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September 01, 2022  -  User Showcase Song - Arcs of Life

Arcs of Life

We posted the audio in early spring and subsequently created this video that perhaps gives a better idea of what inspired us to write the tune. As mentioned previously we have a long standing love of abandoned old cemeteries and we always wonder about the life that "little dash between two dates" represented. We hope you like it (it’s short!) and comments are welcomed. Thanks to our music parter friend Peter and PG Music.

Janice: vocals, progression, melody & arrangement
Bud: lyric, video & and the audio tech stuff
Peter: guitar solo/swells/fills & arrangement

All video still shots and clips done with iPhone Pro.

Drums: RealDrums NashvilleEven8 (snare removed) > Waves CLA Drums
Snare: RealDrums N’villeEven8 audio file > Waves JJP-Drums > ChromaVerb
Bass: RealTrack 518 Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085 > Waves Bass Rider
Piano: MIDI SuperTracks 1809 Rhythm
CountryBalladJohn Ev 065 > Logic Pro Grand Steinway > Waves CLA Unplugged

Mastering: Ozone EQ > Ozone Multi-band compressor > Ozone Imager > Ozone Limiter > Ozone Tonal Balance > Youlean Loudness Meter

Neutron 3 was used to balance the bass and kick drum.


Posted on September 1, 2022 02:30 PM

Entries from September 2022:

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