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August 03, 2021  -  User Showcase Song - Stinging Eyes

This one has a SLIGHTLY louder main vocal and some oohs n ahhs care of BIAB

Here's a little ditty, purest country or, perhaps, Cow Punk!
Stinging Eyes feat Katya vC

Hopefully it's a bit of fun in a sad way. I can't tell you it will be - you're the one to judge.

Katya of Xabarovskiy Krai did the lead vocals...THANK YOU!!!!...while Kim n Lauren did the gang vocals.
Bandhi Nahbox provided the drums.

Guitars are a 2017 Squire Mustang and a 2019 Harley Benton 12 string Ricky clone both through a Marshall and mic'd with a Sennheizer e609 + a Shure 57.
The Mustang was juiced by a boost from a Boss DS1 pedal - no drive - just level increase.
Bass is a 1981 Vantage through a Behringer BDI21

BIAB details...
ev8 4/4 F#m 140 bpm.
RealDrums SouthernPopFast 8ths02.

I used the BIAB Melody maker to work out a vocal melody. Sadly it was far too complex and with too wide a range for my croak to sing, or anyone else . I sliced, diced, reworked closer to chord tones and FAR fewer notes. Katya grappled with my heavily edited/reduced/changed result.

Posted on August 3, 2021 10:34 AM

Entries from August 2021:

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