News Archives
September 2021
September 30, 2021 How to Make Backing Tracks with Band-in-a-Box®, by Nick Kellie
Band-in-a-Box® endorsing artist Nick Kellie recently got his hands on the newest Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Mac, and put together this video showing off just how easy it is to make backing tracks in Band-in-a-Box®!
Band-in-a-Box Demo - How to make backing tracks
Posted at 02:11 PM
September 30, 2021 User Showcase Song - Ain't Nobody's Business
Our version of this Public Domain blues song.
From Wikipedia:
Ain't Nobody's Business"(originally "Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness if I Do") is a 1920s blues song that became one of the first blues standards. It was published in 1922 by Porter Grainger and Everett Robbins.The song features a lyrical theme of freedom of choice (and Bud re-wrote the lyrics for the last 2 stanzas) and a vaudeville jazz–style musical arrangement. It was first recorded, as "'Tain't Nobody's Biz-ness if I Do", in 1922 by Anna Meyers, backed by the Original Memphis Five.
The song has been covered by numerous artists.
Janice Merritt - Arrangement, Lead & Harmony vocals.
Me - Arrangement & Guitar.
Bud recorded Janice and provided mixing and mastering assistance.
The Band:
RealTracks in style: ~~481:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Ballad Sw 085
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 1889:Piano, Solo-Accompaniment CountrySwingJohn Sw 085
RealTracks in song: ~~425:Organ, B3, Background Blues Sw 120
RealDrums [in Song:PopRockShuffle: a: Snare, Closed Hatb: Snare, Open Hat
Posted at 09:39 AM
September 29, 2021 User Showcase Song - I Thought I Knew You
This one is way outside my comfort zone but, what the heck, I let it rip.
I really stretched on both singing and mixing the vocals.
I'm reminded I'll never be a great singer.
The Band:
Drums -BIAB, RealDrums=PraiseWorshipUptempo16^3-a Kick, HiHat , b Snare, HiHat
Bass - BIAB 11268 Electric PopUpLift
Rhythm & Lead Guitars - CaptainMoto
Vocals - CaptainMoto
Synth Sounds - CaptainMoto, Spitefire LABs
Playing a Tele style Guitar into a mic'd tube amp.
Used a AEA ribboin mic into a Pacifica preamp and Black Lion compressor for vocals.
Recorded, Mixed & Mastered in Studio One
Posted at 01:24 PM
September 28, 2021 User Showcase Song - A Thousand Reasons
Hey guys...this song is one I recorded with my children a few years's getting a facelift with BiaB...the song is off of a project we did called "Prodigal" which was a selection of songs telling the story of the prodigal son from scripture (Luke 15:11-32)...this song is the point when the prodigal son is contemplating returning home to his the song is not a stand alone idea or entity but rather a part of an entire work (aka: album, musical, whatever you want to call it)...thanks for listening if you choose to...Dan
PS: I'm still in the first cut phase so any ideas or technical advise is always appreciated!
BiaB elements:
EAGER.STY Eager Spirited Soft Guitar
1849 Bass
1264 Piano
3549 Guitar
2200 Nylon Guitar
363 Pedal Steel
Real Drums tamborine
We added: Lead vox: Ian Simmons BGV: Dan Simmons and Amber Simmons-Eaker
Classical Guitar and Drums:Yamaha Genos
Posted at 01:29 PM
September 27, 2021 The Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin Works Great in Windows® 11!
Simon did it again - another test in Windows 11! See how well the Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin works with Windows® 11 in his latest video: The Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin Works Great in Windows® 11!
Posted at 12:53 PM
September 27, 2021 User Showcase Song - I Can't Wait
Here’s a tune I had around for a while and was finally able to finish writing and put together.
While intended to convey faith in finding love—that one soul mate who’s out there somewhere—I realized along the way it also had a spiritual element to it and potentially could be read and played as a Christian rock song. Totally not my genre, but nevertheless I continued to foster that more spiritual element of the write and feel as I went along. This is the outcome, for better or worse.
On the production side, I usually stay away from playing guitar myself on a track—just because I’m less than stellar and the Real Tracks are so solid. But I needed to play on this one for the fills/licks, principally in the beginning of the tune and before the second verse. So if something sounds off there, well . . . that’s why.
