Soloist)
RealTracks in song: 601, Fiddle, Soloist, Train, Country, Ev 130 (Wanda Vicks, Soloist)
RealDrums in style: Country Train: a: Brushes Soft b: Brushes Hard (Shawn Soucy)
Original forum post:
Posted at 08:49 AM
January 30, 2018 Announcing... The Birth of a Song – Extended Version! (with Floyd Jane)
We recently shared the project we worked on with Floyd Jane: The Birth of a Song with a short (under 6 min) video link.
But it can take longer than 5 minutes to explain the songwriting process! The project is complete, and in this extended version of the video (it's over an hour long!), Songwriter Floyd Jane shows in detail the songwriting process from inspiration to performance and publication. Video Link:
The idea for this project came about when many members on this forum and elsewhere were asking questions about the song writing process. There are many aspects, and many parts of it necessary to create a song, get it arranged, performed, and then published on the internet. So we asked the great songwriter Floyd Jane, who is a regular member on this forum, if he could help. Floyd agreed and was even able to collaborate with other forum members, Janice and Bud. The result is this video we put together that you can see on YouTube
A big Thank You to Floyd for sharing your knowledge with the community and making this possible, and to Janice and Bud for your great collaboration!!
Posted at 08:45 AM
January 29, 2018 The 2017 User Showcase Awards!
Over the past year (2017), we've had over 1,050 new original compositions posted to the User Showcase. Wow! Now there are over 6,000 songs in the User Showcase Forum! There were contributions from 139 different people during the year from 25 countries: Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jersey Channel Islands, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and The United States of America!
We'd like to thank and recognize these amazing contributions that people have made. So, we have announced the "Top 40" User Showcase Awards... to the top 41 contributors of 2017 – and each of them will receive a free Band-in-a-Box® 2018 UltraPAK for Windows (including the 2018 49-PAK!).
Click here to review the winners list.
Thank you to all the creative people who create, produce and share these wonderful songs!
Posted at 11:00 AM
January 29, 2018 User Showcase Song - Casting Pearls Before Swine
Lyrics and Music copyright 2018 by David Snyder, ASCAP/Day of Faith
David Snyder, Vocals, Acoustic Guitars, Harmonica, Additional Instrumentation, Production
Recorded, Engineered, Mixed and Mastered at Day of Faith Studios
RealTracks in style: ~2478:Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 110
RealTracks in style: 1422:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopCalypso Ev 100
RealTracks in style: ~896:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm FolkRock Ev 100
RealDrums in style: TambourineEven8ths: a: Tambourine b: TambourineEven8ths
RealDrums: Nashville Even 16
Real Tracks: B3, Dreamy Guitar Brent
Original forum post:
Posted at 10:04 AM
January 29, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Build 510 Update Available!
Band-in-a-Box 2018 for Windows customers can download the latest free patch update here:
Summary of changes for Build 10:
Improved: New ABC notation features have been added:
- Complex Time Signatures
- Free Meter
- Grace Notes
- Lyrics (In Bar, Leica)
- Modal Key Signatures
- Multiple Voices
- Rests
- Ties
- Tuplets
- Voice Overlay
Improved: The drop station plus dialog will warn you if you do not select any file formats.
Fixed: New In 2018 menu item on the Category menu in StylePicker does nothing.
Fixed: Opening a .pat patch map file should start looking in the Synth Kits directory.
Fixed: Some audio devices would fail to connect when using a WAS (Windows Audio Session) driver.
Fixed: The [Demos...] button in the RealTracks Settings dialog did not work.
Fixed: The file open dialog would not filter file types.
Fixed: The old drop station image was used if loading a custom skin.
Fixed: Tip of the day wasn't showing new tips.
Updated: 2018 users guide.
Posted at 07:04 AM
January 25, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows - Improved GUI and Mixer!
With Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows, we've enhanced the Toolbar with skins support and the Display Options dialog has more customizable color items!
Within the Mixer, the Soloing/Muting functions are improved - now you can change the solo and the mute status of other tracks by right-clicking on a blue mute button. Plus, the floating Mixer window now has opacity controls: left-click on them to change the opacity by a significant amount, or right-click on them to change it by a small amount.
All of the new features for Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows list at
Posted at 09:59 AM
January 25, 2018 User Showcase Song - Chain and Ball
It's been a while since Chris and I did a blues song, so we thought it would be nice to start out 2018 getting back to the reason we got together in the first place.
New blues from Dave and Chris: Chain and Ball
The band
Drums: BluesRock 12/8
Bass: 1922
Organ: 2734
Mixed in reaper using plugins from Waves and Izotope, mastered with Ozone 8 and LMC.
Original Forum post:
Posted at 08:50 AM
January 24, 2018 Save Notation Window as a Video with Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows!
With Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows, you can make a video of the Notation Window! With Version 2015 we'd added the feature to save your song as a video with the chord sheet... and now with the ability to save a video of the Notation Window it's even easier to share your songs with other users, and you can LEARN from the notation as you listen!
From the Help file:
To make a video of the Notation Window, press the [Save As] button and select Save as Video from the menu. In the Make Notation Video dialog, select a track at the upper left corner. (Note: The dialog title says "Make Chord Sheet Video" until you select a track.) You can also set the dimension (width/height) of the video, and select the number of frames per second and a specific codec. Press the [OK - Render Video] button to start rendering the video.
Note: A special use of this feature is to combine a video RealTracks with the corresponding notation in a single video. This creates an educational video, which shows the actual performance with notation/tab, playing over your chord progression! To do this, right-click on the Master button or one of the track buttons at the top of the main screen and select Render Video(s) from the menu.
Posted at 11:37 AM
January 24, 2018 Introducing... RealTracks Artist Fintan O'Brien!
20 year old singer-songwriter Fintan O'Brien, from Victoria, BC (yes, that's PG Headquarters!) joins our RealTracks Artists this year with his contributions in RealTracks Set 287: Pop Songwriter: Acoustic Guitar.
Learn more about Fintan when you visit his RealTracks Artist Bio page.
Other RealTracks Artists included in this Set are Quinn Bachand and Colin Linden... that means that all the RealTracks you'll hear in Set 287: Pop Songwriter: Acoustic Guitar are contributed by CANADIAN MUSICIANS!
Posted at 10:28 AM
January 24, 2018 User Showcase Song - Maria Blue
Months after Hurricane Maria 675,000 Puerto Ricans are still without power. Kudos to the first responders, military men and women and charitable organizations for their service in Puerto Rico that often required them putting themselves in harm’s way. However, for many still suffering long after the storm it’s easy to understand their frustration and this song attempts to address their continuing plight.
YouTube video ( All images from the actual aftermath of Maria in Puerto Rico):
So…we’re late to the party but J&B finally gets into the “beats thing. ” But, hey, we did provide them ourselves with Janice on cajon and the two of us throwing in some handclaps.
Special thanks to floyd for joining in for the write and for the fine harmony (singing above that girl he is!)
Janice: lead vocal, melody, arrangement and percussion (cajon)
floyd: harmony, lyrics, arrangement and mix counsel
bud: lead vocal recording, arrangement, lyrics, mix, mastering and video stuff
Original Forum post:
Posted at 10:26 AM
January 23, 2018 RealDrums QuickList Feature in Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows!
With Band-in-a-Box 2018 for Windows, there is now a simpler dialog for choosing RealDrums, an alternative to the RealDrums Picker! To access the QuickList, right click on the Drums track button and select [QuickList] RealDrums in Style:...
Filter by genre, time signature, feel, temo, and text! As you add your critera, you will see the RealDrums listing update to exactly what you're looking for!
Posted at 09:30 AM
January 23, 2018 Feedback - The Way I Use Band-in-a-Box and How It Changed My Music Career
Thank you to forum user Torrey Bliss for their amazing feedback, The way I use Band In A Box and how it changed my music career!
"I wanted to put up a post about how I got started using Band In A Box in order to help someone who is just getting started using the program to be be able to see the potential uses of BIAB for a musician and explain my procedure when composing a song.
I began using BIAB about 10 years ago after seeing some things online about the program and thought it might work for me. I had just accepted a staff position as a worship leader at a medium size church (250-300 people) and had been put in charge of all music. The problem I immediately encountered was that there were no available musicians to help me. This is where BIAB saved the day. I was able to quickly construct many professional sounding songs that I would be able to use in the services and play my guitar or keyboards along with and provide an excellent set of music for our church to sing along with..."
Read through the entire post to learn Torrey's procedure, and add your own feedback!
Posted at 07:54 AM
January 23, 2018 User Showcase Song - Drowning
Thanks for listening to my song.
RealTracks in the song:
366: Bass, Electric
367: Guitar, Electric, Background Dreaming Ev 065
565: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Monday Sw65
Posted at 07:43 AM
January 22, 2018 Song Titles Browser Enhancements in Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows!
In 2016, we added the Song Title Browser feature to the StylePicker within Band-in-a-Box, which filters the styles listed using your criteria: familiar song title, artist name, genre type.... with Version 2018 we made it even better!
We've added 2,000 new song titles, the option to filter the lists, added subgenres, and more! Visit to see all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows.
Posted at 12:04 PM
January 22, 2018 YouTube Find - Triste - Hammond Organ + Band-in-a-Box®
Our latest search of "Band-in-a-Box" on YouTube has delivered some great videos, including this one by YouTube user Keith Horton!
