News Archives
May 2022
May 31, 2022 User Showcase Song - My Blue Heaven
Hi Folks,
Here's my version of the classic "My Blue Heaven" by Walter Donaldson and George A Whiting.
I had to look up the copyright laws for this song and found that (you probably know this already) in most countries Copyright ends 50 years after the death of the composers. However some countries notably the USA and Australia have extended this to 70 years. The longest is Mexico with 100 years.
My version is in the Western Swing style made famous by Bob Wills & The Texas Playboys and other bands.
Band In A Box Real Tracks used in this song are:
Bass: 540
Guitar: 1710
Drums: NashvilleSwing^3
Drums: JazzBrushes#1
Piano: 1615
Guitar: 1128
Pedal Steel: 1134
Pedal Steel: 1675
Posted at 10:35 AM
May 30, 2022 User Showcase Song - Make It Mine
This song is a total re-work of a tune I posted
a couple years back. It was originaly a sort of
tribute to the writing team of Donald Fagen and
Walter Becker, but I have re-written the lyrics
in the first verse to reference all of our musical
heroes who have left the stage. It's about dealing
with, as a musician, getting older and trying to keep
up with this rapidly changing world around us. My
main purpose for this one though, is to encourage everyone to
not stress about not "keeping up" with current trends
and just keep making the music that brings joy to
your life! Not trying to win a Grammy here, just want
to have a little fun!!
Guitar - 4006 Modern Pop Soul - Used just in chorus sections
Electric Piano
Drums were from the Top 40 DOD set. I had to use these for
a 4 on the floor sound.
Make It Mine
Words and music By
Torrey Bliss Copyright 2020
Posted at 09:54 AM
May 30, 2022 How to: Why Does My Song Keep Looping in Band-in-a-Box®?
Your Band-in-a-Box® song is looping, and you don't want it to - what do you do?
Fortunately, this is a program setting that can be adjusted - see how this is done: Band-in-a-Box®: Why Does My Song Keep Looping?
Want to see a quick video tutorial that's not on our Tips & Tricks list? You can post your request to our I want a video that shows me how to .... forum.
(Additional Song Preferences you might also find useful: Global Song Overrides)
Posted at 09:49 AM
May 27, 2022 How to: Copy Chords and Song Info from Band-in-a-Box® to a Document
Did you know that you can copy the chords and other details of your Band-in-a-Box song into a document? We show you how in this video: How to Copy Chords and Song Info from Band-in-a-Box® to a Document
Learn more about this feature: Online Manual - Copy/Paste Chords as Simple Text
Posted at 02:12 PM
May 27, 2022 User Showcase Song - Love Love Love
my new song is called Love Love Love it's my 2nd attempt. song was done in BIAB and Logic
all music tracks were done in Band in a Box. i used _BANDERA.sty:Bandera Boom Chick w Bluesy Solo.
in Bar settings i mixed parts in and out of the song to build some dinamics.
The vocal track was done in Logic X and mixed in Logic then bounced to itunes.
Real Tracks
2421 Bass,acoustic,rockabilly SlapBoomChicka Ev 16 100
3201 Guitar,electric Soloist LaidBackBluesyBrent Ev 100
Real Druns=BoomChickaEv^01-a: Brush,Train,b:Rods, Train
2517: Guitar,Acouistic, fingerpicking BoomChickHighJoe Ev16 110 (simple)
2517: Guitar,Acouistic, fingerpicking BoomChickJoe Ev16 110 (simple)
Posted at 12:42 PM
May 26, 2022 How to: Post Formatting and Responding to Posts on Our Forum
Continuing our discussion about our Forums - make sure to check out this video if you're unfamiliar with how to respond to posts and add some formatting to liven it up a bit!
PG Music Inc.: Post Formatting and Responding to Posts on Our Forum
Posted at 02:00 PM
May 26, 2022 User Showcase Song - When The Show Is Over
This is something I was working at in the past month. Just an exercise to keep my brain occupied and explore new BIAB features: Multiriff, Microchords etc. These are very useful tools. Got a bit carried away with all kinds of instrumental tracks, the result - unmanageable soup of a mix.
All comments are welcomed! Thank you for listening.
