News Archives
October 2022
October 28, 2022 User Showcase Song - Walk The Walk
This one is a bit more of an uptempo rocker than what you normally hear from us. Both audio and video links:
Walk the Walk (audio only)
Walk the Walk (youtube video)
You will need to put up with my vocal on this, the good news is we have a new one with Christiane on vocals that is almost ready for release :)
The Band:
~425:Organ, B3, Background Blues Sw 120. I used both the regular and the held chords version of this RealTrack.
Marty Straub from BabuMusic is on bass and BGV
I used EZDrummer3 for the drums, and I'm playing all the guitar parts.
Mixed in Reaper and Mastered with Ozone10.
Walk the Walk (2022, Dave Bell)
Posted at 01:44 PM
October 27, 2022 User Showcase Song - Eleanor Lennox: Raccoon in a Dumpster
Some interesting information that you might not be interested in:
Why that weird song title?
Well, a while back I saw a question/answer segment on the Ellen show where Taylor Swift used
the phrase "like a raccoon in a dumpster", and I liked it so much that I added it to my "phrases I want to use in one of my songs someday" list. I had to google what a raccoon was first, though.
Fast forward to 2022, I saw a talk by Linda Perry at ASCAP where she mentioned that Rihanna's song "Umbrella" has a weird title and song lyric, but that's the one thing that make this song stand out and that sticks in your mind. It "clicked" and I wrote an entire song around that phrase
So the thanks go to Taylor Swift, Linda Perry and especially our own Marty BabuMusic for proofreading the lyrics and general support.
And also a big thank you to the guys over at the songwriting forum. The chorus changes key, and the guys there helped me find my way back to the original key.
Oh, and as a "thank you" to PG-Music, there's a product placement in the video
The video isn't too sophisticated this time, I'm a songwriter first and foremost and videos are very time consuming.
They are only there anyway to prevent you from falling asleep while listening to my songs.
Some technical info:
The Band:
Drums: PopRock8ths
Bass: 1255 (re-amped)
Guitars: 3642, 3635, 634, 3931, 3931, 4100, 3634, 3640 (some of them re-amped)
Vocals: Eleanor Lennox and some BG-vox from Solaria.
Posted at 10:37 AM
October 26, 2022 User Showcase Song - Hold On
Hey's one that's all about harmony and you do...thanks for listening...Dan
(Key G 91bpm)
BiaB components
BACKPAK.STY Backpacker Cajon Even 8s Folk Trio
3121 Bass
2916 Acoustic Guitar (X2)
Real drums=Cajon Folk Slow 8ths
Posted at 02:23 PM
October 25, 2022 User Showcase Song - Small Victories
A co-write with Bill Osofsky.
Bill supplied the original lyric (and so... the storyline).
I did some tweaking and polishing, but mostly that is Bill's.
I did the rest...
RealDrums in style: NashvilleEven8^6-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat Open
RealTracks in style: ~~518:Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085
RealTracks in style: ~~362:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 085
RealTracks in style: ~~365:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085
RealTracks in style: ~~363:Pedal Steel, Background Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 2024:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CountryJohn Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1767:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: 1690:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopPromise Ev16 100
RealTracks in song: 1728:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopBalladJohn Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1762:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Pop16thsArp Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: ~409:Fiddle, Background George Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1856:Cello, Background PopCountry Ev 085
(needless to say, all those pianos do not play at the same time...)
Posted at 01:01 PM
October 24, 2022 User Showcase Song - Rhymes and Reasons
You're looking for rhymes and I'm looking for reasons
We’ve been Lucinda Williams fans for decades and this is an attempt to write and produce to the best of our ability a song in her style which often (but certainly not always) consists of basic chord progressions, somewhat repetitive chorus lyrics and an overall gritty feel with a big drum sound. We thank our friend and music partner Peter and, of course, PG Music. Comments are welcomed and we appreciate your time. Lyrics are on SC. Caveat: Thematically her lyrics are MUCH better smile
Janice: lead/harmony vocals, melody, progression and arr.
Peter: guitar solos/fills/rhythm and arr.
Bud: lyric, arr., tech stuff and photos
Vocals: Rodes NT1 > Scarlett 212 > Logic Pro X > Nectar
Bass: RealTrack 3585: Electric, NashvilleRadio8thsA Ev 100 > Waves Bass Rider > Neutron 3
Harmonica: RealTrack 3967: BackgroundSoloist BluesFunkyPat Ev 120 > Logic Pro X Overdrive > Logic Pro X Chromaverb
Guitar Rhythm: RealTrack 834:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltCountryMoody Ev 075 (B:arp) DI > Logic Pro X amp/speakers/mic
Drums: RealDrums RockRootsEv8^6-a:Snare, HiHat
Snare: doubled from the RD audio file
Cymbals: doubled from the RD audio file
Tag: built with kick, snare, cymbal from RD Audio File
FX for all above via Neutron 3, Ozone Impact and Waves CLA Drums
Mastering: Ozone 10 Adv Dynamic EQ > O 10 Vintage EQ > O 10 Imager > O 10 Maximizer > Tonal Balance 2 > Logic Pro X Loudness Meter
Posted at 01:27 PM
October 21, 2022 User Showcase Song - Autumn Love
Here is an upbeat arrangement inspired by love between a man and his woman walking amongst the autumn leaves.
