News Archives
November 2020
November 30, 2020 NEW! Xtra Styles PAK 10 & MultiStyles PAK 1 for Band-in-a-Box®!
We've just released some amazing new Add-ons for Band-in-a-Box® 2020!
Xtra Styles PAK 10 with 50 styles each for Country, Jazz, Rock-Pop, and Folk Celebration! These carefully crafted RealStyles include lo-fi acoustic guitar hip hop, triple-guitar garage rock, a barbeque boom-chick jam, slidin' lazy country blues, bolero and bossa nova fusion, a Gypsy and stride ballad, praise break organ jazz fusion, surfin' folk rock, barn dance old-time stomp 'n' clap, an acoustic folky blues jam, and so much more!
Introducing MultiStyles PAK 1! 30 MultiStyles containing 120 styles - that's a total of 150 Styles! We've included 10 MultiStyles each for Country, Jazz, and Rock-Pop. Our jazz greats MultiStyle allows you to switch between piano and guitar comping, or select from two different solos. Our Jamaican groove selecta allows you to switch from ska at one section to reggae, island groove, or reggae with sax solo at another. A Tex-Mex country MultiStyle allows you to switch between a regular-time and double-time feel. And that's just the beginning. There's so much more in store! Once you dive into these professionally-mixed MultiStyles, you'll wonder how you ever made due with only two substyles per song! Use one substyle for a softer intro, another one for a restrained breakdown, then throw in a different and energetic middle-eight, or change it up with a solo. The possibilities are endless!
And they're ON SALE!
Xtra Styles PAK 10, and ALL our Xtra Styles PAKs, are on sale for $29 (reg. $49) each! Haven't purchased Xtra Styles yet, but now you want them all? The COMPLETE collection of Xtra Styles PAKs 1-10 with over 1,600 RealStyles can be yours for only $199 (reg. $349)! There's also an option to purchase the newest Xtra Styles PAKs 9 & 10 for Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for a bundle price of $49, if you missed out on our previous special!
Purchase MultiStyles PAK 1 for only $19 (reg. $29)! Adding the 2021 49-PAK to your Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows purchase? No need to buy this separately, MultiStyles PAK 1 is included with it!
Mac user? Click here for your OS specific product announcement.
Posted at 01:45 PM
November 30, 2020 User Showcase Song - Lighthouse
If you’ve never heard a Rock Ballad about getting older, well here’s one…
RealTracks in style: 1592:Bass, Electric, Pop16ths Ev 065
RealTracks in song: ~2504:Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 060
RealTracks in song: 1542:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopBelieve Ev16 065
RealTracks in song: 1602:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 065
Royalty Free Loops
Recorded in Logic Pro X
Plug Ins : Nectar 2, Neutron 2, Ozone 8, Tonal Balance, Waves LinMB, Waves, L3-LL Multi Limiter, Scuffam Amps S-Gear, Waves Vocal Rider
Vocals, Electric Guitars, Tom Adams
Posted at 01:10 PM
November 28, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows is HERE!
Just released: Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows with over 50 new features, 202 RealTracks, new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, Artist Performances, Bonus RealDrums "Singles," RealDrums transcriptions, MultiStyles PAK 1, Xtra Styles PAK 10, and more!
We're having a SALE on Band-in-a-Box® 2021 Upgrade purchases until December 31, 2020- save up to 50% when you purchase your Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows Upgrade!
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some amazing Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2021 packages, but for more even more Add-ons (including 40 Unreleased RealTracks and the just-released MultiStyles PAK 1) upgrade it to the 2021 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
Check out our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
If you need any help deciding which package is the best option for you, just let us know. We are here to help!
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows at:
Posted at 08:11 AM
November 27, 2020 User Showcase Song - The View From The Top
A song about how little understanding you'll find amongst privileged upper middle class and rich people to various struggles as race equality, gender equality, workers rights and paying decent wages. I belong to the privileged upper middle class here in Denmark, which i why I point a finger at myself.
Feel free to agree or disagree upon my views.
