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April 22, 2020  -  User Showcase Song - The Front Lines (Thank You)

I wanted it to write a positive and uplifting song for these times. I figured the best way was to say "thank you." That was the concept. :)

A lot of words. Even at that, way too many to thank. (Lyrics)

RT1255:Bass, Electric, PopShining
RT1264:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopShining
RT1259:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningRock
RT380:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Syncopated Sugar
RT1260:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopShining
RT688:Organ, B3, Background Pop
RT1030:Guitar, 12-String Electric, Fingerpicking

Drum Set Samples (Slate Audio)
Marching Snare, Canyon Drums, Chime, Tamb, and End Piano Note (EastWest)
Reverse Snare I made

Posted on April 22, 2020 09:30 AM

Entries from April 2020:

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