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September 29, 2020  -  User Showcase Song - Coming Home

This is something different from what you might know from me. It is a song with a sphere from the 50's with the use of an alt sax. The story is about broken promises in a military setting:

I am sure I haven't watched too much Netflix series when writing this song. It was written in 2017, but I didn't know what kind of melody it needed (something with a military sound?), so it stayed 'on the shelf of unfinished projects'. Until this month. When you start listening you hear some humming and creaks. Nothing wrong with your device. I did this intentionaly on my keyboard.
The background vocals I made with the help of Melodyne, but one track I sang myself, like the leadvocals.

I hope you like it, in spite of the topic.


Style:_TREVINO.STY, Key C, Tempo: 110 bpm

RealTracks: ~1845: Bas, Elec, Country Boogie A-B Sw 110
RealTracks: ~ 952: Guitar, Ac. Country Boogie Open Sw 110
RealTracks: 1553: Guitar, Elec, Country Swing Gritty Strum Sw 110
RealTracks: 2715: Guitar, Nylon, Swing Brent Sw 110
RealTracks: 1146: Fiddle, Country Swing Sw 110
RealTracks: 1953: Sax, Alt, Texas BluesRock ShuffleMark Sw 130
RealDrums : NashvilleSwing8^2-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride


Posted on September 29, 2020 01:11 PM

Entries from September 2020:

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