News Archives
April 2023
April 27, 2023 Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac® Boot Camp 1 Video
Take a look at our Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac® Boot Camp 1 video!
In this, we demonstrate how to use some of the newest features added with Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac, including Partial Re-Generation, Undo Track/Song Regeneration, Playable RealTracks, Master Track Automation, RealTracks Stems, and more!
Video: Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac® Boot Camp Part 1: Working with the Newest Features
Posted at 11:51 AM
April 26, 2023 User Showcase Song - Introversion
This song is bit different than my usual fair: Somewhat of experimentation for me.
The song is about being an introvert in a society that has extrovert expectations. Those who tilt more toward the introvert side will understand.
NI Lores
NI Hypha
NI Electric Mint
Ujam Vogue Virtual Piano
RT3731 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GrungeChugSyncArp
NI Striings
Ujam Vogue Virtual Piano
Drums On Demand
RT629 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAmericanDirty
RT3459 Bass, Electric, AmericanaPop
Posted at 03:00 PM
April 26, 2023 Special Offer! XPro Styles PAKs and Xtra Styles PAKs are on sale until May 31, 2023!
Expand your Band-in-a-Box® 2022 or 2023 Band-in-a-Box® package with over 2,800 RealStyles included in our XPro and Xtra Styles PAKs!
Our XPro Styles PAKs collection includes 4 PAKs with a combined total of 400 RealStyles! All of these premium styles are professionally mixed and include genres like jazz, country, bluegrass, pop, singer/songwriter, rock, and more!
XPro Styles PAKs 1-4 are on sale for $29 each until May 31st (reg. $49 each)! Want the entire collection of 400 XPro Styles? Bundle all four PAKs together for just $116! (reg. $196)
Learn more and listen to demos of XPro Styles PAKs.
XPro Styles PAKs require the RealTracks from Band-in-a-Box® 2022 or higher and are compatible with ANY package, including the Pro, MegaPAK, UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, and Audiophile Edition.
The complete Xtra Styles PAKs Sets 1-15 includes 2,400+ RealStyles for your Band-in-a-Box® library! Every RealStyle is professionally mixed spanning several genres like jazz, country, bluegrass, pop, singer/songwriter, and more! You want fresh, premium styles? Xtra Styles PAKs have you covered!
ALL of our Xtra Styles PAKs are on sale for $29 each (reg. $49)! Or, add all 2,400+ RealStyles with the Xtra Styles PAK 1-15 Bundle for only $199 (reg. $349)!
Learn more and listen to demos of Xtra Styles PAKs.
Xtra Styles PAKs 1-15 require the UltraPAK, UltraPAK+, or Audiophile Edition of Band-in-a-Box® version 2022.
Posted at 02:57 PM
April 25, 2023 User Showcase Song - The Ricochet
Here's another new song - this is called The Ricochet
BIAB Tracks:
1592: Bass, Electric, Pop16ths Ev 065
1599: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Ev 065
3184: Guitar, Acoustic Rhythm GrungeSlow Ev 060
1597: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm, Ev 065
843: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm, Ev 065
2534: Piano, Electric, HeldChords Ev 060
3528: Vocal On Break, CoolHigh2, Britt Savage SW16 075
RealDrums: RockHardLA^1-a:Snare, HiHat,b:Snare
Posted at 01:45 PM
April 25, 2023 Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac is Here!
Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac is here, and it includes over 70 new features and an amazing collection of new content, including 222 RealTracks (20 more than we've released in previous versions), new RealStyles, MIDI SuperTracks, Instrumental Studies, "Song with Vocals" Artist Performances, Playable RealTracks Set 2, Playable RealDrums Set 1, 2 new sets of "RealDrums Stems," and more!
We're having a SALE on Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac Upgrade purchases until May 31, 2023 - save up to 50% when you purchase your Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac Upgrade!
