News Archives
October 2020
October 30, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® Bar Settings
In Band-in-a-Box®, F5 or Edit | Settings for Current Bar will open up a new window allowing you to adjust the number of beats per bar, apply tempo changes and patch changes, or apply a different Style, and even choose harmony changes to your Band-in-a-Box® song!
Watch the video that explains this feature.
Read more about Bar Settings: Windows | Mac
Posted at 01:50 PM
October 30, 2020 User Showcase Song - Consentingly Bold
Me on solo realtracks Style is _JCOOLPN.STY (Smooth Jazz Cool Swing 16 w/ Pia)
RealTracks in style: ~903:Bass, Electric, SmoothCool Sw16 100
RealTracks in style: 1997:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SmoothJazzCool Sw16 100
RealTracks in song: ~1073:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SmoothJazzCool Sw16 100
RealTracks in song: ~689:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1058:Sax, Alto, Soloist SmoothJazzPoppy Ev16 090
RealDrums [in style:SmoothJazzCoolSw16^1-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride Thanks for listening and comments Eric
Posted at 09:43 AM
October 29, 2020 User Showcase Song - Aces and Eights
Another of my story songs.
First did this with help from my pal Mike Leblanc back in 2016 with a swing feel but decided recently to change the style and much of the lyric.
Aces And Eights or Dead Man's Hand vs2 © 2013 Vic Arnold with suggestions from Mike Leblanc
Bass = 1759, Drums =Northern Rock ballad
Guitars 806, 703, 2626 and 804
Posted at 09:50 AM
October 29, 2020 A Look Back - Band-in-a-Box® 2009 for Mac
In May 2009, we released Band-in-a-Box® 2009 for Mac to the world, unleashing automatic REAL accompaniment to the MacIntel community!
This highly anticipated release brought with it RealTracks, RealDrums, the Audio Chord Wizard, Audio Rendering, MultiStyles, an updated GUI, and more!
Check out our Band-in-a-Box® 2009 Introduction Video for a blast-from-the-past! Watch video...
(This is an easy-to-follow explanation of RealTracks & RealDrums that even a seasoned user will enjoy!)
We had also made a video highlighting the advanced features released with Version 2009: Watch now
Posted at 09:48 AM
October 28, 2020 User Showcase Song - It Sometimes Works That Way
A little bit of throw-away Blues-Rock from me and Eddie.
The acoustic rhythm guitar, the OOHs and the Sax are all RTs.
The other guitars, the brass (Edirol) and Hammond (Trio) are mine.
Drums, as usual are our own samples, played back through Drum Source.
Eddie is on lead vocals and I'm putting in the harmony voices.
Posted at 09:50 AM
October 27, 2020 The Band-in-a-Box® SongPicker
The Band-in-a-Box® SongPicker can show information for up to 60,000 song files and can be customized to point to any folder on your computer, allowing easy access to your own song files or Band-in-a-Box® demo files!
Once you've chosen your folder and rebuilt your list, you are able to filter the list, adjust the width of the columns, see the chord sheet within the SongPicker Window, and more! The filter feature is incredibly specific too - you can even filter by Songs with Custom Chord Progression!
Read more about the SongPicker: Windows | Mac.
We created a video explaining the SongPicker using Band-in-a-Box® 2019 for Windows - check it out!
Posted at 12:39 PM
October 27, 2020 User Showcase Song - Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, SOMETHING BLUES
The song started out as a Bob James-style arrangement but as often happens, it developed a life of its own.
Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blues
The song is based around a 12-bar sequence (plus a bridge) but, the guitar solo chorus (at 2:14) is the only chorus that sounds anything like a 12-bar blues. The rest of the song has a more of a jazz tinge with substitute and extended chords.
The piano accompaniment is mostly my rearrangement of a couple RTs by Miles Black.
The beautiful acoustic bass sounds are from Neil Swainson.
The early drums are RTs from Danny Gottlieb and Ricky Lawson. Franklin (Third) Richardson plays the Swing16 drums from the solos onwards.
The guitar chordal accompaniment is mostly my rearrangement of RTs by Dwight Sills, who also provides the guitar solo.
The alto sax is from RT1056, featuring the great Eric Marienthal.
I created the guitar intro and the melody in the bridge sections in Native Instrument’s Electric Sunburst Deluxe.
Posted at 10:49 AM
October 26, 2020 Video - Band-in-a-Box® Transpose From .. To .. Tutorial
Make sure you check out our latest video if you want to see how to transpose a portion of your song! Click here to watch...