Bass: 3455 Electric Americana
Guitar Swells: 3329 Rhythm Lounge Funk Swells - double tracked
Guitar Background: 3230 Background Cinema
Acoustic Guitar: 1828 Rhythm Pop Moderne Groove
Fintan: 3059 Acoustic Rhythm Muted16thsFintan
Fingerpicking: 2051 Acoustic Fingerpicking CountryBrent (used in the drop/break)
Drums: Real Drums Americana 16ths Sync Fred
Self played MIDI:
Whistler: Combination of Air Whistle synth and Celtic tin Whistle (Logic Pro X built in Synth)
Organ Harmonia: Logic Pro X Synth - Alchemy
Gentle Quirks: Logic Pro X Synth - Alchemy
My own - used with iZotope Nectar 3 and iZotope Voice Doubler (Free plugin)
Mastered with Ozone 8
Posted at 08:35 AM
November 26, 2020 Happy Thanksgiving!
Today our friends in the USA are celebrating Thanksgiving!
Our hours are not affected - we are here until 6pm PST!
We hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving!
Posted at 07:09 AM
November 24, 2020 User Showcase Song - Feel Good Funk
A Modern Jazz Funk song. This subgenre has a rather narrow audience niche. But I'm a big fan. In this style, drums and bass usually lead the way. The lead instrument is mixed slightly above them, giving the supporting cast a little more space. I mixed the lead guitar a wee bit louder than is typical for the genre. Laziness is my only excuse for not remixing the track.
Song Summary – Feel Good Funk
Key=Em , Tempo 105, Length (m:s)=3:02
4 bar intro, 24 bar chorus, from bar 5 to bar 28. Repeat x3 choruses
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _MODE.STY (Mode Jazzy Pop Funk)
RealTracks in style: 1768:Bass, Electric, JazzFunkMovin Ev16 130
RealTracks in style: 3331:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzyPop16thsMark Ev16 080
RealTracks in style: 3255:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RootsyFunkBob Ev16 110
RealTracks in song: 3250:Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModernFunkBob Ev16 110
Loop in Song: Metronome\Rock - love_drums90_verse_snares7 ev8.wav
RealDrums [in style:LoungePop16thsSput^1-a:closed hat, snare , b:ride, snare
Posted at 10:30 AM
November 23, 2020 User Showcase Song - Best Song Ever
Hey friendly folks. Seems like a nice community here so I trust you'll all be gentle.
I bought BIAB 2020 back in May. Life's been crazy so I haven't had much time to play with it, but I finally got around to recording one of my songs into some semblance of complete. I don't really know what I'm doing, but having fun with playing around. Anyway, this is a silly little song called Best Song Ever. I recorded the vocal and did the mixing and editing in Mixcraft 9. I imported the instrument and solo tracks from BIAB using the VST plugin, that's a pretty cool little integration. Getting a vocal take I was satisfied with was challenging, and I still don't really know if it's "done". I might still play with it some more, but anyway, would love to hear what you folks think of it, and also any tips on mixing etc would be most welcome.
The band was _BANJBAL style, plus I also added the oooh's, fiddle solo and harmonica solo using the "solos" functionality. Thanks for listening.
Posted at 11:19 AM
November 20, 2020 User Showcase Song - Whispering about Infinity
A Southern Fried Tide Original.
Slow Blues song using Biab for all but picked guitar and vocal. This guy has been on a loooong trip. HA, enjoy the ride. Cliff and Corey
Posted at 12:19 PM
November 19, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® for Mac - Audio Chord Wizard Overview Video
The Audio Chord Wizard included in Band-in-a-Box is a powerful feature that automatically figures out the chords from an audio file and imports them (as well as the audio) into Band-in-a-Box®, along with the bar lines, key, tempo, and fine tuning!
Check out this video, where we explain how to use the Audio Chord Wizard: Click here to watch...
Read more about the Audio Chord Wizard within our online program manual, here. Better yet - give it a try and see/hear for yourself how intelligent this feature is!
Posted at 12:51 PM
November 19, 2020 User Showcase Song - Something Different
his was going to be a different genre. I had started it out as a jazz funk theme but as usual while going through the styles I came across this and thought that it would make a nice new age sound, so I turned it into Something Different!
BiaB style – CELINE 1.STY – Acoustic Guitar Ambient
Tempo – 60 BPM
All sounds but the choir are from Kontakt, the alto choir is from EastWest. The first listing is BiaB’s choice and the second is the sound that I used.
Bass – double bass
Strings – synth strings
Sweep Pad - choral strings
Guitar – Vibes
Drums – Steven Slat’s SSD5 drums
Triangle – Kontakt factory sounds
Cabassa – Brio Ensemble
Me – Flute via my wind controller, French Horns via my Guitar MIDI controller and the Choir via my keyboard controller.