Tech stuff:
Composition, lyrics, vocals, synths - me
1156:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Reggae Ev16 100
1404:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul70sWarmA-B Ev16 100
2422:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BoomChickaRootFiveBrent Ev16 100
802:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyGritty Ev 090 (B:8ths)
4073:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockSlowGrittyPat Ev 110
1154:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Reggae Ev16 100
889:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopFunkyTexas Ev 100
UserTrack in Song: Guitar, Acoustic, Reggae Strum01 Ev16 4-4 90bpm3782:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansFunky Ev16 095
2502:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Soloist CountryWorkinBrent Ev16 100 (CustomFX)
3488:Bass, Electric, SkaClassicB Ev16 100
Soul70sPercEv16^1-a:Snare, Closed Hihat , b:Snare, Busy Kick
Synths of Halion and Kontakt. Recorded in Cakewalk.
Posted at 09:53 AM
May 25, 2022 How to: Log In and Post On PG Music Inc. Forums
If you haven't created an account and joined our Forums yet, what are you waiting for? The PG Music Inc. Forum is full of program users that would love to discuss Band-in-a-Box and other music related topics with you!
See how to access our forums and create a post with our video, PG Music Inc.: Forum Account Login and How to Post.
Posted at 01:15 PM
May 25, 2022 User Showcase Song - Stuck On This Farm
_BLUJEAN.STY. Blue Jeans Pop Country Blues
All RealTracks.
RD: NashvilleRadioPush16ths^1-a:Snare, Hihat , b:Snare, OpenHat :Miles McPherson
RT1417: Bass, Electric, RootsRock Ev 100 , Craig Young
RT2763: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110 , Mike Rojas
RT2635: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBluesRockHigh Ev 110 , Brent Mason
Guitar, Electric 2913
Guitar, Acoustic 1606
Posted at 11:00 AM
May 24, 2022 User Showcase Song - Falling Into The West
After a break of almost a year, a combination of Scott`s gentle persuasion and my songwriting switches lighting up again brings me back.
First up is a reworking of an old song ( one of the first I posted on the forum) in a folkrock style that echoes some of the original Scott/Robert collaborations.
Its a cautionary tale to those heeding the "go west young man" call in the goldrush era.
Bass: 1583 Texas Blues Rock Shuffle
Drums : Blues Rock Shuffle
RT 1553 Gtr El.
RT 3126 Mandola
RT 3418 Jaw Harp
RT 3145 Fiddle 5-String
Lead Guitars: Scott
Vocals: Robert
Posted at 10:42 AM
May 24, 2022 How to: Using Playable RealTracks in the Notation Window of Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows
With the release of Band-in-a-Box 2022, we added Playable RealTracks! These allows you to add MIDI notes to the same RealTrack that is playing, either at the same time, or alternating back and forth. This means you can get the RealTracks to play the notes you want at key parts of the performance, either augmenting or replacing what the RealTracks is playing, for the section you want to change.
See how to use and edit these in the Notation Window with our video, Using Playable RealTracks in the Notation Window of Band-in-a-Box®
Posted at 10:34 AM
May 20, 2022 User Showcase Song - Mixed Signals
You know how you start writing a song by strumming some chords until a melody sneaks in, which is soon populated by words? “Something in your whisper” came through and I liked it. But what to add to it? Just keep talking about those things in her whisper, or not? Then the end of the first line came, so the question was answered.
Mixed Signals on Soundcloud
Mixed Signals on YouTube
RealTracks in song: 1175:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopCalypso Ev 100
RealTracks in song: 1176:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopCalypso Ev 100
RealTracks in song: ~673:Organ, B3, Background Blues BB Ev 085
Loop in Song: HipHop\Old School - viper_block_79_f percussion ev16.wav
RealDrums in Song: Tambourine2and4
RealDrums in Song: ShakerEven8ths
RealDrums in Song: CongasEv8[single]
RealDrums in Song: WoodblocksEv[single]^13-16thsPt7
Loop in Song: HipHop\Old School - viper_block_79_f percussion ev16.wav
RealDrums in style:NashvilleEven8^1-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
I added bass and vocals, and Dave Bell of Blue Attitude added his exceptional guitar work for the perfect fills and solo.
Posted at 11:10 AM
May 20, 2022 Holiday Hours - Monday, May 23, 2022
We are celebrating Victoria Day on Monday, May 23th! Our hours this weekend are:
Saturday, May 21: 8am-4pm PDT
Sunday, May 22: Closed
Monday, May 23: 8am-4pm PDT
Regular Hours resume Tuesday, May 24th.
Posted at 11:04 AM
May 19, 2022 User Showcase Song - Good Thing I Gave My Heart To You
A co-write with my buddy Reid Richmond.
Good Thing I Gave My Heart To You
Since this song was published and pitched by Sony/ATV there is a knock-out demo for it.
That demo would EASILY win any comparison to the version that I have created.
Hands down. No question.
It has the perfect hat-act-cowboy-singer vocal and all the perfect fiddle and guitar licks.
