News Archives
December 2021
December 31, 2021 User Showcase Song - Have a Rocking New Year!
My rocking New Years greet to you all. Based on a very old midi file I found years ago, just like last year, but now it's rock instead of Big Band. I then "messed" with it quite a bit to try make it sound the best I could... I threw a couple of PG's VSTi (Bright Piano & Electric Bass) in the mix - Enjoy!
Posted at 01:38 PM
December 31, 2021 It's the LAST DAY of our Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows Special!
IT IS THE LAST DAY OF OUR SALE! Save up to 50% when you purchase your Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows Upgrade, but only until 11:59pm PST today!
(December 31st)
Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows includes over 50 new features and an amazing collection of new content, including 222 RealTracks (20 more than we've released in previous versions), new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, Artist Performances, Xtra Styles PAK 12, New "playable RealTracks" Hi-Q sounds, 2 sets of "RealDrums Stems," and more!
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some amazing Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2022 packages, but for more even more Add-ons (including 60 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade it to the 2022 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
Check out our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
If you need any help deciding which package is the best option for you, just let us know. We are here to help!
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows.
Posted at 01:33 PM
December 30, 2021 Happy New Year! Our Holiday Hours
Happy New Year... who's ready for 2022?!
(we are, we started a month ago!)
Our Hours of Operation for the next few days are:
Friday, Dec 31: 6am - 9pm (The LAST DAY of our Windows special!!!)
Saturday, Jan 1: 8am - 4pm
Sunday, Jan 2: 8am - 4pm
Regular hours resume Monday, January 3.
Posted at 02:08 PM
December 30, 2021 Video: Producer Secrets- Mixing Drum Stems with Band-in-a-Box® 2022
New with Band-in-a-Box® 2022 - Drum Stems! These are separate tracks from the different mics in the RealDrums recording. We've included RealDrums Stems Set 1 and RealDrums Stems Set 2 in our 2022 Bonus PAKs, which means if you've purchased your copy of Band-in-a-Box® 2022 this month (December), you have access to this exciting new feature!
There's now a detailed video tutorial on mixing drum stems in Band-in-a-Box®, which includes tutorial files to follow along with: Producer Secrets - Mixing Drum Stems
Currently, drums stems are available for 50 RealDrums, but there are more to come!
Posted at 01:57 PM
December 30, 2021 User Showcase Song - Bury The Past
Last song of the year. Happy New Year everyone!
The singer is Chris Rice of fiverr.
1732:Bass, Electric, TexasBluesRockFunky Ev16 090 (I think that's a mistake, it was an Ev8 bass)
2906:Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm BluesyPopMike Ev 100
2904:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GrittyBluesyPopBrent Ev 100
588:Sax, Tenor, 2-Beat Rock Ev 110 (Bluesy)
1742:Synth, Rhythm ModernDancePopRaveStringsHeld Ev 120
RealDrums AmericanaFunkyPopFred: a: HiHat,Snare b: Ride,Snare
Posted at 01:42 PM
December 29, 2021 XPro Styles PAK 2 - Special Ending Soon!
Hurry - our special is ending December 31st - that's THIS FRIDAY!
We've added 100 new RealStyles more to our XPro Styles collection with the just-released XPro Styles PAK 2!
These fresh new RealStyles will work with the Band-in-a-Box® Pro package contents! In fact, these will work with ANY Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows package!
The brand-new XPro Styles PAK 2 expands your Band-in-a-Box® 2022 style library with 100 fully-produced arrangements including 25 rock and pop styles, 25 jazz styles, 25 country styles, and 25 folk styles.
Our XPro Styles PAKs are ON SALE UNTIL December 31st! Add XPro Styles PAK 1 or 2 to your collection for only $29 each... that's 40% off our regular price of $49! Want them both? Order the XPro Styles PAKs 1 & 2 Bundle for just $49!
Watch our Demos video, or pick and choose the demos you want to listen to when you visit our XPro Styles PAKs page.
Note: XPro Styles PAK 2 requires RealTracks from Band-in-a-Box® 2022 or higher and is compatible with any package, including Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition.
Posted at 09:15 AM
December 29, 2021 User Showcase Song - Lucky Heart
I don't think I posted this one yet.