Learn even more about transposing within Band-in-a-Box with our online manual: Windows | Mac.
Posted at 12:47 PM
October 26, 2020 User Showcase Song - Flip Phone Guys (In a Smart Phone World)
So.... It's been a while since I have been able to record something new. Just a lot going on.
I heard someone make a comment the other day similar to the title of this song and thought... that would be a cool song.
So here it is.
A few things to note.
1. Quite a bit of this is one take and done. Vocals and guitar parts.
2. There's warts I didn't opt to fix. No vocal correction whatsoever.
3. I'm showcasing a new modeling amp in this one. I used the Spark amp with a clean rhythm, a crunchy undercurrent in a few places,
it's not that evident, and a country crunch on the lead. Using the Modern tele on the strat pickup...
4. All 3 guitar tracks are me, and I'm also playing the piano parts and that was also a one take almost disaster. Cakewalk Sound Center Grand piano.
5. BB is providing the drums and the bass which is a Texas Rock style bass and something in 8 rock drums.
Posted at 10:35 AM
October 16, 2020 The Guitar & Piano Chord Dictionary Programs
Happy National Dictionary Day!*
Head to our Other Windows Software page to find programs like PowerTracks, GuitarStar: Brent Mason Country, Video Guitar Lessons, and more!
Scroll down and you'll find our Guitar Chord Dictionary & Piano Chord Dictionary programs. Each Chord Dictionary allows you to choose a root note to select the chord you want to learn, and it will be displayed on-screen with either the piano keyboard or the guitar fretboard!
In the Guitar Chord Dictionary & Piano Chord Dictionary you can change the sounds within the Settings window, whether it be the Root note or the Chord, and it doesn't even have to be a guitar or piano! Looking through the options, there's various piano choices, guitar choices, organ, etc. - but you can also choose more unique sounds like the tuba, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, and more!
*October 16th
Posted at 10:00 AM
October 16, 2020 User Showcase Song - Pure
A love song.
RealTracks in song: 2937:Bass, Fretless Electric Pop8thsRene Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3059:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Muted16thsFintan Ev16 080
RealTracks in song: 3554:Multi[Thickened=5] String Quartet, Rhythm PopHall Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3057:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterFolkAltBassQuinn Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: 2195:Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm CoolJazzPopHeld Ev 085
RealDrums [in Song:CongasEv16[single]: a: Congas b: CongasEv16[single]
Helicon harmonies
Posted at 09:36 AM
October 15, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® Video Testimonial by C. Dan Roberts
Our latest Video Testimonial comes from C. Dan Roberts, and his enthusiasm for Band-in-a-Box® is inspiring!
Do you have a video testimonial that you would like to share? Contact us at
Visit C. Dan Roberts testimonial page here.
Posted at 11:15 AM
October 15, 2020 User Showcase Song - In a Monk Dream
This is a track that I revisited a few times, and I've tried to work in a melody but I've come to enjoy it as is, so I wanted to toss it out there and see what you think. I would really appreciate any tips on the mixing - that's where I have difficulty. And if you think there's a way to add a melody track, I'm all ears.
It's called in a Monk dream because I tried to use some inspiration from Thelonius Monk in the chord choices - they are a bit unusual, but the way BIAB worked with them was pretty neat.
Song Info:
Style is _SURFEIT.STY (Surfeit Swing Jazz Ballad)
RealTracks in style: 2956:Bass, Acoustic, ModernJazzSlowSwingNeil Sw 085
RealTracks in style: ~2314:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzSwingSlowKenny Sw 085
RealTracks in style: ~555:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085
RealDrums [in style:JazzBrushes#1: a: JazzBrushes#1b: JazzBrushes#1
Posted at 10:00 AM
October 14, 2020 User Showcase Song - Azure Brasil
This is a chromatic harmonica instrumental. I played a Hohner CX12 and used the bossafred RealStyle for the backing band. It's short, 2:26.
You have to click PLAY
Posted at 09:39 AM
October 13, 2020 Train Your Brain with Band-in-a-Box®
Today* is National Train Your Brain Day!
You can definitely do that with Band-in-a-Box®
Open your Band-in-a-Box® program, and you'll find the [Practice] button in the toolbar - it's a GREAT resource!
Minimized your toolbar? Head to Window | Practice Window or ALT SHIFT L to access.
In this window, you'll find many options to help you practice, including Ear Training games (Pitch Invasion is my favorite!), access to the Chord Builder and Chord Subs, some helpful tools within the Playalong Features menu (like Trade 4s, woodshed tempo, etc.), and more!
