News Archives
March 2023
March 28, 2023 User Showcase Song - March to the Gallows
The title says it all.
Warning this is a very dark ambient/trance song that some may not like.
BiaB style = Ambiention - Electronic
Tempo = 40 BPM
Bass - Kontakt- Karanyi sounds - Analog Tales - preset - FR Bass Distort
Piano - Kontakt- Karanyi sounds - Polyscape - preset - 14 Reed Sweeper Wide2
Guitar - Kontakt - Loop De La Creme - preset - 10 Clean Strings Choir Emotion - I modified the sound to my liking.
Drums - Kontakt - RA Stompbox - preset - 15 the Big Impact
Me via my keyboard controller:
EastWest - Play - Symphonic Choir - Sopranos
Kontakt - RKlang Glling
Kontakt - Gongs
Posted at 08:38 AM
March 27, 2023 User Showcase Song - If Everybody Came From A Farm
If Everybody Came From A Farm (SoundCloud)
_CHARMER.STY. Charmer Modern Pop Country
All RealTracks. No MemoTempo=140 (100-145)
RD: NashvilleEven8^5-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride :Brian Fullen
RT4028: Bass, Electric, ModernCountry8ths Ev 120 , Michael Rhodes
RT4421: Guitar, Lap Steel, Background CountryPopGritty Ev 120 , Rob Ickes
RT4054: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightPowerRiff Ev 120 , Brent Mason
RT4052: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighRiff Ev 120 , Brent Mason
RT4055: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighHeld Ev 120 , Brent Mason
RT4053: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightTremoloHeld Ev 120 , Brent Mason
Posted at 09:50 AM
March 27, 2023 Band-in-a-Box® 2023 Italian for Windows is Here!
Abbiamo lavorato tanto e abbiamo aggiunto oltre 70 nuove funzionalità e una straordinaria raccolta di nuovi contenuti, tra cui MIDI SuperTracks, Studi strumentali, Performance di artisti "Brani con Voci", Xtra Styles PAK 14 e 15, RealTracks Set 2 riproducibili, RealDrums Set 1 riproducibili & 2, nuovi set di "Steli RealDrums" e altro! E altro ancora!
Tutti Pacchetti | Nuove Caratteristiche
Posted at 09:47 AM
March 24, 2023 User Showcase Song - Never Say Elvis
David and Rachel Radio 3.22.23: NEVER SAY_ELVIS
Hey Y'all,
So Rachel called me up yesterday for our weekly meeting and said: “I have an opportunity. Can we write a love song that sounds like Elvis?”
This is 12 hours later and she is shipping it off. We collaborated intensively on it all.
By Rachel Cintula and David Snyder
David Snyder: Vocals, Instrumentation, Arrangement, Mixing and Mastering
All lyrics and music copyright 2023 by Rachel Cintula and David Snyder, ASCAP. All rights reserved.
Artist: David Snyder
David Snyder: Vocals, Instrumentation, Arrangement, Mixing and Mastering
RealTracks in style: 3122:Bass, Acoustic, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 2870:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticAirDave Ev 085
SongwriterPumping8sDADGAD Ev 085
RealDrums in style:MalletsSlow16ths [Multi]
RealTracks in song: 3113:Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking Folk16thsBrent Ev16 060
Posted at 12:21 PM
March 24, 2023 Band-in-a-Box® 2023 French for Windows is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2023 c'est plus de 70 fonctionnalités nouvelles et des contenus inédits à savoir : des SuperTracks MIDI, des Etudes Instrument, des Prestations Artiste "avec voix", les Xtra Styles PAK 14 & 15, le Set 2 RealTracks Jouables, les Sets 1 & 2 RealDrums Jouables, de nouveaux Sets "Stems RealDrums" et bien plus encore...!
Tous Packages | Nouvelles Fonctionnalités
Posted at 12:17 PM
March 23, 2023 Band-in-a-Box® 2023 German for Windows is Here!
Wir waren fleißig und haben über 70 neue Funktionen und eine erstaunliche Sammlung neuer Inhalte hinzugefügt, darunter MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studien, Künstler Performances, "Song mit Vocals", Xtra Styles PAK 14 & 15, Wiedergebbare RealTracks Set 2, Wiedergebbare RealDrums Set 1 & 2, neue Sets von "RealDrums Stems" und mehr!
