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July 11, 2022  -  User Showcase Song - The Invisible Man

Hi, all:

It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a collaboration with Carroll Kiphen. He sent me these lyrics some time ago and it took me a bit to find the sound I was shooting for. For better or worse, here’s what we settled on . . . hope you enjoy! And thanks in advance for all feedback and suggestions.

The Invisible Man

Stay well, all—


And here’s the band:

RealTracks 1717: Bass, Electric, TexasBluesRockStraight
RealTracks 1830: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopModernGroove
RealTracks 802: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SouthernSnappyGritty
RealTracks 3736: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GrungeSlowDistPower8ths
RealTracks 3445: Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryRockJohnny
RealDrums: RockHardKick^01-a:Closed Hat, Snare, b:Open Hat, Snare

Posted on July 11, 2022 01:00 PM

Entries from July 2022:

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