We've packed our Free Bonus PAK & 49-PAK with some amazing Add-ons! The Free Bonus PAK is automatically included with most Band-in-a-Box® for Mac 2023 packages, but for more even more Add-ons (including 60 Unreleased RealTracks!) upgrade it to the 2023 49-PAK for only $49. You can see the full lists of items in each package, and listen to demos here.
Check out our Band-in-a-Box® packages page for all the purchase options available.
If you need any help deciding which package is the best option for you, just let us know. We are here to help!
Learn more about all the new features in Band-in-a-Box® 2023 for Mac.
Note: This special has ended (June 15, 2023)
Posted at 07:16 AM
April 21, 2023 User Showcase Song - You Always Meet Twice
Chris did a video for our latest song and had some fun using some random clips of Marty and myself that we had shot for previous videos.
The Band:
~674:Organ, B3, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120
4249:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesFunky Ev 120
Drums and Percussion: EZDrummer3
Marty Straub from BabuMusic: Bass Guitar
Chris Spruit: Vocal
I'm playing the additional guitar parts.
Mixed in Reaper, mastered with Ozone.
You Always Meet Twice (2023, Chris Spruit)
Posted at 12:04 PM
April 20, 2023 User Showcase Song - Alone
Hey guys...this is a stretch for's an 80's sounding blues/rock ballad with some big drums (ala Phil Collins) and hopefully a hopeful message... the video is still in process but it is what it is at this you do...thanks for listening and commenting especially on the mix...Dan
ALONE - video
ALONE - audio only
Title: Alone
Key=E , Tempo 60, Length (m:s)=4:24
Style is _DREAMUP.STY (Dream Up Retro Pop Piano Ballad)
RealTracks in style: 2702:Bass, Synth, CloudRapSub Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: 891:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 870:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernRnBRockWarmQuarters Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 871:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernRnBRockWarmStrum Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 1167:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockBalladBrent Ev 065
RealDrums in style:RetroPop^01-a:Bass, HiHat, b:Bass, Snare
I added: vocals, piano, synths, drums and bass from a Yamaha Tyros 5
Posted at 01:27 PM
April 19, 2023 User Showcase Song - Pink Piano
This one came to me yesterday arvo.
I pulled it together in BIAB and did some rough work then added my "vocal", bass and lap steel to i as ideas for the moment.
I'll replace the two rhythm guitars and, hope fully, find someone to play some lead but the RT will suffice for now.
BIAB provided drums, organ, two rhythm guitars, two piano parts (one just held chords and the other some tinkling between chords), gospel vocals & the lead guitar.
Recommended for somnambulists.
Your ideas, thoughts & suggestions are most welcome.
Modified to meet Mario's specs, (mind you I expected the request).
Some extra vocal lines added and some tweaking done as well.
RealTracks in style: 908:Bass, Electric, SmoothBallad Ev16 065 (replaced with a Knockhoffner, round strings , finger style)
RealTracks in style: 3099:Organ, Rhythm AmericanaSlow16thsMike Ev16 060
RealTracks in style: 3436:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BritPsycPopBalladArpHiPhaser Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 3435:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BritPsycPopBalladArpVibChorus Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 1883:Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Country12-8John Sw 065 (only little phrases as it was awful and very tinny)
RealDrums in Song: PopRock16ths^ (7 stems as I wanted just the snare in some parts and had to address a pretty awful modern kick click too).
RealTracks in song: ~2504:Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 060
RealTracks in song: 1602:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Pop16 Ev16 065 (this provides most of the piano "solo" that follows the guitar.
RealTracks in song: 3538:Vocals, BackgroundSoloist GospelCoolSoulful Sw16 075 (supposed to work at 60bpm but I had to use tuning software to reduce the wayward vibrato and bring it into almost tune)
RealDrums in Song:PopRock16ths^01-a:Snare, HiHat, b:Snare, Ride
RealTracks in song: 3348:Guitar, Electric, Soloist HazyBallad ev16 070
Posted at 02:13 PM
April 18, 2023 User Showcase Song - Emily
Here’s something new and a little bit different from me.
