News Archives
February 2021
February 26, 2021 User Showcase Song - Cool Nights In Chicago
Jazz instrumental.
BIAB STYLE: J085_AS Night Jazz Ballad Quartet Misc.
Piano: 487 Piano Acoustic Rhythm Jazz Ballad
Guitar: 555 Acoustic Rhythm Jazz Ballad Freddie Sw 085
Bass: 481 Acoustic Jazz Ballad Sw 085
Drums: RealDrums=Jazz Brushes Swirling
Sax: Alto Jazz Ballad
Lead Guitar: Epiphone LP100 + Fender Mustang LT50 amp.
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface and Reaper DAW.
Mixed and edited with Audacity.
Posted at 12:14 PM
February 25, 2021 User Showcase Song - Every Generation
In a changing world...
Vocals & Lyric Leon
I played the lap steel solo at the end.
The Band:
RealTracks in song: 2937:Bass, Fretless Electric Pop8thsRene Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3057:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterFolkAltBassQuinn Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: 2552:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16ths Ev16 075
RealTracks in song: 2854:Harmonica, Background CountryBalladJellyRoll Ev 085
Loop in Song: Drums\SouthernPop8ths^01-HtSnr,OpHtSn
RealTracks in song: 1757:Accordion, Rhythm Pop8ths Ev 085
RealDrums [in Song:ShakerEven8ths: a: Shaker b: ShakerEven8ths
Posted at 10:30 AM
February 25, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 German for Windows is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2021 für Windows® ist hier!
Wir waren fleißig und haben 80 neue Funktionen und eine erstaunliche Sammlung neuer Inhalte hinzugefügt, darunter 202 RealTracks, neue RealStyles, MIDI-SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, Artist Performances, Bonus RealDrums "Singles", RealDrums Transkriptionen, MultiStyles PAK 1, Xtra Styles PAK 10 und vieles mehr!
Posted at 10:23 AM
February 24, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows - New Intro Options!
With Band-in-a-Box® 2021 there are additional options for generating an intro!
Within Band-in-a-Box, choose Song Form | Generate Intro to see all the different options available:
-All Instruments
-Drums only
-Bass and Drums
-NEW! Bass only
-NEW! Bass then Bass & Drums
-NEW! Drums then Bass & Drums
-NEW! Piano Only
-NEW! Guitar Only
-NEW! Strings Only
-NEW! Custom - you pick!
Posted at 02:16 PM
February 24, 2021 User Showcase Song - A Voice
Revamping an old song with a new arrangement, some new lyrics and and emphasis on simplicity. BiaB was the key.
I used BiaB 2021 and these elements from BLUERIJ>STY Blue Ridge Mountain Country Folk
521 Bass, Electric Pop Syncopated Ev 36
3156 Fiddle, 5 string, Rhythm Americana Mountain
3185 Guitar, Acoustic Rhythm Mountain
1108 Guitar Acoustic Fingerpicking
Thanks for listening...Dan
Posted at 11:47 AM
February 23, 2021 User Showcase Song - Sweet Thing
Here's a tune I just finished. Slow dancing smooth jazz. Very surprised by the drum patch from Sforzando.
Sweet Thing
Style is BETTER.STY (Better Funky Synth)
BassCustom Synth is Hi-Q 040 01 Synth, Analog, FatBass Sforzando
DrumsCustom Synth is Hi-Q 001 01 Drums, Acoustic, Rock Kit Sforzando
PianoCustom Synth is Hi-Q 005 02 Piano, Electric, Vintage Sforzando
GuitarCustom Synth is Hi-Q 027 01 Guitar, Electric, Jazz Sforzando
StringsCustom Synth is Hi-Q 050 01 Strings, Ensemble, Movie Sforzando
Style MIDI Instruments are : Finger Electric Bass (34), Bright Piano (2), Muted Electric Guit (29), Synth Strings 1 (51),
MIDI SuperTracks in style: 3687:Bass, Synth, SmoothJazzCoolJeff Sw16 075
RealTracks in song: 1060:Sax, Soprano, Soloist SmoothJazzBallad Ev16 065
RealTracks in song: ~1641:Piano, Electric, Soloist JazzFunkBreezy Ev16 075 (Bluesy)
MIDI Drums :1 Standard Drum Kit (1)
Posted at 10:13 AM
February 22, 2021 User Showcase Song - Sparkle Drops
Back in the fall of 2020, we had a warm, rainy day her in Northern Alabama. Suddenly, the sun appeared as the rain continued to fall. DI and I looked at each as the sunlight turned the raindrops into a tapestry of colors. Almost in unison, we both said, "Sparkle Drops!". Thus, the song title. A couple of young children, across the street from us, were running around in the rain, laughing and squealing. That just made it more special.
