News Archives
April 2018
April 27, 2018 User Showcase Song - Five Little Towns
Putting the final touches on this one, in the works for a long time--retirement is great!!
If you've never been, this place is a bit of heaven on earth!
Style is _RIOMOON.STY (Rio Moon Energetic Samba)
RealTracks in style: ~~921:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 110, ~~925:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Bossa Ev 110, 1104 Nylon Guitar, 2180 Elec Guitar Solo
RealDrums in style: BossaLewis
Midi source: SampleTank3
Posted at 10:00 AM
April 26, 2018 #TBT Band-in-a-Box® Version 11 for Mac!
Band-in-a-Box® Version 11 for Mac was released in the Fall of 2002! Some of the new features added at that time included:
MIDI File Chord Interpretation Wizard
Open up any MIDI file in Band-in-a-Box®, and Band-in-a-Box® will automatically figure out the chords of the song for you. It automatically analyzes the MIDI file, figures out where the Bass, Piano, Melody, and other tracks are, and then figures out the chord changes for the song. The chords are written to the Band-in-a-Box® chordsheet like any other song.
Guitar Styles
These are styles that show strummed and picked guitar parts accurately on the guitar fretboard (and they sound great). These styles also play accurate guitar voicings, in your choice of Pop, Jazz, Country or Folk guitar chording. There's even a “walking guitar comping” style that plays guitar that emulates the famous “Basie Big Band” Jazz style. The Guitar Styles play like any regular style, and when you view them on the virtual guitar fretboard you can see exactly which strings and frets are used – so it is a great learning tool as well.
Guitar Tutor
Analyze any song! This feature will show the chords that are playing on the virtual guitar fretboard, in your choice of a Jazz, Pop, or Folk perspective. The Guitar Tutor is a fun way to learn about new guitar chords while playing along with your favorite Band-in-a-Box® tune.
...and more! For a complete list of the features added with Band-in-a-Box® Version, visit
Posted at 08:22 AM
April 26, 2018 User Showcase Song - All Good Things
Hi all another fun song with a touch of outlaw history.
All comments welcome.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: All Good things
File:Bonny and Clyde.SGU
Key=E , Tempo 120, Length (m:s)=2:28
2 bar intro, 68 bar chorus, from bar 3 to bar 70. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _BYWATER.STY (Bywater Shout Sax Orleans Boogie)
RealTracks in style: 2610:Bass, Electric, SoulFunkSwingAlex Sw 120
RealTracks in style: 2165:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansSwinginPop Sw 130
RealTracks in style: ~951:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBoogieMuted Sw 110
RealTracks in style: 3033:Sax, Tenor, Soloist CroonerBigBandShoutTenor2 Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection)
RealTracks in style: 1152:Silence
RealDrums in style: NewOrleansShuffle^01-a:Snare , b:Ride, Shuffle
Replace the sax with midi sax.
Mixed with Studio One. Vocals myself
Posted at 07:51 AM
April 25, 2018 RealPAK 14: Jazz for Band-in-a-Box® 2018!
With the release of Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows we also released 202 NEW RealTracks, including 7 Sets (60 RealTracks) for Jazz!
Learn more about these and listen to demos:
RealPAK 14: Jazz includes:
RealTracks Set 294: Big Band "Crooner Shout" Soloist!
RealTracks Set 295: Jazz Potpourri with 12-key Guitar, Jazz-Soul Piano, Jazz Strings and Percussion
RealTracks Set 296: Modern Jazz Bass & Drums
RealTracks Set 297: More Smooth Jazz & Fusion
RealTracks Set 298: Mariachi!
RealTracks Set 299: Rootsy Blues Guitar & Piano
RealTracks Set 300: Smokin' Fast Jazz Bass
Purchasing the Band-in-a-Box® 2018 PlusPAK, UltraPAK, or Audiophile Edition Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Pro and MegaPAK customers interested in adding these to their collection can purchase RealPAK 14: Jazz for just $79 at
Posted at 12:24 PM
April 25, 2018 User Showcase Song - Dreaming
hi guys - working on this thanks for taking time to listen and comments!
Style is _SJZBLSS.STY (Smooth Jazz Ballad w/ Soprano So)
RealTracks in style: 908:Bass, Electric, SmoothBallad Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 910:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothBallad Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 1072:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SmoothJazzBallad Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 1060:Sax, Soprano, Soloist SmoothJazzBallad Ev16 065
RealDrums in style: SmoothJazzBallad^1-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 12:22 PM
April 24, 2018 #TipTuesday - Finding Your Video RealTracks for Band-in-a-Box®
If you've purchased one of the new Video RealTracks Sets released with Band-in-a-Box® 2018, finding them in the program is easy!
For the Video RealTracks, within the RealTracks Picker the "Set*" column will show "VideoFound" if the video RealTracks is installed.
For Video RealDrums, the RealDrums Picker will list this information within the "#" column.