(It was pitched to most of the top hat-acts at the time. 1998-ish)
I don't have that type voice and it would be tough to get BIAB to include the type of fills and licks that happen in the original.
(not impossible, but a good deal of work. And since I can't sing that style well, there wasn't much point in trying)
That being the case I will not include the original demo initially.
I decided to produce it as a sort of Country-Lite/Americana/Songwriter thing.
I think I can pull that off.
After a week or so, I will include a link to the original somewhere in this thread.
...if you feel like hearing it, stop back by later
(it will be obvious why I don't include it to start with...guaranteed)
RealTracks in style: ~519:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 2934:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkySync8thsFintan Ev 140
RealTracks in song: 3149:Mandola, Background AmericanaFolk8thsAndy ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1707:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBrent Ev 165
RealTracks in song: 633:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanMuted Ev 120 (A:sync)
RealTracks in song: 2033:Mandolin, Soloist CountryAndy Ev 065
RealDrums [in style:NashvilleEven8^6-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat Open
I added an acoustic guitar track.
Posted at 11:38 AM
May 17, 2022 Fun with Band-in-a-Box® - A Reunion Event: "Life Is Hard"
Getting together and playing music and writing songs is a wonderful way to spend some free time!
Recently, a few of our Forum members did just that... and they made a video to prove it!
Check out what Charlie Fogle, Eddie, Herb, Pat Marr, David Snyder got up to - and how they did it: Fun with Band-in-a-Box® - A Reunion Event: "Life Is Hard"
...hopefully it inspires you to keep the fun in making music!
Posted at 02:12 PM
May 17, 2022 User Showcase Song - Robin Hood and the Tanner
Here's our (completely remastered) version of:
It is Child ballad 126 and a late seventeenth-century English broadside ballad. We gave it the "RnAM touch" grin
Style is _CFPBTMW.STY (Med CountryWaltz 2FngerPkGuit)
RealTracks in style: ~~1123:Bass, Acoustic, CountryWaltz Sw 140
RealTracks in style: ~1127:Pedal Steel, Rhythm CountryWaltz Sw 110
RealTracks in song: ~~825:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Country Waltz Sw 140
RealTracks in style: ~~823:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Country Waltz Sw 140
RealTracks in song: ~1430:Mandolin, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 180
RealTracks in song: 1173:Accordion, Rhythm PopCalypso Ev 100
RealDrums in style: NashClassicWaltzSw^1-a:SideStick, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat
Soundfond Magic SF2: Flute, Power Timpani, Magic violin (solo)
Posted at 01:35 PM
May 16, 2022 User Showcase Song - Kickin' Up Gold Dust
I wrote this one mostly just for fun. My Uncle is getting older now and told me that he wants me to speak at his funeral when the time comes. That's something I've never done before. I teased him that when the time does come, we're not going to just have a funeral, but we'll have something they're now calling a "celebration of life", with balloons and music, and that I intended to put the "fun" back in the word "funeral." He just laughed and said to do whatever I wanted. He didn't care because he'd already be dancin' on streets of gold ... and then the ideas started to come.
Everything on here except the vocals and the lead guitar are BiaB tracks. I probably could have found a better lead guitar than what I put on, but I got lazy and laid one down myself.
BiaB tracks:
Drums - Brian Fullen _PUSHY.STY
Bass - Byron House _PUSHY.STY
Piano - Blair Masters _PUSHY.STY
Rhythm guitars - Dave Cleveland _PUSHY.STY
Organ - Chris Nole _Cookin.STY
Banjo - Scott Vestal _CARGO.STY
Pedal Steel - Dave Hinson =GEORGPG.S
Posted at 09:39 AM
May 13, 2022 User Showcase Song - Just Say The Word
Ray sent the lyric, melody suggestions and demos in several genres for Janice to select from. She chose the jazz version to the dismay of Ray and Bud smile each of whom had not worked with jazz productions … and via a deft move on Ray’s behalf Bud ended up with the mix laugh Thanks to our music partner Peter for joining in on guitar and helping on the trumpet bits. Comments are welcomed and we hope that you might find it of interest. Thanks for your time! And as always thanks to PG Music for making it all possible.
Janice: lead / harmony / call back vocals, melody and vocal arrangement
Ray: lyric, progression, melody, mix counsel and arrangement
Peter: guitar solo / fills, trumpet arrangement and mix counsel
Bud: mix, mastering and photo
Lyrics on SoundCloud.
