News Archives
March 2021
March 30, 2021 User Showcase Song - Lords of War
Lords of War
Soundtrack created from Biab Vst.
Method used
Choice of chords in Biab Vst (Bpm 140 - key C)
With selection of warm pad. Import of full chords with C1. Import of the midi warm pad file. Putting several orchestral vsts on full chords. Lengthening of the duration of several chords to allow to add on some notes chords with electro sounds. Reinforcement of some notes by vst brass. and ornamental vsts. (bell, choirs). Search in the lines of drums realtracks the rhythmic break parts in Vst Biab. Extraction of the best suited midi parts. Putting vst orchestral drums on these parts (timpani and others). There is no real melody. This is more of an Epic surround soundtrack.
Vst used
8dio rythmic: electro sounds
Symphobia: symphony orchestra and truestrike for drums
Eastwest choirs and bells
Posted at 09:40 AM
March 25, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows Update Available!
The latest Band-in-a-Box® 2021 update for Windows enhances the JukeBox, adds a "Set all tracks to this:" option to the MIDI import dialog, improves chord sheet view during playback, and more!
Learn more & download this free update.
Posted at 11:10 AM
March 25, 2021 User Showcase Song - Elena
In 2012 we were blessed with a new member of the family. My oldest brother's first grandchild. I made a song for her but did not finished it as I felt it needed more work. I finally finished. it last week. I haven't posted any instrumentals lately as most have my time has been spent with Ray and Robert. You never know this song may get lyrics and a vocal in the future..
Hope you like it.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Elena
Key=G , Tempo 80, Length (m:s)=2:47
4 bar intro, 48 bar chorus, from bar 5 to bar 52. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is LA_PBAL.STY (LA Pop Ballad)
Style MIDI Instruments are : Fretless Elec. Bass (36),
RealTracks in song: 3717:Guitar, Baritone Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaLaidBackSlow Ev16 060
RealTracks in song: 1680:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085
RealTracks in song: ~2267:Synth, BellPad, Rhythm 80sPopPads Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3117:Bass, Acoustic, AmericanaFolk68Byron Sw 060
RealTracks in song: ~2262:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm 80sPopBallad Ev 085
MIDI Drums :1 Standard Drum Kit (1)
RealDrums will be substituted :Pop128^7-a,b:Sidestick Brushes
Posted at 07:32 AM
March 25, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 Swedish for Windows is Here!
Vi har varit flitiga och lagt till över 80 nya funktioner och en fantastisk samling av nytt innehåll, innefattande 202 RealTracks, nya RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, Artist Performances, Bonus RealDrums "Singles," RealDrums transcriptions, MultiStyles PAK 1, Xtra Styles PAK 10, med mera!
Posted at 07:26 AM
March 24, 2021 User Showcase Song - Circle Back
My latest.....
It is a song about rising to your level of total incompetence in the professional world. If you detect any political buffoonery overtones in this..... well.... that's in the ear of the listener.
Aside from that.... dang I had some fun with it. So here's the specs on the details.
Style is a swing called Jumble hard rock shuffle.
Bass 2749
Piano 1591
B3 425
Drums are hard rock shuffle.
I'm singing on this and playing the guitars. It should be noted of course that I am using the new Spark modeling amp on the guitar parts. The rhythm is a clean amp of some sort.... might be a hardware default as well, and the leads are a crunch style that was edited from one of the hardware defaults. This is a pretty amazing little amp and the more I use it the more I'm liking what I hear. I am using my Joyo Ultimate Drive pedal on the front end, just to be totally honest. This pedal is not so much for distortion as it is to give a boost to the guitar's signal. I run it on a low and clean setting as a preamp because my Modern Tele is a bit weak on it's stock pickups.
It took me a while to write the lyrics to this. A line here.... a line there.... one day.... hey, I had it halfway done. Hope you enjoy it.
Posted at 09:36 AM
March 23, 2021 User Showcase Song - Lazy Afteroon
For this song i used BIAB real tracks for Bass, guitars, and trumpet solo.