Plus, You can easily find the video RealTracks in the StylesPicker. Just press the [Other] filter button (drop down menu) above the list and use "Show Styles with or without Video RealTracks" menu item.
Video RealTracks Sets 1-2 are included in the 49-PAK, which is available for purchase at The 49-PAK is also included with any UltraPAK or Audiophile purchase!
All of our Video RealTracks Sets can be viewed and purchase at
Posted at 09:35 AM
April 24, 2018 User Showcase Song - Rugged Cowboy
A song I wrote a few years ago, recently re-imagined using (as usual for me) drums and bass courtesy of Band In A Box.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Rugged Cowboy (2)
File:Rugged Cowboy (2).MGU
Key=C , Tempo 80, Length (m:s)=4:15
No intro. 83 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 83. Repeat x1 chorus
Style is C_90BAL.STY (Country 90's Ballad)
MIDI Drums :1 Standard Drum Kit (1)
RealDrums will be substituted :NashvilleEven8^2-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat
The RealDrums are straight from BIAB. The lightly edited BIAB bass line (MIDI) is rendered in Cubase (a GM fretless bass). The B3 is my performance using a combo jazz organ patch in Cubase. The "pedal steel" is an iOS pedal steel app performed on my iPad Pro, recorded into Cubase. The vocals are me.
This song is about someone very close to me (but not me, honest), after I came to realize he is probably never going to change. I think most of us know this guy.
Posted at 08:59 AM
April 23, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Portuguese Edition for Windows® is Here!
Nós ficamos ocupados e adicionamos mais de 50 novos recursos e uma incrível coleção de novos conteúdos, incluindo RealTracks, SuperTracks MIDI, Estudos Instrumentais, Loops, Performances de Artista, Presets de Amplitube e estilos associados, 12-Key RealTracks e Notação Hi-Q de Guitarra! Nós adicionamos 202 novos RealTracks, o dobro dos 101 que muitas vezes lançamos no passado! Agora, introduzindo o Video RealTracks (40 disponíveis entre Country, Pop e Jazz), que funcionam exatamente como o RealTracks, mas também incluem vídeos da performance do músico! Nós também fizemos um novo Xtra Styles PAK 4 com 160 novos Xtra Styles. (Xtra Styles são estilos baseados em RealTracks lançados anteriormente). Existem mais de 200 novos RealStyles para os nossos novos RealTracks, incluindo Americana, Klezmer, Top-40, Jazz Strings Pads, Vocals (oohs e aahs), New Crooner "Shout", estilos BigBand e muito mais! Nós temos um Bonus 49-PAK com 40 novos RealTracks inéditos além dos 202 acima, totalizando 242 novos RealTracks! O Bonus 49-PAK também inclui os Sets de Video RealTracks 1 e 2, 32 novos SuperTracks MIDI, 108 novos estudos instrumentais, 52 Loops e 8 Performances de artistas.
Posted at 10:54 AM
April 23, 2018 User Showcase Song - The Day You Went Away
Here is a song that I wrote during February but never got round to posting to the forum.
I recently sent the BIAB RealTracks and the dry vocal recordings to my producer (Ogi Feel the Beat) who lives in Serbia and this is what he did with it.
The song is hosted on the new hosting site called Musicoin that you may have heard of being discussed on the Off-Topic forum. This is a revolutionary new hosting site where musicians are directly remunerated each time their song is streamed.
The realtracks used are:
RealTracks in style: 366:Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 891:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 870:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernRnBRockWarmQuarters Ev 065
RealDrums in style: NashvilleBrushesBalladPushEv16: a: Sidestick, Brushes b: Brushes
RT891:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 06
Posted at 10:31 AM
April 20, 2018 User Tip - Slowing Down and Looping Audio in Band-in-a-Box®
Forum user DeaconBlues09 created a video tutorial to help answer a fellow forum user's question:
Using the Audio Chord Wizard to tempo map, slow down, and learn the notes of an audio track - video link
Forum thread:
Thanks for sharing!
Posted at 11:34 AM
April 20, 2018 User Showcase Song - Zero of Sound
Here's a song that I wrote many years ago and have revisited from time to time.
Inspired by David & Clifton's last song, I took a very simple instrumental approach to the arrangement to give it more of a "live" sound.
This is called Zero Of Sound:
BIAB Real Tracks:
537: Bass, Acoustic, Pop Ev 165
407: Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 165
Thanks for listening.
Posted at 11:30 AM
April 19, 2018 #TBT - Band-in-a-Box® 2006 for Windows Ear Training Fun!
With the release of Band-in-a-Box® 2006 for Windows we added two great games for ear training: Pitch Invasion and Music Replay!
Pitch Invasion helps to develop perfect pitch as you shoot down "alien" notes invading from above (you hear the note sound, and click on the on-screen piano/MIDI or QWERTY keyboard to shoot them down).
