News Archives
September 2020
September 30, 2020 Video Tutorial - Installing Build Updates to Band-in-a-Box® for Mac
We offer free Band-in-a-Box® patch updates throughout the year to enhance existing features and resolve any user-reported bugs.
If you're wanting to see how easy it is to update your installation of Band-in-a-Box® for Mac with one of these free updates, check out our video: Click here to watch it now.
Posted at 01:22 PM
September 30, 2020 User Showcase Song - Billy
Rustyspoon asked me to post a song I did about 4 years ago called "Billy" so here it is.
The band was cut and pasted a bit.
Nashville pop 16 Drums
784 bass
597 & 785 acoustic guitars
1517 & 419 electric guitars
1946 mando
Billy ©2016 Vic Arnold
Posted at 09:39 AM
September 29, 2020 Tips & Tricks - Entering Held Chords in Band-in-a-Box®
Ask a question here on our Forums, and you'll definitely get some helpful answers quickly!
Like this recent post, asking how to "end a bar with a slight tail off or fade" and then resume to the verse... within an hour there was a detailed and accurate response!
We love our helpful forum, packed with enthusiastic & experienced program users - it's such a great resource!
Posted at 01:24 PM
September 29, 2020 User Showcase Song - Coming Home
This is something different from what you might know from me. It is a song with a sphere from the 50's with the use of an alt sax. The story is about broken promises in a military setting:
I am sure I haven't watched too much Netflix series when writing this song. It was written in 2017, but I didn't know what kind of melody it needed (something with a military sound?), so it stayed 'on the shelf of unfinished projects'. Until this month. When you start listening you hear some humming and creaks. Nothing wrong with your device. I did this intentionaly on my keyboard.
The background vocals I made with the help of Melodyne, but one track I sang myself, like the leadvocals.
I hope you like it, in spite of the topic.
Style:_TREVINO.STY, Key C, Tempo: 110 bpm
RealTracks: ~1845: Bas, Elec, Country Boogie A-B Sw 110
RealTracks: ~ 952: Guitar, Ac. Country Boogie Open Sw 110
RealTracks: 1553: Guitar, Elec, Country Swing Gritty Strum Sw 110
RealTracks: 2715: Guitar, Nylon, Swing Brent Sw 110
RealTracks: 1146: Fiddle, Country Swing Sw 110
RealTracks: 1953: Sax, Alt, Texas BluesRock ShuffleMark Sw 130
RealDrums : NashvilleSwing8^2-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 01:11 PM
September 28, 2020 Find Your Style with the Song Titles Browser in Band-in-a-Box® 2020!
Looking for that perfect Style to start your Band-in-a-Box® project with? Don't overlook The Song Titles Browser in Band-in-a-Box®! We update this feature frequently, which allows you to search for a Style that matches a popular song based on title/artist when you type in your criteria within the StylePicker Window.
See this feature in action when you jump to the topic within our 2020 New Features video:
for Windows: 42:37
for Mac: 43:12
Didn't find the song you were searching for? Post your title request to our Wishlist forum: Songs to add to Band-in-a-Box® Titles database and alert our team to work on adding it with the next update - we think that the 3,400 new titles added with Version 2020 is proof that we're paying attention!
Posted at 12:35 PM
September 28, 2020 User Showcase Song - Coral Sands
hi guys this all Biab except me on guitar phrase and solo thanks for taking time to listen and comments Eric Style is _PARANA.STY (Parana Lazy Bossa)
RealTracks in style: ~~465:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 140 ('A' only)
RealTracks in song: ~906:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothCool Sw16 100
RealTracks in style: ~~923:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BossaFreeComp Ev 110
RealTracks in song: 479:Trumpet, Bossa Ev 140
RealDrums [in Song:SouthernPopFunkySoul^01-a:Hat, Snare, b:Ride, Snare
Posted at 09:32 AM
September 25, 2020 Rock Dojo... Top 5 Reasons Why Band-in-a-Box® Rocks!
Check out this nice review from Rock Dojo, Top Five Reasons Why Band-in-a-Box® Rocks!.
Brian, the founder of Rock Dojo, is a Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac user, and couldn't be happier with the program.
It doesn't matter whether you're a guitar teacher or a student guitarist, Band-in-a-Box (BIAB) is must-have software to take your teaching practice or your playing to the next level!