Apologies if I have. It's an upgrade from one I wrote in 2014.
Guitars 832,1169,1259
Bass 1691,
Drums Praise worship shine
plus other bits and pieces
Posted at 09:13 AM
December 27, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows - Time is Running Out!
Our SALE on Band-in-a-Box® 2022 Upgrade purchases is almost over! Save up to 50% when you purchase your Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows Upgrade, but only until December 31st!
Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows includes over 50 new features and an amazing collection of new content, including 222 RealTracks (20 more than we've released in previous versions), new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, Artist Performances, Xtra Styles PAK 12, New "playable RealTracks" Hi-Q sounds, 2 sets of "RealDrums Stems," and more!
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some amazing Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2022 packages, but for more even more Add-ons (including 60 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade it to the 2022 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
Check out our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
If you need any help deciding which package is the best option for you, just let us know. We are here to help!
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows.
Posted at 11:17 AM
December 27, 2021 User Showcase Song - Like A Cannonball
Here's the new release from Peter's Garage
Bass: 1178:Bass,Electric, PopWaltz Ev 120 (until second chorus)
Bass: my own playing (a few bars before the second chorus and rest of the song)
Piano: 2865:Piano,Acoustic, Rhythm CelticSlowWaltzDave Ev100 (exported as Midi into Waves Grand Piano plugin)
Drums: Logic Pro X - Ai drummer with lots of tweaking
Strings: based on a midi export of 3268:Cello, Background CelticWaltzNathalie EV100
Synths: played by myself
Synth Flute: played by myself
Acoustic Guitar: 855:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm RockWaltzPicking Ev140
Rhythm Guitar: 3755:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopWaltzBrentDelayPhase Ev140
Solo Guitars: played by myself
Vocals: Myself
The song is about always carrying the "monkey on your shoulder" always telling yourself, that you are no good and not worth anything. I know that a lot of people like me, with low self esteem carry such a "monkey" through the entire life as a quite heavy and invisible burdon.
Posted at 10:48 AM
December 23, 2021 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! Our Holiday Hours
Our holiday hours are:
Friday, December 24: 6:00AM to 6:00PM PST (GMT -8)
Saturday, December 25: Closed
Sunday, December 26: 8:00AM to 4:00PM PST (GMT -8)
Regular hours resume Monday, December 27.
Posted at 08:50 AM
December 22, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows Bonus PAKs!
Purchase Band-in-a-Box® 2022 during December, and you'll receive a Free Bonus PAK*!
What does the Free Bonus PAK include?
-MIDI SuperTracks Set 34: Blues Piano and Organ (9 MSTs)
-Instrumental Studies 16: Fusion Guitar Soloing (6 studies)
-Artist Performance Set 11: Songs with Vocals volume 1 (20 songs)
-RealDrums Stems Set 1 (20 RealDrums stems)
-MIDI Styles Set 84: Look Ma! More MIDI 7 (complete, 15 styles)
-Over 400 playable RealTracks (sfz sforzando files)
-RealCombos Booster PAK (30 New RealStyles, 26 Existing RealStyles, 109 RT's/RD's)
Want even more? Boost your Free Bonus PAK to the 49-PAK for $49 to add:
-60 Bonus RT/RD (20 more than in previous years)
-MIDI SuperTracks Set 35: All Guitar (5 MSTs)
-Instrumental Studies 17: Classic Country Guitar Soloing (6 studies)
-Artist Performance Set 12: Songs with Vocals volume 2 (20 songs)
-RealDrums Stems Set 2 (20 RealDrums stems)
-Look Ma! More MIDI 8 (complete, 15 styles)
Learn more...
*excluding the $49 version upgrade purchase.
Posted at 10:38 AM
December 22, 2021 User Showcase Song - Scat!
Not a holiday song in lyric but we hope it will bring a smile to you and, hey, you can see Janice dancing smile I dusted off my bass for this new version.
We appreciate your time to watch and comment. Thanks to Peter and PG Music!
Janice: vocals, lyric & arrangement
Peter: Guitar solos/fills/rhythm & arrangement
Bud: acoustic bass, lyric, mix/mastering & video
My old bass and Peter's Les Paul are shown along with Janice on opening screen.