Music Replay develops your pitch, rhythm, and melody recognition by replaying what the program plays, in note, rhythm, or melodic modes.
These games can still be accessed with newer versions of the program - in Band-in-a-Box® 2018 you'll find these by accessing the Practice Window or Ear Training Window, both located in the Window drop-down menu. The Practice Window can also be accessed using the Practice button within the main Band-in-a-Box screen (don't see it? CTRL+T to change the view).
Learn all about the features released with Version 2006 here.
Posted at 02:15 PM
April 19, 2018 User Showcase Song - Mistakes
The sum total of my mistakes is what got me here.
RealTracks in song: ~519:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1262:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopShiningHeld Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 698:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120 (A:muted)
RealTracks in song: 646:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopRockBritEdgy Ev 120 (A:arp)
RealTracks in song: ~522:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~686:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 2604:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JazzRock8thsJon Ev 120
Royalty free loops
vocals, harmonies, additional acoustic and electric gutiar: me
Hope you enjoy the journey. (I have).
Posted at 09:01 AM
April 18, 2018 Video: Exporting Audio Files in Band-in-a-Box® 2018
Our latest video, Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows - Exporting Audio Files Tutorial walks you through the different options to export your Band-in-a-Box® songs and song tracks from Band-in-a-Box® as an audio file (WAV, MP3, etc.)!
Posted at 09:33 AM
April 18, 2018 User Showcase Song - In a Mountain Town
The inspiration for this song came mainly from Estes Park, CO, the doorway to Rocky Mountain National Park.
It's an eclectic little town. Quirky, like its sister towns on the front range. An easy place to fall in love with. After a few days hiking in the park, it's nice to go into town, hit a restaurant or microbrewery, and just people-watch while you maybe shop and grab an ice cream cone, and catch Brad Fitch (Cowboy Brad) down at Bond park playing for a crowd of people on blankets and lawn chairs. The autumn storm referred to here is the big flood of 2013. Not the first time that's happened and it won't be the last.
Fellow BIAB forum member Bob Buford heard an early version of the song (actually my third go at the song in 5 years) and encouraged me to get Band in a Box to help fill out my "studio" and gave me some pointers on mixing. So this is my first original that I'm "finished" with since I got BIAB. My 4th "go" at the song and I have to say ... I'm liking it a lot better now. I guess I never feel like I'm "done" with a song ... but ... great advice, Bob, glad I got it.
I use Reaper to mix and add FX. On this track, I actually like my own rhythm guitar style and "western" solo. All of the vocals are me. BIAB info:
_ELECROK 4/4 ev8 120 Uplifting Rock2
but just used these instruments:
Bass: 388:Bass, Electric Metal Ev 120 [Dow Tomlin]
Drums: ReaDrums=RockHardModernEv8^2-ClsdHt, OpHt [Wayne Killius]
I used reverb on pretty much everything to fatten it up, including on the BIAB tracks. Yes, I use some gentle ReaTune on my vocals. (I'm still getting used to the idea of me singing as a primary musical expression. I only sang to accompany my guitar before. It's a weird paradigm shift for me.) Also used Acon digital multiplier to thicken especially the background vocals, and threw Xcomp compressor over the master track (Mastering 3 band smile setting). And the Clap Machine from 99 Sounds as a midi clap track. I toned that down to mostly get lost in the mix, only sticking out in the quiet parts.
Posted at 08:30 AM
April 17, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows Build 516 Update Available!
Band-in-a-Box 2018 for Windows customer can download the latest free patch update here:
Summary of changes:
Improved: More RealTracks have HiQ transcriptions. Fixed Bass AmericanaSlow16thsByron bad chords.
Improved: The Audio Drivers dialog for WAS devices now shows Bit Depth in the device description.
Improved: WAS audio driver performance has been Improved when using 44.1 kHz sample rate.
Improved: Windows Audio Session error messages contain more specific information.
Updated: Misc. updates to StylePicker database, memos, manuals, help files.
Fixed: "BBW.LST not found" errors when using the Hybrid Style maker dialog.
Fixed: "mono" was being ignored when rendering a batch of songs to audio files.
Fixed: "normalize individual tracks" was only working for MIDI tracks.
Fixed: "One file per track" was being ignored when rendering a batch of songs to audio files.
Fixed: Access violation on bootup if using a Roland audio interface (ASIO) that is not connected.
Fixed: Adjusting Melody or Soloist tracks to fit a new number of choruses was not undo-able.
Fixed: An access violation error might occur in the RealTracks Picker if quickly scrolling and double-clicking to hear demos.
Fixed: Changing a track name using the StylePicker mixer controls might open a hidden popup window.
Fixed: Changing the number of choruses was not undo-able.
Fixed: Clicking on the far left of the Guitar window would cause a "!!!!!" flash message to show.
Fixed: If adjusting the number of choruses in your song, choosing Cancel is ignored when asked, "OK to adjust Melody track to fit new # of choruses?".