Vocals: Rodes NT1 > Scarlett 212 interface > Izotope Nectar
Bass: RealTrack 1394 Acoustic, Jazz Sw > Waves Bass Rider > Izotope Neutron 3
“In twos” and walking style comped from several RT regenerations.
Drums: RealDrums JazzSwingDannyBrushes > Waves CLA Drums
Piano: RealTrack 2192 Acoustic, Rhythm EZListening Sw > Waves CLA Unplugged > Izotope Ozone Imager
Guitar rhythm: RealTrack 1984 Acoustic, Rhythm EZListening Sw 085 > Waves CLA Unplugged
Trumpet: RealTrack 494 Jazz Ballad Sw 085 > Logic Pro X Reverb
(Pitching editing to enhance segues)
Logic Pro X: mix and mastering
Mastering chain: Ozone Dynamic EQ > Ozone Imager > Ozone Maximizer > Ozone Tonal Balance 2 > Logic Pro X Loudness Meter
Posted at 11:02 AM
May 12, 2022 How to: Replace a RealTrack with a MIDI Track in Band-in-a-Box®
Starting with a RealStyle in Band-in-a-Box®, and want to make one of your tracks a MIDI track? See how this is done using the MIDI Track Picker dialog with our video How to Replace a RealTrack with a MIDI Track in Band-in-a-Box®.
Want to see a quick video tutorial that's not on our Tips & Tricks list? You can post your request to our I want a video that shows me how to .... forum.
Posted at 02:30 PM
May 12, 2022 User Showcase Song - The Ocean
After some 'heavy'songs I thought it is time for a summer song, on an island, a sax and a steelband and me with a Cuba Libre. what more do you want? Oh yes, a song!
Here it is: The Ocean
The lyrics are just what they are. No hidden layers or something like that. The first version was from 2017, but this one has changed a bit.
I hope you like it, but please tell me if and what can be done better.
The ocean
(c) HwBerkhout, feb 2017/ may 2022
Style: INFUSED.STY, Key: G, Temp: 110 bpm
3122:Bas, Acoustic2157:Piano, Electric Vintage
2930:Guitar, Akoestisch, Rhythm Folk (2x)
3611:Steel Drum, Rhythm
716:Sax, Tenor
RealDrums: Congas
Keyboards/ me: Native Instruments
Posted at 10:01 AM
May 11, 2022 User Showcase Song - Slow Train To Nowhere
Here's a little ditty about a song writer going nowhere........hmm who could that be?
The Band:
As usual, I used BIAB for Bass & Drums.
Bass -2421 Bass, Acoustic, RockabillySlapBoomChicka
Drums - RealDrums=BoomChickaEv16^07-a Rods, Train, b Simple Kick, Snare
Acoustic Guitar - Captain Moto
Electric Guitar - Captain Moto
Vocals - Captain Moto
Recorded and mixed in Studio One 5 Pro
Posted at 10:28 AM
May 09, 2022 User Showcase Song Project - Music Comes From Our Hearts
Hello forum members
At the end of January I had the idea to start a project in our forum, in which as many artists as possible should participate.
When I told Marty about it, he was very enthusiastic about it.
So I already had a bass player ;-)))
I wrote a song which should give the different artists the possibility to bring in their style.
The song should take the listener on a journey to let him experience the creation of our songs.
Music Comes From Our Hearts was born.
Once I had the artists for the project complete, the most exciting phase of this project began.
Communicating with all the artists through a translator turned out to be much more time consuming than I had thought ;-)
Since this was my first project, it soon turned out that I hadn't planned everything perfectly either...
But all the artists worked absolutely professionally on this song and also had their fun.
And only because of that a really extraordinary song was created.
I would like to thank everyone involved for the great cooperation.
It was fun and that's what counts !
And here are the artists who brought this song to life:
Anne-Marie (RnAM) - Vocals
Torrey Bliss - Vocals
David Snyder - Vocals
Hans (Birchwood) - Vocals
David (Deej56) - Vocals
Scott (Ezekiel's Storm) - Vocals
Andi (PROJECT M) - Vocals
Marty (BabuMusic) - Bass
Wolfgang (PROJECT M) - Solo Guitar
Dave (BlueAttitude) - Solo Guitar & Fills
And Rob (RnAM) who mixed this song under difficult conditions and created a fantastic sound !