YouTube Video - Triste - Hammond Organ + Band In A Box
Posted at 10:30 AM
January 22, 2018 User Showcase Song - Never Gonna Be That Guy
I just recently started working with a talented lyricist I met on Facebook named Skipper Laman. He was looking for someone who does country music to transform his lyrics into songs. He sent me these lyrics and let me have a go at it. I'll be releasing this later in the week as a single.
Never Gonna Be That Guy:
Tempo: 114bpm
Real Tracks...
2578: Bass, Synth, Retro Pop
2670: Pedal Steel, Background Hippy Train
2635: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Rock High
2634: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Blues Rock
1170: Guitar, Electric, Soloist Rock Medium Brent
Real Drums: Driving Pop 8ths
This song uses all real tracks from BIAB 2018. I Exported each track to Cubase 9 for editing and mixing. There was a fair amount of compression added to all of the guitar tracks (Including pedal steel.) For the drum I used a trick that David Snyder posted in the forums. I tripled the drum track then isolated the kick on one track and the snare on another using EQ. Then I mixed them with the original drum track to give it a little extra kick and snap. The solo was made from 2 different renderings of the Brent Mason solo real track. More song information & lyrics...
Posted at 10:06 AM
January 19, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows Features a Cleaned-up BB Folder
If you've used previous versions of Band-in-a-Box®, you may have noticed a lot of different files and folders within the "BB" folder for the program - after years and years of development there are up to 10,000 files for an UltraPAK! With Version 2018, we've cleaned it up - but you're not losing anything - the cleanup normally happens automatically during installation, but you can run it manually if you'd like - just select the main menu Help | Utilities | Run Cleanup routine...
Review all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows at
Posted at 02:08 PM
January 19, 2018 Introducing... RealTracks Artist Kirk "Jelly Roll" Johnson
One of our just-released RealTracks Sets features the award winning harmonica player Kirk "Jelly Roll" Johnson!
RealTracks Set 283: Jelly-Roll Country Harmonica
Add his harmonica playing to your Band-in-a-Box song for that soulful feel that cannot be matched!
Learn more about "Jelly Roll" Johnson and listen to demos of his RealTracks when you visit his RealTracks Artist Bio page.
Posted at 11:43 AM
January 19, 2018 User Showcase Song - When All The Trust Has Gone
I sometimes think it's a shame that Powertracks gets over-shadowed by BiaB and Realband.
It's such a good program and it's where I started out with PG products over twenty years ago, so
still in my back-to-basics mode, I gave the Realtracks and expensive plugins a miss this time and
did all the recording and masterering in Powertracks, to see what could be done for only $49.
So here it is - a fun bit of raw punk-rock.
Effects - Only PG's DXi effects were used.
Guitars - Telecaster, through a Peavey Backstage 50
Bass - Jazz, through a 70s British Carlsboro head
Drums - Drum Source sample player.
Vocals - SM57.
Posted at 11:42 AM
January 18, 2018 Beginners Forum - Exporting from Band-in-a-Box® to a .MID File
Our Forum is amazing - an online community full of helpful program users, BETA testers, endorsers, and staff!
We include a Beginners Forum, which is a great place for Band-in-a-Box beginners to visit for discussions & resources!
This week included a very active post, Exporting from Band-in-a-Box to a .MID file. Visit this post to learn more about exporting RealTracks as .MID files, and see our friendly forum users at work!
Posted at 10:26 AM
January 18, 2018 User Showcase Song - You're No Damn Good
I'm trying to get out of "lurker" mode, so here's my first track in 2018. Thanks to David Snyder for helping provide the motivation.
As always, comments and critiques welcome!
Style is _OLDCANR.STY (Old Time Canadian Reel)
Vocal Ooh-Aahs, Background Pop3-part Ev 085
Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm OldTimeCanadianReelQuinn Ev16 110
Bass, Acoustic Bluegrass Doc Ev 100
Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100
Fiddle, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100
Banjo, Rhythm, Pop16ths Ev 085
Guitar #2 is Session Guitarist Strummed Acoustic 2 (Tennessee style) because I figured I should start using some of the toys I been buying
Posted at 10:12 AM
January 17, 2018 Introducing... RealTracks Artist Colin Linden!
Have you heard the newest Guitar RealTracks from Colin Linden? You can find his RealTracks with:
RealTracks Set 279: Americana: Slow Groovin' 12-8 & 16ths
RealTracks Set 280: Americana: Gritty Blues & Rockabilly Swing
RealTracks Set 287: Pop Songwriter: Acoustic Guitar
RealTracks Set 299: Rootsy Blues Guitar & Piano
Learn more about Colin and listen to demos of his RealTracks when you visit his RealTracks Artist Bio.
Posted at 12:42 PM
January 17, 2018 The Band-in-a-Box® 2018 49-PAK with 40 Unreleased RealTracks!
