News Archives
October 2021
October 29, 2021 User Showcase Song - Why Do You Still Love Me
A little change of pace for me here. I guess this is a Rock/Blues/Adult Contemporary sort of thing. This one took a lot of concentrated effort to get all the fingerpicking parts right. I only used the drums from the program and for better or worse played everything else. I just couldn't find the right realtracks to make it happen, so I had to go to work! Thanks for listening! It's always appreciated!
Drums - Modern Pop Ballad 16th's
Guitars- Taylor 812ce Acoustic and Taylor T5 for the fingerpicked parts. Fender Telecaster for the leads all ran through a Headrush Gigboard
Electric Piano, Synths, Cello and Strings all played on a Yamaha keyboard.
Bass - A very old Peavey Foundation that still sounds good
Words and music by Torrey Bliss
Copyright 2021
Posted at 12:46 PM
October 28, 2021 User Showcase Song - Happiness
This song is a joint project with my friend Halya from Ukraine.
The song is about the sad everyday life of most people.
And about the fact that everyone wishes for happiness but does not realize it.
Because happiness is not something you can own.
You have to recognize it and feel it.
The song is played entirely by BiaB 2021.
Only the vocals have been additionally recorded.
The english is definitely not the best,
but it is much easier to write a usable song in english than in german ;-)
We hope you like the song.
BiaB is definitely the most extraordinary program I have ever used.
*** Song Summary *************
Title: Happiness
Key=C , Tempo 105, Length (m:s)=4:04
No intro. 104 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 104. Repeat x1 chorus
Melody has 667 notes, Melody harmony is
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _LASH.STY
RealTracks in style: 2578:Bass, Synth, RetroPop Ev16 085
RealTracks in style: 3643:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DublinPopSlowMuteChop Ev16 105
RealTracks in song: 3738:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GrungeSlowCleanArp Ev 080
RealTracks in song: 3438:Guitar, Electric, Soloist BritPsycPopBallad Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 1000:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm HardRockLAFuzzyHeld Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~686:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 120
RealDrums in song: RockHardLA^1-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Loose HiHat
Lyrics by Halyna Bilous & Andreas Melzer
Music by Andreas Melzer
Vocals: Andreas Melzer
(c)2021 by PROJECT M
Posted at 12:59 PM
October 27, 2021 User Showcase Song - Coffee And Fireflies
Here's something called Coffee And Fireflies
BIAB Tracks:
2877:Bass, Acoustic, AmericanaSlow16thsByron Ev16 060
2879:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm, AmericanaSparseSlow16thsColin Ev16 060
2878:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm, AmericanaSlow16thsBrent Ev16 060
RealDrums: AmericanaRoots16th-05-KckSS,Snr
Posted at 10:35 AM
October 26, 2021 User Showcase Song - It's Nothing Special
It's Nothing Special (instrumental)
BIAB STYLE: TEAK.STY (Teak Woodblock Slow Bossa)
711:bass, Acoustic, Bossa Ev 085 (reverb 40)
1215:Vibes, Rhythm Bossa Ev 085 (reverb 54)
RealDrums= WoodblocksEV (reverb 40)
1103:Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm BossaGrooveComp Ev 085 (reverb 87)
1902:Guitar, Acoustic, Background Bolero Ev 90 (reverb 61)
Lead Guitar: Takamine GC1CE (Fender Mustang LT50 amp + Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface + Reaper Daw).
REASON 11 sound samples (played on Korg K61p midi):
Marimbuth, Grand Piano, Symphonic Strings, Violins Pizz.
Mixed with Audacity
Posted at 11:19 AM
October 21, 2021 A Look Back... Band-in-a-Box® 2015 NAMM Demonstration #TBT
Watch Tobin (and Charlie!) demonstrate Band-in-a-Box® 2015 for Windows at the 2015 NAMM Show: Play video...
Tobin does a great job of showing just how easy it is to create a song with Band-in-a-Box!
This video was posted on January 23, 2015 to the Keyboard Instrument Chops and Gear YouTube Channel.