Guitar Acoustic Rhythm: RT 2676 Blues Shuffle / Waves CLA Unplugged
Piano: MidiSuperTrack 1800 Texas Blues Rock / Logic Pro X Grand Steinway sound / Ozone Imager / Neutron 2 / EMT 140 Reverb sim
Drums: RD Blues Rock Shuffle / Waves CLA Drums
Drums: RD Blues Rock Shuffle / Snare only / Neutron 2
Congas: RD Conga Shuffle / Neutron 2 / EMT 140 Reverb sim
Tambourine: RD Tambourine Shuffle / EMT 140 Reverb sim
Vocal: Rodes NT1 > Scarlett 212 > Logic Pro X > Nectar 2
Bass: Waves Bass Rider > Neutron 3
Mix: Logic Pro X
Mastering: Ozone EQ > Waves LinMB > Ozone Maximizer > Ozone Tonal Balance
Video: iPhone and Filmora X
Original audio version posted three years ago.
Posted at 10:33 AM
December 20, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® - 'Twas the Click Before Christmas!
Order any version of Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows (on sale until December 31st!) and receive a download key right away for use with our One-Click Installer.
Make it a musical Christmas!
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows.
Looking for Band-in-a-Box® for Mac? Version 2021 is available, and can also be downloaded right away when you receive your order confirmation if purchasing from us directly!
Posted at 12:17 PM
December 20, 2021 User Showcase Song - Let's Stay Home
December: cold, rainy, stormy. And Delta and Omikron lurking behind every single corner... Wanna go out? To Bud’s bar? Or the racetrack? Nah... How about that instead:
Let's Stay Home (website with lyrics and German translation)
Let's Stay Home (Soundcloud with lyrics)
This one is quite different from my other songs and it was a bit complicated to put together, because I started with the bass and the drums (both MIDI) and sought for appropriate RealTracks later. Which means that I did not take into account what BIAB can do and what it can’t. Maybe you will notice that there are some triplet pushes in the song - although it seems to be able to do the most wondrous things that’s something BIAB doesn’t support (yet), I think (please correct me, if I’m wrong!).
So I had to literally cut out small parts of the guitar and organ tracks to make them fit which luckily worked out better than I had feared.
Maybe you will notice that the whole thing doesn’t sound as good as my former tunes - no wonder: Maha is still ‘out of office’ and I had to do the whole sound thing almost all on my own. And I admit that I’m a complete mixidiot (and I'm afraid I cannot blame my tinnitus alone). When
I played the result to Maha, she advised me to slightly tweak the voice and bass EQ. What the heck - I tried my best and all I can do (for a million reasons) is hope so much that Maha will be on board again soon !!!
There's no video yet and to be honest: I don't know if there will ever be one.
I'd be glad if you enjoyed the listen - take care everybody - stay sage and safe,
This is the band:
Gene Rabbal, B3 org (RT 671)
Mark Lettieri, g (R T3251)
Miichale Thompson, g (RT 1435)
The wonderful solos were played by:
Mike LeDonne, org (RT 1493)
Ian McDougall tb (RT 1334)
Eric Marienthal,ts (RT 1776)
Additiona MIDI
Drums: MTPowerDrums 2
Bass: Native Instruments Factory Selection
Horns (tb, tp): Big Fish Vintage Horns
Me: vocals Lyrics
I used BIAB, Reaper and the BIAB VST plug-in (great stuff !), Neutron 3, Nectar 3, Ozone 9 advanced and Tonal Balance.
Posted at 12:02 PM
December 16, 2021 User Showcase Song - Going West
I have faced a lot of problems with both my computers (a Windows and an Apple) and couldn't do a thing. I nearly got depressed. Well... in a way I was. and I'm very sorry I couldn't react to all your posts on 'Just a song', but I told you why.
This song I made with Scott was nearly finished when these problems started. I needed to fix one second of the lead guitar...
But enough of those problems. The song is ready and that is all that matters. It is called: Going West
It deals with how we work 'together', as you can see on the cover of this song on SoundCloud. And the state of our earth. A bit ironic, but with humour too. In a way a Christmas song; best wishes for 2022
And Scott did his utmost to gave the song that lovely touch only he can do.