A very brief summary of my thought processes as I put this together: It's probably noticeable, almost immediately, that the lead guitar isn't much louder, if at all, than the backing tracks. That was intentional. The left backing guitar track represents the raindrops falling; the right backing guitar represents the aura of such an event - sun shining as it rained. The lead guitar is supposed to recall the thrill of children playing in the falling rain. I thought those various factors were equally important, thus I didn't want any particular one of them standing out more prominently than the other tracks. Thus, I mixed the lead guitar to blend with the other tracks, rather than stand out from them appreciably. I hoped to catch the magic of the total event in balance.
One note: the extremely high guitar note you hear around the 2:13 mark is indigenous to the track, rather than an a recording artifact. No matter how many times you regenerate the RT, that will show up somewhere in the song. I'm guessing it was recorded from the artist's performance for the track. It also shows up earlier in the track, but not as noticeably.
One question: Are the drums necessary? I've debated that over and over. Still not sure.
I'm guessing the genre to be something like Ambient Cinematic Pop?????? Hope you enjoy!
File:Sparkle Drops.SGU
Key=E , Tempo 65, Length (m:s)=3:11
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _SCREENS.STY (Screens Cinematic Soloist)
RealTracks in style: 1592:Bass, Electric, Pop16ths Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 3624:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CinematicPopArpDelay Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 3626:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CinematicPopArpHiDelay Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 3631:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CinematicPopGrittyDarin Ev16 065
RealDrums [in style:NashvilleRadioFunkyBallad16^1-a,b:Snare, HiHat
Posted at 12:41 PM
February 22, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac Update Available!
We've updated our Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac to enhance Big Sur and M1 capabilities, improve the notation window, resolve AIFF rendering errors, as well as addressing a few other user-reported issues.
Using Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac? Update for free today.
Posted at 12:37 PM
February 19, 2021 Update Your PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021!
Already purchased PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021? Make sure you update it for free today!
Our development team has been listening to user feedback, and applied some updates to address user-reported program concerns.
Posted at 02:30 PM
February 19, 2021 User Showcase Song - The Blues Is Nothing
The Blues Is Nothing was born from Scott jamming during his daily playing. The song bed was modeled after a ZZ Top basic 12 bar blues but slowed way down. He thought the song needed a lyric so he contacted his Spirit Level mates and Ray developed a lyric that J&B feel is excellent lending itself to multiple interpretations. Scott felt the guitar solo would work best with a female vocalist so Ray suggested Janice and contacted us. Ray and I (Bud) have previously chatted about mixes and bass playing so when I heard from him regarding the vocal we were on familiar grounds. And the outcome was this collaboration. Those guys exposed the ethereal side of Janice!
We all four thank you for listening and welcome your comments and thanks to PG Music for BiaB and this community.
Scott Collingwood: lead guitar, rhythm guitar, arrangement & mix
Ray Cochrane: lyric, melody, bass, rhythm guitar, arrangement & mix
Janice Merritt: lead vocals, harmony vocals and melody Lyrics
Bud Merritt: vocal engineering, mastering & SC photo
Piano: RT 3088,ElectricVintage, Rhythm AmericanaSlow128Mike Sw 040
Guitar: RT 565 Electric, Rhythm Blues Monday Sw 065
Guitar: RT 3356 Baritone Electric, Rhythm Moody128Brent Sw 060
Organ: RT 675 B3, Background Blues Monday Sw 065
Drums: MIDI 41 Brushes Kit (41)
Scott’s guitar – Gretsch duojet
Amp – Fender DLX Clone (Purdy)
Guitar Delay Effect - Eventide H9.
Mixed in Studio One 5 and mastered with Logic Pro X and Izotope plug-ins.
The Blues Is Nothing
© 2021 S. Collingwood, R. Cochrane & J. Merritt
Posted at 12:15 PM
February 18, 2021 User Showcase Song - When The World Was Young
I'm very lucky to collaborate with David Lekich (Deej56).
He writes marvelous lyrics and he's an incredible singer !
Here's our last song:
RD NashBrushBalDbKev16^3
RT 3121 Acoustic Bass
RT 365 Acoustic Guitar
RT 1118 12-String Acoustic Guitar
RT 1757 Accordion
RT 1766 Mandolin
RT 624 Fiddle
RT 2008 Fiddle
Posted at 10:13 AM
February 17, 2021 User Showcase Song - Here's To You
Saying goodbye to good friends...
Here's To You
Old song.
1978, I think.
RealTracks in style: 1825:Bass, Electric, PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2066:Piano, Rhythm NewAgeAnswers Ev16 110
RealTracks in style: 1595:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Pop8thsSteady Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 2780:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Songwriter8thsBrent Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1856:Cello, Background PopCountry Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 2338:Violin, Background, PopLow Ev 085 (1TrackStringSection)
RealTracks in song: 2337:Violin, Background, PopHigh Ev 085 (1TrackStringSection)
RealDrums in Song: BossaBrushesPerc^1-a:Congas, No Kit , b:Congas, Shaker, Triangle, No Kit
Additional Beat created in Studio One.
