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January 21, 2022  -  Customers LOVE Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows!

Here's what they're saying about Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows

"2022 is a true game changer, the biggest thing since the first RealTracks."
"Hands-down the best upgrade!"
"I always know I will love the RealTracks and this year is no exception. Some truly beautiful stuff in there."
"MicroChords is worth the upgrade alone. 4 chords per beat!"
"One of the most exciting upgrades to BIAB since I've been using the program and certainly the most fun to me!"
"Playable RealTracks + micro chords...WOW!"
"The new installer also makes it a breeze to download and install."
"Looks like everyone is in for a treat this year."
"I owned 2020 and now bought upgrade to 2022. New version is fantastic, I like the new features and styles!"
"I absolutely love the MC (microchords) up to 16 chords on a bar."
"There is something for everyone in the new version 2022!"
"This is a phenomenal update - really a game-changer!"
"Playable RealTracks are a game changer! Very powerful. Something we never thought could be done."
"One of the best Upgrades!"
...and more!

Posted on January 21, 2022 11:20 AM

Entries from January 2022:

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