We hope you enjoy it,
Hans and Scott
Technical aspects:
Bestand:Going West_031221E100v1.SGU
Key=E, Tempo 100 bpm
Style: LO-FI.STY (Lo-Fi Hip Hop Beat w Acst Guitar)
RealTracks in song: ~~903:Bas, Electric, Smooth Cool Sw16 100
RealTracks in song: ~2503:Piano, Acoustic, hold 85
RealTracks in stijl: 3402:Guitar, Acoustich, Rhythm, Sw 140
RealTracks in song: 3750:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopFunkySoulLowSingleNoteChorus Ev 095
Loop in Song: HipHop\Old School - bouncy_hop_90_a drums sw16.wav
RealTracks in song: 1945:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Groovin Folk Gel 85
RealDrums:SmoothCoolBrushes: a: Snare, HiHatb: Snare, Ride
Posted at 02:08 PM
December 15, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2022 Feature: Install Manager – One-Click to Download and Install
Downloading your Band-in-a-Box® 2022 order is easy when you use our new Install Manager, added with Band-in-a-Box® 2022!
With the Install Manager you can download and install the entire package of your order with one click - it's so simple! See for yourself!
Install Manager - One-Click to Download and Install Topic (online manual)
Posted at 12:04 PM
December 15, 2021 User Showcase Song - I'll Leave On The Lights
Hi all. This will most likely be my last song for 2021.
A big thank you to all who listened and commented on my songs over the year,
and thank you to the PG music staff, who are probably run off their
feet by now.
Please have a safe holiday season.
First up, I used the solo track listed below, as it was set for 85 Bpm
you will notice it sounds a bit odd in places. I used the generate riff feature as well
to build what I needed.
(RealTracks in song: 2691:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBalladBrentSimple Ev 085)
This is just another cry in your beer song.
All comments are welcome. Regards to all. Rob4580
***** Song Summary *************
Title: I'll leave on the lights
File:I'll leave on the lights.SGU
Key=D , Tempo 120, Length (m:s)=2:40
4 bar intro, 72 bar chorus, from bar 5 to bar 76. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
Soloist track has 411 notes, Soloist harmony is < no harmony >(0)
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _OUTLAWS.STY (Outlaws Harmonica Country Swing)
RealTracks in style: ~1136:Bass, Acoustic-Guitar, FolkSwing Sw 110
RealTracks in style: 2048:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment CountrySwingJohn Sw 120
RealTracks in style: ~372:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 120
RealTracks in style: 2855:Harmonica, Background CountrySwingJellyRoll Sw 120
RealTracks in song: 2691:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBalladBrentSimple Ev 085
RealDrums [in style:NashvilleBrushesHillbillySwing: a: Sidestick, Brushesb: Brushes, Stick
Mixed with studio one 5
Vocals my self
Posted at 11:54 AM
December 14, 2021 Video - Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows® - New Feature: MultiRiffs!
With our new Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows, we've majorly reworked the "MultiRiffs" feature! We've explained the newest MultiRiffs feature in our New Feature: MultiRiffs! video.
This feature allows you to interactively create sections of RealTracks on any track by choosing from multiple candidates (up to 20). Generate riffs for a section of a track, audition them, and pick one, either replacing or merging with the existing RealTracks. This can add life to old tracks, by improving sections that had problems to a better riff!
MultiRiff Topic - Online Upgrade Manual
Posted at 01:05 PM
December 14, 2021 User Showcase Song - Long and Winding Road
I had the pleasure of singing for 20 years with Bob Huston whose rich "crooner" voice sure made many of my songs sound good...this one I've always loved but did not care for the track I had made for it...I now like the track very much...thanks BiaB...I hope you like it...our trio was known as "Single Heart" and we were...your thoughts and suggestions are always appreciated...Dan
Vocals: Bob Huston, Gene Simmons and Dan Simmons
String section: Dan Simmons
BiaB components:
ROMANCE.STY Dramatic Country Pop
1036 Bass
1595 Guitar
1676 Guitar
Real Drums Nashville Pop 16's
Posted at 12:58 PM
December 10, 2021 NEW - XPro Styles PAK 2 for Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows!