And here’s the band:
RealTracks 2877: Bass, Acoustic, AmericanaSlow16thsByron Ev16 060
RealTracks 1004: Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm ClassicRockStrumming Ev16 065
RealTracks 1828: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopModernGroove Ev16 075
RealTracks 892: Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065 (A-simple)
RealTracks 631: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty Ev 120 (B:power)
Rhythm Guitar: Dj Lekich
RealDrums: PopRock16ths^01-a:Snare, HiHat, b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 12:42 PM
September 23, 2021 User Showcase Song - Goin' For A Ride
Song I wrote many years ago for my best friend from college and his wife. Never recorded it until now though.
I play the main guitar (intro/ chorus riff and verse comping plus the quickie outro) and sing. The rest is BIAB: BRSOLC3 Country Rock Guitar.
Lyrics in the description box at YouTube.
Posted at 12:55 PM
September 23, 2021 RealBand® Works Great in Windows® 11!
Here's an introductory look at RealBand® running on the preview version of Windows® 11!
Posted at 12:53 PM
September 22, 2021 Customers LOVE Band-in-a-Box® 2021!
Check out some of the latest Band-in-a-Box® feedback we've received:
"There's a saying 'Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.' That's exactly what my friend did in 1990. He taught me how to use BIAB and I've used it hundreds of time to do arraignment and to jam with any style band."
"Love BIAB. I use it daily. Their support is great too!"
"RealTracks are amazing!!! I use BIAB for backtracks in my solo act... Still using the basic package and it's all need..."
"I have used Band in A Box for many years. If it would have been around when I was young, I would have been a much better musician. I use it for all my songs I have written and recorded. With Band In A Box I can sit in my room and sound like a whole band without having to put up with them!"
"If you know something about music and take the time to learn the program, you can make it do some amazing things. It is a great help to songwriters who want to demo their song without paying for studio time. It makes changes and tweaks much easier as well."
"Been using it for so many years. It's a great tool. The instruments that I don't have or play make up the void and it saves so much time. I use this program for every song I write."
"Great tool for the songwriter!"
"An essential part of my studio! I write songs on piano, but I'm not a pianist by a long way. BIAB is like having a roomful of session players in your studio, and just the simple act of taking your basic idea and hearing a skilled pianist play it presents so many new ideas and options you hadn't thought of."
"Powerful, easy to use, inexpensive and they even split the modest payments up if you want. No complaints. Lots of satisfaction."
"I added a steel guitar to a fully produced original. He followed every change like he was in the studio reading the chart. Fascinating technology!"
"I have used it to make backing tracks for six CD's with about 12 songs on each. They make a great gift!"
"It's simply a necessity - buy it now - the staff and support do a great job as well!"
"A great tool for us songwriters!"
"I LOVE Band-in-a-Box!"
"I see it as a very worthwhile investment. In fact, from initial purchase about 8 years ago, using the backing tracks I have made, my income from that investment has returned over 5,000% on the investment!"
Do you have something to say about Band-in-a-Box®? Post your own thoughts for Windows or Mac version today!
Posted at 01:44 PM
September 22, 2021 User Showcase Song - MOONSHOT
Here’s a song that has gone through several writing & arrangement iterations over the years.
I finally got around to properly recording it - this is called MOONSHOT.
BIAB Tracks:
2474: Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085
2505: Piano, Electric, HeldChords 085
2914: Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Folky16thsBrent Ev16 085
832: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm, AltCountryMoody Ev 075
RealDrums: PopPromiseEv16 a:Snare on 4, HiHat, b: Snare
Posted at 12:42 PM
September 21, 2021 User Showcase Song - Take It Or Leave Me
Revisiting this song was inspired by Bob Dean with his Like A Girl post where he mentions digging out the old outakes and lost songs and updating them. Back in the 90s the title Take It Or Leave Me seemed like someting to write about, but what exactly she needed to take was uncertain. I eventually made a BiaB version to show others what I wanted to record. On the original version I played the chords on an acoustic guitar held upright with the rhythm tapped on the strings with a wooden pencil. Kinda sounded cool, but here I replaced that with steel drums..
Take It Or Leave Me on Soundcloud
Take It Or Leave Me on YouTube
After settling on the Tex-Mex style, the rest of the song took a new shape. I like the RealDrums in the style, but the shaker was too enthusiastic at times so I had to cut and paste a few sections to tame it. The 12-string sometimes used 2 positions of the same chord in a measure (which I didn't want) so I switched it to a Utility track and cut and pasted what I wanted. Usually I like to do my own bass, not because it's better but because it's fun. The BiaB bass was interesting so I kept it.