Posted at 10:29 AM
November 18, 2020 User Showcase Song - Sea Of Blues
This is a song about a guy being overwhelmed by his blues. It's one of those "Oh, yeah... you think YOU got the blues?" kind of things. Well, he's well over his head in the Sea Of Blues. I thought I posted this one before, but didn't. I know it was changed quite a bit based on your comments on the songs of others. Another great thing about this forum is learning from you all without even posting.
Style is _BLUESSH.STY (Blues Shuffle Quintet Swing)
RealTracks in style: ~425:Organ, B3, Background Blues Sw 120
RealTracks in song: 421:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues sw 120
RealTracks in style: ~585:Guitar, Resophonic, Rhythm Blues Muddy Sw 120
RealTracks in song: ~~423:Harmonica, Background Blues Sw 120
RealTracks in song: 3248:Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesShuffleSlowSol sw 100
RealDrums [in style:BluesShuffleHard^1-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Ride
I played bass and sang.
Posted at 09:59 AM
November 17, 2020 User Showcase Song - No Me Without You
I wrote the same "liner notes" for "On Their Side" and the so this would probably be the A or B side of the "single" as the same applies to this rock ballad.
Bud & Janice kindly agreed to collaborate on a new tune.
I sent Janice Leon's lyrics and a set of chords.
Janice came up with melody and phrasing.
Janice - Lead vocal & backing vocals & arrangement (including the lovely melody)
Leon - Lyrics
Bud - Mixing advice, sound processing & recording engineer
Me - Guitars & arrangement
The Band
RealTracks in style: ~683:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 888:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopBronx Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1270:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopUpliftSyncMuted Ev16 120
RealTracks in song: 2933:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterFolkSlapQuinn Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~686:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 120
RealDrums [in style:NashvilleEven16^5-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 09:15 AM
November 16, 2020 Clarinet RealTracks for Band-in-a-Box®!
It's National Clarinet Day! Who doesn't enjoy the rich & mellow sounds the clarinet delivers?
We have 20+ Clarinet RealTracks available for Band-in-a-Box®, covering Dixieland, Folk, Jazz, and World styles. You'll find these RealTracks in the following Sets:
RealTracks Set 56: Jazz, Old and New
RealTracks Set 144: Dixieland - Fast Soloists
RealTracks Set 178: Dixieland - Medium Soloists
RealTracks Set 248: Oberkrainer! Folk Music From the Alps
Clarinet RealTracks Artists include:
James Danderfer
P.J. Perry
Thomas Oberreiter
Posted at 11:23 AM
November 16, 2020 User Showcase Song - Standing On The Ledge
Get outta your rut.
RealTracks in song: 1759:Bass, Electric, Pop16ths Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3301:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockThrash12-key Ev 085 (B:sync) - HELD
RealTracks in song: 1169:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockMediumBrent Ev 120 - HELD
RealTracks in song: 1747:Synth, Rhythm ModernDancePopRave16thsTickle Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 3438:Guitar, Electric, Soloist BritPsycPopBallad Ev 065
Royalty Free Loops
Me: lyrics & music, vocals, mixing, mastering, art work
Harmonies: generated using Helicon TC plugin in RealBand
Posted at 10:57 AM
November 10, 2020 User Showcase Song - Don't Make Me Ask
Don't Make Me Ask - Copyright © & ℗ 2020 Bob Lewis ASCAP
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Don't Make Me Ask
File:Don't Make Me Ask.SGU
Key=Bb , Tempo 60, Length (m:s)=4:48
4 bar intro, 32 bar chorus, from bar 5 to bar 36. Repeat x2 choruses, tag ending, after bar 34
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
PianoCustom Synth is Hi-Q 001 01 Piano, Acoustic, Grand Sforzando.tgs
Style MIDI Instruments are : Acoustic Piano (1),
RealTracks in style: 1922:Bass, Electric, TexasBluesRockSlow12-8 Sw 060
MIDI SuperTracks in style: 2233:Piano, Soloist TexasBluesRockSlow12-8John Sw 060
RealTracks in style: 1924:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockSlow12-8Sol Sw 060
RealTracks in style: 1923:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexasBluesRockSlow12-8Brent Sw 060
RealDrums in Style: BluesRock128^6-a:Snare, HiHat Loose , b:Snare, Ride
Per my usual, the rhythm section was created in BIAB, .wav files exported to Logic Pro X (LPX). Vocal added in LPX.