RealTracks in style: 2609:Bass, Electric, ClassicFunkRootFiveAlex Ev 130
RealTracks in song: 1572:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul60sHighA-B Ev 110
RealTracks in song: 1403:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul70sWarmHeld Ev16 100
RealTracks in song: ~1068:Trumpet, Soloist SmoothJazzCool Sw16 100
Loop of Rhythm Maestro drum machine.
I perform all vocals and all other instruments:
Live acoustic drums and percussion.
Scarbee 88 rhodes
AIR DB-33 organ,
strings and harp (Spitfire Audio and East West instruments)
Posted at 12:16 PM
March 18, 2021 User Showcase Song - Look Like That
Now for something completely different --for me anyway. Here is a song written a long time ago and once recorded in Nashville with some incredible Nashville cats. My long-time friend and fellow BiaB user Zydecoal Bill Davis recently added another pedal steel guitar to his staggering arsenal of music weaponry in his studio, so I dug this out and revived and revised an old BiaB file, and Bill did two tracks of pedal for the background and solo.
Style is _FAMOUS.STY (Famous Hard-Hitting Country Rock)
Loop in Song: Drums\TambourineEv16
Loop in Song: Percussion Loops\Loop132bpm Tambourine Quarters 4 bars.wma
RealTracks in style: 2934:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkySync8thsFintan Ev 140
RealDrums [in style:RockClassicBritEv^3-a:Snare, Closed HiHat , b:Snare, Loose HiHat
in Utility tracks: Piano 2763 and Electric guitar 384
Bill Davis --pedal steel
me --vocals and bass
Pasting the lyrics here would probably create a 2nd page for this post since each chorus is a bit different in the story. They are on SoundCloud. Thanks for all y'all do and I thoroughly appreciate your comments, especially your tricks for improving vocals
Posted at 02:03 PM
March 17, 2021 User Showcase Song - Edge Walkin'
Tired of walking that edge? A short little 12 bar ditty.
We genuinely appreciate your time to listen and comment.
Janice: lead, BGVs, melody & arrangement
Peter: solo guitar, guitar turnaround tracks, resonator guitar fills & arrangement
Bud: lyric, progression, arrangement, mix & mastering
Thanks to PG Music! Lyrics are on Soundcloud.
Tech stuff:
Vocal lead > Rodes NT1 > Nectar 3
Vocal call back > Rodes NT1 > Logic Pro EQ > Waves CLA Vocals
Vocal harmony > Rodes NT1 > Logic Pro EQ > Waves CLA Vocals
Drums: RD BluesRockShuffle > Waves CLA Drums
Snare: Doubled from RD Kit > Neutron 3 > 140 EMT Plate Reverb sim
Cymbal: Sample > Waves JJP Cymbals
Bass RT 546: Electric, CountrySwing > Waves Bass Rider > Neutron 3
Piano MIDI SuperTracks 3001: Rhythm FolkBluesSlowShuffleMike > Logic Pro Grand Steinway > Logic Direction Mixer > Waves CLA Unplugged
Guitar Rhythm RT 3364: Electric, Rhythm BritBluesRockSlowShuffle
Mix: Logic Pro X
Mastering: Ozone 9 EQ > O9 Multiband Compressor > O9 Imager > O9 Maximizer > Ozone Tonal Balance > Logic Pro Loudness Meter
Posted at 07:53 AM
March 17, 2021 Update Your RealBand 2021 Today!
The latest version of RealBand 2021 is ready to download and add to your existing 2021 installation!
With this update we've addressed many user reported issues. We brought back the option to save mono WMA files, made Band-in-a-Box notation slurs visible in RealBand notation, decreased the frequency of warning messages about sampling rates, added program stability when selecting FlexASIO driver, and more!
Posted at 07:51 AM
March 16, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 Audio Edit Window Tips!
In Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows you can view the audio on any track in the Audio Edit Window.
While you're there, check out the new hotkeys we've added:
-Home key: moves the cursor to the beginning of a track.
-Home+Shift keys: move the left cursor to the beginning of a track.
-End key: moves the cursor to the end of a track.
-End+Shift keys: move the right cursor to the end of a track.
-Ctrl+A keys: select the whole track.
Jump to this topic in our New Features video.
Posted at 11:46 AM
March 16, 2021 User Showcase Song - Lonely Nights
This one started out with a guitar theme I came up with over a set of chord changes. I then added a chorus, and Chris came up with the melody.