1st V -- he tells his new love how they should handle the inevitable disagreements,
2nd V -- he explains why and how deeply he feels that way
3rd V -- he tells how their future would be
Happy ending: she stayed for 44 years so far.
Style is _VARAR.STY (Varar Tex-Mex with Steel Drum)
RealTracks in style: 1293:Bass, Electric, TexMexCountry Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 3611:Steel Drum, Rhythm SocaAB Ev16 120
RealTracks in style: 1294:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm TexMexCountry Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 3171:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CampfireEven Ev 120
Loop in Song: Percussion Loops\Loop124bpm Conga 8ths 4 bars fill at end.wma
RealTracks in song: 3756:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopFunkySoulBrent Ev16 095
RealDrums [in style:TexMexCountryEv8^1-a:Groove, Shaker & Scrapper , b:Ride, Shaker & Scrapper
Utility track: 2534 Guitar 12-string acoustic held
Posted at 02:10 PM
September 20, 2021 User Showcase Song - Nothing is for Free - 40's Big Band
I tried to capture the sound and feel of Sinatra record, 40's Big Band groove. Let me know what you think.
I started with BIAB Real Tracks, and kept adding more horn parts, including some midi horns that I played via keyboard, in order to get a 40's Big Band. Clarinet, Sax, Trumpet Solos, muted Trumpets, Brass via Halicon Sonic, a bit of strings.
****** Song Summary *************
Key=D , Tempo 110, Length (m:s)=3:35
No intro. 96 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 96. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _CROONR2.STY (Crooner Big Band w/ Piano)
RealTracks in style: 2126:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Half Sw 110
RealTracks in song: ~771:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz Sw 110
RealTracks in style: ~938:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzFreddie Sw 110
RealTracks in style: 2593:Horn Section, Background CroonerBigBand9-Part Sw 110
RealTracks in song: ~2293:Horn Section, Rhythm PopPads Ev 130
RealTracks in song: ~1975:Trumpet, Soloist DixielandMedium Sw 110
RealDrums [in Song:JazzTomLewis^01-a:Brushes, Snare , b:Side Stick, Toms and Ride
Posted at 08:34 AM
September 17, 2021 User Showcase Song - Wonderland
Imagine laying in a field of wild flowers on a warm autumn day looking at a plethora of colors from the flowers and the falling leaves. You look up at a deep blue sky with some puffy cumulus clouds and think our planet is a wonderful
BiaB style = Gentle 4/4 New Age Folk
Tempo = 90 BPM
Bass - Kontakt - Kirt Hunter virtuoso Strings- Bass
Cellos- bass line plus up a fifth - Kirt Hunter virtuoso Strings- Cellos
Piano - Kontakt - Amadeus Orchestra - Harp
Guitar - Kontakt - Amadeus Orchestra - nylon string guitar
Me - Oboe - wind controller - Kontakt - Kirt Hunter virtuoso woodwinds - oboe
Me - strings - keyboard controller - Kirt Hunter virtuoso Strings - violins
Me - violin solo - wind controller - Kontakt -Kirt Hunter Guarnerlus romantic violin.
Me - chorus - keyboard controller - Kirt Hunter virtuoso choir
Posted at 11:25 AM
September 16, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® - Boxing Clever - Sound on Sound #TBT
Did you know that Band-in-a-Box® is more than 30 years old? I stumbled across this 1990 magazine article explaining the relatively new program, and think it's an enjoyable read for any Band-in-a-Box user - it really shows that we are always listening to user feedback when developing our program!
Read the article: Boxing Clever: Band-In-A-Box Software
A few of my favorite statements:
"The intention of PG Music's Band-In-A-Box package is to couple that speed and convenience with the improved flexibility of the personal computer. Versions are available for the Atari ST, Mac, and PC compatibles. Have the programmers succeeded? And can they rid themselves of the stigma of the auto-accompaniment section? Given the above state of affairs, the first hurdle that the program has to overcome is one of acceptance and, frankly, a name like 'Band-In-A-Box' is a bad start."
(I think our name was a great start!)
"The final results are, to say the least, impressive. Band-In-A-Box achieves something that most hardwired auto-accompaniment sections have never been able to do - inject a degree of feel into the music. It really does sound more human than so many of the computer generated pieces I've heard."