I tried to apply some new found knowledge from my newbies theory book regarding binary forms:
AB(Intro) AB AB AB AB Outro
BiaB Style 1: Karma - New Age Smooth Jazz
BiaB Style 2: Be Cool Soulful Smooth Cool Jazz
My first time trying to sequence 2 different styles
Me: Bass Guitar and Vibraphone via the Korg Keyboard
The vibraphone was an afterthought, I hope there is not too much sonic overlap between it and the e-piano.
Recorded and mixed in Studio One.
I tried to utilize some panning but the right-hand pan seems inoperative, so everything is centered.
Posted at 02:20 PM
October 20, 2022 User Showcase Song - Extended Vacation
Another afternoon throw-together from last month.
Has elements of samba, rhumba, cha-cha and fusion. Kind of a Latin Mash-up I guess you could say. It doesn't sound very much like the original style annotated below. Hope you might like it. Maybe a sip of a cold Corona or a margarita would set the mood?
File:Extended Vacation.SGU
Style is _FAERIE.STY (Faerie Sync Songwriter Folk)
RealTracks in style: 2609:Bass, Electric, ClassicFunkRootFiveAlex Ev 130
RealTracks in style: 1262:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopShiningHeld Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 2933:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterFolkSlapQuinn Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 3197:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopBalladMellowBrent Ev 130
RealDrums in Song: ChaChaFull^1-Sticks,RideClassic
RealTracks in song: 3945:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FusionFunky16thsBrent Ev16 110
RealDrums in Song: DjembeKeitaEv16
RealDrums in style:BluesRumbaEv^1-a:Tom, Sidestick , b:Snare, HiHat
Posted at 02:42 PM
October 11, 2022 User Showcase Song - A House, a Home
Last year an organisation that tries to help the homeless finding a home, asked us to write a song about it. The song was in Dutch of course, but especially for you, we've made an English version.
Style is _BRIGHTP.STY (Bright Pop Rhythm Section)
RealTracks in style: ~388:Bass, Electric, Metal Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 1729:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopBalladJohn Ev 110
RealTracks in song: 629:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~522:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 120
Loop in Song: HipHop\Old School - neon_drums_95_g ev16.wav
RealTracks in song: ~621:Pedal Steel, Background Easy Ev 136
RealDrums [in style:PopPromiseEv16^1-a: Snare on 4, HiHat , b: Snare, Open HiHat
Posted at 01:35 PM
October 07, 2022 It's Time To Update Your Band-in-a-Box® 2022!
Using Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows? Pop over to our support page and download your free update today! We've added new and improved RealTracks content (for your existing RealTracks) and many other enhancements requested by program users, and included the latest DAW Plugin with updated render settings, the ability to exclude tracks from MCC, and more! While you're there, don't forget to update your RealBand 2022!
Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Mac users will want to download their update too! It includes additional support for audio interfaces for recording audio, a filter for the RealDrums picker for showing RealDrums with Drum stems, adds the newest DAW Plugin, and addresses many user suggestions.
Learn more and download Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Windows Build 926.
Learn more and download Band-in-a-Box® 2022 for Mac Build 609.
Posted at 01:45 PM
October 07, 2022 User Showcase Song - I'm Here Right Now
Folks are cranking out some great tunes—was a lot of fun listening to them this evening. Well done all!
Here’s a new collaboration with Carroll Kiphen, who penned the lyrics. A little different style song for me (and I think the first I’ve done in 3/4 time), but always fun trying to change things up a bit.
On the production side, I debated whether to add backing vocals and ultimately decided to do them . . . but I’ve tried to keep them fairly subdued, more to add depth while not overwhelming the lead vocal. Hopefully it works, but I’m sure there are aspects of the mix that will need some tweaking. So looking forward to your always helpful suggestions.
Here’s the band:
RealTracks 1178: Bass, Electric, PopWaltz Ev 120
RealTracks 2936: Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking FolkWaltzFintan Ev 100
RealTracks 2716: Guitar, Nylon, Background WaltzBrent Sw 085
RealTracks 2883: Pedal Steel, Background CountryEddy12-key Ev 085
RealTracks 1188: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 120
RealTracks 1543: Synth Pad, PopBelieve Ev16 065
RealDrums: PopRockWaltz
Posted at 01:23 PM
October 07, 2022 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! (October 10)
Monday, October 10th is Canadian Thanksgiving!
