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August 06, 2020  -  User Showcase Song - You're Not a King

Ever since a federal judge stated "Presidents are not kings" last November, I have had this song in my mind. I'm sure this song is going to p*ss off a few people; however, I have not written a scathing rebuke of anyone's ideology, but of the president's character and competence.

Using the gospel choir in the prechorus has layers of irony.

You're Not a King

Real Tracks:
RT1525 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopPowerPushDirty
RT1717 Bass, Electric, TexasBluesRockStraight Ev 120
RT697 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120
RT694 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockArp Ev 120
RC3363 Guitar, Electric, Soloist BritClassicRockGrittyWah
RT1276 Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopUpliftPulsing
RT888 Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopBronx
RT3527 Vocals, Background GospelCool3

The drums were spliced together from various loops from Mixcraft.
The guitar at the bridge is Virtual Guitarist Iron.
The 17 second intro is from Mixcraft loops.

Mixed on Reaper. Mastered with Ozone 9.

Posted on August 6, 2020 11:08 AM

Entries from August 2020:

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