Marty then wrote the first two verses and the chorus, and Chris wrote the last verse. I thought the solo needed to change the mood of the song, so instead of doing a solo over a verse or chorus I wrote a bridge part for it.
Chris and Marty do a duet on the vocals, first time we have ever done that before, and I think they sound great together wink
The Band:
RealTracks in song: 893:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065 (B-energetic)
RealTracks in song: 3334:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesPopSlow16thsSol ev16 065
RealTracks in song: 1599:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Pop16thsA-B Ev16 065
Chris Spruit: Vocal, BGV, melody (Lyrics)
Marty Straub: Bass, Vocal, Vocal Arrangement
Dave Bell: Guitar, music production, mix and master
I used EZDrummer2 to build the drum track.
Mixed in Reaper, mastered with Ozone 9, plugins from Waves and iZotope.
Posted at 11:03 AM
March 15, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 Chord Sheet Improvements!
With Band-in-a-Box® 2021 we added some handy features to the Chord Sheet, which you can now copy-and-paste chords into with simple text! There are new zoom buttons, part-marker time signature display, additions to the right-click menu, and more. We've even updated the Chord Sheet to resize and make more room for the improved Mixer Window!
We've highlighted some of these additions within our 2021 New Features Video:
Easy changing of lines per page & bars per line 17:49
Time signature displays on main page 18:50
Visual transpose in main screen display 19:05
Visual transpose setting in notation 19:48
Copy and Paste chords 60:04
Posted at 12:00 PM
March 15, 2021 User Showcase Song - Let's Do It Again
♀'s , ♂ and ⚥ , Please give Let's Do It Again a spin.
All comments good or bad are very welcome.
The Band
2593 Horn Section
938 guitar
772 Piano
2126 Bass
1966 Clarinet Dixieland
Drums Jazz Brushes sticks#1
Style is _CROONR2.STY (Crooner Big Band w/ Piano.)
tempo is 110. sw8
Me - Strained and Reluctant Vocals.
My partner says that I am stuck in a time warp after Hanky Panky , Jailhouse BW and now this . She now wants me to return to 2021 so I guess my next project will be a little more contemporary
Posted at 11:58 AM
March 12, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 Italian for Windows is Here!
Abbiamo lavorato tanto e abbiamo aggiunto 80 nuove funzionalità e una straordinaria collezione di nuovi contenuti, tra cui 202 RealTracks, nuovi RealStyles, SuperTracks MIDI, Studi Strumentali, Performance degli Artisti, Bonus RealDrums "Singoli", trascrizioni RealDrums, MultiStyles PAK 1, Xtra Styles PAK 10 e altro ancora!
Pacchetti | Nuove Caratteristiche
Posted at 01:28 PM
March 12, 2021 User Showcase Song - Birthday Song 2021 (Escape Velocity)
Tom Adams (tommyad) and I share a birthday - March 4th. Today!
We discovered that on our first co-write/collaboration post.
On our birthday! Pure coincidence.
It is now our tradition.
I was wanting to do something with a baritone guitar.
Poking around the Styles (which I don't often do), I found a BAND that I liked.
_MIRE.STY (Mire Swampy Blues)
I tweaked the demo a bit and used that to set up a song.
And then wrote a lyric (another "topline" write).
Reflection of having had SO many birthdays...
It seemed like a good song to have some Tom Adams magic on...
So I sent him the stems including a vocal and the SGU and let him take it from there.
He dropped one of the original guitar tracks and added 3 or 4 of his own.
And harmonies. And spent time tweaking the drums.
And mixing. And mastering
(His fills, leads and solos on this are heavenly!! The stuff he did under the chorus is killer.)
Tom can correct me if I'm wrong...and further explain...
And we have Birthday Song, 2021...
Posted at 09:26 AM
March 11, 2021 User Showcase Song - Strange Dance
I've been otherwise occupied for a little while and when I checked in, WOW! I see so many new songs I need to check out.
I better get busy!
Here's one of my latest:
A little something about erotic dreams.
Thanks for listening.