Fixed: JazzBebopDannyBrushes sometimes out of sync.
Fixed: Panning the audio track did not work.
Fixed: Some Amplitube presets/styles/demos pointed to a preset which wasn't available in some installs.
Fixed: Some typos and omissions in RealDrums Picker.
Fixed: The [.STY] button in the Hybrid Style maker dialog.
Fixed: The [Get Patch/Drum Kit Info] button in the MIDI drivers dialog would not find the synthesizer documentation.
Fixed: The About dialog was not showing the Fretlight Ready logo.
Fixed: The Audio Chord Wizard would always run in English.
Fixed: The busy mouse cursor might remain after analyzing audio with the Audio Chord Wizard.
Fixed: The PDF driver installer could not be launched from Band-in-a-Box.
Fixed: The Plugins window would be too small when using plugins that have a small GUI.
Fixed: Using a Coyote DXi synthesizer (eg CoyoteWT or ForteDXi) might cause crackling/buzzing noise during playback.
Fixed: Using a multi speaker layout (eg. 4 speakers surround sound) instead of stereo might cause failure to connect to audio hardware with error -9996. This only happened when using WAS as audio driver type.
Fixed: Video rendering would fail if saved using Japanese characters in file name.
Fixed: When saving a Hybrid style for the first time, the File Save dialog should start in the Styles directory.
Posted at 02:18 PM
April 17, 2018 PG Music Inc. Newsletter - Stay In-the-Loop!
Want to be notified when a new version of Band-in-a-Box®, PowerTracks, or other PG Music Inc. products are released? Sign up for the newsletter at
If you purchased Band-in-a-Box® (or any other PG Music Inc. product) directly from us, you're already on the list!
Of course, we also announce new releases and specials on our Facebook page (, Twitter account (, and right here in our Forums!
Posted at 12:19 PM
April 17, 2018 User Showcase Song - While You Were Sleeping
One night I was up at 3 a.m. and my wife opened the door to my studio and came in and said "What are you doing in here?" and I turned around and said "Band in a Box."
She turned around and as she was walking away she said:
"I should have known."
Ha ha ha! Anybody else been here?!? Thus, this little ditty was born.
This may only be for guitar freaks, I don't know, but it highlights a feature of Band in a Box I love.
On this, I played the original guitar part first, to a click track, and then I went and put the other instruments in later. I messed with the guitar later, but I recorded it in reverse order--the instruments are following the guitar as opposed to having the guitar follow the bed, if that makes any sense. The idea was just to go totally free form on the guitar and then build the music to fill in around it. This challenges the notion that BIAB keeps you in the "box." In this case BIAB becomes the virtual equivalent of a real band playing behind the soloist, instead of having the soloist jam with Band in a Box.
David Snyder: Stratocaster
RealTracks in style: 2362:Bass, Electric, MotownFunkyTriplets Sw 120
RealTracks in style: ~425:Organ, B3, Background Blues Sw 120
RealDrums in style: LaPopJazzUpbeatSw^1-a,b:Cycling
Posted at 12:17 PM
April 13, 2018 User Showcase Song - Greater Days
As many of you know, we sometimes receive bad news at the time we are least ready for it. We can let it make us bitter or we can look forward to a better day that's coming. I used my situation to create a song. Maybe someone can relate! The lyrics are a collaboration with my daughter. Thanks for listening, I really do appreciate it! Thanks, Torrey
Piano - 1409 Synth Layer Rhythm Soul 70's Steady Ev16 100
Bass - 2260 Electric Funky Groove 60's EV 100
Drums - Funky Groove 60's
Acoustic Guitar - 2930 Rhythm Folk Rock 8ths Brent EV 100
Organ - 2692 Modern Pop Slow Mike EV 75
Electric Guitar - 1402 Rhythm Soul 70's Warm Sync EV16 100
Horns - 2348 Funk 2 Part EV 100
Strings - 2058 Rhythm Celtic Air EV 85
Posted at 10:01 AM
April 12, 2018 Amazing Band-in-a-Box User Comments!
Great program with lots of support through the publisher and after-market. Use it for teaching, practicing, and gigging.
-Andrew L.
I just got my 6th film placement on a song recorded entirely in Band-in-a-Box. You guys rock!
-Terry Fernihough (Band-in-a-Box Endorsing Artist!)
I love this program. I have only had it for around a month but it has made things a lot easier for me. I no longer have to scour the internet for backing tracks. I just plug in the chords I want to use, find the style I want and done. Saving me so much time and being able to transpose into different keys is awesome too.
As the days go on I will be delving deeper into what it can do, importing some of my backing tracks into Abelton 9 to play with and writing some songs.
Best money I have spent on something in while.
-Peter S.