"...I'm quite convinced that PG Music will have a winner on their hands. This is one piece of software that you can get more out of than you put in."
Posted at 12:41 PM
September 16, 2021 User Showcase Song - Such a Wonderful Day
A couple of months ago, I came across Realtracks #3770 (Tin Whistle) and #2582 (a "popping" synth). They inspired me. So I set about creating a song designed around them.
Here is where I ended up...
The BIAB Band
RT 916 Bass, Acoustic, Rumba Ev 110
RT 1262 Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopShiningHeld Ev 120
RT 2932 Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterAlternating8thsQuinn Ev 110
RT 2582 Synth, Rhythm MutedMelody Ev16 120
RT 3770 Tin Whistle, Low, BackgroundSoloist Folk8thsGeoff Ev 110
RealDrums CongasEv8[single] (a) More High Conga (b) More Low Conga
MIDI, VSTs, Effects...
Rhythmic Shaker: EZ Drummer 2
MIDI Organ: Dimension Pro VSTi
MIDI Guitar: Strum GS-2 (AAS), Dreadnought Smooth, Jazz Bossanova 2
MAutoPan VST: MIDI Organ, MIDI Guitar
RT 1262, Piano: Ozone 9 Dynamics
RT 916, Bass: Renaissance Bass VST
Vocals: ReaFir, ReaTune, ReaEQ, ReaComp, Nectar 3
Final Output: Ozone 9
Posted at 12:39 PM
September 14, 2021 #TipTuesday Convert RealDrums to MIDI!
Did you know that you can convert RealDrums to MIDI?
VintageGibson shared this tip to our Tips & Tricks forum, which is a great place to look for program tips from other Band-in-a-Box users!
Have a program tip or trick of your own? Share it on our Tips & Tricks forum today!
Posted at 10:14 AM
September 14, 2021 User Showcase Song - Too Many Movies
I made this song when I realized how much time I (we) spent on watching movies from Netflix, Disney, Amazon or whatever. They can do strange things to your mind, I mean my mind. I can assure you!
I used a talkbox from BiaB for my instrumental solo.
There are some female vocals involved in the song, but they are all from Realyvox 'The Ladies' and my keyboard.
I hope you like it, but don't hesitate to tell me what you think of it.
Oh, the cover was made by my son and me when fooling around making a cover for a former song. I decided to use it for this song.
Band-in-a-Box details:
[Song] [Title Too many movies]
[Key Am ] [Tempo 110]
[.Sty _MILDLY.STY] [Style Mildly-Swung Funk Pop Bari Solo]
RealTracks in song:
2157:Piano, El. Vintage,
3703:Guitar, Ac, Fingerpicking
3351:Guitar, Bariton El., Swampy Blues
3352: Guitar Solo, Swampy Blues Talk box
3492:Guitar, El., Ska
1858:Synth, Euro Dance HousePiano
RealDrums: Funk, Disco
Keyboard, Native instruments and Realivox Ladies (me)
Posted at 10:12 AM
September 13, 2021 User Showcase Song - Look What I Found In The Chicken
I started out with a bunch of recordings of chickens in a chicken house. I may have achieved some degree of musical drama.
This is another in a series of experiments turning natural sound into music, by any means available; it will take 01:18 minutes out of your future. Don’t say I didn’t warn you (but it really isn't that bad.)
In Logic, I lied to MIDI Guitar and said the chickens were guitars, and it transcribed the whole racket to MIDI, which then forked off in two directions:
(1) BIAB chord-analyzed for a guitar RealTrack, and
(2) stripped down, quantized and played on a violin
MIDI Guitar analyzed the audio from this guitar RealTrack to create a new MIDI track, which forked into parts for piano and bass. Seasoned with Logic Drummer.
RealTrack: ~522:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 120
Posted at 09:44 AM
September 10, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 Italian for Mac is Here!
Abbiamo lavorato tanto e abbiamo aggiunto 80 nuove funzionalità e una straordinaria collezione di nuovi contenuti, tra cui 202 RealTracks, nuovi RealStyles, SuperTracks MIDI, Studi Strumentali, Performance degli Artisti, Bonus RealDrums "Singoli", trascrizioni RealDrums, MultiStyles PAK 1, Xtra Styles PAKs 10 e 11, e altro ancora!