We've added 100 new RealStyles more to our XPro Styles collection with the just-released XPro Styles PAK 2!
These fresh new RealStyles will work with the Band-in-a-Box® Pro package contents! In fact, these will work with ANY Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows package!
The brand-new XPro Styles PAK 2 expands your Band-in-a-Box® 2022 style library with 100 fully-produced arrangements including 25 rock and pop styles, 25 jazz styles, 25 country styles, and 25 folk styles.
Our XPro Styles PAKs are ON SALE UNTIL December 31st! Add XPro Styles PAK 1 or 2 to your collection for only $29 each... that's 40% off our regular price of $49! Want them both? Order the XPro Styles PAKs 1 & 2 Bundle for just $49!
Watch our Demos video, or pick and choose the demos you want to listen to when you visit our XPro Styles PAKs page.
Note: XPro Styles PAK 2 requires RealTracks from Band-in-a-Box® 2022 or higher and is compatible with any package, including Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition.
Posted at 01:48 PM
December 10, 2021 User Showcase Song - Where's It Go'n
Here's one of mine:
Got the sad inspiration from watching the local TV news:
The Band:
Drums - RealDrums=FunkHalfNotePulse a Snare, Kickb Busy Kick, Snare
Bass - N A 2615 Bass, Electric, FunkPumpingQuarters Ev 100
Organ - N A 2619 Organ, Rhythm Funk Ev 100
Wah guitar- Captain Moto ,Tele
Vocals- Captain Moto messing with octave down and auto tune
Mixed & Mastered in Studio One
Posted at 01:29 PM
December 09, 2021 User Showcase Song - Shadows of Evening
Imagine you're back in the early 60's - when Life was simple. 'Beat groups' sprang up everywhere and some, like the Shadows and The Ventures became guitar instrumental mega stars. And are still revered today.
So this tune goes right back to those roots from 60 years ago - just Bass, Rhythm guitar, Drums and Lead guitar, with a little extra 'strings' in the chorus as was typical of the time.
Relax and enjoy.
Tracks -
RealTracks in song: 1174:Bass, Electric, PopCalypso Ev 100
RealTracks in song: 1175:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopCalypso Ev 100
RealTracks in song: 1841:Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveHigh Ev16 075
RealDrums [in Song:PopRock16ths^03-a:Sidestick, HiHat, b:Snare, HiHat
Posted at 11:25 AM
December 09, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2022 Boot Camp Part 2: An introduction to 10 major features and new RealTracks!
We've completed part 2 of our Band-in-a-Box® 2022 Boot Camp video series!
This video completes our in-depth look at the 10 Major New Features and new RealTracks added with Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows.
Table of Contents:
0:00 Drum Stems
23:00 Track Settings - one Stop Shop
31:55 ReMix Songs with Vocals
50:05 222 new RealTracks
54:27 1-Click Downloader/Installer
Posted at 11:12 AM
December 07, 2021 The Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows DAW Plugin 4.0 is Here!
There are over 40 enhancements to the Band-in-a-Box® DAW Plugin, including a new Chord Settings dialog (with Chord Builder, Chord Theory, and MicroChords tabs), the MicroChords feature (the ability to enter multiple chords per beat, four pages for a total of 32 tracks (8 style tracks, 16 utility tracks, and 8 multi-riff tracks) plus a Style Mix track, the ability to drag MIDI chords and markers to DAW, volume sliders for each track, the ability to save/load chord progression, and much more!
The newest DAW Plugin is included in all Band-in-a-Box 2022 for Windows purchases - and Upgrades are on sale this month... up to 50% off!
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows DAW Plugin 4.0.
Posted at 02:01 PM
December 07, 2021 User Showcase Song - Same Old Song
This is a song which I would describe as a Covid era meditation......kind of a Covid blues which is not blues but more jazz/Bossa fusion. BIAB has really turned me on to the Bossa vibe. And again I used a mute trumpet.....have completely fallen in love with that sound! Hope you enjoy and would love to hear what you think.