John Vaughan penned the lyrics, noting that he had a 60-70s singer-songwriter folk style in mind. And so I came up with this. I’m using the Lone Son Acoustic Guitar Ballad style . . . and I think it’s the first time I’ve used a BIAB style without adding or changing out with alternative RealTracks. I liked the stripped, coffeehouse type vibe, and so added only the tambourine using Logic Pro.
Thanks in advance for the listens and appreciate any feedback!
Hope everyone is doing well!
the band:
RealTracks 2474: Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085
RealTracks 2505: Piano, Electric, HeldChords 085
RealTracks i2914: Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Folky16thsBrent
Logic Pro X: Tambourine
Posted at 01:43 PM
April 17, 2023 User Showcase Song - Pretty Polly
For quite a while we’ve wanted to remake our first forum post from eleven years ago. It’s a complete “start over” with Peter on guitar and Janice’s new vocals and her cajon playing. The tune is based on a 250 year old English murder ballad “The Gotsport Tragedy” later known as “Pretty Polly.” There are literally scores of verses and variants on the theme. We performed this with our bluegrass band back in the day in the typical uptempo style. So does reggae + hillbilly = reggaebilly?
Our objective was to make the song sound as haunting and melancholic as are the many folk versions. Variations of the tune have been recorded in "mountain modal" tuning with the banjo being the prominent instrument. To try and approximate this we ended up doing the song in Bbm. We rested the temptation to add chords as it has been performed for hundreds of years with just the two. Also we hoped to pay homage to its roots with Peter’s acoustic guitar and brief fiddle bits.
Thanks to Peter, PG Music and to you for your time to listen and, as always, comments are welcomed and appreciated - even if reggae isn’t your genre
Janice: lead/harmony vocals, cajon & arrangement
Peter: guitar solo/fills - Variax emulating a Martin D28.
Bud: mix, mastering, arrangement, photo, etc.
lead/harmony vocals > Rodes NT1 mic > Scarlett Interface > Logic Pro X > Nectar
Bass: RealTracks 1157 Reggae > Waves Bass Rider > Neutron 3 (pieced together from multiple tracks)
Drums: RealDrums Reggae Classic > Waves ClA Drums
(includes bits from multiple tracks)
Cajon > MXL Mic > Scarlett Interface > Logic Pro X > Waves CLA Drums
Rhythm Guitar: RealTracks 1158 Rhythm Reggae > Chromaverb
Organ: RealTracks 1159 B3 Rhythm Reggae > Logic Pro X Direction Mixer > Chromaverb
Fiddle: RealTracks 624 Soloist George > Waves CLA Unplugged > Ozone Imager
Mastering: Ozone Dynamic EQ > Ozone Vintage EQ > Ozone Imager > Ozone Maximizer > Izotope Tonal Balance > Logic Pro X Loudness Meter
Posted at 10:59 AM
April 14, 2023 User Showcase Song - When We Love Each Other
Title: 愛しあう時 (Translation: When We Love Each Other) 80's Pop Techno Song with female vocal
After a little blank, this is my second post of this year.
This song is written in 80’s Pop-Techno style.
When I was young, I heard Serge Gainsbourg's song "Je T'aime...Moi Non Plus" and it shocked me.
It's a bit of a stimulating song, and I thought I'd like to write a song like that someday.
And I wrote the song at last about 20 yewars ago.
This time, for the first time in a long time, I tried to create it using only MIDI.
If I don't use MIDI sometimes, I will maybe forget how to use MIDI, so I make it to prevent that.
Any comments encouraged.
Always welcome.
Best regards.
