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March 03, 2021  -  User Showcase Song - External Emotions

External emotions can be difficult. Should I or shouldn't I? Does he/she or doesn't he/she? Should I buy it or not? Anxious or calm? Hopefully this, my first real attempt at an orchestral piece, will expose both sides.

BiaB style = Medium 4/4 Tempo Orchestral
Tempo = 75

Note that all tracks were modified to better fit the song.

Piano = Kontakt - wood winds - Kirt Hunter's Virtuoso woodwinds solo
Guitar = Kontakt - string ensemble - Kirt Hunter's Virtuoso strings
Bass = double bass - 1 - Kontakt - Kirt Hunter's Diamond Orchestra - concert basses
2- Kontakt - Amadeus - bass small section

Cellos = bass track 8via - 1- Kontakt - Kirt Hunter's Diamond Orchestra - concert cellos
2- Kontakt - Amadeus - cellos small section

I am playing the following via my keyboard controller:
Guitar - French horn - Kirt Hunter's Virtuoso brass
Solo strings - Kirt Hunter's Virtuoso strings
Choir - East West Play - Symphonic choir - full choir
Solo voice - Kontakt - AVP Jenny A1

I am playing the following via wind controller
Flute - Kontakt - Amadeus - flute II
English horn - Kontakt - Amadeus - English horn.

There are no effects on individual tracks.
Master buss effects = Breverb and compression.

oops I forgot, I played the timpani and gongs via my keyboard player. They were Kontakt - Kirt Hunter Diamond orchestra sounds.

Posted on March 3, 2021 10:43 AM

Entries from March 2021:

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