-Brian Parham
Thanks for the great feedback Brian!
Posted at 11:29 AM
September 25, 2020 User Showcase Song - Sad Stories
A bit of a sad one...
Vocals & Lyric - Leon
Guitar and vocal - Me
The Band:
RealTracks in style: 2877:Bass, Acoustic, AmericanaSlow16thsByron Ev16 060
RealTracks in style: 2879:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSparseSlow16thsColin Ev16 060
RealTracks in style: 2878:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsBrent Ev16 060
RealTracks in style: 3074:Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsAndy Ev16 060
RealTracks in song: 1539:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopBelieveHeldDry Ev16 065
RealTracks in song: ~688:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 065
RealDrums [in Song:AmericanaRoots16th^05-a:Kick, Sidestick, b:Snare
Posted at 10:12 AM
September 24, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® Delivery Explained...
When you order your copy of Band-in-a-Box® for Windows or Mac directly from PG Music Inc., you can choose to download your order, ship your order, or BOTH!
Having your Pro, MegaPAK, or PlusPAK shipped? Choose between DVD installation or flash drive installation during the checkout process. Purchasing the UltraPAK or UltraPAK+? These ship pre-installed on a USB 3.0 hard drive!
Don't forget, just because you're order is shipping doesn't mean you can't download it while you wait - you can locate your online order records in your account, within the "My Products" section.
Posted at 01:23 PM
September 24, 2020 User Showcase Song - Better Call Your Mama
Just a bit of lockdown-madness-inspired Rock from me and Eddie - it's probably about 50-50.
The file crossed the Atlantic more times than British Airways has done recently and I've lost track of what's in there. There are a couple of RT keyboards which Eddie added, an acoustic RT buried in there somewhere, and the other guitars are mine. Interestingly, the drum samples this time are from a 1980s Simmons kit which a friend had - Simmons were used on almost every rock track in the 80s.
Eddie's singing the lead and I'm on the BVs. There's not much to the lyrics which are a bit banal anyway, but if you can't make them out I'll list them later. In case there was any doubt, this is a song about a car journey.
Don't take it too seriously - we didn't.
Posted at 10:29 AM
September 23, 2020 Update Your Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac Today!
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac to the latest build 419 to correct any improper messages for Natural Arrangements, apply VST setting improvements, experience faster customized RealTracks and RealDrums Pickers, and fix a few other user-reported issues within the program.
You'll also receive the latest DAW Plugin version 2.12.15 update, with more than 30 additions and updates, including additional options within context menus, the ability to loop a set of bars by highlighting them, and more!
Learn more about this FREE update and download it here.
Posted at 01:59 PM
September 23, 2020 User Showcase Song - Home
The band:
Chris Spruit: Piano and vocals
Marty Straub: Bass guitar and BGV's
Dave Bell: Guitars and BGV's
3160:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsBrent Ev16 060
2644:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopHardMurray Ev16 075
1598:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Pop16thsGritty Ev16 065
Drums: EZDrummer2
Mixed in Reaper, Mastered with Ozone 9
Posted at 10:17 AM
September 22, 2020 Let's Hear Your Band-in-a-Box® Songs!
Working on your first song in Band-in-a-Box®? Or maybe you've built up a great collection of songs... Make sure to share them to the User Showcase Forum where other program users post their original songs too! Receive feedback, build your audience, and connect with other enthusiastic program users - you'll be happy you did!
While you're there, make sure to listen to some of the other great songs posted!
Posted at 02:21 PM
September 22, 2020 User Showcase Song - Nobody's Business
Something I've been working on for a few days. Another one for which Di gave me an idea for a title. She was speaking with someone on the phone and commented, "Well, that's nobody's business.". I picked that from her conversation and used it for the title of this song. I'm terrible with titles for my acoustic creations crazy
It's all acoustic, but a somewhat full band this time. I used the style and replaced the drums, dropped one of the rhythm guitars and replaced it with a mandolin, dropped the resonator guitar and replaced it with a fiddle. Then I added the loop which gives a slight emphasis on the choruses. It has elements of Blues, Gypsy Jazz, Western Swing, and Acoustic Country. Yeah, a real genre mash-up! But I think it works.
Hope you enjoy... thanks in advance!