Posted at 12:07 PM
February 16, 2021 User Showcase Song - Change A Comin
I finally have a new song to post. This is one I wrote towards the end of 2020 and I just finished the recording a few days ago.
I guess you could say it's a pandemic inspired song... and I'm really hopin' it goes viral!
All RT's are listed below. All lead & fill guitar parts are my Tele (Trigger). I'm doing all the vocals as well.
RD PraiseWorshipUptempo
RT 1268 Bass
RT 1269 Guitar, Electric
RT 1272 Guitar, Electric
RT 1683 Guitar, Acoustic
RT 1277 Piano
RT 1543 SynthPad
©2021 Greg Achord
Posted at 10:15 AM
February 11, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® Guitar Features!
Today* is Get Out Your Guitar Day!
Band-in-a-Box® has many features for guitarists, whether you're learning or on your way to being a pro, or you are a pro!
Are you using an UltraPAK+ or own the Songs & Lessons PAK? Lessons from our Master Solos Series can be accessed right in the Practice Window! (Alt Shift L)
Use the resizable Guitar Window to follow-along with the on-screen fretboard, which is customizable to displays alternate guitar tunings, notes are highlighted as the song plays, and includes many more useful features for to help you learn!
The Woodshedding feature is perfect to help you progress while learning a song along with Band-in-a-Box®! This feature speeds up the song every time the song loops to the beginning, and you can also choose to loop a highlighted section within the song to really focus on the you could use a little more practice with.
Most of our guitar RealTracks include RealCharts so that you can see the notation and tab, allowing you to see exactly what the pros are playing!
A Band-in-a-Box® 2021 UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition includes over 1,400 guitar RealTracks contributed by more than 50 different REAL musicians!
There are so many things a guitarist can do with Band-in-a-Box® - what's your favorite guitar feature? Do you have a "go-to" RealTracks Guitarist Artist you use for most of your songs?
*February 11, 2021
Posted at 01:00 PM
February 11, 2021 User Showcase Song - Shadow Dancer
The Band:
Chris Spruit: Piano, Vocals, BGV
Marty Straub: Bass, BGV
Dave Bell: Acoustic and Electric Guitars, BGV
2558:Cello, Background SlowSwing Sw 065
Mixed in Reaper, mastered with Ozone9
Posted at 12:07 PM
February 10, 2021 Big Sur & M1 Compatibility Added to Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac!
Update your Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac today!
Here at PG Music, development never stops! If you're using the 2020 version of Band-in-a-Box® for Mac with your Big Sur or a Mac M1 computer, download the latest update which adds support for macOS Big Sur, and is compatible with Apple Silicon (M1) Macs!
This update will also resolve any color display issues within the program, resize the windows without unexpectedly closing the program, add notation enhancements, and resolve a few other user-reported issues!
Download & learn more about the updated Band-in-a-Box® 2020 for Mac.
Posted at 01:19 PM
February 10, 2021 User Showcase Song - One Shot Guitars
I put down again an atypical soundtrack shot on distorted guitar sounds and loops.
Work method used: Establish the chord grid in Biab. Search for realtracks according to the theme. Extraction of part of midi files of real tracks from vst Biab in Studio one. In a sample logic film guitar soundbank, I found suitable sounds that I put on the extracted melody parts. If I haven't found the sounds I want, I add them with other guitar vsts on which I put appropriate fx effects.
The result is that it goes a bit in all directions without having a real melody and a well-defined common thread. But the goal is to create a variety of atmospheres to illustrate videos. I am aware that this may displease musicians who like a well-made structure. On the other hand, it may be suitable for film scores.
If you have the time or the inclination, please advise me. Thank you.
The link to one shot guitars is:
The link to my others soundtracks is:
Posted at 01:16 PM
February 09, 2021 User Showcase Song - One Minute More
A love story...
Bouzouki, Rhythm SlowWaltz Ev 100
Bass, Electric, PopWaltz Ev 180
Fiddle, Background PopWaltz Ev 180
Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming PopWaltz Ev 180
Royalty Free Loops
Recorded in Logic Pro X
Plug Ins : Nectar 2, Neutron 2, Ozone 8, Tonal Balance, Waves LinMB, Waves, L3-LL Multi Limiter,
Logic Pro Metering, Scuffam Amps S-Gear, Waves Vocal Rider, Waves Bass Rider, Waves NX Ocean Way Nashville
Vocal, Janice Merritt
Harmony Vocal, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Slide Guitar, Lyrics, Mix & Mastering, Tom Adams
Arrangement, Tom & Janice
Lead vocal recording & Spiritual Advice, Bud Merritt
Posted at 11:25 AM
February 08, 2021 Update Your Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows for Free!