Our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 49-PAK is still available, and includes 40 UNRELEASED RealTracks, Video RealTracks Set 1: Pop Ballad Band, Video RealTracks Set 2: Country TrainBeat Band, 32 MIDI SuperTracks, 108 Instrumental Studies, Artist Performance Set 8: Traditional Songs Sung by Béatrix Méthé, 40 AmpliTube Presets & 37 Associated Styles, and 52 Loops!
Add this to your Band-in-a-Box® Pro, MegaPAK, or PlusPAK purchase for just $49! Purchasing an UltraPAK or Audiophile Edition? As of January 16th, the 49-PAK is included in your purchase (uncompressed RealTracks files for the Audiophile too)!
Learn more about the 49-PAK and listen to demos at
Posted at 12:20 PM
January 17, 2018 User Showcase Song - Paper Plane
Here's a simple song called Paper Plane
All BIAB Tracks:
366: Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065
362: Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085
362: Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085
2446: Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background Ev 065
RealDrums: NashvilleEven16 Sidestick HiHat
Thanks for listening
Posted at 12:17 PM
January 16, 2018 User Showcase Song - This Far
Play it loud!
RealTracks in song: 1522:Bass, Electric, PopPower8s Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1257:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningRock8ths Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 380:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Syncopated Sugar Ev 102
RealTracks in song: 671:Organ, B3, Background Southern Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 2604:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JazzRock8thsJon Ev 120
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2103:Piano, Rhythm PopShiningA-B Ev 120 (rendered w TruePianos)
RealTracks in song: 1169:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockMediumBrent Ev 120 (for big chords)
RealTracks in song: 2541:Pedal Steel, Background ModernPopCountry Ev 110
Royalty free loops
I played an acoustic guitar track.
Harmonies by Janice Merritt (recorded and processed by Bud Merritt)
Janice & Bud - Big Time THANKS!!
Comments encouraged. Thanks for listening!
Posted at 07:35 AM
January 16, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 For Windows Build 509 Update Available!
Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows customers can download this free patch update at
Summary of changes:
Added: The drop station has MP3 and WMAL (lossless WMA) quadrants added.
Fixed: "Drag Audio as MP3" setting in the Plugin settings did not work when dragging a file to Windows Explorer.
Fixed: "Pause Play until MIDI or key received" setting did not work if using WAS audio drivers.
Fixed: Band-in-a-Box Server was unable to communicate with BB2018.
Fixed: Choosing a drum kit file in the MIDI/Audio Driver Setup dialog would fail with error "Unable to install patch/drum map for...".
Fixed: Disabling "Include 2 bar lead-in" setting in the Render Song to Audio File dialog would cause videos to be out of sync.
Fixed: It was not possible to type the # sharp character into the chord sheet if using a French keyboard.
Fixed: Some Amplitube TGS files and styles were missing in certain installations.
Fixed: Song would stop playing at bar 8 after rendering to an audio file.
Fixed: The Practice Window songs would not load with error "This directory does not exist...".
Fixed: The Tip of the Day dialog was not displaying any tips.
Fixed: The Tuner, MIDI Monitor, and Drum Kit window were always displaying in English instead of the user's language.
Posted at 07:29 AM
January 15, 2018 Today is the LAST DAY of our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows Special!
Our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows special ends at 11:59 PST TONIGHT!
It's your last chance to order with some amazing upgrade pricing, Bonus PAKs, discounted Xtra Styles PAKs, and Video RealTracks bundles!
Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows purchase options:
Bonus PAKs information:
Video RealTracks offers:
Xtra Styles PAKs special pricing:
Posted at 10:04 AM
January 15, 2018 User Showcase Song - Melancholy Rain
Hello, forum friends. Happy New Year to all!
This is my first post for 2018.
At the end of last December, our music circle held a regular recording session scheduled twice a year.
The session consists of two parts, the students’ session and the teachers’ session.
This song was written for the students’ session.
I would like to introduce you two versions with the same score, which are the BIAB (all MIDI) version and the live band version.
Any comments encouraged.
Always welcome.
Shigeki Adachi
Title: 愁雨(しゅうう) ~時が止まるほどに~ (Translation: Melancholy Rain ; As if the time stopped)
Vocal: Tsuyoshi Tamada (our music circle friend)
Link of BIAB version:
Link of Live Band version:
Style MIDI Instruments are :
Acoustic Piano (1) assigned to Acoustic Piano (Steinberg The Grand3),
Fretless Bass (36) assigned to Fretless Bass (EastWest Colosus),
Pad Slow (90) assigned to strings (EastWest Symphonic Orchestra),
MIDI Drums :41 Brushes Kit (41) assigned to Drums (Toontrack Superior Drummer),
Additional 1st violins (EastWest Symphonic Orchestra),
Additional Oboe (EastWest Symphonic Orchestra)
Additional Timpani & Cymbal Roll (EastWest Symphonic Orchestra),
Scored by me.