Train Your Brain with Band-in-a-Box® today!
Windows Online Manual: Practice Window
Mac Online Manual: Tools, Wizards, Tutors, and Fun
*October 13
Posted at 11:44 AM
October 13, 2020 User Showcase Song - Point Break
Hello everyone, hope you are all keeping well.
I had a bit of fun putting this one together. I used the Style SurfTom - Classic Surf w/Tom Drums. I just used drums and bass from the style. I added organ and rhythm and lead guitars.
Can you have too much reverb and delay on a surf guitar?.... Nah!
Posted at 10:36 AM
October 09, 2020 User Showcase Song - The Sage
This is a song about looking for answers in this mixed up world that we live in.
I don't consider myself to be a singer by any stretch of the imagination, but both Chris and Marty encouraged me to give it a try. Fortunately I had Chris along to add some much needed finesse
Also up on SoundCloud: The Sage
The Band:
3086:Organ, Rhythm AmericanaSlow128Mike Sw 040
3356:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm Moody128Brent Sw 060
Drums: EZDrummer2
Dave Bell - Additional Guitars and Vocal
Marty Straub, aka BabuMusic - Bass
Christiane Spruit - BGV's
Mixed with Reaper, mastered with Ozone.
Posted at 01:36 PM
October 09, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® 2020 Updates for Windows & Mac!
We've just released FREE Updates for both Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Windows & Mac program users!
With the latest update for Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Windows, you can now choose the "Save Exact Chord Text" checkbox to the Save XML dialog, there are VST feature updates, Audio Chord Wizard enhancements, updated program messages, we've applied fixes to an assortment of user-reported issues, and the DAW Plugin 2.12.15 Update has been added too!
Review the complete list of updates for build 734 and download it here.
The newest Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac update also includes VST feature updates, as well as RealTracks & RealDrums Picker enhancements, smoother 'tabbing' between dialog windows, and additional fixes applied to an assortment of user-reported issues. If you missed adding the DAW Plugin 2.12.15 update from September, it will be added with this update too!
Review the complete list of updates for build 420 and download it here.
Posted at 01:35 PM
October 09, 2020 Holiday Hours - Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
Monday, October 12th is Canadian Thanksgiving!
Our Holiday schedule that day is:
Customer Service: 8:00AM to 4:00PM PDT
We will be back to our regular schedule Tuesday, October 13th.
Posted at 01:34 PM
October 08, 2020 User Showcase Song - Back Burner Man
In 1967 I (Bud) listened to Cream's Disraeli Gears when it hit the stores - it quickly steered me from my more psychedelia playlist! I was particularly struck by Outside Woman Blues (one of my early entries into blues rock). The notion of a man keeping an "outside woman” has shown up several times over the years in blues songs.
So Janice and I thought it was high time for the woman to have her say smile resulting in this “response” song.
Channeling Cream is obviously out of the question! But we do hope to have established a few hints. Jack Bruce often had a bit of an over driven bass sound so at Peter’s suggestion we processed the bass RT with some overdrive, tape sat and vintage compression. Peter also altered some of the bass notes to better fit the progression (that includes the infamous “Hendrix chord”).
Finally (yea) and FWIW the mix and mastering is influenced by the Disraeli Gears sound, i.e., heavy snare, the processed bass, the guitar FX, a bit more compression throughout, etc.
A big thanks to PG Music and Peter.
Janice: Arrangement, melody, lead vocal/harmony and counter point lead/harmony
Peter: All guitar tracks - solos, fills, turnarounds and rhythm
Bud: Lyric, arrangement, SC photo and the tech stuff.
Bass: RT 572 Electric Blues BB
Drums: RD BluesRockSlowEv^4-a:Snare, b:Snare, HiHat
Drums (tag): Nashville 8ths and added cymbal swell sample
Snare double: Logic Pro X Drummer
Track effects: Nectar 2, Waves CLA Vocals, Waves CLA Drums, Neutron 3 and Waves Bass Rider
Mastering: Logic Pro X EQ > Ozone 9 Dynamics > Ozone 9 Imager > Ozone 9 Maximizer > Izotope Tonal Balance 2 > Izotope Loudness Meter
Equipment: Rodes NT1 mic and Scarlett 212 interface
DAW: Logic Pro X
Arranged in BiaB via multiple SGU movement to and from Australia.
Posted at 10:51 AM
October 08, 2020 Video - How to Transpose a Region of a Band-in-a-Box® Song
Want to learn how to transpose just one chorus of your Band-in-a-Box® song?
