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July 17, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - Stranger in my life

This song was made in 2019 and Ray Cochrane helped me a bit with the lyrics back then.
Still I wasn't pleased with it. Half way it changed to a metal style and instruments.
Because I knew I had to undergo a surgery on my throat I made this remix before that event.
A day ago I finished the mix, added some instruments I skipped before and that sort of things.

It is called Stranger in my life

The song is about changing without really noticing. And sometimes it looks there is someone else.
At least, that was on my mind when making this song. I thought it was an intriguing story myself...
I hope you like it, but in any case tell me what you think of it.

Technical stuff:
Style is _DRYAD.STY (Dryad Cello Chopping Celtic Reel)
Key=F , Tempo 95, Length (m:s)=3:59
909:Bass, Electric, SmoothPoppy Ev16 090
2704:Synth, Rhythm CloudRapLowOrgan Ev16 075
1164:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticReel Ev16 110
3645 Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FingerIndieFolkAccent2Mute3 Ev 110
3261:Cello, Rhythm CelticReelChoppingNatalieAB Ev16 110
2693:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ModernPop16thsMike Ev16 075
3075:Fiddle, Background BluesyPopAndy Ev 100
Drums: NashvilleEven8^1-a:Sidestick, HiHat , b:Snare, Ride
Keyboard 1: Apple loops Overdrive
Keyboard 2: Fabfilter Twin3 / Saint Knarl synth
Keyboard 3: Native Instruments FM8/Boolean
Howard Benson vocals for Background vocals
Storch Filter in Drum Bus
Ozone10, mastering

Posted on July 17, 2023 02:46 PM

Entries from July 2023:

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