Posted at 09:26 AM
November 10, 2020 Remembrance Day Hours - November 11, 2020
Remembrance Day is Wednesday, November 11th.
We will have limited hours that day: 8am - 4pm PST.
Our regular hours resume Thursday, November 12. Review our hours and additional contact information at
Posted at 09:17 AM
November 09, 2020 Tutorial - Downloading and Installing Your Band-in-a-Box® Purchase
When you order your copy of Band-in-a-Box® from our website you'll receive the installation files to download your order, even if you're having it shipped!
You can access these files within the My Products section of your online account.
Downloading the program is such a convenient way to get started with Band-in-a-Box®! To learn more about how to download your purchase, please review the written tutorials we've created for Windows and Mac.
Posted at 12:37 PM
November 09, 2020 User Showcase Song - Imaginary Dance
Hello fellow BIABers! Continue to hear excellent tunes on the forum........great in variety, superb in quality! This is a song about obsession. Strictly fictional but I have been known to become obsessed myself! Would love to hear what you think. Take care all and stay safe. Greg
The players:
Bss 908
Piano 994
Sax 1060
Drums. Smooth Jazz Ballad^ 1xst, Hiht, snare ride
Strings 2962
E. Gtr. 1072
Posted at 11:00 AM
November 06, 2020 User Showcase Song - Red Beers In Kansas
It's been a while since I've finished anything after our re-location to central Kansas.
We drove back to central Kansas to visit my good friend/bass player/bandmate back in 1995. He introduced me to ‘red beer’ being tomato juice with beer. Yes…sounds like an odd combo to me also but he said it’s good for hangovers…..guess it can’t be all bad.
We’ve recently re-located here so I wrote this song about it along with appreciating life, friends, family and what we fondly refer to as ‘home’. It turned out to be good time, danceable country song which is really not my genre of experience.
It only took me 19 years to decide to record it.
I thought my lead vox was a bit too loud but my buddy didn't think, I left it as is to throw against the forum wall.
Red Beers In Kansas:
_BRSOLC2.STY Country Brent GuitarSolo2[120RS]
Country Brent Guitar Soloist Even 16ths RealStyle with electric guitars, and drums featuring electric guitar solo CountryBrent. (El.Bass, El.Guitar(solo), El.Guitar, El.Guitar, Drums=NashvilleEven8^6-HiHat,HHatO)
Copyright: Wayne Evans 5/13/01
Posted at 10:44 AM
November 06, 2020 200+ Saxophone RealTracks for Band-in-a-Box®!
Where would music be today without the sultry sounds of the Saxophone? Fortunately, because of Adolphe Sax, we don't have to find out!
Today we celebrate his birthday, and with that a nod to our extensive collection of Saxophone RealTracks for Band-in-a-Box®!
Saxophone RealTracks sound so amazing that they were one of the first RealTracks we developed and released for the program with Band-in-a-Box® 2007! Now there are more than 200 Saxophone RealTracks available for Jazz, Rock, Blues, Country, Funk, and Pop!
Our Saxophone RealTracks Artists include:
Eric Alexander
Eric Marienthal
Gary Smulyan
Jack Stafford
Jim Clark
Mark Douthit
P.J. Perry
Phil Woods
Tom Keenlyside
Click on their name to be taken to their bio page where you can learn more about the artists and listen to demos of all their RealTracks.
Posted at 10:40 AM
November 05, 2020 Upgrading to Band-in-a-Box® 2020 is Easy!
Did you know... anyone who has owned a previous version of Band-in-a-Box® is entitle to upgrade pricing - you do not need to have your old version installed!
Maybe you used to own the Windows version, but you now have a Mac... that's not a problem either!
(or if you owned the Mac version, and now you have a Windows computer)
In both cases, you would purchase from the "Upgrade from 2018 or earlier or crossgrade" row here for a new Mac version, or here if you want the newest Windows version. Just need to upgrade your 2019 version? Use the "Upgrade from 2019/2020" row.
When you purchase your upgrade from either of these rows, you will receive a complete installation - just follow the steps of the setup, and your Band-in-a-Box® will be ready to use!