Posted at 02:30 PM
March 23, 2023 User Showcase Song - Sing A Song For Sick Spence
Here's a song about a guy named Spence who did something bad and now is sick about it.
Sing A Song For Sick Spence on SoundCloud
Sing A Song For Sick Spence on YouTube
Drums stems were used, and the flexibility is perfect. Can't wait for more.
Dave Bell (Blue Attitude) played guitar, and did his usual magic for the intro, fills, solo and outro, but only played on the last chorus. I liked it and was going to paste it to the others, but liked his idea better. Comments, good or bad, are always much appreciated and helpful.
Title: Sing A Song For Sick Spence
Key=F#m, Tempo 115, Length (m:s)=3:49
Style is _DETROIT.STY (Detroit Soul Funk Shuffle w Loop)
Loop in Song: Loops PAK 1\Funk\Drums, Acoustic, SoulFunkShuffleA-B Sw 120.wav
RealTracks in style: 2728:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesShuffleMike Sw 130
RealTracks in style: 2164:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NewOrleansSwinginPop Sw 130
RealTracks in song: ~~938:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzFreddie Sw 110
RealDrums in Song: PopRock12-8^01-HtSnrKc,RdSnrKc
RealDrums in Song: PopRock12-8^
RealDrums in Song: PopRock12-8^
Dave played guitar, and I played bass and vocals.
Posted at 11:47 AM
March 22, 2023 User Showcase Song - When I'm Around You
Here's a song I wrote in February 2023, and recently finished the recording.
I was inspired by Floyd's recent use of the cello RT, but I couldn't get it to work for me on this song, so ended up using a viola RT, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out!
All RT's are listed below. All lead, plus a rhythm track are my Tele being played through a Boss GX-100 processor that I recently got. I'm doing all the vocals as well.
I did use my MODO Drum plugin for some additional drum parts.
I mastered with IK Multimedia's T-Racks 5.
I also used a number of module processors (plugins) from that same program in my DAW (Reaper) when recording.
RD Drums_NashvilleEven8 + IK Multimedia Modo Drums
RT 701 Bass
RT 642 Guitar Elec
RT 364 Guitar AcouFP
RT 368 Guitar AcouStrum
RT 2825 Piano Acou
RT 2921 Piano Acou
RT 2336 Viola
©2023 Greg Achord
Posted at 01:14 PM
March 21, 2023 User Showcase Song - State Lines
The lyric is from a jazzy tune we posted 10 years ago. Family and friends were appalled smile as it was a radical departure from our decades of bluegrass; however, it was well received here which encouraged our journey to blues and Americana. This jammy (polite for longish smile ) “slow burn” blues rock, featuring PeterF, retains only the lyric (on SoundCloud) from the original.
Listens are appreciated as are comments. Thanks for your time and thanks to our music partner PeterF and PG Music.
Janice: lead/BGV’s, arrangement & melody
Peter: guitar solos/fills (Variax emulating a Les Paul through a Fender amp) & arrangement
Bud: lyric, arrangement, mix, mastering & photo
BiaB tracks and stuff for those of the tech ilk:
Lead/BG vocals chain > Rodes NT1 mic > Scarlett interface > Logic Pro X > Nectar (EQ, compression and reverb)
Piano: MIDI SuperTrack 2162 Electric, Rhythm Bluesy12-8John Sw 085 > Logic pro Classic Electric > Waves CLA Effects (Dirty Room) > Ozone Imager
Rhythm Guitar: RealTrack 1924 Electric TexasBluesRock12-8Sol Sw 060
Bass: RealTrack 533 Electric, 12-8 Crystal Sw 065 > Waves Bass Rider > Neutron 3
Drums: RealDrums BluesRock128^6-a:Snare, HiHat Loose > Logic Pro EQ > Waves CLA Drums
Snare (from RD Kit): Waves Torque (drum tuning) > Waves Magma BB T
Kick (from RD Kit): Waves Torque (drum tuning)
Cymbal (from RD Kit)
Mastering chain: Ozone EQ > Ozone Stabilizer > Ozone Ozone Impact > Ozone imager > Ozone Dynamic EQ > Ozone Maximizer > Izotope Tonal Balance > Logic Pro X Loudness Meter
Posted at 10:29 AM
March 21, 2023 User Tip - FL Studio VST in Band-in-a-Box®
If you haven't checked out our Forums yet, you definitely should! It's packed with enthusiastic program users, BETA testers, members of the PG Team, new Users, songwriters, and more!
