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March 11, 2020  -  User Showcase Song - Soul Searching

You are lying on a grassy knoll staring at the star-studded sky. Your subconscious mind wonders in and out of your conscious mind slowly searching for your soul.

BiaB style = Dreamy New Age, Tempo 65 BPM

Deleted the drums
Double bass and strings = Kontakt - preset Solid State Strings
Piano - Structure and Keystone Classic (two separate VSTis)
Guitar - Synthmaster 2 - preset - key Piano String GC

I am playing the flute via my wind controller and the guitar.

Effects - all but the double bass = Raum reverb
Flute = Wave's Vocal Rider and Blue Cats Chorus
Master = Presonus Dynamic Compression

Posted on March 11, 2020 09:26 AM

Entries from March 2020:

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