****** Song Summary *************
Title: TheMusicComesFromOurHearts
Key=C , Tempo 95, Length (m:s)=5:03
No intro. 117 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 117. Repeat x1 chorus
Melody has 768 notes, Melody harmony is
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,RealDrums Changes,
Style is _BROOK.STY
RealTracks in song: 1610:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 110
RealTracks in song: ~362:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085
RealTracks in song: ~~689:Organ, B3, Background Pop Ev 085
RealDrums in song: RockHardLA^1-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Loose HiHat
electric guitar, guitar 638
Lyrics & Music by Andreas Melzer
©2022 by PROJECT M
Posted at 10:25 AM
May 06, 2022 User Showcase Song - Lies and Rumors
Here’s a new collaboration with John Vaughan, who penned the original lyrics. We played with them a bit thereafter and here’s where we ended up, word and sound-wise. I hope it’s worth the listen.
Stay safe and stay well, all!
And here’s the band:
RealTracks 700: Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush
RealTracks 2930: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkRock8thsBrent
RealTracks 3520: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Americana16thsDelayBrent
RealTracks 2643: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopHardHighMurray
RealTracks 3504: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleRadioBalladDanny
RealTracks 2690: Guitar, Electric, Soloist Slow16thsPopBrentSimple
RealDrums: PopRock8ths^02-a:Closed Hat, Snare, b:Ride, Snare
Posted at 11:04 AM
May 06, 2022 Band-in-a-Box® Tuba RealTracks
Today (May 6) is International Tuba Day!
Celebrate your love for the Tuba today - add one of our Tuba RealTracks (available in Sets 143, 162, and 248) played by either Brad Muirhead or Philip Santner.
Already have a Band-in-a-Box® song with a Tuba? Share it here!
Posted at 08:29 AM
May 05, 2022 User Showcase Song - Junkyard Dog
Last July Robert decided to step back from composing and recording. We were producing allot of music and it was becoming a bit of a grind. It is hard to put love and soul into a tune if it is not fun. We decided to put Spirit Level on the shelf and possibly revisit at a later time when it felt right.
Robert and I have kept in touch via email and he is doing good.
Reasons To Go On was the last so we produced as a group.
We had another song that we were working on at the time called Junk Yard Dog. We were in just in the producing-tracking phase when Robert decided to call it a day. We also put this song on the shelf.
Robert did such a cool lyric and vocal I thought it would be a shame if no one got to hear it. I took the original vocal and some of my guitar tracks and rebuilt the backtrack with BIAB.
I sent the final mastered file to Robert to see what he thought of the song. He liked the song and gave me the thumbs up to release it.
This is a stripped down version of the song. Hope you like it..
Junkyard Dog
Style is _SATIN.STY (Satin Brit Blues Rock w Soloist)
RealTracks in style: 995:Bass, Electric, HardRockLA Ev 120
RealTracks in style: ~674:Organ, B3, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 3361:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BritClassicRock70sHeld Ev 110
RealTracks in style: 3363:Guitar, Electric, Soloist BritClassicRockGrittyWah Ev 110
RealTracks in song: 2584:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PunkMuted Ev 165
RealTracks in song: ~586:Harmonica, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120
RealDrums in Song:RockHardLA^2-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Open HiHat
©Robert Cordrey June 2021
Posted at 10:03 AM
May 04, 2022 User Showcase Song - Math Quiz
This is a real math quiz so get your paper and pencil ready.
BiaB style - RapJazz 2 - Jazzy hip-Hop
Tempo - 90 BPM
Bass - Ample bass - YingYang
Drums - Presonus - Impact XL
Piano = Velvet - 44 MKII chorus
Guitar - Synthmaster One - DR Claptrap VS
Strings - I divided the string track into 2 tracks:
Chords - synthmaster - BT GlowFlies
Single notes - synthmaster - Pad-Add Pad
Me - trying to sing - FX-Waves vocal rider, Presonus Pro EQ, EZMix1, EZMix2
No effects on any of the instrument tracks
PS - See/hear why I do instrumentals!
Posted at 12:36 PM
May 03, 2022 User Showcase Song - I Can Make It Today
I know I'm posting too many songs these days...but...I've got nothing else to do and this is my only contact with the outside world thing I love about BiaB is it can be used to totally build a song with or it can be used along with other music making tools...I use it with my Yamaha keyboard's styles many times...this song is an example...I've always loved this song and pretty much like the Tyros3 accompaniment but it lacked something so I added a nice electric lead guitar to my mix and think it really improved can be the judges.
My favorite singer in the world was gracious enough to do the vocals for sweet daughter...bless her heart! If you do...thanks for listening...I appreciate your comments always...Dan
Biab components: 2650 Electric, Background Dreamy Pop Ballad
522 Acoustic Guitar, Fingerpicking
I added: piano, strings el.piano and a Yamaha Tyro3 style
Amber added vocals
Posted at 01:18 PM
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