Using Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows? Download the latest free update today!
With this latest update, notation display in Japanese has been enhanced, improvements have been applied to Bar and Song Settings, the MIDI volume change events will now be included in exported MIDI files, you can now import the lyrics with your MIDI files, export Utility Tracks notation as video, and we've resolved additional user-reported issues.
Make sure you download your latest Band-in-a-Box 2021 for Windows update today!
Tip: Head to Help | Check for Update... to put a checkmark beside "Automatically check for updates every..." and choose your day count to always stay up-to-date with your installation of Band-in-a-Box®!
Posted at 12:43 PM
February 08, 2021 User Showcase Song - That Sadder Day Dance
Today is super bowl Saturday. I liked when we used to do a Stupid Bowl jam during the game with a group called Charlie's Stupid Band, but I've been to a few super bowls too. In 1990 it was in New Orleans, and a group of 5 needed a 6th, so I went for the music. This song is about that adventure.
That Sadder Day Dance on SoundCloud
That Sadder Day Dance on YouTube
Thanks for listening and your helpful comments.
RealTracks in style: 2165:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansSwinginPop Sw 130
RealTracks in style: 2164:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NewOrleansSwinginPop Sw 130
RealTracks in song: 764:Clarinet, Soloist Older Swing Sw 140 (Bluesy)
RealTracks in song: 440:Trombone, Older Sw 140 (Bluesy)
RealTracks in song: 438:Sax, Alto, Older Sw 140 (Bluesy)
RealDrums [in style:NewOrleansSwinginPop^05-a:Funky Snare, HiHat , b:Simple Ride
I played bass and sang.
Posted at 10:21 AM
February 03, 2021 User Showcase Song - Alright
Hey there everybody,
Hope you are alright!
Here is our new song.
Style is _OAKTREE.STY (Oak Tree Stomp and Strum Pop)
Drums superior drummer 3 rock kit
Loop in Song: House-Techno-Trance\House - main_room_128_drum_loop_c_sharp_minor ev16.wav
Loop in Song: House-Techno-Trance\House - crunchy_120_b drums ev16.wav
2904: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GrittyBluesyPopBrent Ev 100 (Brent Mason)
2905: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BrightBluesyPopColin Ev 100 (Colin Linden)
RealTracks in style: 1840:Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveMellow Ev16 075
RealTracks in song: 2040:Guitar, Resonator, Soloist CountryRob Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~589:Banjo, Bluegrass Doc Ev 100 (Rhythm)
RealTracks in song: ~599:Mandolin, Rhythm Bluegrass Doc Ev 100
RealTracks in song: 1948:Mandolin, Rhythm PopUpliftingAndy Ev16 120
Thank you very much and Take care.
Rebecca and Jochen
Posted at 12:23 PM
February 02, 2021 Did You Win a Band-in-a-Box® 2021 UltraPAK?
It's that time again - we've announced our 2020 User Showcase Awards!
In 2020 there were 1,310 new & original compositions shared by 197 different artists to our User Showcase Forum! If you contributed, make sure you read the announcement to see if you're on the winners list!
Posted at 01:17 PM
February 02, 2021 PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021 is Here!
Now available: PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021 for Windows!
This new version is a 64-bit application that now supports 64-bit VST/VSTi and 64-bit DX/DXi plugins without needing to use jBridge! With this new version you can import floating point 32-bit WAV files, save exact chord text to XML, display 4/4 notation as cut time, 4/4 can be displayed as 2/4, and more!
Upgrade for as little as $29 here!
Learn all about PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021 for Windows.
Posted at 01:08 PM
February 02, 2021 User Showcase Song - The One Without
Hi all, I hope you all are doing well!
I've finally managed to get some inspiration again and I have done this little instrumental... it is a kind of lo-fi chill/jazz with a hint of reggae (I think). smile
Realtracks used in this one:
RT711:Bass, Acoustic, Bossa
RT2703, Synth Rhythm CloudRapHighOrgan
RT2327: Koto, Synth, Rhythm, NewAge
RT1071: Trumpet, Soloist SmoothJazzPoppy
RealDrums: AltHipHop
Posted at 10:26 AM
February 01, 2021 User Showcase Song - Four Footed Friends
My tribute to pets.
Four Footed Friends:
I built the song in BIAB and finished the tracks in Studio One. I played the guitar solo at the intro and break and the string background starting at the break.
The style I used for this song was _CELTICUS.STY. I used the following RealTracks:
Bass=1106 Banjo=1105 Harmonica=2859 Guitar=1108 Guitar=1109 Piano=1188 Drums=NashClassicWaltzSW Fiddle=1107
Posted at 09:46 AM
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