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July 31, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - Train, Train

Morning folks! Here is a new one from us:

Train, Train (YouTube Video)
Train, Train (audio link)

The train picture was taken by Marty Straub.

The Band:
~674:Organ, B3, Background Blues Roadhouse Ev 120
4249:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesFunky Ev 120
(I used both the regular a held chords versions of the two realtracks)

Drums and Percussion: EZDrummer3

Marty Straub (BabuMusic): Bass Guitar
Chris Spruit: Vocals
I played guitar and also sang.

Mixed in Reaper, mastered with Ozone10.


Train, Train (2023, Dave Bell and Chris Spruit)

Posted on July 31, 2023 02:12 PM

Entries from July 2023:

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