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July 25, 2022  -  User Showcase Song - Living Rhythm and Blues

We are living the rhythm and blues. Sometimes you are in rhythm with the universe (the guitar part), sometimes you have the blues (the tenor sax part), and sometimes you have them both together.

Living Rhythm and Blues

BiaB style - R&B Queen - Soulful R&B Groove
Tempo = 100 BPM

Bass-Ample Bass YinYang
Guitar - Kontakt - Pure Jazz Vibes
Strings - Kontakt - Amadeus Full strings - I modified this track to better for the song
Piano - EZ Keys - Dream Machine - Elektrom - I modified this track to better for the song
Drums - various Steven Slate SSD5 drums

I am playing the guitar and via my keyboard controller the tenor sax. Why the keyboard controller for the sax and not the wind controller. My wind controller decided to die and Akai no longer supports it. I could get it fixed but that would cost as much as or more than what I paid for it. Getting it fixed or buying a new one is currently out of the question.

Posted on July 25, 2022 02:01 PM

Entries from July 2022:

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