Posted at 02:04 PM
October 21, 2021 User Showcase Song - A Cold Hearted Woman
Keith Forrest: Vocals, guitar, bass, piano, mandolin
Frank Pratte: Mix, video editing
BIAB - Resonator guitar solo, 2010: Guitar, resonator, soloist countryworkingrob EV16 090
Programs used: DAW Reaper, guitar Amplitube5, EZDrummer2; All from Reaper Cockos: EQ, Compression, Multiband compressor, Limiter, Reverb
Keith and I collaborate in various ways, in this case, he did the writing and recording. He sent me the stems I did the drum programming, mix, and video editing. He asked me to add a slide guitar solo, then he gave a shot at a mando solo. We weren't completely happy with it. BIAB came to the rescue and absolutely aced it. I used the Reaper BIAB plugin and the multiriff feature giving me 7 takes at the solo, used the 1st half of take 5 and the 2nd half of take 6.
Keith and I played in a band back in the 80s, we hooked back up a few years ago and collaborate between California and Florida.
Posted at 10:50 AM
October 20, 2021 User Showcase Song - Soul Searchin'
This song ended up being a co-write between Marty and Chris. I developed the initial song idea and sent the bed to Chris, who then developed the melody and added a couple of lines. Marty then came in and wrote the rest.
The band:
RealTracks in song: 3245:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkyBluesSol ev16 090
Chris Spruit: Piano, vocal, BGV
Marty Straub: Bass, BGV
Dave Bell: Guitars, BGV
I used EZDrummer2 to build the drum track.
Mixed in Reaper, mastered with Ozone9.
Soul Searchin' (2021, Marty Straub & Chris Spruit)
Posted at 01:10 PM
October 19, 2021 User Showcase Song - Your Desert
Here is a tune that was in works for last few weeks. Lyrics co-written with Ray (rayc). A gentleman from the forum (jptjptjpt) gave me an idea to record Nadya BGVs on her phone, not to overcomplicate her with DAW setup, and so that this could be finished sooner. Critical comments are always welcomed (exept for Nadya's vocals, since very little could be done with it). Thank you for listening.
Lyrics me/Ray Cochrane
Vocals -me
BGV - Nadya
3468:Bass, Electric, AmericanaSyncSteveA Ev16 085
Loop: House-Techno-Trance\House - crunchy_120_b drums ev16.wav
1637:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkBreezyChords Ev16 075
2548:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkSorrow Ev16 090
2650:Guitar, Electric, Background DreamyPopBalladFillsBrent Ev 085
3765:Vibes, Rhythm PopBallad Ev 085
RealDrums:RetroPop^04-a:Bass, OpenSnare, b:Bass, LoudSnare
Synths of Halion + Kontakt. Recorded in Cakewalk.
Posted at 08:51 AM
October 18, 2021 Enhance Your Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows Installation
Attention Band-in-a-Box® 2021 for Windows users - update for FREE today!
We've added a new "record using" option within the Audio Settings dialog, and updated many existing features based on user feedback.
This free update also includes the most recent build of our DAW Plugin (3.9.12).
Learn more about this free update and download it today.
Posted at 11:48 AM
October 18, 2021 User Showcase Song - I'm In It For The Minute
This is an original song about how Rock 'n' Roll --music in general-- satisfies our primal desire for elation. Well, actually I'm not sure what it's about, but I now use that description after reading the lyrics I wrote. It's up to your interpretation. One thing I'm sure of is that when I added "I'M In It" to the working title of For The Minute, I got another minute. Hear it? Get it?
I'm In It For The Minute on Soundcloud
I'm In It For The Minute on YouTube
Man, ya gotta love those Utility Tracks!