I started using Band-in-a-Box around 1990. It was the DOS version naturally and I used one of those old portable computers with dual floppy drives and a built in 9" monochrome display. I connected midi cables to a great sounding Yamaha keyboard and played my music using midi tracks. I did a demo for a university music class that was a lot of fun. Wow, it is almost unimaginable to see where this product has elevated to today. I have upgraded many times over the past 28 years but each time I am even more amazed. Thank you PG Music for being such a major part of my love for music all of these years!!!
-Dwayne G.
Incredible Software. Great for ignorance and experts and for anyone who wants to deal with music. If you do not have a hobby and want to have one "band in a box" is the best choice. Simple, but if you want to be an expert on it, you need to make an effort to master it perfectly for perfect use. The only disadvantage is if you do not want to become a musician, and use it, you will become a perfect musician. Therefore, be cautious. It's not a toy.
-Ilija B.
I’ve been using it for about the same time (20 years). I’m a trumpet player and just really want some backing on lead sheets. With the Real Styles - it sounds fantastic! Takes just minutes to input chord changes and find the right style. There is so much you can do and I love having the Soloist features to really add color.
-Mike B.
Read even more great feedback here.
Posted at 01:13 PM
April 12, 2018 User Showcase Song - The Blue Line
Something a little different from Christiane and me, sort of a 70s soul vibe:
The Blue Line
The band:
Drums: Soul70sEv16^1-a:ClsdHHtSn, b:BusyBss, also see (*) below
Bass: 1433:Bass, Electric, JazzFunkGroovin Ev16 110
Organ: 2619:Organ, Rhythm Funk Ev 100
I'm playing the guitar parts
(*)For the third chorus I needed something different for the drums, so I used EZDrummer2 to build that 8 bar segment
Mixed with reaper using plugins from Waves and iZotope, mastered with Ozone 8 and LMC
Original forum post:
Posted at 01:09 PM
April 11, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Danish Edition for Windows® is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2018 til Windows er klar!
Vi har haft travlt, og har tilføjet mere end 50 nye funktioner og en fantastisk samling af nyt indhold, bl. a. RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, Loops, Artist Performances, Amplitube presets og dertil hørende stilarter, 12-tonearter RealTracks og Hi-Q Guitar Notation! Vi har tilføjet 202 nye RealTracks, hvilket er det dobbelte af de 101, vi ofte tidligere har udgivet! Vi introducerer Video RealTracks (40 i genrerne Country, Pop, and Jazz), som fungerer helt som RealTracks, men også har videoer af musikerne, mens de spiller! Vi har også lavet en ny Xtra Styles PAK 4 med 160 nye Xtra Stilarters. (Xtra stilarter er stilarter baseret på tidligere udgivne RealTracks). Der er mere end 200 nye RealStyles baseret på vores nye RealTracks bl.a. Americana, Klezmer, Top-40, Jazz stryger pads, Vokal (ooh og aah), Ny Crooner "Shout" BigBand stilart og meget mere! Vi har en Bonus 49-PAK med 40 ekstra ikke tidligere udgivne RealTracks foruden de 202 ovenfor nævnte, så alt i alt er der 242 nye RealTracks til rådighed! Bonus 49-PAK indeholder også Video RealTracks sæt 1 og 2, 32 nye MIDI SuperTracks, 108 nye Instrumental Studies, 52 Loops og 8 Artist Performances.
Posted at 11:20 AM
April 11, 2018 User Showcase Song - First Light
Another Scott/Robert rocker resurrected from the Canadian permafrost.
Style is _BARSPGW.STY (Baritone Guitar Spaghetti Western)
RealTracks in style: 11190Bass, ModernRock
RealTracks in style: ~364:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 065
RealTracks in style: ~368:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 2446:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background Spaghetti Western 065
RealDrums in style: BluesRock
RT1543 SynthPadPop Believe
Vocal OOhs/AAhs
Scott`s guitar gear:
Gibson Les Paul R9 for solo
Gretsch Duojet for the low melody
Amp Vox AC15H1TV
Delay Flashback X4
Overdrive Radial Texas Bones
Compression Boss CS-2
Original forum post:
Posted at 10:25 AM
April 10, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Swedish Edition for Windows® is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2018 för Windows är här!
Vi har varit flitiga och lagt till över 50 nya funktioner och en fantastisk samling av nytt innehåll, innefattande RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, Loopar, Artist Performances, Amplitube presets och tillhörande stilar, 12-Key RealTracks, och Hi-Q Gitarr Notation! Vi har lagt till 202 nya RealTracks, dubblat de 101 som vi ofta har släppt förut! Vi introducerar nu Video RealTracks (40 tillgängliga i Country, Pop, och Jazz), vilka fungerar precis som RealTracks, men inkluderar också videos av musikers framträdande! Vi har också skapat en ny Xtra Styles PAK 4 med 160 nya Xtra Styles. (Xtra Styles är stilar baserade på tidigare utgivna RealTracks). Det finns över 200 nya RealStyles till våra nya RealTracks innefattande Americana, Klezmer, Top-40, Jazz Strings Pads, Vocals (oohs och aahs), Nytt Crooner "Shout" BigBand stilar, med mera! Vi har ett Bonus 49-PAK med 40 ytterligare nya outgivna RealTracks på toppen av 202 ovan, så totalt fantastiska 242 nya RealTracks finns tillgängliga! Bonus 49-PAK inkluderar också Video RealTracks Set 1 och 2, 32 nya MIDI SuperTracks, 108 nya Instrumental Studies, 52 Loops, och 8 Artist Performances
Posted at 01:13 PM
April 10, 2018 User Showcase Song - Desert Crossing
Long time in making, just finishing up..