The Band:
-Bass - BIAB #2474
-Acoustic Guitar - BIAB #2780
-Fiddle - BIAB #409
- Rhythm Guitar 2- Captain Moto
- Lead Guitar - Captain Moto
- Guitar Fills - Captain Moto
- Vocals - Captain Moto
- Synth Vocals - Captain Moto
- Lyrics
Recorded and mixed in Studio One though a Focusrite Clarett interface, Telecaster though a Sm57 mic on a Goodsell amp & Aea Ribbon Mic on vocals
Posted at 01:01 PM
March 10, 2021 User Showcase Song - Everything Fades In The End
I haven't posted any new songs for a quite some time, because I've been stuck with this song. Originally I wrote the chorus already over two years ago. The lyrics of the chorus were partly based on words of a terminal care worker about dying. But I had only some vague ideas for the verses and because I felt the chorus was one of the best things I have written, I couldn't touch it until I have something equally good... but nothing happened.. Then at the start of this year I decided to finish it by force, just to get back to songwriting and then go on with other songs. But it wasn't that easy, lyrics just didn't pour out. Maybe my brain is just too old or I'm trying too much to reach perfection by overthinking each word for many days...
I was hoping to write verses with simple chord progression and simple lyrics, but I just couldn't, not my style wink Finally I got finished something I was partly satisfied. Ideas are still not very clear, but at least I have a half-finished song I can work on later if the true inspiration finally strikes. But I can promise that the next song will be a lighter one smile
I used the style _FLYHIGH.STY (Fly High Ethereal Country Ballad) as the basis of the arrangement, it sounds really great, great combination of instruments and fits the mood of my vision perfectly. I added several other instruments, especially the solo guitarist is another fantastic RT.
RealDrums:NashvilleEven16^2-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat
366:Bass, Electric, Country Ev 065
1602:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 065
3159:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsBrentFX Ev16 060
3344:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HazyBallad ev16 070
Additional RTs:
3196:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopBalladBrent Ev 065
2953: Strings, Rhythm JazzBalladPads Sw060 (Held)
3064: Vocal Oohs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085
2540: Pedal Steel, Background ModernCountryDream 16ths
Vocals by me
Mixed in Cakewalk by BandLab
Posted at 12:29 PM
March 09, 2021 Find Band-in-a-Box® Features Fast with the Feature Browser!
Quickly locate the details on a Band-in-a-Box® feature by clicking on the [?] within the program to launch the Feature Browser! You can also access this by typing "/" then [Enter] while in the Chord Sheet.
The Feature Browser allows you to quickly search and locate the details on a feature within the program. As you type in your filter string, the list of available information shrinks down to fit your criteria.
For example, type in "time sign" (notice the second word is not completed), and you'll see a list of topics that fit your search, and "Set Time Signature for a Range of Bars" is first on the list! Click [Do It] and that feature will open within the program (in this case, our "Set Time Signature" window) - how handy is that?!
Give it a try the next time you're wondering how to do something within Band-in-a-Box® - you'll quickly find this feature to be one of your favorites!
Learn more about the Feature Browser.
Posted at 11:48 AM
March 09, 2021 User Showcase Song - Spooky Pachelbel
I like using Band in a Box to experiment with different aspects of music theory. I love being able to mess around with various chord progressions and see how they would sound with a full band behind them. As case in point is the following experimental tune I created in Band in a Box: Spooky Pachelbel
This is a straightforward right-out-of-the-box application of the following style. No changes to the default mix or anything:
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Spooky Pachelbel
File:Spooky Pachelbel.SGU
Key=D , Tempo 75, Length (m:s)=2:46
No intro. 24 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 24. Repeat x2 choruses
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _ROMANCE.STY (Dramatic Country Pop)
RealTracks in style: 1036:Bass, Electric, NorthernRockBallad Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 2335:String Quartet, Rhythm PopHall Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 1595:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Pop8thsSteady Ev 065
RealTracks in style: ~1676:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Ev 065
RealDrums [in style:NashvillePop16^2-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 11:22 AM
March 08, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® Online Manuals Available!
Did you know... the Band-in-a-Box® program manuals are available on our Support page - what an excellent online resource to help you get the most out of the program!
Visit our Support | Online Manuals page and you'll have access to both a PDF and an online program manual for Band-in-a-Box® 2018-2021 and RealBand 2018-2021 for Windows, and Band-in-a-Box® 2017-2020 for Mac!