Style is _WAG.STY (Wag Rock & Roll Guitars)
SoloistCustom Synth is Hi-Q 001 01 Piano, Acoustic, Grand Sforzando
Loop in Song: Percussion Loops\Loop132bpm Tambourine Quarters 4 bars.wma
RealTracks in style: ~1549:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountrySwing Sw 110
RealTracks in song: ~938:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzFreddie Sw 110
RealTracks in style: 3780:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNRollSweep Sw 120
Loop in Song: Drums\AfucheShakerSw8[single]^01-Swng
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 1799:Piano, Rhythm SouthernRockJohn Sw 120
RealDrums [in style:NewOrleansShuffle^04-a:Kick Shuffle , b:Ride, Shuffle
RealTracks in song: ~763:Clarinet
I added bass and vocals. Lyrics
I'm In It For The Minute (It's all about alliteration. There are 83 Ts and 69 Ss in the lyrics. That's a sibilance test. Thanks for teaching me how to fix them, RayC et al.)
Comments and suggestions help us grow. Thanks for all you do folks.
Posted at 11:27 AM
October 14, 2021 Ordering Your Band-in-a-Box® is Easy!
When you order any PG Music products directly from (or you'll receive immediate links to start downloading your order! Even if you choose to have a backup copy of your Band-in-a-Box® packages shipped, you'll still have the download links available to you - no need to wait!
We've made it even easier to get started with Band-in-a-Box® with the Easy Payment Plan 4 - when you choose this payment option you'll pay four equal monthly payments starting on the day of your order.
Choose your Band-in-a-Box® for Windows package & order here.
Using Mac? Order here.
When you get to the checkout, simply click on Select Easy Payment Plan 4 for this product to apply this option.
Note: This only applies to this Band-in-a-Box product, and does not apply to other products that you might have in your order, including the physical backup copy if selected.
Posted at 02:21 PM
October 14, 2021 User Showcase Song - Home
Over the past few weeks I've posted several songs from a project I did with my kids a few years back (prodigal)...this song is the climax of that story project...the prodigal son is finally home and his father accepts him there without condemnation or is the expression of the joy that the prodigal feels at that time...I promise this is my final post from that project (maybe?)...Dan
FYI: This is my favorite project ever because my kids helped out...they both live +250 miles away and it was a sacrifice for them to do this...neither one of them are into the style of stuff I write (not thematically but stylistically) but their talents brought it home (no pun intended)...they did it for "dear old dad" got to love them for that (or at least I do)...and I do with all my heart.
BiaB components:
1592 Bass
1761 Acoustic strumming
364 Acoustic fingerpicking
Vocals: Ian and Dan Simmons
I played everything else from my Yamaha Tyros 5
Key G...75 BPM
Posted at 10:44 AM
October 13, 2021 User Showcase Song - Set Me Free
This is a song I wrote many years ago when I was a regular gigging musician at clubs and on the road.
It features the fabulous Mike Arthur on lead guitar.
Vocals - Nigel Spiers
Piano - Nigel Spiers
Other backing instruments are from a PG Music, Band In A Box Midi style by Bob Notes Norton.
Music & Lyrics - Nigel Spiers.
Posted at 10:41 AM
October 12, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® File Associations
You may have noticed when you were installing Band-in-a-Box® for Windows that you were asked if you would like to Associate Band-in-a-Box songs and styles with Band-in-a-Box? But, what does that mean?
It's actually pretty simple - basically, if you select this option while you're installing the program, files with the extensions .SGU, .MGU, and other Band-in-a-Box files will open directly in the program if you select them from outside the program.
Missed this option during your setup, but you'd like to apply it now? Go to File | File Utilities | Associate File types with Explorer within the program.
Posted at 01:44 PM
October 12, 2021 User Showcase Song - Hometown Refugee
Here’s our first J&B post in nearly two months. We’ve long felt this tune had video possibilities so after a recent remix we decided to attempt it. Photographs (other than Peter’s) and video clips were shot with my iPhone 12 in three local small towns.
Bud would like to thank Janice for tolerating lip syncing for two vids* in short order, smile Peter for his guitar and photo and PG Music for making all this possible. And a shoutout to floyd for feedback and encouragement and to Marty for lip syncing counsel.
Your time to watch and comment are both welcomed and appreciated.
Video tech stuff: edited via Filmora, iMovie and Snapseed.