PS: The acoustic guitar is a bit loud in a couple of place. I put as much compression on it as I could without losing significant sound quality. This is the best I could tame it.
Key=C , Tempo 180, Length (m:s)=3:19
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _BGSWRGS.STY (Acoustic Blues w/ Resonator Guit)
BassCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
DrumsCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
PianoCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
GuitarCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
StringsCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
MelodyCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
RealTracks in style: ~537:Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 165
RealTracks in song: 3215:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm RagtimeBluesColin Sw 190 (Bluesy)
RealTracks in song: ~1544:Fiddle, Background WesternSwing Sw 190
RealTracks in song: ~1715:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist DixielandFast Sw 165 (Bluesy)
RealTracks in style: 616:Mandolin, Rhythm Bouncy Sw 165
Loop in Song: Drums\AmericanaLooseShuffleFred
Loop in Song: AcousticDrumSingle\Jazz - swing120_brush_sn1 sw8.wav
Posted at 11:34 AM
September 17, 2020 User Showcase Song - Wobbly Fingers
My hands have been hitting 10 on the richterscale over the last year or so. I came up with this tune at midnight a couple of nights ago ROFL. Hope you enjoy wobbly fingers, a good old polka
Here's the teccy bits:
RealTracks in style: 1288:Bass, Electric, TexMex2Beat Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1287:Accordion, Rhythm TexMex2Beat Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1290:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexMex2BeatMelodic Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1289:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexMex2BeatComp Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1292:Accordion, Rhythm TexMexCountry Ev 120
RealDrums [in Song:SpoonsTradPolka: a: Spoons b: SpoonsTradPolka
Posted at 11:25 AM
September 17, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® Country Music Add-ons!
Happy International Country Music Day!!!
You might not think of Band-in-a-Box® as a country music making machine, but you'd be surprised... there are OVER 850 Country RealTracks available!
See (hear?) the Country songs created by Band-in-a-Box® users when you check out the Band-in-a-Box® Radio playlists Country/EZ Listening/Folk 1 and Country/EZ Listening/Folk 2.
Feeling inspired to create your own Country song in Band-in-a-Box®? Pop into the RealTracks Picker and create your own custom country band by filtering for "Country" or choose an existing Country style within the StylePicker Window by choosing a "Country" Filter String (from the drop down menu).
Posted at 11:06 AM
September 16, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® 2020 French for Mac is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2020 apporte plus de 50 nouvelles fonctionnalités ! Des améliorations ont été apportées aux RealTracks (RealTracks vocales au son plus doux, Epaississement des RealTracks, fonctions RealTracks "Trouver un Subs" et Multiriffs). La majorité des RealDrums dispose maintenant de RealCharts (avec une notation Drums précise). Le nouveau navigateur d'artistes RealTracks permet la recherche d'informations/bios/liens/listes sur artistes RealTracks. Le nouveau navigateur de fonctions permet à l'utilisateur nouveau ou "tête en l'air" de trouver et d'utiliser facilement la plupart des fonctionnalités/raccourcis/documents à partir d'une seule fenêtre. L'égalisation du tempo permet de changer un morceau rubato enregistré en un tempo fixe. L'étirement audio temps/pitch a été amélioré (Elastique inclus). Il y a des améliorations un peu partout dans le SongPicker, les Intros automatiques avec Basse/drums ou drums seuls, l'extension du nombre de titres avec + 3.400 titres nouveaux, MusicXML, la guitare avec vues "gaucher" et "élève", la fonction glisser-déposer, l'affichage multi-fenêtres de l'Assistant Accord Audio et bien plus encore !
Posted at 01:03 PM
September 16, 2020 User Showcase Song - Wonderful
Here's a change of pace from my last few songs: an upbeat love song. I tried to perform a light vocal instead of my usual bellowing.
Band info:
RT2933 Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterFolkSlap
RT683 Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev
Virtual Guitarist Silk for the sections with arpeggios and the rhythm in the bridge.
Posted at 11:36 AM
September 15, 2020 Get Inspired with the Band-in-a-Box® Title Generator!
There can be many triggers that could inspire you to write a song... but what if you're wanting to write a song, and are having trouble finding the inspiration you need?
Jump start your creativity using the Title Generator feature in Band-in-a-Box®.
I love this feature - it delivers some beautiful results!