Our Holiday schedule that day is:
Customer Service: 8:00AM to 4:00PM PDT
We will be back to our regular schedule Tuesday, October 11th.
Posted at 01:11 PM
October 06, 2022 Update Your RealBand 2022 Today!
With RealBand 2022 Build 5, dragging a section of audio now updates the From/Thru display, keyboard shortcuts have been added to the Tracks & Audio Edit Windows, you can save MIDI tracks to a Utility Track with an MGU or SGU file, and more!
Read the full list of RealBand 2022 updates and download now.
Posted at 02:06 PM
October 06, 2022 User Showcase Song - This Grateful Heart of Mine
Hey guys...this song was such a joy to work on...a lady named Mona Bagasao (the friend of a friend of a friend of mine) wrote a poem about the loss of a dear loved one and I was asked if I would set it to music...well you know how that sometimes goes?!#*&!...long story short...the melody and edits came almost instantaneously and they (the friend of a friend of a friend of mine) were thrilled...whew!! So here it is...and if you do...thanks for listening...Dan
The BiaB components:
2915 Bass
2911 Electric Guitar
2883 Pedal Steel
2051 Acoustic Fingerpick Guitar
I added: vocals, piano, strings and resonator guitar (via Genos)
Posted at 01:53 PM
October 05, 2022 User Showcase Song - The House Built By Ruth
My grandmother is 97 years old and still kickin' - and still a great story teller. I called her the other day and as we talked, she just kept mentioning memories of grandpa. I know she's lonely for him. He died 11 years ago, and she still sleeps on the couch - unable to return to the bedroom they shared for 70+ years. Anyway, the thoughts and memories she left me with when we hung up the phone led me to write this song. I brought the volume of the cello up a little in this mix as per Scott and Robert's recommendation - Thanks guys.
The House Built By Ruth (+ cello)
The band is entirely Biab:
Drums: Brian Fullen, _YAZOO.STY
Bass: Craig Nelson, _YAZOO.STY
Finger pick guitar: Jason Roller, _YAZOO.STY
Cello: Matt Nelson, _ROAM.STY
Mandolla: Andy Leftwich, _ROAM.STY
Lead Guitar: Brent Mason, _NYGEORG.STY
Posted at 02:15 PM
October 04, 2022 User Showcase Song - I'd Rather Drink Muddy Water
Originally released on the 1996 Album "Home Cookin" by the "Doctor Jazz Blues Band".
I'd Rather Drink Muddy Water (Traditional)
This was first developed in PG Music's Band In A Box application in the MIDI only days. Later it was overdubbed by my fellow band members. This is a 2022 remix of that recording.
Nigel Spiers (Vocals & Piano)
Bruce Ivey (Sax & Backing Vocals)
Mike Shurety (Guitar & Backing Vocals)
Martin Sharpe (Drums & Backing Vocals)
Stephen Chadwick (Bass & Backing Vocals)
Posted at 01:49 PM
October 03, 2022 User Showcase Song - Tomorrow
Something I came up with nearly 40 years ago, but didn't finish until recently. I'm relieved to finally share it. It's been two years already since I uploaded a song. I experimented with a lot of drums and percussion ideas and almost gave up, and this kit is sort of cobbled together with percussion from one RD and kick and snare stems from another. I also tried to incorporate the RT Oohs and Aahs, which was a challenge. Thanks.
Style is _JPLMBOS.STY (Medium Bossa Pollwinners 2)
RealTracks in song: 3121:Bass, Acoustic, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 085
RealTracks in song: ~2201:Guitar, Nylon, Background CountryBrent Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 3067:Multi[Simultaneous=2] VocalAahs, VocalAahs,
RealTracks in song: 3069:Multi[Simultaneous=2] VocalOohs, VocalOohs,
RealTracks in song: 3070:Multi[Simultaneous=2] VocalOohs, VocalOohs,
RealTracks in song: 3024:Vocal Oohs, Background Pop3-partMaleLow2 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection)
RealTracks in song: 3023:Vocal Oohs, Background Pop3-partMaleLow1 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection)
RealTracks in song: 3025:Vocal Oohs, Background Pop3-partFemale1 Ev 085 (1TrackVocalSection)
RealDrums in Song: BossaBrazilBrushAlex^1-Br,Rd
RealDrums in Song: BossaBrazilBrushAlex^
RealDrums in Song: BossaBrazilBrushAlex^
RealDrums in Song:BossaRockPerc^3-a,b:Percussion
Acoustic Rhythm Guitar: me
Posted at 02:15 PM
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