Desert Crossing:
Style = _SLBOSKB - Slow Bossa w/ Poll Winners
RD = BossaBrushes#1, BossaLewis01 and BossaRockPerc^9
RT's = 465 Bass, 1104 Nylon Rhythm Guitar, 1773 E Piano JazzFunkMovin Solo, 1070 Trumpet Solo, Jazz Poppy
MIDI from ST3 = Strings, Surdo, Tremolo Strings, Wood Block, Shaker, Piano
Original forum post:
Posted at 11:54 AM
April 09, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Italian Edition for Windows® is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2018 per Windows-a-Box® è arrivato!
Abbiamo lavorato tanto, abbiamo aggiunto 50 nuove funzioni e una sorprendente collezione di nuovi contenuti, tra cui RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks, Studi Strumentali, Loops, Performance di Musicisti, Presets Amplitube e stili associati, RealTracks in 12 tonalità, Notazione di Chitarra Hi-Q!
Abbiamo aggiunto 202 nuovi RealTracks, il doppio di quelli rilasciati ogni anno in passato! Ora vi presentiamo i Video RealTracks (40 disponibili in Country, Pop e Jazz), che funzionano proprio come iRealTracks, ma includono anche i video delle performance del musicista! Abbiamo anche realizzato un nuovo Xtra Styles PAK 4 con 160 nuovi stili Xtra. (Gli stili Xtra sono basati sui RealTracks rilasciati in precedenza). Ci sono oltre 200 nuovi RealStyles per i nostri nuovi RealTracks tra cui Americana, Klezmer, Top-40, Jazz Strings Pad, Vocali (oohs e aahs), Nuovi stili Crooner "Shout" BigBand e molto altro! Abbiamo un Bonus 49-PAK con 40 nuovi RealTracks inediti in cima ai 202 di cui sopra, quindi in totale sono disponibili 242 nuovi RealTrack! Il Bonus 49-PAK include anche Video RealTracks Set 1 e 2, 32 nuovi SuperTracks MIDI, 108 nuovi Studi Strumentali, 52 Loops e 8 Performance di Musicisti.
Posted at 10:17 AM
April 09, 2018 User Showcase Song - It's Only Just a Dream
I wrote this tune a long time ago, but only now when I´ve got the Daniettes backing up my vocals - have I been able to get it done !:))
It is a jazzy tune with a small solo played on my fender !:))
Written in BIAB, mixed with Mixcraft 8, compression and reverb used sparsely. The Style used is _SJCOOLG.STY (Smooth Jazz Cool Swsw 16), and the instros are:
Bass:902, Piano:1995,Drums: Realdrums Smoot Jazz Cool,
Guitar 1: 1228, Daniettes: 3063 Vocal AAhs
Here are the links:
Original forum post:
Posted at 10:12 AM
April 06, 2018 User Showcase Song - Mirage
Lyrics and Music by Quekou
Vocal: SweetAnn (Synthesized using Vocaloid)
Realtracks in song:
366: Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065
364: Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 065
910: Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothBallad Ev16
688: Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 065
Original forum post:
Posted at 10:02 AM
April 06, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 French Edition for Windows® is Here!
Il y a plus de 50 nouvelles fonctionnalités étonnantes dans Band-in-a-Box 2018! Vous allez découvrir les RealTrack Vidéo; elles fonctionnent comme des RealTracks, mais avec en plus une vidéo de la prestation du musicien. Vous pouvez ainsi créer la vidéo d'un musicien, d'un groupe pour la compléter ensuite avec la Grille d'Accords ou la Partition et même, rajouter vos propres vidéos au mix final. Nous avons ajouté un nouveau Pilote audio (le WAS: Windows Audio Session) à la latence ultra faible (<25 ms sur un PC Windows typique). Cela signifie par conséquent que les opérations audio telles que la lecture ou l'envoi d'informations via MIDI se produisent sans retard notable. L'Assistant Accords Audio a été repensé, il est maintenant intégré dans Band-in-a-Box. La fonction Harmonisation Audio a été améliorée avec la transcription audio, qui permet de transcrire une piste audio monophonique en notation MIDI, Fix Tuning (correction du pitch) qui peut corriger un enregistrement audio out-of-tune, et plus encore... Nous avons repensé le dossier BB il est donc "propre" et ne contient que les fichiers nécessaires grâce à une organisation optimisée en dossiers. Il est maintenant possible de sauvegarder la fenêtre Notation dans un format Vidéo, le tout, synchronisé avec la lecture de la piste audio. Les Signatures Temporelles 12/8, 6/8 et 9/8 sont maintenant supportées. La barre d'outils a été améliorée avec un habillage et des options de personnalisation. Vous pouvez ouvrir/sauvegarder les fichiers Notation ABC. Le format ABC est très populaire parmi les musiciens, c'est un format de fichier adapté à la musique. Et plus!