Audio tech stuff:
Janice: vocal > Rode NT1 mic > Scarlett 212 interface > Logic Pro X > Izotope Nectar
Peter: Guitar solo, turnaround, fills and rhythm
Bass: RT 2877 Americana / Waves Bass Rider / Izotope Neutron
Drums: RD Americana roots (toms - no kick) Waves CLA Drums / EMT 140 reverb
Guitar: RT 2878 electric rhythm
Pedal Steel: RT 2866 rhythm
Mixed in Logic Pro X
Mastering: (Izotope Ozone9 adv modules) EQ > Multiband Compressor > Imager > Maximizer > Tonal Balance > Logic Loudness Meter
© 2021 B. Merritt, J. Merritt & P. Fulham
Posted at 12:10 PM
October 08, 2021 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Holiday Hours
Monday, October 11th is Canadian Thanksgiving!
Our Holiday schedule that day is:
Customer Service: 8:00AM to 4:00PM PDT
We will be back to our regular schedule Tuesday, October 12th.
Posted at 11:07 AM
October 08, 2021 User Showcase Song - Atlantis
Well... I somehow came up with another idea to flesh out. I love ancient history and this topic has been floating around in my head for a bit.
Don't know if this one will stick to the forum wall of appeal but only one way to find out.
This is #5 for me this year....whew...."this song writing stuff isn't easy".
AWB_1.STY AWB_1 - 80s funk swing 16th rock
Swingin' 16ths rock groove based on dance feels from the 80s. 5 insts: organ, el. bass, ac. guitar, mt. guitar, drums. At 'b' add organ & mt. guitar 28/1. T =105 (M-Finger Electric Bass, M-Acoustic Guitar, M-Muted Electric Guit, M-Rock Organ, Drums=RockSwing16^)
“Atlantis”: Key: Am - 4 minutes - 105 bpm Lyrics/music/vocals & acoustic rhythm: Me - Lead guitars: Ken Lasaine....thanks Ken.
Posted at 11:02 AM
October 07, 2021 User Showcase Song - How The Dice Fall
I wanted to make a bit a different song where the piano is in lead. It even starts with it... And then I continue with the vocals and some other instruments.
I hope you like it, but I'm interested in what you really think of it.
I made it, because when I was young I really had those dreams of falling off a wall and then -in my dreams-learned how to fly. I still like that part!
The instruments and other stuff:
Style: PBallads, Key: G (BiaB)
Bas, 3467Drums, ModernPopBallad 16thPiano 1 (1006) Symphony
Piano 2 (chorus) 3670
Me: composition, lyrics, vocals and keyboard for Strings (Sunset Strings, Realivox) and Drop sounds (Piano Colors from Native instruments)
Posted at 10:09 AM
October 06, 2021 User Showcase Song - Joni
Haven't created a new song for awhile as I had been revisiting and remixing my older songs. So decided to have a go at a new one.
I found this when auditioning styles for the new chord progressions. It is the Joni style. It was an older style and most of the tracks were midi. I took the midi tracks and used the BBC and Labs plugins on the midi files. I used some a couple of different Real Drum tracks and Acoustic Real tracks. Flipped the key of the song a couple of times and add this melody.
Hans had mentioned he had used a talk box on one of his songs so I found a talking wah effect on one of my H9's and used it with my lap steel.
BBDrums_RealDrums BrushesAndBlues [Multi]_SingleRender_DragDrop
BBDrums_RealDrums PopRock8ths^01-ClHtSnr,OpHtSnr_SingleRender_DragDrop
N A ~1118 Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085
N A 2534 Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, HeldChords
MIDI Accoustic Piano
MIDI Standard Drum Kit
MIDI Accoustic Piano
MIDI Synth Strings
Song was recorded, mixed and mastered in Studio One 5 using the BIAB Daw Plugin.
Posted at 08:39 AM
October 05, 2021 New Update for RealBand 2021 Available!
Do you use RealBand (included in all Band-in-a-Box® for Windows purchases)? Download the latest free update, which resolves a small viewing issue for Windows 11 users.
When you download the latest update for RealBand 2021, it will add all the updates we've made this year. See the full list here.
Posted at 11:16 AM
October 05, 2021 User Showcase Song - When You Leave Me
After a little blank, I would like to post my songs again.