To access this feature:
Mac: select Edit | Chords | Auto-Generate Song Title menu command (control+shift+S). The song title will appear in the Title window! Repeat the Auto-Generate Song Title command until the program comes up with a suitable title for your song. Band-in-a-Box® will keep generating new titles for as long as it takes to get the right one.
Windows: click on the "Generate Title" button within the main screen of the program and you can choose to "auto-generate" a song title which will appear right in the Title field of your song, or for a more varied selection choose to "generate multiple titles" and you'll be taken to the Title Generator window, which can generate a list of 50 song titles for you!
I've just done this, and won't bother list all 50 here - but the "top 10" I've chosen from my generated list are:
Eloquent Laugh
Statuesque Luck
Considering a Rainbow
Brief Fling, Acknowledged
Something for a Sandpiper
Happy Runaround
Cheatin' Skies
Then Came a Rose
The Mention of My Love
Eternal Raincheck
Give it a try!
The resource for this feature can also be edited, allowing you to customize the results.
(to do this, review the file TITL1.TXT within the BB Data folder.)
Posted at 11:08 AM
September 15, 2020 User Showcase Song - Fire in the Promised Land
Here is an original Southern Fried tune about the social unrest in America. Dylan is too old to do it I guess, so I will. HA.
Using BIAB , drums, bass, piano, some rhythm guitars. I added vocals, lead guitars . Enjoy Cliff
Posted at 09:55 AM
September 14, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® - Loops-with-Style PAK Video Tutorial
Wondering how to use the Loops-with-Style PAKs in your songs?
Check out our latest video, where we explain installing Loops-with-Style PAKs, locating the content within the proram, and how to use them in either in Band-in-a-Box® or in other DAWs - Watch the video...
Learn about the Styles included, applying the Loops, how the Loops will work with your song settings, using these Loops in other DAWs, and more!
Note: this video was made using the Windows version, however the steps are the same for Mac.
Posted at 01:59 PM
September 14, 2020 User Showcase Song - Hit The Highway Again (Collaboration!)
Well, this one is special for a number of reasons, some of which I'll keep to myself, but I will tell you a couple of things about the song and recording that are big deals to me. First of all, this is a co-write with the talented Floyd Jane. And second, along with Floyd, Janice was kind enough to sing harmony on this track. Thank you, Floyd, Janice, and Bud.
Well, here goes....
This isn't a song born out of the pandemic, though it somehow seems relevant. No, it's just a song about change that's been on the shelf for several years and was suddenly ready.
Style is _NAUSAMP.STY (Nausea Pop Rock w Amplitube Bass)
RealTracks in style: 995:Bass, Electric, HardRockLA Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 671:Organ, B3, Background Southern Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 632:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1259:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopShiningRockA-B Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~669:Guitar, Slide, Background EasySouthern Ev 120
Drums: EZdrummer 2
Posted at 11:35 AM
September 11, 2020 Share Your Love for Band-in-a-Box®!
Want everyone to know how much you enjoy Band-in-a-Box? Submit a Video Testimonial today, and when we share it on our website and YouTube channel, we'll send you a FREE Band-in-a-Box® UltraPAK hard drive!
Check out some of the great Video Testimonials we've already received here.
For more information on this offer, click here.
Posted at 02:19 PM
September 11, 2020 User Showcase Song - John The Revelator
John the Revelator is a traditional gospel/blues song typically heard in a call and response format. The chorus refers to "John of Patmos" writing about the opening of the seven seals (which brings about an apocalypse) while the verses contain additional biblical references.
The first written version is said to have appeared in 1880. The African-American origins seem indisputable and are (as with our recent post of Fire The Next Time), unfortunately, not always referenced. Interpretations have been done by Blind Willie Johnson, Son House and more lately by John Mellencamp, Jack White, Depeche Mode, Gov't Mule, Larkin Poe and many others. A bit apocalyptic but hey it’s 2020 smile
Janice plays all the percussion and Peter plays all the guitars so that left only the bowed bass for a RT. But as always the song was developed in BiaB from the get go .
As an arrangement/interpretation of a traditional tune we own all rights to it per PG Music’s policy for posting.
Thanks to Pg Music, Peter and also Ray for his thoughts on the percussion. Your time to listen and comment is both welcomed and appreciated. The Lyric is on SoundCloud.