Posted at 10:01 AM
January 12, 2018 Xtra Styles PAKs - Order Now... Sale Ends January 15th!
Hurry... all of our Xtra Styles PAKs on SALE, but only until January 15th! Purchase any Xtra Styles PAK (1 - 4) for just $29 each! (reg. $49)
The recently released Xtra Styles PAK 4 has over 150 new RealStyles for Rock-Pop, Jazz, Country, and 'Folk and Beyond' styles, which work with the RealTracks included in any Band-in-a-Box® version 2017 or higher UltraPAK/UltraPlusPAK, EverythingPAK, or Audiophile Edition!
Listen to all the demos of these new Xtra Styles here, or check out this video:
Posted at 11:45 AM
January 12, 2018 It's the LAST WEEKEND of our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows Special!
Our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows special ends on January 15th... it's your last weekend to order with some amazing upgrade pricing, Bonus PAKs, discounted Xtra Styles PAKs, and Video RealTracks bundles!
Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows purchase options:
(learn more about the new features:
Bonus PAKs information:
Video RealTracks offers:
Xtra Styles PAKs special pricing:
Posted at 11:36 AM
January 12, 2018 User Showcase Song - Nobody Else's Fault But Mine
When it’s all said and done, it’s back to the blues…
RealTracks in song: ~956:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBoogieGrittyA-B Sw 110
RealTracks in song: 2729:Organ, Rhythm BluesShuffleMike Sw 130
RealTracks in song: ~425:Organ, B3, Background Blues Sw 120
RealTracks in song: 385:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Chuck Sw 102
Royalty Free Loops
Electric Guitars and Vocals, Tom Adams
Recorded in Logic Pro X
Plug Ins : Scuffam Amps S-Gear, Nectar 2, Neutron 2, Ozone 8, Tonal Balance, Waves LinMB, Waves, L3-LL Multi Limiter
Posted at 11:13 AM
January 11, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows Bonus PAKs are Almost Gone!
Purchase your copy of Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows during our special, which ends on January 15th, and it will include a FREE BONUS PAK!* Time is running out...
You can also choose to upgrade your Free Bonus PAK to the 2018 49-PAK for an additional $49! This will and add Video RealTracks Set 2: Country TrainBeat Band, ALL 40 UNRELEASED RealTracks, 22 MIDI SuperTracks, 101 Instrumental Studies, and Artist Performance Set 8: Traditional Songs Sung by Béatrix Méthé.
The Free Bonus PAK includes Video RealTracks Set 1: Pop Ballad Band, 10 MIDI SuperTracks, 7 Instrumental Studies, 40 AmpliTube Presets & 37 Associated Styles bonus and 52 Loops - learn more at
*The $49 Pro Upgrade does not include the Free Bonus PAK, any RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks or other Add-ons.
Posted at 01:39 PM
January 11, 2018 Autumn Leaves Video Tutorial - Band-in-a-Box Backing Tracks!
Forum user Lot2Learn recently shared their Autumn Leaves - Jazz Piano Tutorial video to our I just heard Band-in-a-Box on YouTube forum, it's approaching 1.7 million views!
Make sure you watch this incredible tutorial video!
Posted at 12:58 PM
January 11, 2018 User Showcase Song - The Hard Way
A little rock song of regret & lessons learned.
Leon vocal & lyric
I sang a bit and played the guitars.
The Band:
RealTracks in style: ~684:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 2719:Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Ev 120
RealTracks in style: ~405:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 120
RealDrums in style: NashvilleEven8^5-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 12:48 PM
January 10, 2018 Songwriting Feedback - "Why This Forum Matters"
Our Forum is a great resource when you're wanting to discuss Band-in-a-Box (or other PG Music Inc. programs), but it's so much more!
In addition to the different sections we have for our products (Band-in-a-Box, RealBand, PowerTracks, and Other PG Music Programs), there are also places on our Forum to share your songs, YouTube videos, ask for tech help for problems not related to our software, "off topic" discussions, and more!
Forum user David Snyder shared his thoughts on Why This Forum Matters in his recent Songwriting post, which has some great feedback, including:
It occurred to me this morning that it is the group effort that counts. That is, one kind word about another member's song, one piece of encouragement or generous suggestion, might cause that person to write the greatest song ever written, which might then go on to have a massive impact on some stranger's life, cause someone to fall in love, or turn their life around, and literally change the course of history. Because songs do that.
OR, one kind word given to YOU might cause you to write the greatest song ever written in the coming year, and that song could go on to have an impact on untold thousands. Who knows! It happens all the time.