Make sure you bookmark today!
Posted at 01:49 PM
March 08, 2021 User Showcase Song - Road Weary Blues
How about another song with "blues" in the title? Please have mercy on me, just trying to fit in :)
Probably not breaking any new ground here but just picked up a new Fender Telecaster recently and wanted to see if I could make it rock lol!
On a more serious note, this one is inspired by the many people I see out on the road that long to be home. Thanks for taking time to give it a listen.
Drums - Rock Sync Kick
Bass - Through a very old Peavey Foundation straight into Studio One with EZ Mix plugin
Guitar - Electric lead and rhythm using a Fender Ultra Telecaster through a Headrush Gigboard
Guitar - Acoustic rhythm track using a Taylor 812ce (somewhat buried in the mix) through a T-Rex Soulmate
Organ - Through a Yamaha keyboard
Posted at 10:22 AM
March 05, 2021 User Showcase Song - Taylorism
New Tune on my album Miniatures: Taylorism
Me on Gibson SG (treble PU)
RealTracks in style: ~~683:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~686:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 120
RealTracks in style: ~~405:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 120
RealDrums in style: NashvilleEven8^5-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 10:27 AM
March 05, 2021 Free Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows Update Available!
Update your installation of Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows for free today!
With the latest update, we've addressed user reported issues with using ASIO drivers, exported MIDI files, out-of-sync visual playback, Mixer volumes, and more!
If you're using Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows, download this free update today.
(This update also includes DAW Plugin build v.3.4.4)
Posted at 10:19 AM
March 04, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 French for Windows is Here!
Nous avons beaucoup travaillé pour offrir à Band-in-a-Box® 2021 cette étonnante panoplie de quelques 80 fonctions inédites et sa collection de contenus originaux à savoir: 202 RealTracks, des RealStyles inédits, des SuperTracks MIDI, des Etudes Instrument, des Performances Artiste, un Bonus RealDrums "Solo", des transcriptions RealDrums, les MultiStyles PAK 1, les Xtra Styles PAK 10 et bien plus encore …!
Nouvelles Fonctionnalités
Band-in-a-Box® et RealBand 2021: Tous Packages
Posted at 10:28 AM
March 04, 2021 User Showcase Song - 2 Minutes To Open The Door
I offer you a new atypical unpretentious soundtrack for themed film music. .It is short 2 minutes, time to try to open a door
I have been using Biab for several years. It’s my favorite tool. I start all my soundtracks with it. First, I research the range of chords for the theme I want to develop. Here, it's a movie music theme with a specific theme. Secondly, I am looking for melodies from realtracks which could enrich my development of composition from the theme .. Everything is introduced from the vst Biab. The prepared draft, I import it into my daw, studio one, via the vst biab. Then I extract the parts of the files and the midi lines that interest me.,
Finally, I put orchestral vsts with sound effects targeted according to the theme. There, it is a simple research work in the sounds offered by the orchestral banks. In this case, I used two banks of projectsam: symphobia 1 and 2
To mentally visualize the scene represented in music, I will give you some details. The theme is :
"Following a technical problem, astronauts locked in a space station must find a door to open, in two minutes, in order to be able to escape and survive. Time is running out. The atmosphere is scary, especially since they only have two minutes to find a solution. It ends well or badly for you to judge.If I succeeded in creating through music the anxiety to find a solution quickly, then I would have succeeded in my bet.
So here no melody, only a clear atmosphere according to a theme that I have set for myself.
If you are interested, thank you for your comments. This is particular, I know, I hesitated but here is a forum where you can learn about other styles than those usually offered and it allows you to discover Biab in different innovative aspects.
Posted at 10:22 AM
March 03, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows Reviews!
Head to for the latest Band-in-a-Box® reviews by Sound-Guy and CoolGuitarGear!
Band-in-a-Box continues to evolve into an expansive musical tool-set for both novice and experienced musicians. You can produce not only new compositions and arrangements, but also perform them with excellent musical “talent”. It’s easy to use the basic functions, and challenging enough to keep you occupied for years. As it has been for years, it’s an amazing program.