Janice: Vocals, cajon and arrangement.
Peter: Guitars, arrangement, and counsel
Bud: Arrangement, lyric tweaking, vocal/cajon engineering, mix, mastering, etc.
Tech Stuff:
Vocals > Rodes NT1 > Scarlett 212 > Logic Pro X > Nectar 2
Bass: RT 2482 Acoustic Held > Neutron 3
Cajon > Rodes NT1 & MXL mics > Logic Pro X > CLA Drums
Handclap: One sample track and one J&B > EMT 140 Plate Reverb sim
Mastering: Logic Pro EQ > Ozone Dynamics > Ozone Imager > Ozone Maximizer > Ozone Tonal Balance > Ozone Loudness Meter
Lyric is on SC.
Posted at 09:28 AM
September 10, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® 2020 German for Mac is Here!
Es gibt über 50 neue Funktionen in Band-in-a-Box® 2020! Es gibt Verbesserungen der RealTracks (weicher klingende Vokal RealTracks, RealTracks Verdickung, "Find-a-Sub" RealTracks und MultiRiffs). Die meisten RealDrums haben jetzt RealCharts (mit genauer Drum-Notation). Es gibt einen neuen RealTracks-Künstler-Browser, um Infos/Bios/Links/Listen von RealTracks zu allen Künstlern zu finden. Ein neuer Feature-Browser ermöglicht es dem neuen oder "vergesslichen" Benutzer, die meisten Features/Hotkeys/Dokumente von einem einzigen Fenster aus leicht zu finden und zu benutzen. Die Funktion Tempoausgleich ermöglicht es, einen aufgenommenen Rubato-Song in ein festes Tempo zu ändern. Verbesserte Audio-Zeit/Tonhöhen-Dehnung (Elastique) enthalten. Es gibt
Posted at 11:24 AM
September 10, 2020 User Showcase Song - In There
I like to give other people presents on days when people might be tempted to give them to me. This one is for my daughter on my birthday. It features some snippets best understood in-family, and features the only toy she's had since toddlerhood--a stuffed doll she named after one of my oldest friends, to whom she took an immediate and unexpected shine.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: In There
Key=D , Tempo 90, Length (m:s)=2:23
2 bar intro, 16 bar chorus, from bar 3 to bar 18. Repeat x3 choruses
Style is _LONESON.STY (Lone Son Acoustic Guitar Ballad)
RealTracks in style: ~2474:Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085
RealTracks in style: ~2505:Piano, Electric, HeldChords 085
RealTracks in style: 2914:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Folky16thsBrent Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: 2914:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Folky16thsBrent Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: 3196:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopBalladBrent Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 3057:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterFolkAltBassQuinn Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: 1766:Mandolin, Rhythm Pop16Sync Ev 085
Started as a chord progression that sat for months without much else until I got busy with this. Vocals recorded in RB, and the project was mixed in Reaper. I usually spend a bit more time, but this is what I had when the deadline hit. Happy Birthday to me.
Melodyne didn't seem to do much pitch correction. Perhaps it didn't recognize what I was doing as actually musical. Perhaps I didn't use it correctly. Perhaps the demo expired mid-way.
I used two instances of compression on the vocals along with some EQ work and (hopefully) just a smidgeon of reverb. Basic effects on the other tracks and mastered with Ozone 8 Elements.
Posted at 10:45 AM
September 09, 2020 With Band-in-a-Box® Your Band is MASSIVE!
Open Band-in-a-Box®, and you're instantly gaining access to at least 300 different RealTracks played by real live musicians!
There's more than 140 Artists that contribute to the 2,900+ RealTracks available! Our RealTracks and RealDrums Artists are top studio musicians, and the RealTracks they play will add an amazing human element to your projects!
Now is a great time to have these musicians handy!
Band-in-a-Box® Pro includes over 300 RealTracks in 100 bands! Windows | Mac
Band-in-a-Box® MegaPAK includes over 500 RealTracks in 300 bands! Windows | Mac
Band-in-a-Box® UltraPAK includes over 2,900 RealTracks! Windows | Mac
Band-in-a-Box® UltraPAK+ includes over 2,900 RealTracks! Windows | Mac
Band-in-a-Box® Audiophile Edition includes the uncomplessed files for over 2,900 RealTracks! Windows | Mac
Learn more about using RealTracks in your Band-in-a-Box® projects: Windows | Mac
Posted at 02:33 PM
September 09, 2020 User Showcase Song - Bass GROOVE w/ BIAB 70's TV theme style
Bass GROOVE w/ BIAB 70's TV theme style - Ernie Ball Bongo 6 Demo song. 70's style, TV Theme Groove.