But the point is, it is not about any one of us, it is about all of us, the group.
Read through the whole conversation (and join in!):
...and a big THANK YOU to David for sharing his thoughts!
Posted at 01:33 PM
January 10, 2018 User Performances with Band-in-a-Box® 2018 & Video RealTracks!
New with the release of Band-in-a-Box® 2018... Video RealTracks!
With Video RealTracks, you can see the actual footage of the musician playing along with your song and create a video with them too!
Don't take our word for it though... here are two videos created by program users just like you using the newest Video RealTracks feature:
Posted at 01:06 PM
January 10, 2018 User Showcase Song - Blue Sky Thinking
This one started life as _Resolve Style but once I'd substituted the RealDrums for a more hard hitting one, it took on a life of its own.
Guitar is my "budget" Strat - a Harley-Benton ST-62, £79 NEW ($110?) which I use for practise and to keep the pressure off my HandBuilt one. In the end I used it for recording as I quite liked the twangy tone I got.
Style is _RESOLVE.STY (Resolve Steady Driving Country)
RealTracks in style: ~684:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 2535:Guitar, Electric, HeldChords Gritty
RealTracks in style: ~405:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1850:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningGrittyMuted Ev 120
RealDrums in Song: RockHardLA^1-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Loose HiHat
Posted at 01:05 PM
January 09, 2018 Xtra Styles PAKs for Band-in-a-Box® - Special Ends January 15th!
Purchase any Xtra Styles PAK Volume 1-4 for the low price of just $29 each until January 15th!
It's a great time to add the newest Xtra Styles PAK 4 to your collection with over 150 new RealStyles for Rock-Pop, Jazz, Country, and 'Folk and Beyond'! These work with the RealTracks included in any Band-in-a-Box® version 2017 or higher UltraPAK/UltraPlusPAK, EverythingPAK, or Audiophile Edition!
Learn more:
Xtra Styles PAKs for Windows
Xtra Styles PAKs for Mac
Posted at 10:30 AM
January 09, 2018 User Showcase Song - Counting the Moments
Hi all. Hope every one has had a safe holiday season.
Wrote this one late last year.
All comments welcome!
.****** Song Summary *************
Title: Counting the moments
File:Counting the moments.SGU
Key=E , Tempo 85, Length (m:s)=2:57
4 bar intro, 76 bar chorus, from bar 5 to bar 80. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _MYLILLY.STY (My Lilly Old Tme Autoharp Waltz)
SoloistCustom Synth is Hi-Q 050 01 Strings, Ensemble, Movie Sforzando.tgs
RealTracks in style: ~1121:Bass, Acoustic, CountryWaltz Sw 085
RealTracks in style: 2450:Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm CountryWaltzBrent Sw 085
RealTracks in style: ~824:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Country Waltz Sw 085
RealTracks in style: 2709:Autoharp, Rhythm OldTimeSlowWaltz Sw 085
RealTracks in song: 2044:Mandolin, Soloist CountryWaltzAndy Sw 085 (Bluesy)
RealDrums in style: NashClassicWaltzSw^4-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Mixed with Sonar. Vocals myself
Posted at 10:00 AM
January 08, 2018 YouTube Find - My Virginia
Head over to our I just heard Band-in-a-Box on YouTube forum and check out jford's post, My Virginia. It's a GREAT example of collaboration, the Audio Chord Wizard, and other Band-in-a-Box features too.... great job guys!
Posted at 12:44 PM
January 08, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Special - One Week Left!
Our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 special is almost over!
There's just one week left for great savings and Bonus PAKs! We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some amazing Add-ons - make sure you check it out: The Free Bonus PAK is included with all* Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows purchases during our special!
Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows includes over 50 new features, 202 New RealTracks, 40 NEW Video RealTracks, 32 new MIDI SuperTracks, 108 new Instrumental Studies, 8 new Artist Performances, 52 new loops, 40 AmpliTube presets with 37 associated styles, and the new Xtra Styles PAK 4!
Visit to review the different purchase options.
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows:
*The $49 purchase option for the Pro "2018 Update from Version 2017" includes version 2018 program updates only. It does not include the Free Bonus PAK, any RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks or other Add-ons.*
Posted at 12:09 PM
January 08, 2018 User Showcase Song - Bridge of Love
As we enter 2018 I want to get back to the music I grew up on. I was going for a late 60's early 70's vibe in this. This came about when I asked my little grand daughter how old she thought I was and she said "about 80". I laughed but thought, I am looking old on the outside but on the inside I'm still a teenager! I guess I'm trying to prove it here! LOL
Bass 684 Electric Pop HalfNotes Sync EV120
Organ 686 Background Pop Ev 120
Drums Nashville EV8
Guitar 405 Acoustic Strumming Ev 120
Guitar 2499 Baritone Electric Rhythm Pop Country Brent EV 120
Piano 2812 Acoustic Rhythm Gospel Soul 8ths Mike EV 110
Electric Guitar Rhythm and Lead
Posted at 12:03 PM
January 05, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 - 40 Unreleased RealTracks in the 49-PAK!
