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September 28, 2021  -  User Showcase Song - A Thousand Reasons

Hey guys...this song is one I recorded with my children a few years's getting a facelift with BiaB...the song is off of a project we did called "Prodigal" which was a selection of songs telling the story of the prodigal son from scripture (Luke 15:11-32)...this song is the point when the prodigal son is contemplating returning home to his the song is not a stand alone idea or entity but rather a part of an entire work (aka: album, musical, whatever you want to call it)...thanks for listening if you choose to...Dan

PS: I'm still in the first cut phase so any ideas or technical advise is always appreciated!

A Thousand Reasons

BiaB elements:
EAGER.STY Eager Spirited Soft Guitar
1849 Bass
1264 Piano
3549 Guitar
2200 Nylon Guitar
363 Pedal Steel
Real Drums tamborine

We added: Lead vox: Ian Simmons BGV: Dan Simmons and Amber Simmons-Eaker
Classical Guitar and Drums:Yamaha Genos

Posted on September 28, 2021 01:29 PM

Entries from September 2021:

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