Shigeki Adachi
Title: 愛しあう時 (Translation: When We Love Each Other)
Vocal: Yoko, my friend
Style is BLONDY1.STY Blondy1-Pop-Techno
(The Style was a little modified by me)
Style MIDI Instruments are :
Fretless Bass (36) played with EastWest Goliath,
Electric Piano #2 (6) played with EastWest Goliath,
Electric Muted Guitar (29) played with EastWest Goliath,
Strings (49) played with EastWest Symphonic Orchestra,
MIDI Drums :No Drum Patch Change (0) played with ToonTrack Superior Drummer3,
Added following additional VST instruments
Ist Violins played with EastWest Symphonic Orchestra
Scored by me.
Posted at 02:24 PM
April 13, 2023 User Showcase Song - Stay With Me
Written for the lovely Mrs. Sawmill Music
I welcome any and all comments positive or otherwise. Yea I don't like my voice either but I think I can mostly stay in tune... LOL
Yes, I do like steel guitar and it's what actually led me to finding BiaB so here's my first attempt at blending me and BiaB.
Acoustic Guitar (X2)
Electric Guitar
Bass Guitar
Drums:RealDrums=TrainBeat: a: Train Snare, Kick b: Train Snare, BusyKick
2778:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TrainBeatMike12-key Ev16 090
2013:Piano, Acoustic, Soloist CountryWorkinJohn Ev16 90 (Bluesy) [Soloist]
2777:Pedal Steel, Background TrainBeatEddy12-key Ev16 090
3955:Pedal Steel, Soloist CajunTrain Ev16 090
Posted at 12:52 PM
April 12, 2023 User Showcase Song - All Your Life
After watching the movie ALL MY LIFE about the true story of JENNIFER CARTER and SOLOMON CHAU I decided to write this song.
JENNIFER and SOL were destined for each other and fell in love in no time. But the fate wanted it completely differently.
A short time later SOL was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer.
But that didn't stop them from wanting to get married and spend the time they had left together...
They could not change their fate, but their love gave their lives meaning until the end.
Therefore always remember: ALL YOUR LIFE - Love like there's no tomorrow
Key=C , Tempo 100, Length (m:s)=4:40
No intro. 114 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 114. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Song is saved with bar changes for Volume Changes,
Style is _HAZIER.STY
RealTracks in song: 1419:Bass, Electric, TexasRock Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1264:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm PopShiningA-B Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 697:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ElecRockDirty Ev 120
RealTracks in song: 1680:Guitar, 12-String Acoustic, Fingerpicking Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 2585:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PunkHeldPlus Ev 165
RealTracks in song: 1841:Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveHigh Ev16 075
RealDrums in song: RockHardLA^1-a:Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, Loose HiHat
Posted at 02:20 PM
April 12, 2023 Band-in-a-Box® 2023 Spanish for Windows is Here!
Hemos estado muy ocupados y hemos añadido más de 70 nuevas funciones y una increíble colección de nuevos contenidos, entre los que se incluyen MIDI SuperTracks, Estudios instrumentales, Performances de artistas "Canciones con voz", Xtra Styles PAK 14 & 15, Playable RealTracks Set 2, Playable RealDrums Set 1 & 2, nuevos conjuntos de "RealDrums Stems" ¡y mucho más!
Posted at 02:18 PM
April 10, 2023 User Showcase Song - You Don't Love Me Anymore
Here's a new R&B (Rhythm & Blues) style song with maybe just a touch of Ry Cooder thrown into the mix.
Nigel Spiers: Music & Lyrics
Nigel Spiers: Vocals
Drums: Shannon Forrest (BluesRockEv)
Drums: Shannon Forrest (BluesRockFunky16ths)
Bass: Steve Mackey (3458)
Guitar Rhythm: Colin Linden (2905)
Guitar Rhythm: Brent Mason (2904)
Guitar Rhythm: Darin Favorite (1684)
Guitar Soloist: Brent Mason (3201)
Piano: Miles Black (2494)
Ride Cymbal: Unknown
Posted at 01:23 PM
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