If you LOVE our RealTracks, it's a great time to add some unreleased RealTracks to your collection with the 2018 49-PAK... including Singer-Songwriter styles, Klezmer styles, World Accordion, Latin Percussion, and more Drum Kit & Percussion styles! Listen to demos at
The 49-PAK is available during our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows special for just $49, and includes:
Video RealTracks Set 2: Country TrainBeat Band
40 UNRELEASED RealTracks
22 MIDI SuperTracks
101 Instrumental Studies
Artist Performance Set 8: Traditional Songs Sung by Béatrix Méthé.
Add a Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows package to your shopping cart and you will be prompted to include a 49-PAK with your purchase until January 15th, 2018!
Posted at 01:51 PM
January 05, 2018 User Showcase Song - Jamtgubben
Here's an old Norwegian ? Polka I came across in my biab files.
Love the tune, hope you do too ? Thought I'd finish the year with a cheerful tune
Accordion is Scandalli super V1
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is ZZJAZZ.STY (Jazz Swing Style)
RealTracks in song: ~541:Bass, Electric, Pop Sw 190
RealTracks in song: ~1198:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm GypsyJazzFastGonzalo Sw 220
RealTracks in song: ~~815:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Western Swing Sw 190
Posted at 01:28 PM
January 04, 2018 Congratulations Oliver Gannon - Appointed to the Order of Canada!
Congratulations to my brother Oliver Gannon for his appointment to the Order of Canada on Dec. 29, 2017.
As many of you know, Oliver Gannon is my brother and a great jazz guitarist. He has also worked with PG Music programs over the years on programs such as Band-in-a-Box. Although he has made many great contributions to our programs, his main work is his own musical career.
Oliver was recently appointed to the Order Of Canada in recognition for "his achievements as a musician."
The Order of Canada is one of our country's highest civilian honours, and recognizes outstanding achievement, dedication to the community and service to the nation. 125 New Appointments to the Order of Canada were announced on December 29th, and on the list is Oliver Gannon for his achievements as a musician and for his contributions to Vancouver's jazz scene - CONGRATULATIONS!
If you're interested, the complete list of the 125 newest appointments to the Order of Canada list here:
There's also a bio of Oliver here
To be clear and avoid any confusion.... there are two brothers... Peter Gannon is the "Band-in-a-Box"/PG Music guy, and Oliver Gannon is the jazz guitarist who just won the Order of Canada.
Congrats big brother!
Peter Gannon
Posted at 01:46 PM
January 04, 2018 Video RealTracks for Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows - Offers Extended to January 15th!
With the just-released Video can see the actual footage of the RealTracks musician playing along with your song!
There are 6 Sets available for just $19 each - but check out these great deals available until January 15th:
Video RealTracks Set 1: Pop Ballad Band is included in the Free Bonus PAK
Video RealTracks Set 2: Country TrainBeat Band is included in the 2018 49-PAK
Video RealTracks Sets 3-6 are bundled together for the low price of only $49
Learn more about the new Video RealTracks and see them in action:
Posted at 01:10 PM
January 04, 2018 User Showcase Song - Blues in Bm
I'm a new user, having just bought BIAB a couple of weeks ago, and had a first play about tonight to try and record something. It's a basic blues in Bm with BIAB drums, bass.organ and blues harp with me playing rhythm and lead guitar.
Track is here: Blues in Bm
Posted at 01:01 PM
January 03, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® Bonus PAKs Still Available!
During our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows special (which has been extended to January 15th!) all Band-in-a-Box® for Windows purchases will include a FREE BONUS PAK!*
The Free Bonus PAK includes Video RealTracks Set 1: Pop Ballad Band, 10 MIDI SuperTracks, 7 Instrumental Studies, 40 AmpliTube Presets & 37 Associated Styles bonus and 52 Loops - learn more at
You can also choose to upgrade your Free Bonus PAK to the 2018 49-PAK for an additional $49! This will and add Video RealTracks Set 2: Country TrainBeat Band, ALL 40 UNRELEASED RealTracks, 22 MIDI SuperTracks, 101 Instrumental Studies, and Artist Performance Set 8: Traditional Songs Sung by Béatrix Méthé.
*The $49 Pro Upgrade does not include the Free Bonus PAK, any RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks or other Add-ons.
Posted at 11:00 AM
January 03, 2018 User Showcase Song - If Now Was Then
This song turned into a very special song for me. This song was born in 2014. I tried different styles, tempo, instruments and nothing worked. So it got put into the folder called maybe later.