This song is written for the latest recording session of our music circle in this summer.
I would like to introduce you two versions, which are the live band version and the RealTrack version.
Link of Live Band Version by Yamaha Teachers
Link of RealTracks Version
The RealTrack version was made for the vocalist to practice this song.
I usually prepare the karaoke version of the song made with BIAB in advance for vocalist.
Following additional VST instruments played with EastWest Symphonic Orchestra
Ist Violins
2nd Violins
French Horns
Scored by me
Style is _SJAZBL2.STY Smooth Jazz Ballad w/Electric Guitar
RealTracks in style: 908:Bass, Electric, SmoothBallad Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 910:Piano, Electric, Rhythm SmoothBallad Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: 1072:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SmoothJazzBallad Ev16 065
RealDrums in Style: SmoothJazzBallad^1-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Posted at 10:38 AM
October 04, 2021 User Showcase Song - Headaches And Heartaches
A co-write with Lisa Gundling.
(check the volume slider. On my system it needs to be set to about 50% or
it's really loud...)
Style is _ALLISR.STY (Fast Ctry Bal w ResGuit (120 RS))
RealTracks in style: ~~518:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085
RealTracks in style: ~~364:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 065
RealTracks in style: ~~368:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 408:Guitar, Resonator, Background Allis Ev 120
RealDrums in style: NashvilleEven8^5-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2066:Piano, Rhythm NewAgeAnswers Ev16 110
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2058:Strings, Rhythm CelticAir Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1856:Cello, Background PopCountry Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 2336:Viola, Background, Pop Ev 085 (1TrackStringSection)
I played a couple of acoustic guitar tracks, vocals, harmonies
Posted at 09:54 AM
October 01, 2021 User Showcase Song - How Do You Fall Out Of Love
2 a.m. I wake up with a song idea. Come what may, I can't fall back asleep.
4 a.m., the song is done. 4h30 a.m., or so, I share it with you, here.
Soon as I get some sleep, I'll catch up with everyone's songs ... I've been away once more, bereft of inspiration and busy as heck. But ... hopefully this is a good enough song to come back on. Anyway, here it is - hope you enjoy!
****** Song Summary *************
Title: How Do You Fall Out of Love - 27 September 2021
File:How Do You Fall Out of Love - 27 September 2021.SGU
Key=D , Tempo 60, Length (m:s)=2:40
No intro. 36 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 36. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _SWIVEL.STY (Swivel 12-8 Blues Soloist)
RealTracks in style: 1922:Bass, Electric, TexasBluesRockSlow12-8 Sw 060
RealTracks in style: 2734:Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065
RealTracks in style: 3757:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBluesySlow128RotaryBrent Sw 060
RealTracks in style: 3761:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockBluesySlow128WahBrent Sw 060
RealDrums [in style:BluesRock128-1-SdStk,Snr [Multi]
02:03 PM
October 01, 2021 Ear Training Games in Band-in-a-Box® for Windows
October 1, 2021 is National Kids Music Day!
Head to the Practice Window in Band-in-a-Box® for Windows, and you'll see fun games that are fun ear training options for kids: Music Replay & Pitch Invasion.
Of course, you don't have to be a kid to like these games, I think there a fun way to learn at any age!
Music Replay is just what it sounds like - the program plays a 1-bar melody, and the user plays it back. Get it right, and you'll keep building that melody (and skill) within the game - get it wrong, and you'll be met with a warning tone and have to try again... it's quite addictive, and a lot of fun!
If you like a classic arcade game, then you'll love Pitch Invasion! We've managed to incorporate aliens with pitch-recognition skills in this exciting game, where you'll match the pitch of the alien ship descending towards your planet trying to destroy your collection of instruments - match the pitch and you've saved your instruments, make a mistake and the ship keeps coming... you'll have a few tries to get it right, if you're quick, but if all your instruments are destroyed - it's game over! The game speeds up as your skills improve, and you'll earn points along the way, with bonus points available throughout the game.
Open up your Band-in-a-Box® for Windows today to give it a try!
These ear training games are also included in Musical Arcade for Windows.
Posted at 01:59 PM
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