Check out our latest video, shared to the I want a video that shows me how to... forum:
Posted at 09:27 AM
October 07, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® - What People Are Saying...
Wow, check out the latest feedback from Band-in-a-Box® users!
"I have one song I've been torturing over to get the sound right for quite some time and I merely keyed in the chords and what BB generated is awesome. Just what I hoped that song would sound like. What had taken me months to get right (and couldn't), the program could do in about an hour - AMAZING!"
"Great Ear Training Exercises! And I love that that you can set the tempo to whatever you choose. It's great for learning a tune!"
"A very good and easy to use musical program!"
"It's amazingly easy to use! Write a song? No problem! Add background sound track to a video? No problem! Put notes on a staff and have BB make up a chord progression and tell what key you are in? No problem! Start with a chord progression and have BB make a melody line? No problem!"
"Still the best practice tool I have found, great for running lines, improvising over and really helpful for working on song writing ideas as well! Good for beginners, and the more musical skill and knowledge you have the more you will get out of the software."
"I create demo songs with Band-in-a-Box, it helps me to get my ideas across to my engineer!"
"Been using Band-in-a-Box for years. Outstanding product from a great company!"
"It's like buying a Musical History Jukebox. It comes with probably 3000 styles and is like hiring session musicians to play rhythm with you, they even have soloists! It introduces you to so many types of rhythms that you other wise would know nothing about. "
"Paul McCartney said you gotta have a great band behind you. Well, Band-in-a-Box is my band."
"It's as easy as typing in the chords, choosing your style, instruments, etc., and off you go! Learning the tune? You can slow it down while you work on it then speed it up. My favorite analogy is a good chess program, which will play at your speed and level and is eternally patient!"
"I love my Band in a box, it does so much! Besides all the RealTracks and song ideas, it's a great tool to stay sharp with your licks. Social distancing got you down? Can't jam with friends? Pick out any song and go to the mixer button, there you can mute any instrument that's playing so you can jump right in and play along!"
"I love it. I'm a drummer, and Band-in-a-Box really keeps me on my toes!"
"The DAW plugin is really great. Trust me on this. I use it with Studio One.
"This is how I've been able to gig solo for the past 20 years. Band-in-a-Box is the great equalizer for us none rhythm players."
"Wouldn't want to be without it! One of the best things I bought in my life. Simple as that."
"As a songwriter I really love to work with Band-in-a-Box. The only limitation is your own creativity."
"I've used Band-in-a-Box for 25 years and thanks to this program and the advice of PG Music staff I've written over 100 songs. It's great software and amazing help to me as a musician. CONGRATS!!!"
Thank you for all the amazing feedback!
Posted at 01:07 PM
October 07, 2020 User Showcase Song - I Dream of You
Today I am submitting a movie soundtrack composition. I show that with Biab, I can arrive at different sound spaces than those that we usually meet on this musical platform.
In this style, the chord grid helped me a lot. For the musical ornament, I did not find many midi files apart from the strings. There are layers but we have to rework them in the pianoroll a lot to integrate them. Fortunately, orchestral vsts are present on the market. In this composition, I downloaded several midi piano rhythms and reworked them according to the melody. The drums are integrated at their simplest expression. In my daw studio one, I often asked the vst Biab to experiment with musical phrases with different instruments. Biab is an excellent tool, very flexible and a source of inspiration.
Here I submit this composition to you, hoping you like it. I point out that I used the projectsam vst a lot to make this soundtrack.
If you have the time or the inclination, thank you for giving me a constructive comment so that I can continue to improve.
Thank you in advance to all the advisor members of this nice musical platform.
Posted at 09:52 AM
October 06, 2020 User Showcase Song - She Sees Thru Gypsy Eyes
I hope you are all safe and well. This is a first time collaboration with Donna Evans (Belladonna), who passed along the lyrics to a song she had composed, and I was happy to give them a go. I changed the order of a couple lines in the chorus to fit the melody/song structure I came up with, and then tweaked a line or two in the second verse . . . but beyond that I've stayed very true to Donna's original lyric. Special thanks to Donna for pitching in on the back up vocals. Hope it works well enough and that you enjoy the listen.