And they're all happy to share their projects and program knowledge! Like the recent "musocity" post, FL Studio VST in BiaB, where they share how they render their projects using this setup - they even added a video!
Posted at 10:14 AM
March 20, 2023 User Showcase Song - No Time for the Blues
No Time for the Blues - Audio link | YouTube Video
The Band:
- ~674:Organ, B3, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120
- 4249:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesFunky Ev 120
- Marty Straub from BabuMusic is playing the bass, and Chris Spruit is doing the vocal.
- I used EZDrummer3 for the drum track, and I'm playing the guitar leads.
- Mixed with Reaper, mastered with Ozone
Posted at 01:58 PM
March 17, 2023 User Showcase Song - A World is Waiting for Me
Title: A World is Waiting for Me
Link: A World is Waiting for Me
After one depressing, two socially critical, one tribute song and one about madness, I thought it was time to write something uplifting.
Some people were already worried about how I'm doing, including my wife...
This is unpretentious, meaningless, banal rock. No deeper message!
Just 4 chords. The opposite of jazz.
As always, comments and feedback are very welcome and appreciated.
Special thanks (again) to Marty for proofreading the lyrics and helping me choose a suitable title.
Some technical information:
The band:
Drums: PraiseWorshipUptempo16 + SkaSlow70sWesPerc
Bass: 1268 PopUplift (re-amped)
Guitars: (some re-amped)
2x 3642
2x 3307
2x 4165
FX: BDT's V8 audio plugin down in the garage smile
Vocals: Natalie with BG vocals from Solaria and Cong.
Posted at 02:34 PM
March 16, 2023 User Showcase Song - You Don't Know Me
Still working on a new song, but before that, here is a song I wrote last fall.
It was inspired by a very small event, I saw someone who looked like someone I knew and I started to think about how it would feel if someone pretended not to recognize me anymore.
For vocals, I tried to get out of Synthesizer V Kevin as much as possible. And I tried to make Synthesizer V Solaria to sound like a wicked lady. I don't know whether I was successful, but it was nice practice with the editor anyway.
BIAB provided once again great instruments for this flamenco dance arrangement with some metal flavor.
RetroPop^01-a:Bass, HiHat, b:Bass, Snare
House-Techno-Trance\House - crunchy_120_b drums ev16.wav
2578:Bass, Synth, RetroPop Ev16 085
671: Organ, B3, Background Southern Ev 120
1435:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkGroovinChords Ev16 110
2583:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Punk Ev 165
3240:Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm RumbaFlamencaFast16ths Ev16 120
3312:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal12-key Wild Ev 120 (WildCresc)
Mixed in Cakewalk by BandLab with effects: VocalSynth 2, Neutron 4, Ozone 10, Neoverb, Melodyne for modifying the soloist
Vocals: Synthesizer V Kevin (lead), Synthesizer V Solaria (backing)
Posted at 01:42 PM
March 15, 2023 User Showcase Song - Tabernacle
Hey I continue to update and upgrade my library of songs, I'm working on a southern Gospel quartet number...the vocals are about twety-five years old and I mixed the original tracks with some BiaB and Genos tracks to form a new you do...thanks for listening...Dan
BiaB tracks:
RealTracks in style: ~~2474:Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 2930:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkRock8thsBrent Ev 100
RealTracks in style: ~896:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Rhythm FolkRock Ev 100
Vocals: Single Heart (Me=Lead and Bass...Gene=Tenor...Bob=Baratone)
I added: Piano, Organ, String pad, Drums, Mandoline, Claps and Tamborine via the Genos
Electric guitars...Chris Baker=Strat and slide
Posted at 10:46 AM
March 14, 2023 PowerTracks Pro® Audio 2023 is Here!
There are over 20 new features added to PowerTracks, including MIDI Vocoder and Fix Tuning modes for Audio Harmonies, MicroChords (up to 4 chords per beat), Reverse Audio Effects, easy Tab key navigation on the Chords Window, smoother mouse wheel operation on the Tracks Window, and much more!
