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June 08, 2022  -  User Showcase Song - They're Coming

They're Coming on Soundcloud
They're Coming on YouTube

Here's a funky one where Dave once again shines. It's a song about... well nothing really. Just wanted to do a funky one, and they don't have to make sense. All comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Style is _FUNKORG.STY (Funk Organ w/ Pulse Rhythm)

RealTracks in style: 2619:Organ, Rhythm Funk Ev 100
RealTracks in style: 2618:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16thsMutedWahWah Ev16 100
RealTracks in style: 2616:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkSingleNoteWah Ev16 100
RealTracks in song: 3772:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkyGroove60s Ev16 095
RealDrums in Song: JazzFunkMovin^2-HHSnr,RdSnr
RealDrums in Song: AmericanaSlowRockFred^3-Snr,Rd
RealDrums in Song: TambourineEv16
RealDrums in style:FunkHalfNotePulse: a: Snare, Kickb: Busy Kick, Snare
I played bass and sang and Dave Bell (Blue Attitude) played guitar.

Posted on June 8, 2022 10:06 AM

Entries from June 2022:

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