From my perspective, as a long-time user of BIAB, the above improvements, changes and additions definitely take the program to the next step. The new elements and audio upgrading are fantastic and I’m even more excited to work with this version than some others in the past.
Posted at 10:45 AM
March 03, 2021 User Showcase Song - External Emotions
External emotions can be difficult. Should I or shouldn't I? Does he/she or doesn't he/she? Should I buy it or not? Anxious or calm? Hopefully this, my first real attempt at an orchestral piece, will expose both sides.
BiaB style = Medium 4/4 Tempo Orchestral
Tempo = 75
Note that all tracks were modified to better fit the song.
Piano = Kontakt - wood winds - Kirt Hunter's Virtuoso woodwinds solo
Guitar = Kontakt - string ensemble - Kirt Hunter's Virtuoso strings
Bass = double bass - 1 - Kontakt - Kirt Hunter's Diamond Orchestra - concert basses
2- Kontakt - Amadeus - bass small section
Cellos = bass track 8via - 1- Kontakt - Kirt Hunter's Diamond Orchestra - concert cellos
2- Kontakt - Amadeus - cellos small section
I am playing the following via my keyboard controller:
Guitar - French horn - Kirt Hunter's Virtuoso brass
Solo strings - Kirt Hunter's Virtuoso strings
Choir - East West Play - Symphonic choir - full choir
Solo voice - Kontakt - AVP Jenny A1
I am playing the following via wind controller
Flute - Kontakt - Amadeus - flute II
English horn - Kontakt - Amadeus - English horn.
There are no effects on individual tracks.
Master buss effects = Breverb and compression.
oops I forgot, I played the timpani and gongs via my keyboard player. They were Kontakt - Kirt Hunter Diamond orchestra sounds.
Posted at 10:43 AM
March 02, 2021 User Showcase Song - How Did We Forget
Hi Folks.
Here is one of the latest tunes that I have done in collaboration with Ray (Rayc on forum). This was recorded in January, but was not fully complete and shelved for health reasons. I finally got around to re-recording my vocals and work on the mix . Still a bit too dynamic, because of blend of synths and Real Tracks, but more or less audible. Constructive critique is always appreciated. Thank you for listening!
Tech stuff.
Lyrics & Vocals: Ray Cochrane & Misha.
2958:Bass, Acoustic, SmoothCoolNeil Sw16 075
3526:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GospelCool Sw16 075
1829:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopModernGrooveBrightArp Ev16 075
Loop in Song: Chillout\Chillout - day dream_80_percussion_g_minor ev16.wav
3750:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopFunkySoulLowSingleNoteChorus Ev 095
3751:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopFunkySoulRiffsChorus Ev 095
RealDrums: NashvilleSwing16^1-a:Snare, Hihat , b:Snare, Ride
Extensive use of new BIAB feature Utility Tracks to audition and generate tracks.
vArranger MIDI, Synths of Kontakt and Halion. Mixed in Cakewalk.
Posted at 11:10 AM
March 02, 2021 How To Quickly Adjust Your Chord Sheet Size
Did you know you can quickly adjust the size of your chord sheet in Band-in-a-Box® by holding CTRL while scrolling with the mouse scroll wheel?
How handy!
Posted at 11:07 AM
March 01, 2021 User Showcase Song - Summer Chaser
After a recent remix, I invited Bud and Janice to add some vocals to this song and I was just delighted with the results. I hope you enjoy it as well.
RealTracks in style: 1827:Bass, Electric, PopModernGrooveA-B Ev16 075
RealTracks in song: 2203:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopPromiseBrent Ev16 100
RealTracks in song: 2668:Pedal Steel, Background WestCoastBallad Ev 065
RealTracks in song: ~542:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dreamy Ev 085
RealTracks in song: ~689:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3020:Vocal Aahs, Background Pop3-part Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1004:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm ClassicRockStrumming Ev16 065
RealDrums [in Song:PopCountry16ths^01-a:Closed Hat, Sync-kick, b:Closed Hat, Rock-kick
Summer Chaser Music by L Olivier, words by Lawrence Olivier and Lisa Veraza-Elis, Harmony vocals sung by Janice Merritt and produced by Bud Merritt
Summer Chaser (July 2009)
Posted at 10:40 AM
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