PowerTracks Pro® Audio can be yours for as little as $49! Already own an older version of PowerTracks? PowerTracks Pro® Audio 2023 upgrades start at just $29! Review the purchase options and order now.
Posted at 01:26 PM
March 14, 2023 User Showcase Song - Jack's House
...a collaboration with RayC
From childhood, a poem/rhyme "This Is the House That Jack Built" got stuck in my head. Interestingly, the roots of the rhyme are many centuries young. There are many variations / translations that have existed over the time. Here is mine, with contribution of Ray (rayc), who kindly agreed to play bass. All comments are welcomed. Thank you for listening!
Tech stuff:
Ray Cochrane - Bass
Me: Arrangement, lyrics, vocals.
1060:Sax, Soprano, Soloist SmoothJazzBallad Ev16 065
3607:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ReggaeSlow16thsChop Ev16 065
2290:Horn Section, Rhythm SlowPop Ev16 065
2348:Horn Section, Rhythm, Funk 2-part, Ev 110
RealDrums: TimbaleCowbellReggae16
RealDrums: BoomChickaEv16
Synths of Kontakt / Recorded in Cakewalk.
Posted at 12:17 PM
March 13, 2023 User Showcase Song - All The Time In The World
Not much to say other than it's a boy meets girl song.
Leon - Lyric and vocal
Janice Merritt - Backing vocals
I played guitar.
The Band:
RealTracks in style: 1417:Bass, Electric, RootsRock Ev 100
RealTracks in style: 2764:Organ, Rhythm CountryBluesRockMike Ev 110
RealTracks in style: 2634:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryBluesRock Ev 110
RealTracks in song: 3538:Vocals, BackgroundSoloist GospelCoolSoulful Sw16 075
RealTracks in song: ~~1030:Guitar, 12-String Electric, Fingerpicking Ev 120
RealTracks in song: ~703:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Spirited Ev 085
RealDrums in Song:NashvilleEven8^6-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat Open
Posted at 02:40 PM
March 09, 2023 Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Windows is Better Than Ever!
If you're using Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Windows, make sure you download the latest free update, which includes new and improved RealTracks and other Add-on content, adds the latest DAW Plugin version 5.1.25, updates the help files and PDF program manual, and applies a variety of feature updates based on program user feedback!
Learn more about everything included in this free update.
Posted at 10:59 AM
March 09, 2023 User Showcase Song - My Deathbed Confession
Mike LeBlanc, my pal from Louisiana contacted me and said he thought his new gloomy lyric was right up my street.
I was flattered (in a way).
Changed a couple of lines and did the music on BIAB. I think it turned out the right side of gloomy Americana.
What do you think?
Bass: 2877,
Drums: Americana roots, Americana funky whip brush
Guitars: 2552,2553,3756
Posted at 09:30 AM
March 08, 2023 User Showcase Song - Forlorn
I made in a song in 2019, but I wasn't so goo in mixing and that sort of stuff.
Then, a month ago I received a 'like' on this song, so i listened to it. Awful, too much reverb and other mistakes. So I did a remake, because I liked the melody and the topic.
But I changed it far more than just the reverb. I thought the lyrics weren't good enough, the song needed another key, another tempo and then the sax didn't fit in it anymore (much to my regret). So I used a guitar instead.
About the song: A loved one is dying beside me and I wrestled with the phenomenon of Faith. Always a difficult matter. Think of what happens now in Syria and Turkey. How does faith works over there...?
I hope you recognize what I'm singing about, but anyway, let me know what you think of it.
The title Forlorn is how you feel, when this happens.
Technical stuff:
Style is _HOWCOME.STY (How Come Mountain Fiddle Folk)
RealTracks in style: 1825:Bass, Electric, PopModernGrooveHeld Ev16 075
RealTracks in song: 3156:Fiddle, 5-string, Rhythm AmericanaMountain16thsPizzAndy ev16 070
RealTracks in song: 3185:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Mountain16thsQuinn Ev16 070
RealTracks in song: ~1676:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 3113:Guitar, Nylon, Fingerpicking Folk16thsBrent Ev16 060
RealTracks in song: ~1638:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkBreezyMuted Ev16 075
RealDrums in style:NashTrainEv16^3-a:Brushes , b:Brushes 16th
1836 Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopModernGrooveGritty Ev16 075 (Bluesy)
Keyboard in Logic, glass keys
Posted at 10:13 AM
March 07, 2023 User Showcase Song - Love Song in Reverse
This is just a simple country-like song.