The band:
RealTracks 2590: Bass, Electric, RockPickedQuarters Ev 165
RealTracks 2930: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkRock8thsBrent Ev 100
RealTracks 3203: Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist RnBPopBrent Ev 110
RealTracks 2870: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticAirDave Ev 085
RealTracks 1752: Accordion, Rhythm Pop8ths Ev 110
RealTracks 1948: Mandolin, Rhythm PopUpliftingAndy Ev16 120
RealDrums in Style: BluesRockEv^1-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Open HiHat
And rhythm guitar: DJ Lekich
Posted at 09:57 AM
October 05, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® - A Teaching Tool!
Did you know that we offer Band-in-a-Box® LabPAK and Site License purchase options for schools? This is an ideal option for any educational institution looking to add Band-in-a-Box® to their curriculum.
Learn more about the LabPAK purchase options here: Windows | Mac.
How would a teacher use Band-in-a-Box® in a school setting?
A few ideas:
-practice sight reading with the students by following the on-screen notation
-display the Guitar Fretboard or Big Piano Window to watch the notes being played
-Trading fours! (etc.)
-generate a song for accompaniment during practice sessions
-create a practice song and save it as an audio file to send home with the student for additional practice!
...and more!
Wondering how to add a Band-in-a-Box LabPAK to your school? Feel free to contact us directly with any questions you might have! Click here to send us an email.
Posted at 12:30 PM
October 05, 2020 User Showcase Song - Where Is Justice
Here's my latest cut from my album called "Sign of Our Times'
Just a few observations on current events.
"Where Is Justice"
Drums - RealDrums BluesRockSloSlowEv
Bass - 701 Bass Electric
Piano - 2503 Piano, Acoustic
Rhythm Guitar 1 - 2677 Acoustic
Rhythm Guitar 2 -CaptainMoto Flaxwood Routia, Victoria Amp
Guitar Fills -CaptainMoto Flaxwood Routia, Victoria Amp
Vocals -CaptainMoto, Bad as ever
DAW -Studio One 5
Posted at 12:28 PM
October 02, 2020 User Showcase Song - The Silence
I broke a heart once. Here is the story.
©1977 floyd jane
The BAND parts:
EZKeys tracks
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2066:Piano, Rhythm NewAgeAnswers Ev16 110
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2831:Piano, Rhythm GospelSlowBalladMike Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1856:Cello, Background PopCountry Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 2338:Violin, Background, PopLow Ev 085 (1TrackStringSection)
RealTracks in song: 2337:Violin, Background, PopHigh Ev 085 (1TrackStringSection)
I created a strings track and a flute track using Spitfire BBC Orchestra
Harmonies created in RealBand using Helicon plugin
Me: lyrics, music, vocal, production, strings, flute, mix, master, art work
Posted at 10:11 AM
October 01, 2020 Create Your Own Band-in-a-Box® Album!
Today is National CD Player Day! Have you created a CD of your Band-in-a-Box® projects? We've received a few from program users over the years... thank you to everyone who has sent us one!
With Band-in-a-Box®, you can save your songs as a WAV, MP3, WMA, MP4, M4A, etc., making it easy to create a CD of your music to play in any standard CD player!
Learn more about the different ways to save your Band-in-a-Box® song here: Windows | Mac
We also have some videos explaining how to export audio files in Band-in-a-Box®: Windows | Mac
Posted at 12:58 PM
October 01, 2020 User Showcase Song - Everybody's Business
I posted this to give you a small insight to my "messing around" with BIAB. I recently posted an all acoustic song called "Nobody's Business". I used the exact same chord pattern but put it to a spirited Smooth Jazz arrangement in this song. I didn't change a single chord but used all new backing tracks. This is what I came up with.
If Brent Mason and Norman Brown had a love child, this might be what he would play. Hope you enjoy it a bit. But the thought of them having a love child is, indeed, a bit disturbing!
Song Summary – Everybody’s Business
File:Everybody's Business.SGU
Key=C , Tempo 175, Length (m:s)=3:25
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _BEBOPBM.STY (Bebop Trio w/ Country Guitar)
BassCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
DrumsCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
PianoCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
GuitarCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
MelodyCustom Synth is Synth/Plugin Loaded
RealTracks in style: ~752:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz BeBop Sw 190
RealTracks in style: ~755:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz BeBop Sw 190
RealTracks in style: 1713:Guitar, Electric, Soloist WesternSwingBrent Sw 165 (jazz/laid-back timing)
Loop in Song: Drums\AmericanaLooseShuffleFred
Loop in Song: AcousticDrumSingle\Jazz - swing120_brush_sn1 sw8.wav
RealDrums [in style:Jazz: a: HiHat b: Ride & Snare
Posted at 11:02 AM
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