Posted at 09:59 AM
April 05, 2018 Band-in-a-Box® 2018 German Edition for Windows® is Here!
Wir waren fleißig und haben über 50 neue Funktionen und eine erstaunliche Sammlung von neuen Inhalten, mit RealTracks, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studien, Loops (Schleifen), Künstler Performances, Amplitube Presets und dazugehörenden Styles, 12-Tonarten RealTracks und Hi-Q Gitarren Notation, hinzugefügt! Wir haben 202 neue RealTracks hinzugefügt, doppelt so viele, wie wir oft in früheren Versionen in der Vergangenheit veröffentlicht haben! Nun stellen wir Video RealTracks (40 verfügbar in den Genres Country, Pop und Jazz) vor. Diese arbeiten wie RealTracks, beinhalten aber Videos, die zeigen wie die Musiker das tatsächlich auf dem Instrument spielen! Wir haben ein neues Xtra Styles PAK 4 mit 160 neuen Xtra Styles veröffentlicht (Xtra Styles sind Styles, die auf schon veröffentlichten RealTracks basieren). Es gibt über 200 neue RealStyles für unsere neuen RealTracks, diese beinhalten Americana, Klezmer, Top-40, Jazz Strings Pads, Vocals (Oohs und Aahs), New Crooner "Shout" BigBand Styles und mehr! Wir haben ein Bonus 49-PAK mit 40 neuen unveröffentlichten RealTracks, zusätzlich zu den 202 oben erwähnten RealTracks sind in Summe nun unglaubliche 242 neue RealTracks verfügbar! Das Bonus 49-PAK beinhaltet Video RealTracks Set 1 und 2, 32 neue MIDI SuperTracks, 108 neue Instrumental Studien, 52 Schleifen (Loops) und 8 Künstler Performances.
Posted at 12:56 PM
April 05, 2018 YouTube Find - "Honey!... there's a band in our house!!"
Search "Band-in-a-Box" on YouTube, and you'll see hundreds of videos posted by users just like you!
Like this video, posted by Kent Hewitt:
Posted at 08:59 AM
April 05, 2018 User Showcase Song - A Life To Live
A simple song telling that it's better to grab the hand of life here today and not to keep waiting for your retirement or some divine sign. Vocals by me and Miira. All comments welcome
RealDrums: FunkSyncSnare
Electric bass #1398
Acoustic guitar #2677
Electric guitar rhythm #2756, #2904, #2158
Electric guitar solo #2829
Acoustic piano #1405
Organ #686
Vocals: Janne & Miira
Mixed in Sonar Platinum
Original forum post:
Posted at 08:54 AM
April 04, 2018 User Showcase Song - Calculator Nerd
BiaB for chord progression, RealTracks, and Soloist generated guitar solo. Reaper DAW used for arranging, midi editing, and mixing. Synthesized vocals which I think work well for the genre of this track.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Calculator Nerd
File:Calculator Nerd.MGU
Key=A , Tempo 100, Length (m:s)=3:12
8 bar intro, 68 bar chorus, from bar 9 to bar 76. Repeat x1 chorus
Melody has 316 notes, Melody harmony is < no harmony >(0)
Soloist track has 681 notes, Soloist harmony is < no harmony >(0)
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _DUBSTPP.STY (Dubstep Loops w/ Piano RT )
Loop in Song: Dubstep\Dubstep - mash_70_bass_2_e_flat_minor.wav
RealTracks in style: 1995:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SmoothJazzCool Sw16 075
Loop in Song: Dubstep\Dubstep - cool_daadie_70_guitar_wocca_e_minor sw16.wav
Loop in Song: Dubstep\Dubstep - mash_70_sub_e_flat_minor.wav
Loop in Song: Dubstep\Dubstep - mash_70_drum_loop_1_e_flat_minor sw16.wav
RealTracks in song: 2203:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopPromiseBrent Ev16 100
Original forum post:
Posted at 08:34 AM
April 03, 2018 PowerTracks Pro Audio 2018 - Enhancements!
The release of PowerTracks Pro Audio 2018 included enhancements to the Notation Windows, Guitar Window, and Big Piano Window!
Notation Enhancements:
-X/8 time signature support. This is a special method of displaying 6/8, 9/8, or 12/8 time signatures in the Notation window.
