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February 25, 2022  -  User Showcase Song - VULTURE (feat. PeterF on guitar)

This is both a new mix and a new “performance” video of a song we posted five years ago. Janice gets to method or “play act” as she calls it - a childhood term


Thanks to our music partner Peter and to PG Music for helping make it all possible.

We hope you enjoy it ... comments are most welcome. And the vid is only three minutes.

Janice : vocal, melody & arrangement
Bud: lyric, progression, mix & videography
Peter: all guitar tracks

For those inclined toward the tech stuff:

Vocal: Rodes NT1 via Scarlett 212 USB interface > Logic Pro X > Nectar

Guitar tracks: Peter and whatever he does to them

Drums: RD Blues Rock Shuffle / tag comped from Logic Pro X kit sounds > Waves CLA Drums
Snare: Doubled from RD audio file > Neutron 3
Cymbal: Doubled from RD audio file > Waves JPL Percussion
Bass: RT 1646 > Neutron 3 (comped from three tracks)
Piano: RT 2730 > Logic Pro X Direction Mixer > Waves CLA Unplugged
Organ: RT 2731 > Logic Pro X Direction Mixer > tweaked Neutron “Dirty B” preset > EMT 140 plate reverb sim

Mastering: Izotope Modules EQ > Muti-band compression > Imager > Limiter > Izotope Tonal Balance > Logic Pro Loudness Meter

Posted on February 25, 2022 11:00 AM

Entries from February 2022:

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