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July 18, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - You Can't Shape My Dreams

Our latest is a simple “two verses, chorus and I’m outta here” little ditty. But it was fun and we hope you find it to be also. If interested your time to listen and comment is most appreciated. Thanks to PG Music and our music partner Peter.

You Can't Shape My Dreams

Janice: lead/harmony vocals, melody and arrangement
Bud: arrangement, mix, mastering, lyric and photo
Peter: guitar solos/fills, guitar mix, and arrangement

Vocals: Rodes mic > Scarlett interface > Izotope Nectar (Izotope Vocal Doubler on harmony)

Drums: RealDrums NashvilleRadioShuffle > Waves CLA Drums
Snare (doubled) > Waves Magma BB T
Cymbal (doubled) > Logic Pro X ChromaVerb

Bass: RealTrack 3566 Electric,
NashvilleRadioShuffleA > Waves Bass Rider > Izotope Neutron 3

Rhythm Guitar: RealTrack 3702 AmericanaShuffleBrent > Logic Pro X ChromaVerb

Piano: RealTrack 2124 Acoustic, Rhythm CountryShuffleJohn > Waves CLA Unplugged > Ozone Imager

Mix: Logic Pro X
Mastering Chain: (Ozone Modules) Dynamic EQ > Vintage EQ > Imager > Maximizer > Tonal Balance 2 > Logic Pro Loudness Meter >

Other stuff:
We were auditioning a few BiaB Americana based styles when we ran across a demo for which we much liked the progression … so we appropriated it. A first for us as we typically work up our own. And, yes, there is an unusual chord present.

Posted on July 18, 2023 12:48 PM

Entries from July 2023:

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