Pacchetti | Nuove Caratteristiche
Posted at 09:45 AM
September 10, 2021 User Showcase Song - Emerald
Here is a new/old song.
This song was born in 2012 when I was searching through the BIAB styles. I came across the Emerald style. I have played this song in my daily rotation since then. Robert, Ray and I were passing around ideas and I presented this as a potential for a new song with lyrics. Robert decided to take a break so Ray and I developed it into this song. Ray came up with a very cool lyric and we made some changes to the backtrack.
After the backtrack was developed we sent it to Janice and Bud and they graciously joined the project.
These were the original BIAB song tracks.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: Emerald
Key=A , Tempo 80, Length (m:s)=4:12
No intro. 40 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 40. Repeat x2 choruses
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Patches,
Style is C_FOLKY.STY (Folky Top 40 Country Ballad)
RealTracks in song: ~~532:Bass, Acoustic, Pop Sw 085
RealTracks in song: ~~689:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085
RealTracks in song: ~~362:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085
RealTracks in song: ~1032:Guitar, 12-String Electric, Strumming Ev 085
RealDrums [in Song:CountryEven8: a: Brushes, HiHat b: Snare, Ride
BIAB tracks used in the song.
Ray did some tweaks to the drum track
We also used the ~~689:Organ, B3,
Janice - Vocals and Harmonies
Ray - Bass, Rhythm Guitars
Scott - Guitar melody and fills.
The mixing was pretty much a group effort and Bud did the final master.
Posted at 09:42 AM
September 08, 2021 User Showcase Song - She Doesn't Fight Fair
_HIGHWAY.STY. Highway Driving Country Rock
All RealTracks.
Instruments: El.Bass, Ac.Piano, El.Guitar, Drums
RD: NashvilleEven8^5-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride :Brian Fullen
RT1417: Bass, Electric, RootsRock Ev 100 , Craig Young
RT2763: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110 , Mike Rojas
RT2635: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBluesRockHigh Ev 110 , Brent Mason
Multi-riffed Guitar, Slide, Background Easy Southern Ev 120 to fill out the backing tracks
Posted at 10:06 AM
September 07, 2021 Export / Print a List of Selected Styles (Band-in-a-Box®)
Did you know that you can export a list of your Styles from Band-in-a-Box®?
Head to this forum post in our "Tips & Tricks" forum, where VideoTrack shares another handy tip for Band-in-a-Box® users!
Posted at 02:24 PM
September 07, 2021 User Showcase Song - Find My Way Back Home
This one is a re-work of an instrumental I posted 4 or 5 years ago. I really like the melody but didn't feel I did a very good job with it the first time, especially the guitar sound I had. I still struggled with the acoustic guitar sound again on this and still am looking for that sweet spot with the eq and effects on it but feel it's getting closer. I was inspired by a trip to the Southwest (Sedona, Az) when I first had the idea for this one. Thanks for having a listen!
Bass 1253 Pop Shining Held Ev 120
Bass 1418 Electric Southern Rock Ev16 85
Drums Pop Country 16ths
Guitar 1164 Acoustic Rhythm Celtic Reel Ev16 110
Guitar 1305 Acoustic Rhythm Celtic Reel Ev16 110 (Drones only)
Strings 2060 Strings Rhythm Pop Country Ev 120
Guitar 851 Electric Rhythm Nashville Pop Clean Ev 120
Acoustic Guitar Lead Taylor 812ce ran through a TRex Soulmate Acoustic effects processor
Background Vocal
Posted at 01:48 PM
September 03, 2021 User Showcase Song - A Melody For Our Souls
I sadly have less and less time to write, let alone listen, these days. That said, I just wanted to share this little song here ... hope you like it. Hopefully, my schedule will lighten up soon, and inspiration and the mood to write will come back soon. Anyway, all feedback welcome - thanks for taking the time to listen.
****** Song Summary *************
Title: A Melody for Our Souls
File:A Melody for Our Souls.SGU
Key=C , Tempo 100, Length (m:s)=3:57
No intro. 128 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 128. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Key Signature,
Style is _WHIMSY.STY (Whimsical Piano Country Waltz)
RealTracks in style: ~1122:Bass, Acoustic, CountryWaltz Sw 110
RealTracks in style: ~2049:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment CountryWaltzJohn Sw 085
RealTracks in style: 829:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Country Waltz Sw 110 (A:held)
RealTracks in style: ~~689:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085
RealDrums [in style:NashClassicWaltzSw^4-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 01:16 PM
September 03, 2021 Holiday Hours - Labor Day (September 6, 2021)
Monday, September 6th is Labor Day. Our Customer Service Department will be open, however we will have limited hours that day:
Customer Service: 8:00AM to 4:00PM PDT (GMT -8)
Our hours will return to normal on Tuesday, September 7th.