I wanted to write a song that changes key in the chorus by going up a minor third to see how it would work. Production is simple too.
Style is STUNR2, but I replaced the drum with Drums on Demand.
Posted at 12:45 PM
March 06, 2023 User Showcase Song - This Glass
_REMEX2.STY. Remex Modern Ctry 16ths Soloist
All RealTracks. Quintet. *** with Soloist ***Tempo=75 (65-90)
Instruments: El.Bass, El.Guitar(solo), El.Guitar, El.Guitar, Drums
RD: ModCountry16ths^02-a:Closed hat, Sync-kick, b:Ride, Sync-kick :Shannon Forrest
RT4020: Bass, Electric, ModernCountry16ths Ev16 075 , Michael Rhodes
RT4021: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryBalladPower1 Ev16 075 , Brent Mason
RT4023: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryBalladPower8thsMute Ev16 075 , Brent Mason
Added: RT2690: Guitar, Electric, Soloist Slow16thsPopBrentSimple Ev16 075 , Brent Mason
Posted at 02:46 PM
March 03, 2023 User Showcase Song - She Rules Me
Here’s something new . . . sort of.
It’s a song I wrote years and years ago (I don’t quite remember how long ago). I’ve never tried recording it for two reasons: First, musically it had a descending riff that I knew I couldn’t replicate in BIAB—which meant laying down an acoustic track myself, but also reconciling that with the needed key changes (so that I could actually sing it as well as play it). So I made some compromises and got rid of the riff . . . and happily I’m not sure it’s missed.
Second, I needed to find a key I could sing this thing in. But more so, I always thought it needed a smoother, more soulful vocal than I could muster. In fact, I always wondered if a female lead would work better (though “He Rules Me” might not fly in today’s woke world!). Anyway, I’ve hopefully done enough to give a feel for what the song could be . . . which is always my end goal.
One last production note: The original song had an additional line of lyric after the second chorus and before the solo. The solo required a fair bit of comping (more than usual), and I unknowingly started it a few bars early . . . where that additional line was to be sung. I think it was a happy accident, as in retrospect the line didn’t add much, and the longer solo, at least for me, works well. But see what you think!
The band:
RealTracks 518: Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes
RealTracks 368: Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming
RealTracks 1599: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Pop16ths A-B
RealTracks 1542: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopBelieve
RealTracks 3438: Guitar, Electric, Soloist BritPsycPopBallad
RealTracks 1543: Synth Pad, PopBelieve Ev16 065
RealDrums: PopRock8ths^04
Posted at 11:54 AM
March 02, 2023 User Showcase Song - I Believe In You
Here's a song I started writing in November 2022, and just finished recording.
I was able to use the BIAB RD's this time, but I did use my MODO Drum plugin for some additional drum parts
All RT's are listed below. All lead & background guitar parts (plus a couple rhythm tracks too) are my Tele (background rhythm tracks), and my Strat (solo & slide at the end) being played through a Boss GX-100 processor that I recently got. I'm doing all the vocals as well.
I mastered with IK Multimedia's T-Racks 5.
I also used a number of module processors (plugins) from that same program in my DAW (Reaper) when recording.
RD Drums_FunkHalfNotePulse + IK Multimedia Modo Drums
RT 1717 Bass
RT 580 Guitar Elec
RT 1718 Guitar Elec
RT 3974 Guitar Reso
RT 2360 Piano Elec
RT 2763 Piano Acou
©2022 Greg Achord
Posted at 10:55 AM
March 01, 2023 User Showcase Song - DNA
We watch Finding Your Roots on PBS from time to time and this was inspired by that program. The instrumental uses a minimum of BiaB (drums only) and I’m not sure how many chords it has. I’m thinking two. There is no chorus or bridge and my goal was to invoke a sense of ants marching in a line.
90 BPM and mixed in Studio One
RealDrums in style:BluesRockFunky16ths^3-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Busy Snare, Ride
Electric Bass
Studio One Drum Sequencer (Hi Hat)
Korg Keyboard
1. Flute
2. Nylon Guitar
3. Grand Piano
4. Synth
5. Bells
6. Choir Voices
Posted at 01:29 PM
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