Hey PGM friends!
As a bassist natively, my bass collection is far greater than than my guitar collection. I did get this EB Bongo 6 a few months back but struggle with the tighter string spacing, though enjoy the light weight. I made a demo for a sale ad.
This is a GREAT example (in my opinion) of using BIAB with your own tracks to write and create some killer music. Wishing ya'll a FANTASTIC weekend! RG
This groove breaks down like this
RG Tracks
- Drums
- Bass
- Vintage Analog Strings
BIAB Real Tracks
Acoustic Piano
Electric Piano
Clav 1
Clav 2
Wah Guitar
Posted at 10:01 AM
September 08, 2020 We've Updated Band-in-a-Box® Radio!
Discover your new favorite song and be inspired when you shuffle through the UPDATED Band-in-a-Box® Radio, with 340+ original Band-in-a-Box® songs written and recorded by program users just like you!
We've organized these songs by playlist:
-Country / EZ Listening / Folk (2 Playlists!)
-Rock / Pop / Blues (2 Playlists!)
-Jazz / Latin
Listen to Band-in-a-Box® Radio on our website at, or head directly to our Band-in-a-Box® Radio SoundCloud channel!
All of the songs you'll hear on Band-in-a-Box® Radio are songs that have been posted to SoundCloud and then shared to our User Showcase Forum.
Don't have a SoundCloud account? Click here to get started, and begin sharing your own Band-in-a-Box® projects with other users on our User Showcase Forum - we'd love to hear them!
Posted at 12:15 PM
September 08, 2020 User Showcase Song - Together Again
You've all been so welcoming and encouragin when I posted my 1st song ("Light worker") that you made me feel more comfortable sharing this 2nd song I have composed and just published on Soundcloud.
I used BIAB for the backing track:
Styles : Icepop.sty and a bit of Sputter.sty & Stutter.sty
I used MTT drums to give some more colors and variations for some fills.
I play all the guitars (funky rythms, lead & solo).
It starts as a jazz funk tune and then goes more into fusion when the solo comes.
Programs used :
- Reaper + Valallah reverb + OTT + Ozone 9
- THU for the guitar sounds
Hope you will like it.
Posted at 12:09 PM
September 04, 2020 User Showcase Song - Joie de Vivre (Joy of Life)
Since I'm good for about one song a year, whether it's needed or not, here goes. Feedback is welcome and appreciated - Scott
Near the Bayou Teche in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana there was a cafe known as the Joie de Vivre. One day a few years ago some friends and I wandered inside. I asked for the translation and eventually a song developed. And since our friends grew up in that area - one on his parents' farm nearby - they're all part of the story.
Joie de Vivre (Joy of Life)
Vocals are Nectar 2 and me
Ozone 8 for mastering
Style is M_SWWLZS.STY (Country Waltz Swing w/ MST Strin)
1122:Bass, Acoustic, CountryWaltz Sw 110
827:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Country Waltz Sw 110
2119:Fiddle, Soloist CountryWaltzAndy Sw 085
RealDrums [in style:NashClassicWaltzSw^4-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 01:34 PM
September 04, 2020 Video - Band-in-a-Box® for Mac: No Sound with MIDI? (MIDI Plugin Settings)
Have you ever experienced a No Sound issue when you're working with MIDI in Band-in-a-Box® for Mac?
We have an online tutorial that can walk you through some troubleshooting to resolve this, but why not check out our YouTube video instead? Click here to watch.
Of course, you can always reach out to us directly if you're in need of assistance with the program!
Posted at 01:26 PM
September 04, 2020 Holiday Hours - Labor Day (September 7, 2020)
Monday, September 7th is Labor Day. Although our Customer Service Department will be open, we will have limited hours that day:
Customer Service: 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST (GMT -8)
Our hours will return to normal on Tuesday, September 8th.