PG Music Inc. shopping cart accounts were not required to purchase from our website prior to October 29, 2014. With that in mind, you may have to create an account in order to upgrade - that's OK! You'll still be entitled to upgrade pricing.
Posted at 10:55 AM
November 05, 2020 User Showcase Song - Lost & Lonesome
I'm working on an album of slow moody blues called "Alone And Blue". This is one of the new tracks:
I usually use BIAB for drums and bass.
On this one I also used a B3 organ.
Drums - BluesMonday
Bass - Electric Bas #564
B3 - #1039
Rhythm Guitars - Collings I35, Victoria Silversonic amp, Captain Moto
Lead Guitar -Same Captain Moto
Vocals - Captain Moto, trying hard
Posted at 10:51 AM
November 04, 2020 User Showcase Song - Blue Sky Falling Down
David Lekich has written the lyrics and he sings. Thanks to him !
RD CountryEven8
RT 921 Acoustic Bass
RT 896 12-String Acoustic Guitar
RT 3075 Fiddle
RT 1755 Mandolin
RT 3202 Solo Acoustic Guitar
RD TambourineEven8ths
Loop Cowbell
Posted at 12:27 PM
November 03, 2020 Band-in-a-Box® 2020 Italian for Mac is Here!
Ci sono oltre 50 nuove funzionalità in Band-in-a-Box® 2020! Ci sono miglioramenti ai RealTracks (RealTracks vocali dal suono più fluido, Ispessimento RealTracks, RealTracks "Find-a-Sub" e MultiRiffs). La maggior parte dei RealDrums ora hanno RealCharts (con un'accurata Notazione di Batteria). C'è un nuovo Browser dell'artista RealTracks per trovare informazioni /bios/collegamenti/ elenchi di RealTracks su tutti gli artisti. Un nuovo Browser delle Funzionalità consente all'utente nuovo o "smemorato" di trovare e utilizzare facilmente la maggior parte delle funzionalità/tasti di scelta rapida/documenti da un'unica finestra. Equalizza Tempo consente di cambiare una canzone registrata in rubato in un tempo fisso. Stiramento del tempo/tono dell'audio migliorato (Elastique) incluso. Ci sono miglioramenti di SongPicker, Auto-Intro di Basso/Batteria o Batteria solo, 3.400 titoli aggiunti, miglioramenti di MusicXML, chitarra "per mancini" e "Vista Studente", miglioramenti del trascinamento della selezione, visualizzazione multi-finestra dell’analizzatore degli accordi audio e altro ancora!
Posted at 11:54 AM
November 03, 2020 User Showcase Song - Whatcha Gonna Do
A quick song I put together today relying heavily on 70's influences and BIAB. Pablo Cruise fans can rest easy that this is not a cover! A lot of work remains to be done on this. Thanks for having a listen.
Drums Country ev8 and Country Pop
Bass 684 Pop Half Notes Sync
Piano 2196 Electric Jazz Rock
Guitar 2933 Folk Slap Quinn
Guitar 2904 Gritty Bluesy Pop Brent
Guitar 1257 Pop Shining Rock 8ths
Organ 2692 Modern Pop Slow Mike
Vocals (Lyrics)
Guitar lead and rhythm
Posted at 11:11 AM
November 02, 2020 Sign Up for the Band-in-a-Box® Newsletter!
Want to be notified when a new version of Band-in-a-Box® is released? There are a few ways to stay informed!
PG Music Newsletter: Click here to subscribe
(If you've registered with us, or purchased from us, you're already on the list!)
Facebook: Click here to "Like" our page!
Twitter: Click here to Follow Us!
We'll also announce any new version or new product release on our Forum... stay tuned!
Posted at 12:38 PM
November 02, 2020 User Showcase Song - Swiftsure
This is a complete redo of one of my previous songs. New RealTracks, New Mix, and New Guitar Track
HMCS Swiftsure was the name of our Sea Cadet/Navy League corp. I started learning an playing music at 10 years old in the marching band to was part of this corp.
The song was born in Realband then transferred to Studio One for recording the guitar track and mixing.
Real Tracks
Real Drums - SynthDrumsDanceRock
Real Bass - Synth Bass EuroDance Verse Bass Ev120
Real Piano - 1861 Synth Rhythm Eurodance ChorusHousePiano
Loop HipHop Old School - lafava beat.
Posted at 12:08 PM
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