-The Duplicate previous chord in notation right-click menu lets you quickly duplicate the previous chord (group of notes on same peg) without having to reenter it.
-Delete highlighted notes in notation right-click menu lets you delete all highlighted notes.
-Delete all notes on this peg in notation right-click menu lets you delete all notes on the nearest peg that was clicked on.
-You can now enter Section Numbers. Previously, you could enter letters (A-Z) only, but now you can also enter numbers (1-9).
Guitar Window Enhancements:
-Clicking on the black area to the left of the zero fret notes in the Guitar window will delete the notes on just the channel of that string on the current notation time line rather than all notes at that time line.
-Clicking on a note will delete the note from the Notation window if the note is currently highlighted. If no notes are highlighted in red, then clicking on a note will first delete any notes on the current notation timeline and channel before inserting a new note.
Big Piano Window Enhancements:
-Clicking on the black area to the left of the piano will delete highlighted red notes from the Notation window. If no notes are highlighted in red, then clicking to the left of the piano will delete any note on the current notation timeline.
-Clicking on a note will delete the note from the Notation window if the note is currently highlighted in red.
For a complete list of new features, visit
Posted at 01:10 PM
April 03, 2018 The RealTracks Picker Window in Band-in-a-Box®
The RealTracks Picker window within Band-in-a-Box® will list every single RealTrack that was available for that version.
If you're working with the 2018 UltraPlusPAK or Audiophile Edition, this means that your RealTracks Picker will list everything available to you (since your purchase includes all 300 RealTracks Sets).
But what if you have the Pro or MegaPAK version? These each come with "RealCombos" rather that complete Sets. If you'd rather this window just show you your installed RealTracks, simply uncheck "Show RealTracks that are N/A" within this window (bottom left).
More information on RealCombos:
The Band-in-a-Box® 2018 Pro includes over 300 RealTracks in 100+ Bands. Review these at:
The Band-in-a-Box® 2018 MegaPAK includes over 500 RealTracks in 300 Bands. Review these at
Posted at 01:00 PM
April 03, 2018 User Showcase Song - Titles
The lyrics... The song is called "Titles", because the lyrics are 90% titles of other songs woven into a narrative. It's all done in sprechstimme (speak singing) to mock the rappers. The vocals were recorded into 2 mics at once. One was a Shure 58 that was placed ball down into a 2 quart pitcher, and the other an XML condenser. The echo inside the pitcher was exactly what I wanted.
It was a fun piece and good learning experience. It may not be everyone's cup of tea, but try to remember that this is a spoof and was done with my tongue as far into my cheek as it can get.
Crank it up and get your groove on!!! Phones might be a good idea because there is a LOT of panning on this one
Song info:
_HVYBEAT.STY. Heavy Rap Beat w/ Synth
RD: UrbanPopEv8GoodGirl^1-a:Kck1, b:Clap :Ed (Great Oz) Clare - kept drums and shaker - augmented with drum machine
RT1936: Synth, Rhythm, EuroDance Chorus7Hit Ev16 120 cut out a section and looped
RT1825: Bass, Electric, PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075 - removed and replaced with live bass
M36: Fretless Elec. Bass - removed and replaced with live bass
Original forum post:
Posted at 12:11 PM
April 02, 2018 Video - Band-in-a-Box® 2018 for Windows® - Installing from an External Hard Drive (Option 3) Tutorial
If you've purchased a Band-in-a-Box® 2018 UltraPAK, there are a few different options for installing the program for you. In this video, we go through the process of installing Band-in-a-Box® using "Option 3" for installing Band-in-a-Box® AND RealTracks on your computer hard drive:
For more detailed information, visit
No matter how you install and use your Band-in-a-Box® hard drive, make sure you're saving your songs (or a copy of them) to your own folder not on the hard drive - that way you'll have a back-up copy if your hard drive isn't available to you!
Posted at 12:43 PM
April 02, 2018 User Showcase Song - (Leave the Bed) Untried
I recently finished a new song with a couple of collaborators - one in Wales and another in the US.
I decided, in early December 17, to build the song's structure, style and so forth with BIAB as a compositional tool I suppose as I'd not done that previously.
I had the chord progressions, an intro, some arrangement thoughts etc and the proposed structure in my head so selected a style and built the song from those ideas & was able to yay/nay as I went thanks to BIAB.
I used a pop rock base then added Texas boogie guitars.
Here's that bedrock...
I only exported the drums to Reaper and set my self to record the rhythm guitars and bass.
I then found a guitarist collaborator who recorded and supplied a solo & some noodling which traversed the Indian Ocean.
Finally a singer decided to join the party. I had the lyrics and he did a little editing to make the words fit his mouth and created a melody which he recorded and sent across the Pacific.
A bit of mixing, some too & fro commentary between the collaborators and here we have it...
The completed song:
Original forum post:
Posted at 11:21 AM
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