Posted at 11:14 AM
September 03, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® Features Resource
Did you know... when you open Band-in-a-Box®, you're using a program with more than 30 years 'experience'! With each new version, typically released annually, there are at least 50 new features and enhancements - it can be hard to keep track of what was added when!
We've made it easy to learn about any of the features easily with our new Features Browser, where you simply select the [?] button at the top of the main screen, or press the / Enter while in the chord sheet to open the Feature Browser window, and type in your feature keyword! For example: type in "Shot" and the steps for specifying a chord as a shot will be displayed, with additional buttons to choose the online program manual topic or watch the support video explaining the feature! Read more about using this feature here.
Mac users click here for your manual.
Plus, if you read through the "Features" contents within the program help file you'll be able to look over each new release all the way back to version 7!
Posted at 01:17 PM
September 03, 2020 User Showcase Song - Whimsical Road
Whimsical Road started off as a new age song but ended up as a smooth jazz song. Since BiaB chose the title I just kept it; well actually I was just too lazy to change it. BiaB has so many styles to choose from and sometimes I just get lost in it and come up with something that I didn't intend when I started.
BiaB style = Lilacs MIDI Smooth Jazz Ballad
Tempo = 60 BPM
I deleted the bass, drums, and guitar tracks
Piano = Keyzone Classic - Basic EP
Strings = Synthmaster2 - pad - Entombed
Drums = Groovemonkee Jazz Funk MIDI drum loops through Addictive Drums 2 - funk kit-FX - Waves CLA Drums
Percussion = Kontakt - Brio Ensemble
I am playing the following:
Frettless Bass - straight into the computer - FX - Waves JJP Bass & Bass Rider
Lead Guitar - Harley Benton Jazz box straight into the computer - FX - Raum reverb
Rhythm guitar - Harley Benton Jazz box straight into the computer - FX - Presonous Pro EQ & compressor.
I am also playing the tenor sax via my wind controller, Swam tenor - FX - Raum reverb
Posted at 09:41 AM
September 02, 2020 Video - Downloading, Registering, and Installing Your Band-in-a-Box® for Mac Purchase
Have you recently purchased a download-delivery copy of Band-in-a-Box® for Mac?
In this video, Simon walks you through registering, downloading, and installing your Band-in-a-Box® purchase!
Posted at 11:45 AM
September 02, 2020 User Showcase Song - Breakfast With The Blues
I haven’t posted a blues tune for a while, so here’s a short one….
RealTracks: 2692:Organ, Rhythm ModernPopSlowMike Ev 075 Neutron2 Dirty B3
RealTracks: ~689:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085 Neutron2 Dirty B3
Recorded in Logic Pro X
Plug Ins : Nectar 2, Neutron 2, Ozone 8, Tonal Balance, Waves LinMB, Waves, L3-LL Multi Limiter, Scuffam Amps S-Gear, Waves Vocal Rider, Waves Bass Rider
Royalty Free Loops
Vocals, Electric Guitars, Tom Adams
Posted at 10:37 AM
September 01, 2020 Changing Chord Fonts in Band-in-a-Box®
Did you know that there are different built-in chord fonts you can choose in Band-in-a-Box®?
From the Chord Display menu, you can choose from:
Small Font (System)
PG Text
Jazz Chord Symbols
Comic Sans
BeStPlain Chord Symbols
From Options | Preferences, within Display select "Chord Display Layer (text)" and you can choose these same built in fonts from the drop down menu, or select the [Choose Font] button to choose a font that's installed to your computer - give it a try!
To learn more about customizing your Band-in-a-Box® view, review the Display section of our online manual subject: Options Menu
Mac user? Click here for your online manual.
Posted at 01:49 PM
September 01, 2020 User Showcase Song - A Girl Like That
Not your grampa's Country.
RealTracks in song: ~700:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 2444:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background PopCountryBrent Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3435:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BritPsycPopBalladArpVibChorus Ev 065 (Held)
RealTracks in song: 873:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernRnBRockFunkyOffbeat Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 1841:Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveHigh Ev16 075
RealTracks in song: 3441:Guitar, Electric, Soloist BritPsycRockMarch Ev 110
RealTracks in song: 3203:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist RnBPopBrent Ev 110
Royalty Free Loops
Some harmonies generated using the Helicon TC plugin in RealBand
Me: vocals, additional harmonies, art work
Posted at 11:13 AM
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