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October 18, 2019  -  User Showcase Song - Pro Crastinator

This is actually the first song I wrote with Band In A Box, about 8 years ago. I decided it was due an update. So I completely redid it. The original was so dated, it had a reference to a Palm Pilot! smile So I re-wrote the lyrics, completely redid the instrumentation and vocals, and added some talk-over at the end. This is just a fun, tongue in cheek song. I hope you enjoy it!

Pro Crastinator - Lyric Video | SoundCloud Version

I played the organ parts. All the rest is RealTracks/RealDrums...

RealTracks in song:
~684:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesSync Ev 120
1726:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm HonkyTonkJohn Ev 120
1850:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningGrittyMuted Ev 120
845:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockPopping Ev 120 (A:sync)
2635:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBluesRockHigh Ev 110
2689:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockBrentSimple Ev 120 (Simple)
RockHardKick^01-a:Closed Hat, Snare, b:Open Hat, Snare

Posted on October 18, 2019 11:28 AM

Entries from October 2019:

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