Posted at 08:00 AM
September 02, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® Chord List Resource
Ever wonder which chords are supported in Band-in-a-Box®? Access the information from the Help file in the program, or read through the list with our Online Manual!
Chord List - Mac Online Manual
Chord List - Windows Online Manual
Review the other Reference topcs while you're there - with explanations of the different menus and the Keystroke Commands (Hot Keys), you'll definitely learn something new!
Posted at 01:21 PM
September 02, 2021 User Showcase Song - Hoodoo Woman
Hoodoo Woman
© 2021 Trad Arr (Bessie Brown, 1923) J. Merritt, B. Merritt & P. Fulham
We thought we were knowledgeable about the public domain blues catalog until we discovered this song by Bessie Brown written nearly 100 years ago (originally as Louisiana Hoodoo Blues). Although she was a Bessie Smith contemporary we had not heard of her. A heckuva lyric in our opinion for the time (or any time) and we are thrilled to have found it. Thank you Ms Brown! And Peter and PG Music.
Listens and comments are appreciated. Lyrics on SC.
Hoodoo - not voodoo but a well defined spiritual belief system that was brought over during slavery times and survives to this day in parts of the South - in Louisiana in particular.
Dumplings - a notable southern US dough based dish but popular in many forms around the world.
Graveyard Dust or Goofer Dust - used to cast a harmful spell
Black Cat Bone - used for romantic success
Gris Gris - a packet of material to bring the wearer good luck
Conjure (noun) - a potent form of magic
Janice: vocal, melody & arrangement
Bud: very minor lyric tweaks, arrangement, progression, mix and Janice photo
Peter: guitar solos, fills, rhythm and arrangement
Bass: RealTrack 2435 NewOrleansShuffle Sw 130
Rendered DI > Logic Pro X bass amp/cabinet/mic > Waves Bass Rider
Piano: MidiSuperTrack 1800 Rhythm Texas Blues Rock Shuffle Sw 130
Logic Grand Steinway > Waves CLA Unplugged
Drums: RealDrums Blues Rock Shuffle > Waves CLA Drums
Snare double from from RD file sample > Waves CLA Drums
Kick double from RD file sample > Waves CLA Drums
Cymbal from RD file sample > Waves JJP Cymbals
Mastering: Ozone 9 EQ > Ozone 9 multi-band compressor > Ozone 9 Imager > Ozone 9 Maximizer > Ozone Tonal Balance 2 > Logic Pro Loudness Meter
Posted at 12:59 PM
September 01, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2021 French for Mac is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2021 contient quelques 80 fonctionnalités inédites!
Nous avons beaucoup travaillé pour offrir à Band-in-a-Box® 2021® cette étonnante panoplie de quelques 80 fonctions inédites et sa collection de contenus originaux à savoir : 202 RealTracks, des RealStyles inédits, des SuperTracks MIDI, des Etudes Instrument, des Performances Artiste, un Bonus RealDrums "Solo", des transcriptions RealDrums, les MultiStyles PAK 1, les Xtra Styles PAKs 10 et 11, et bien plus encore!
Achat | Nouvelles Fonctionnalités
Posted at 01:10 PM
September 01, 2021 User Showcase Song - Realized
A love song.
The BAND bits...
RealTracks in song: 1190:Bass, Electric, ModernRnBRock Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 1828:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopModernGroove Ev16 075
RealTracks in song: 1830:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopModernGrooveBrightDist Ev16 075
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2099:Piano, Rhythm PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 1801:Synth Pad, PopShiningSoft Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 2585:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PunkHeldPlus Ev 165
RealTracks in song: 2690 Guitar, Electric, Soloist Slow16thsPopBrentSimple Ev16 075
RealDrums in Song:Rock16ths^01-a:Closed Hat, Snare, b:Open Hat, Snare
Royalty Free Loops
Posted at 12:34 PM
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29 Cadillac Ave Victoria BC Canada V8Z 1T3
Sales: 800-268-6272, 250-475-2874,+ 800-4746-8742*
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