Bass: 903
Piano 1997
Drums. Smooth jazz cool sw 16
Guitar 1073
Sax 2411
Mute trumpet 2791
Posted at 01:50 PM
December 06, 2021 User Showcase Song - Couldn't Get It Right
Style is _ANCHOR.STY (Anchor Solemn Ballad w Cello)
RealTracks in style: 1825:Bass, Electric, PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: ~364:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 1596:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Pop16ths Ev16 065
RealTracks in style: ~367:Guitar, Electric, Background Dreamy Ev 065
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2099:Piano, Rhythm PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 2058:Strings, Rhythm CelticAir Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 1856:Cello, Background PopCountry Ev 085
3063:Vocal Aahs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085
3064:Vocal Oohs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085
3027:Vocal Oohs, Background Pop3-part Ev 085
RealDrums in style: NashBrushBalDbKEv16^1-a: Snare, HiHat , b: QuarterHat, TripletSnare
Posted at 07:39 AM
December 06, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2022 Boot Camp Part 1: An introduction to 10 major features and new RealTracks!
We've made a great tutorial feature for 7 of the 10 major features of Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows.
(the other 3 drum stems, track settings, and ReMix Vocal Songs will be covered in "Boot Camp, part 2/2" - coming soon!)
Here is Part 1/2: Band-in-a-Box® 2022 Boot Camp: An introduction to 10 major features and new RealTracks!
Table of Contents:
All Tracks are Equal 00:50
Playable RealTracks 9:00
MultiRiff 24:35
MicroChords 38:24
Motifs 48:51
Volume Node Automation 51:18
Coming soon in part 2:
Drum stems
Track Settings "One-Stop-Shop"
ReMix Vocal Full Songs
222 new RealTracks
1-Click Downloader/Installer
Posted at 07:30 AM
December 03, 2021 NEW! Xtra Styles PAK 12 for Band-in-a-Box®!
If you love our existing Xtra Styles PAKs, you'll definitely want to have a listen to our NEW Xtra Styles PAK 12, with 200 more fully-produced styles! 50 each for: Country, Jazz, Rock-Pop, and our new Blues styles option!
Video: Xtra Styles PAK 12 Demos
Order this month and save 40%! During our Xtra Styles PAK 12 special, which ends December 31st, all of our Xtra Styles PAKs 1-12 are on sale for just $29 each (reg. $49)! Looking for more Xtra Styles PAKs? You can purchase our complete library of all 2,000+ RealStyles with the Xtra Styles PAK 1-12 Bundle for only $199 (reg. $349)! Learn more & order now.
Note: These Xtra Styles require the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition of Band-in-a-Box® version 2021 or 2022.
Posted at 12:01 PM
December 02, 2021 RealBand 2022 is Here!
There are over 30 new features to RealBand 2022, including the ability to install multiple VST plugins from a folder at a time, improved Audio Chord Wizard detection routines, the ability to record mixer movement for the masters/subgroups, new Transpose/Stretch All Tracks dialog lets you transpose/stretch/reduce all tracks and then conveniently save to a new file, the new settings to save selected tracks only and exclude muted tracks when saving all tracks to individual files, the option to save all tracks to a compressed format, and much more.
RealBand is included in ALL Band-in-a-Box® for Windows purchases – during our special (which ends December 31st) to save up to 50% when you purchase your Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows Upgrade!
Check out our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
If you need any help deciding which package is the best option for you, just let us know. We are here to help!
Learn more about all the new features in RealBand 2022 for Windows.
Posted at 11:47 AM
December 02, 2021 Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows is here! There are 50+ new features, 222 new RealTracks(20 more than we've released in previous versions), new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, Artist Performances, Xtra Styles PAK 12, New "playable RealTracks" Hi-Q sounds, 2 sets of "RealDrums Stems," and more!
We're having a SALE on Band-in-a-Box® 2022 Upgrade purchases until December 31, 2021 - save up to 50% when you purchase your Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows Upgrade!
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some amazing Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Windows 2022 packages during our special, but for more even more Add-ons (including 60 Unreleased RealTracks) upgrade it to the 2022 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
Check out our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
If you need any help deciding which package is the best option for you, just let us know. We are here to help!
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows.
Posted at 09:40 AM
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