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September 25, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - The Kingfisher

The Kingfisher

I submit a new composition linked to image and sound. I adapted it to a video that I created with the Magix software. This video is dedicated to the Kingfisher or in French le MArtin pêcheur? It is a beautiful bird, admirable for its life and its behavior in society where it willingly shares its food with its peers.

For this composition, few variations in terms of chords to maintain the rhythm linked to the image, apart from the guitar solo but I made an effort to synchronize with the video that I made by borrowing found footage here and there on the web.

I started with the C2-five.sty – Ev8 Country Ballad style. I increased the tempo to 95. I replaced the guitar with the Realrack 2200 Guitar Nylon. For the piano I selected the 2065 Piano, Rhythmic newage style. I added strings, choruses and bells vsts. For the creation of the music, I worked on the classic biab and on the vst biab. I noticed that the biab vst provided the midi file of the drums and not the realtrack of the drums of the Biab classic.

Posted on September 25, 2023 02:37 PM

Entries from September 2023:

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