The title was added when I was missing some of my friends and the early times in my life when all priorities had to have some kind of fun attached to it.
I discovered the song accidentally when I was looking for another song I had done.
I was recently having an email dialogue with Robert Cordrey and asked if he would be interested to adding a vocal and lyric to one of my instrumentals. I was thrilled when he agreed. He asked me to give him my thoughts when I was originally working on the song and he put together these lyrics. Definitely a bucket list moment for me.
This song uses two different styles:
Style is _PBALCEL.STY (Pop Ballad w/ Cello & Guitars)
RealTracks in style: ~~683:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1856:Cello, Background PopCountry Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 838:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBalladClean Ev 085
RealTracks in style: ~703:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Spirited Ev 085
RealDrums in style: NashvilleEven16^5-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
_DELUGE.STY. Deluge Heavy 16ths Rock
Instruments: El.Bass, El.Guitar, El.Guitar, Drums
RD: ROCK16THS^01-a:Closed Hat, Snare, b:Open Hat, Snare :Pat Steward
RT2755: Bass, Electric, RockHeavy16thsDoug Ev16 090 , Doug Elliott
RT2760: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy16thsHighMurray Ev16 090 , Murray Atkinson
RT2759: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy16thsLowMurray Ev16 090 , Murray Atkinson
Memo: This even-16 heavy rock Style has a steady rhythm, with two electric guitars, electric bass, and drums.
Guitar Gibson Les Paul R9
Amp Purdy
Effects Maxon 808, Texas Tone Bone OD, Boss CS-2 Compression, Flashback X4 Delay.
Posted at 10:56 AM
January 02, 2018 Xtra Styles PAKs - Sale Extended to January 15th!
All of our Xtra Styles PAKs on SALE until January 15th - purchase any Xtra Styles PAK (1 - 4) for just $29 each! (reg. $49)
The recently released Xtra Styles PAK 4 has over 150 new RealStyles for Rock-Pop, Jazz, Country, and 'Folk and Beyond' styles, which work with the RealTracks included in any Band-in-a-Box® version 2017 or higher UltraPAK/UltraPlusPAK, EverythingPAK, or Audiophile Edition!
Listen to all the demos of these new Xtra Styles here, or check out this video:
Posted at 10:55 AM
January 02, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows Special Extended to January 15th!
Our Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows special is such a hit... so we're EXTENDING the sale until January 15th!!! Order before then to save up to 50% on your Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows Upgrade!
Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows includes over 50 new features, 202 New RealTracks, 40 NEW Video RealTracks, 32 new MIDI SuperTracks, 108 new Instrumental Studies, 8 new Artist Performances, 52 new loops, 40 AmpliTube presets with 37 associated styles, and the new Xtra Styles PAK 4!
This year we're recognizing 30 YEARS of Band-in-a-Box! So, we've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some amazing Add-ons - make sure you check it out: The Free Bonus PAK is included with all* Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows purchases during our special!
Visit to review the different purchase options.
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows:
*The $49 purchase option for the Pro "2018 Update from Version 2017" includes version 2018 program updates only. It does not include the Free Bonus PAK, any RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks or other Add-ons.*
Posted at 10:40 AM
January 02, 2018 User Showcase Song - I Am A Seeker
I Am A Seeker:
Our melody and some of the lyric are a derivative of "I am a Pilgrim" that has strong roots in traditional African-American spirituals. The earliest reference we found was 1864. It was popularized by Merle Travis in the late 1940's and has been recorded by hundreds of artists from the Byrds to Johnny Cash. We made lyric changes in the first three verses and wrote an entirely new fourth verse - all to more personalize it.
We based the last two lines of the lyric on Ghandi's "As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the in being able to remake ourselves."
Happy New Year to all and comments are most welcome!
Vocal - Janice / two tracks w/ different FX stacked in the middle
Guitar 679: Acoustic, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Sw 120 / fills comped from multiple tracks
Bass 1136: Acoustic-Guitar, FolkSwing Sw 110 / bars and notes comped from two tracks
(I rearranged a bit of the RT to play the notes that I would if I were not lazy and put new strings on my upright! FWIW)
Mandolin 610: Rhythm Chop Sw 120
Effects: Nectar 2 / Neutron / Waves Bass Rider / EMT 140 plate reverb sim
Mix: Logic Pro X
Mastering: Ozone 8 Adv
Equipment: Rodes NT1 mic / Focusrite interface / iMac
Posted at 10:33 AM
January 01, 2018 Happy New Year to YOU!
On this first day of 2018, we would like to say a sincere thank you for giving us the opportunity to continue to serve you. Thank you for all your support, and we wish you all a very happy 2018.
Team PG
Posted at 02:10 PM
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